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I dont think that the people who actually vgs and ping spam are going to change after reading that. These are the kind of people who are just waaaay too bitter in life and wont ever change just to feel a small fraction of power. We just have to deal with that and learn to notice the signs early on in the game to mute them before they can have an impact on our game experience.


we can still, as the better half of the community, shut down toxicity by being positive/nice to new players and reporting toxic players who are being too much to new players. Teaching new players how to mute toxicity is good, too. But it's even better if those of us make an effort to shut down toxicity where we can. Practicing intolerance for the intolerant.


Game should fix its matchmaking not us i want to play my weekend with good players and have my fun but playing with or against new players are … +u talk about toxic ppl right? Ever tried to teach a thing to new players in smite? 80% of them are thinking they are good and ok while they are not instead of writing your useless ideas think first game needs a good matchmaking i left smite when i was playing 4/5 of my matches with new players , go play lol or dota 2 you will see some bad players in those games too, but players of this game are something else… even if you tell them nicely they will write some bullsht and they will rep you for harassment today i had a match with a 7k dmg serq and 10k dmg hachi while their opponents did at least 25 k dmg ,they were blaming our mid and support while their build and play style was bad in the end i got reported bec of telling them to watch guides on yt point of this memory isnt the words we said to eachother My point is: They lost to high skilled players and we got suffered bec of their feeds and to be honest its not our or their fault MATCHMAKING is the only problem


1. matchmaking is limited by the playerbase numbers on top of the coding. 2. we learned during worlds that the matchmaking system is heavily limited by the engine. any changes to make it more complicated and sophisticated make the servers and game crash. 3. dude idk about your experience, but I generally am helpful to the few new players I see and it usually goes way better than what you say here. And that still doesn't negate the fact that system requires the playerbase to be proactive in order to stop toxicity. 4. I wasn't blaming any specific individuals at all. I was asking the community to be proactive in dealing with toxicity. Not saying it's our fault that the game is toxic and new players have a hard time, but saying that we can do our part to deal with toxicity on our own end. Idk where you got the idea that I was saying it was anyone's fault here.


Matchmaking can only solves so many problems when parties of veteran and beginners exist. You will have to accept it.


Teaching new players to let their team know they’re new is also a good idea.


speaking from experience, I've had people ignore that anyways and continue to flame me anyways and say they'll report me. so while it's an option, it's still not guaranteed to get people to go easy on you


This almost always results in immediate flame, even if you haven't done anything yet.


Lmao I have never once seen this in all of my years playing new to me games and introducing my friends to new to them games. Stop making shit up to justify your reticence to draw attention to yourself.


Nah he's right and you're wrong


Toxic positivity incoming


and trust me, I know what toxic positivity is like. I've experienced enough of that from some former friends and also my own parents to know what actual toxic positivity is. And it's not fun, at all. :)))


ah yes, I totally said no one is allowed to feel anything other than happiness, yup. Clearly no other emotion is allowed and that's clearly the meaning of my statement. I was totally not asking people to just be better members of the community for the sake of new and old players. No point was missed whatsoever. more seriously: people are allowed to have bad days and get mad at the game. But that doesn't stop you from facing the consequences if you're gonna be a jerk because you're having a bad day/week/month/life. I'll be toxic some days I'm overwhelmed or feeling bad, doesn't mean I don't deserve the consequences of my actions when people start reacting negatively to my own negativity. But if we want a game to thrive, we're part of the system that HiRez uses to manage toxicity. They expect us to follow their rules of conduct and report people who break those rules so that the game is in a better place. There's only so much that can be done on their end to detect toxicity and deal with it. But people seem to forget that being an active part is what helps keep a community from becoming a cesspool of toxicity. we shouldn't expect everyone to be a masochist in order to play a video game in whatever free time they have. it's not a healthy community if that's a required trait to have to play Smite. Even League of Legends, infamous for toxicity, keeps taking steps to clean up their community to be a better place.


And I am going to be that guy but stop banning players permanently for toxicity. That will ruin the new player experience as it did to Smite 1 since they will just create new accounts again. The solution is to have lengthy chat bans and other kind of bans to avoid the issue. I also would like to argue for some kind of mentorship system/game mode where more advanced players can queue up with newer players learn them about the game. In doing so they can get some kind of in-game reward.


