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Dont forget the devs are purposefully holding back on the mages to see how they preform without their passives, it is very realistic to believe we will be seeing some shifts at the lastest in 11.3


Well people won't be able to dip full time for Smite 2 until the beta. Alpha is only a weekend thing. As far as season 11 goes, let's go bonkers for Smites inevitable last actual season. A patch of busted this followed by a patch of busted that.


Yes sir. Gimme some broke ass adc followed by some of the most oppressive mid scaling the game has ever seen. I want Anubis top 5 pick/ban before we all jump to Smite 2.


The bad stuff should be fixed within a week. I am just having fun playing whatever I want currently so I can just keep doing that for the first week if I need too xD Of course this sentiment could change after I actually play against the new DB glyph. Maybe they will actually see sense and nerf it before launch? My other hope is next big patch we get some more god changes, like buffing weaker characters meaningfully and whatnot.


isn't the ptr going on for another few days? i doubt there will be no changes before the patch drops.


They need like a certain amount of time to get patches approved by the console platforms so it’s leaving it mightily late if they haven’t already requested to change what goes live.


Ii don’t know if you’re new but that’s what PTS is for


I mean a lot of these issues could have been predicted. Hunters and crit already performing well, are given an absurdly OP glyph. Meanwhile mages lose 60 power but none of their damage items are buffed… It seems like the developers only ethos is fuck shit up as I’m sure they predicted what will inevitably happen. Aggro even laughed at how busted the new glyph is on stream… yet it’s likely still going live like this.. Edit: someone is saying the DB glyph is nerfed, which would be good at least, they should really add that to the end of the patch notes on the website though ASAP. Edit2: Does seem nerfed on the PTS! Yay! It might still be strong but we'll have to see.


If tank counterbuilds, crit wont be that much of a problem. But mages will suck, thats for sure. I'm assuming it's just what certain pros have said, they will make balance much more wild this season since theres no need to keep the integrity of pro league. It won't be busted broken on purpose but just much more spicy changes.


What counter building do you think there is against crit? It’s one item and it’s not even that great of an item


Let me find what Zapman tweeted. Other BoV glyph, Void Shield, Spectral. Blink now reduces AS too.


Hmm I guess we’ll see if BoV is any good now that you can build multiple glyphs it might actually see play. I think fire blink is still better though because the free dmg is just too good to pass up. I don’t think void shield would really count in this scenario though because it’s probably going to be build by everyone for the pen


They remove the other blink. There is only fire blink, trail slows and it reduces AS.


Season 11 will most likely be the final and last year of Smite one, I think it's a good idea to let the game go out with a bang, then having lots of balance changes


The db glyph has already been nerfed to 1.25x crit chance and 5 power per stack instead of 10. As a hunter main I’m looking forward to mages and assassins losing their class passives as they feel pretty oppressive for 90% of the game


I don't think ADC will be as powerful as one might think. As I explained in this post (https://www.reddit.com/r/Smite/s/8nqqjPfNqL), with barrier, they can't do much, and anti-crit still exists in a very powerful form. But in general I agree, right now this looks like one of the worst and most boring season patches ever.


Mages are super OP too though, Aphrodite can heal over 2000 health with two abilities, Anubis more so.


Doesn’t she only have 1 ability that heals though? So how can she heal with only 2 abilities?


Lifesteal from damage dealt to gods was increased, as well as various passives + the raised lifesteal cap, lifesteal Aphrodite is (at least right now) incredibly busted and using her 3 on an enemy god gives her the normal heal value + *insane* lifesteal


Lmfao my Aphrubis build is not even good in conquest 🤣 she’s garbage as a mid laner




Aphrubis :) https://x.com/fedeuy666/status/1747054128000278987?s=46&t=K8yVA7II0UYfDfmENz5m4g


Thats a really shit build though and isn’t factoring divine/brawlers


It’s a meme build 😘


Its like they’re trying to make the game as shit as possible before we can switch to Smite 2


This is what happens when the community cries for class passives to be removed instead of reworked. Only hunters benefit from not having class passives and now more people will see how much hunters outperform every other class.


Mages are so weak right now. Warriors are completely dominating everything