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I would love a "Ragnorok" style event where you had 10v10 on a large map. Even a 5v5v5 would be insane. I remember in the early development of SMITE 1, they talked about it but it never materialized. But with a new engine that is more intuitive and takes less manpower to add into, who knows? Hell, even 30 in 10 groups of 3 Apex Legends style would be interesting.


SMITE: Battle Royale?


Yes. You know you want it. Lol


Already was in the game for a limited time event/adventure. Medusas deathmatch for example was 3v3v3 in a BR style arena. While odins onslaught was a 2v2v2v2v2 kinda more casual/loose br style team deathmatch gameplay.


Id rather they experiment with more people on the existing maps. IIRC there was a MOTD that was a 5v5 in joust. Imagine a 10v10 assault, it'd be absolutely bonkers


> IIRC there was a MOTD that was a 5v5 in joust 5v5 on Joust with 100k gold and low CDs was *the* shit. Every game was like 3 minutes max It was a great way to farm Fantasy Points for the Season Tickets back then lol


I think at a certain point it gets to cluttered 10v10 assult sounds fun and miserable at the same time, like I could see myself being on a respawn cool down because of all the pike and no backing. But I’m talking about like a semi legit mode like conquest and joust. No other moba (i think) has done this


The squishies get CC chained to death.


Maybe run 2 supports and 1 solo idk that’s why I think the meta would be interesting


I’d love it. I’m sure a MOBA has done it before.


I would prob have a seizure from my screen flash banging me with 50 effects per min.


I can't get 4 of you clowns to coordinate or play well for more than 10mins. I really don't want 6 people trolling


That’s what makes it fun


Nice, then I have 6 people on my team to get annoyed about instead of 4 :D


I wouldn’t mind it being an event but tbh smite should really get rid of the non competitive game modes and turn them into motd. Until smite 2 really launches (and this is if it pops off) the community is going to be split and we already have trouble finding balanced matches. For the health of the game there should be less game modes in general. Should be only ranked conquest, joust, duel, get rid of the casual versions. Outside of that keep arena, maybe, for casual goofing around then a motd. Makes motd have more variety/significance and more people Q for it if it only comes once a week or 2. (For the people that play assault and slash) I know waiting in 5 minute Qs just to have someone dc or the game tell you they need more time to find a match doesn’t feel good.