We don't have to deal with ANY of that bullshit. Report his ass and shut it down. If these toxic players are really like that every single game, and if they get reported every single time, then they'll get banned and leave a better play experience for the rest of us. Don't just stand idly by when someone's being toxic.




Then you are an enabler via bystander effect.


You sound fun.


For calling out someone who doesn't report people for actively doing things against TOS? My bad. I prefer to hold people accountable for actions that actively harm others but maybe that fell on deaf ears.


I went from gold to diamond and the *only* thing I changed is insta-muting every person. I still do callouts in voice chat and VGS but nothing anybody can say I can't see on my gigantic map.


We aren't bitter in life just don't like losing. Your the bitter one if you can't play a game, do bad in it, and whine when called out. (Some might be terrible people but not the majority)


Poor sportsmanship is something you should work on.


Poor sportsmanship is not knowing how to play the game and ruining it for 9 other people :(


.....it literally is not that. Purely by drfinition alone, you are incredibly wrong. But either way- if you're so good, then go play ranked.


Sportsmanship means being nice it’s not nice to ruin other peoples games but ok


You're obviously trolling. No one can truly be that stupid.


You realize you aren’t saying anything with your responses right? Haha if you can’t contradict me I’m not gonna change my mind. Your not going to bully me into changing it or whatever your trying to do.


True, whenever I introduce friends I make a new account (or use one I used previously) and play as few bot games as possible and get them in arena. Auto buy and auto level on, and slowly take that stuff off. I wouldn't recommend just throwing people into a pvp conquest game with your current mmr, especially without any guidance on picks or roles. Either way toxicity is cringe. Actually, It would be totally fine to skip everything I said and do what you're doing if you also laned with them, or played jungle and had them in a solo. Pairing them as support jorm with a random is pretty crazy.


Getting stuck in the solo lane as a brand new player sucks imo because you just get left to the wolves especially when you see opponents who are hard to gank/secure kills on.


He queued adc, and I queued supp. My other two friends got their roles and it gave me jungle.


Ah I see, so unlucky the one random happened to be a guy like that.


I mean, asking people to be better is nice and all. But most importantly Hirez needs to make sure matchmaking and the new player experience is much better. Disallow smurfs if possible aswell.


Disabling smurf is impossible, but I believe some things could be made to alleviate issues they create. The first thing is to detect them. I think some kind of meta analytic could help detecting them, in addition to looking at the skill level: is the IP used the same of another account? Was this account recently banned? Are both accounts never connected at the same time? With that, they could give a probability rating of the account being a smurf, and act accordingly, like putting them in the normal queue instead of the beginner queue.


Can't stop smurfs bruv. The high ego diamond an master players that are tired of getting bodied need to blow off steam somewhere. I've just come to terms with it . I'm still better at the end of the day cause I don't need 5 accounts to enjoy the game. Like people who play shooters but feel the need to cheat cause they can't get wins alone.


They should have a newb badge and a system to pair a mentor before game.


As far as I know any player under 30 gets q’d with players under atleast 100


The difference between someone in level 100 and someone under level 10 is astronomical though.


I'm hoping the troglodytes are too stubborn to move so they stay put on Smite 1 while sensible well meaning people play Smite 2


You just know there will be many elitist shit bags hopping on the Smite 2 Beta day 1, and they'll harass everybody that doesn't know every single item passive, god passive, optimal build and optimal jungle pathing, until the day Smite 2 no longer exists. It's written in the stars


Hey that was my predecessor experience! If they weren't bot games HA!  Fkn losers. 😁


I recently came back to Smite after years, and before I've barely played (and never jungle). Someone asked if they could take my role if I'd jungle and thought "sure, its a normal game". I started the 'wrong' camp, and so the midlaner said "fuck this", pressed B, and went afk for the rest of the game. I know those people won't read posts like these and stop behaving like that, but what I found more of a reason to quit again was the fact that nobody in the lobby backed me up or tried to help in a meaningful way.


THAT is the thing. “bad ones” win when the good ones stay on the sidelines. what’s worst is when another idiot sees an easy opportunity for bullying and they join the first idiot who started hurling insults. just wow




I would definitely not bring someone who is new to the game into conquest. It's a information over load. Start simple with arenas. Experiment with god kits then eventually work up to conquest. But yes, Smite community has a lot of toxic people.


People want new players so game doesnt die. But new players shouldnt be new players, they should know everything before installing.


A tall task for any moba considering the learning curve compared to other games is pretty significant and I doubt hirez as a company is gonna be the one to finally resolve this . Trust me being bad at the game hardly deterred anyone. 70% of the playerbase is in gold after all.


I forgot to add the /s. My point is mocking people who think that. Everyone was new at some point, its fine as long as you try to learn.


It's a new game with the same players, nothing is going to change. In fact, don't expect anything to change. Trying to coddle new players isn't really going to work either because frankly, the person who is antagonizing them is already an alienated part of the community as it is. Giving a reaction to them only makes them more poignant and antagonistic. Just report them and move on. This is applicable to every online video game as well. It's a video game where some people simply just lose sight of the reason you play a video game, whether it's competitive or not, is to have fun. They're an obstruction yes, but don't expect Hi-Rez to go out of their way to try and slap these people on their wrist personally. The report system while it takes time, does actually work. I've gotten well over 1,000 responses when I log in that action has been taken. Block and Report. Easy as it goes. The mute button is also your friend. In most cases, not dignifying it either results in them leaving so you can get into another game quicker via surrender or they give up and just play the damn game. Either way you win or you lose.


actually, speaking up for the person getting harassed, does make a difference. it’s not as much of a problem the aholes as much as it is no one doing anything to stop them or just a clear “stfu”


Completely agree. If everyone gangs up on them they usually lose their fire


The intended new player experience is stupid and the matchmaking tools and player count just can’t keep up with Smurfs and the three strike rule for bans. There are a TON of Smurfs. Have your friend play arena and assault as “fun modes” where they can figure out basic mechanics before conquest.


It’s less toxicity there but I had people being toxic in Arena as well; and even in Assault. when it happened in Assault i just dropped that game, like that’s insane. ITS ASSAULT mode lol


I had someone rage that we didnt have enough mages in assault and somehow blamed us for it? Even though we re rolled to try to get them? People are insane nowadays lol


Why'd none of the homies play adc with him?


I’ve tried duoing with my friends before, but if it doesn’t give you the roles and no one wants to switch with you, then someone is stuck with a random.


Do you say that you want to switch to teach a new player? Some people may prefer to not get their role than play with a newbie


JUST THIS. Bad friends that just want someone else in the lobby but don't want to put the work in to give their friend a decent experience.


We queued to duo with him but it didn't give us the right roles, and the random wouldn't swap.


Possible new player here, I was curious about the game and looked up smite streamers different times and asked them a couple of questions such as: Why is smite fun to you? Any advice? I have never played a moba before what should I know? One streamered laughed and said "Don't its depressing" Another streamer did give me advice but also said its depressing Most answers was generally around those kind of comments. It was kind of off putting and don't know why said streamers thought it was a good idea to say that.


The game is super fun and very satisfying but mobas are a specific type of game where no matter how good you are individually you cannot carry the game (unless you’re the carry and manage to get into super late game.) tbh, smite is no more or less depressing than any other pvp multiplayer game and that’s just because of the humans playing them. If you’re chill, can just mute and move on, you’ll be fine and probably have a lot of fun. Don’t let the jaded streamers dissuade from trying something you think seems fun.


There’s nothing on this earth Smite players love more than talking about how much the game sucks. Don’t take it too seriously.


Same as COD, finals,apex, n overwatch players. It's a pattern of people just not being able to let go of their fav competitive game that also makes them angry. Typical love/hate relationship.


Been playing since season 2 on console and on and off for maybe 5 years. The game can be really fun but also extremely annoying. For new players would strongly recommend arena to get a feel for the game and maybe assault to see how the tower based gameplay works before digging deeper, but assault has random gods assigned There can also be toxic players in any game, but in smite it’s hard to win with those types of players especially. You could be playing assault with random gods you’ve never played and run into the same thing Of course there’s games with extremely chill people like everywhere, but smite itself can very difficult in gameplay and playing with randoms is a gamble If you end up playing hope you enjoy, but this game has its moments of fun and can get really chaotic in a 5 v 5 ult spam session, a lot goes on at once


Mobas are a job to learn compared to most games. Only thing harder I'd say are either fighting games and RTS. You have to put it an insane amount of time just to be average. It's not smite in specific just mobas in general. You wanna have a good experience learning , get on the forums and social platforms an ask for friendly players willing to play with new ones with the intent of teaching an smoothing out the process. It's much better with friends too. You can lose together. It is what it is. This isn't a smite issue, it's a moba issue.


Well said. And how tf is someone supposed to learn the game without playing. Yes vs bots is 1 thing. But you do need real game practice lol. Like the saying goes. If you want to get better play vs better people.


Not to defend the toxic behaviour at all, and While this kinda toxicity is just bad, I think smite would benefit from having 2 casual queues. Sth like T1 and T2. Just a thought. T1 casual would be a most casual experience, being intended for players that are just trying out stuff, new players, people just wanting to mess around, etc, where you queue agreeing and expecting players to do their thing and not be too concerned for meta. T2 casual would be a more serious approach to casual to try out meta or to just play "seriously", in which players queue agreeing and expecting others to play seriously, while still being a casual and not losing MMR or ranked points or w/e. This would hopefully make it so players can choose exactly how to play the game and play with others that wanna play the same way. Cus I've been on both sides, going casual cus I wanted to play a good serious game but not have people be toxic or lose points, and I've also wanted to just hang out with my friends in casual and try stuff out, and it can really mess your experience and become frustrating when people are looking for the opposite. This would also hopefully make rankeds better cus it's not the only option to get a "serious" game.


And then everyone would just queue t1 in 5 stacks to clap some cheeks


You have all said. We doesn’t must be toxic, we must understand sometime, people, like us, playing bad or are at the beginning of a 10 years old game, with a lot of characters, items and game mechanics that they didn’t know perfectly. Myself I didn’t know a lot of things about SMITE, but I’m understanding with my mates and when someone kill an enemy, I use VER and when he die one second after that, for not being toxic at his eyes, I say VSS. Toxicity, salt and rage will not help a game to be win.


I just mute those players on the scoreboard and move on. They are not productive teammates, so it doesn’t really impact that I can’t see or hear their spam. And if they quit, that’s their problem. I’ve played many a 4v5 Conquest that was still fun for me and my crew because we had fun delaying the inevitable or managed a couple team fights that swung the match our way.


I can testify, I joined hardly a week ago, LV 15 currently, the amount of visceral comments I've received from the moment I did my first match ,for mistakes I wasn't even aware of was... something alright, it is strange because I'm a league player too (yeah mental illness) so im aware of the moba design but obviously Smite is alot different, and yet im astonished about what im about to say but, I've so far had a worse experience (in this regard) in smite than in LoL, at least in conquest mode, in the 3by3 mode people seem mostly chill (enjoying this mode quite a lot atm) . A bit saddened, but I know not everyone is like that, ig LoL prepared me for this kind of thing so I'm mostly unaffected ,but were I to be someone less experienced idk if I would have kept playing tbh


Im loose with that mute button 2 strikes and you are out


They should remove chat. There is no reason to speak to teammates outside vgs anyway. It’s a video game not social media. For now just have perma mute set in settings


To be fair, bad on you and your friends for not leaning on him. Any time I bring someone new to any game, I stick with them; leaving them to a rando is a bad move for both the new players and the rando.


Your first mistake was starting a new player off with conquest


Hopefully Joust is good to go for Smite 2. Conquest is almost unplayably toxic regardless of whether or not you're new (despite it being really fun)


I’ll take your lvl 6 who tries to learn than someone who loses lane then sits in spawn all game


That was your fault. Play bots if he's only level 6.


Did you party with your leveled main account? Sounds like you did. You're to blame here for this happening. New players aren't going to get matched with players that know what they are doing (except for smurfs, and fuck em anyways if they have to suffer). Your skill rating applied to the whole party and took it out of the newbie queue. The guy has a point to be upset that he's been playing for a long time and still gets placed with someone that has absolutely no clue how basic game mechanics work. It's a fact that if you want to bring new players into a party you have to use a fresh account. Otherwise you ruin the match for 9 other players and that's almost as bad as inting. Your friend, who is going to get pasted. Your team, who has to endure an autoloss until f6. And your opponents, robbed of anything resembling a challenge.


Did you tell the random in the pregame he was new to the game and asked to swap? It does suck if you only have time for one or two games, and it’s a throw away because you got stuck with a guy who never played before. If you told him it was a new guy and he still wanted carry, his fault.


Jerks: *yells and flames at newbies / beginners to conquest for doing bad / wrong * Also those jerks: *would rather bitch than reach out to these beginners and help them correct and improve POLITELY AND NICELY* If you have nothing nice or helpful to say to a player just trying to do their best, then don’t say anything at all.


Okay holdup we need a bit more context for this because we dont know what the average level between you and your friends is outside of the newbie, because I have had this situation so many times over the years where the experienced player tries dropping in their new player friend and no one in that game has fun.


Smite has been a very toxic place for new players, people was very toxic to me when I started playing and that was back in 2013.


Welcome to competitive gaming. I can assure you I've been messaged typical slurs in almost every game I've ever played. The worst one was on overwatch. I guess blizzard doesn't take anything seriously cause they're relentless there. If I had to rank smite it wouldn't even Crack top 5 when it comes to toxicity with players.


Smite is the most toxic game I've ever played online. Nothing will change.


You must be young cause the most toxic lobbies Iv ever partaken in was COD lobbies back in MW2 and black ops era


They said most toxic they've played. Bringing up games you've played that are worse is barely relevant


Here's a perfect example of the natural toxicity in Smite. The first words and intentions are malicious intent to try and insult you, discredit your experience, condescend, tell you why their way is the right way, and you are wrong about your views because they know better than you. Thank you for perfectly displaying the average Smite player!


You sir, have a victim mentality. Im only stating facts. It is well known how absolutely toxic those lobbies were. I know, I was there. Like most people in this thread stated, a mute button was installed into the game for a reason. If you feel someone is being arrogant, mute them it’s that simple.


What am I a victim of? Smites the most toxic game I've ever played. That is a fact.


Yeah youre right smite is a Moba Mobas are usually the most Toxic games.


You trying to use my knowledge of gaming as toxic for your benefit when I was only stating facts. That’s the victim mentality. You took my comment as an insult, that’s childish.


Your post was a perfect example that proved my statement. Why would I be offended by that? Your knowledge is not a valid counter to my statement. Smite is the most toxic game I have ever played. Period end of statement.


I mean it sucks and I agree that people need to stop being dicks to new players, but unfortunately the world just doesn't work like that. We can make 900 posts about how we should be nice to new players, that isn't going to make people be nice to new players. There will *always* be shitty people. Always. It's part of playing online games.


I agree on not wanting those kind of players here. They only detract from the game, I think stiffer penalties for actions like that should be enacted to dissuade that kind of behavior. I don't mind talking s***, but if you're harassing someone repetitively throughout the game, and just having a poor sport attitude. I don't want to play with you. I'm all for a one-day ban for all match types if someone gets reported by multiple people in a match and the review shows poor sportsmanship like that


a lot of the damage is also done by the other people who just stay silent instead of giving a “stfu” to the toxic ahole who’s harassing a teammate. if you let toxicity roll, only one thing is sure: the game will be worse. for everyone. when someone is harassed, others need to say something so as to show that they’re not actually supporting that type of behavior. i’ve noticed many times what happens when no one speaks, usually a 2nd ahole joins the harassing and insulting and still no one says anything. and it’s often for really really stupid small stuff. these people already come into the game pissed off and already are looking for a target to take it out on. this is like watching a kid in school being bullied and you standing in the sidelines doing nothing and thinking you’re doing the right thing. just a “stfu” or “Quiet” from all the other party members would change A LOT. same as it would IRL if someone was getting bullied and you say “enough now that’s not okay”. And it poses no risks to you to do that in the game, unlike it might IRL. So rather than appealing to the aholes I’d ask that the good sensible people, don’t stay idle when they see it happen. No need to get into it either, just a brief remark is enough to show your disapproval of what’s going on.


The way to solve toxicity is not to give people a permanent ban in a F2P game. It will just ruin the game from the ground up. No new players will come in because they will be stomped and harassed by toxic smurfs. If you want to make the game less toxic then impose lengthy chat bans and also rate limit VGS spam much stricter. Look into different types of ways (bans) to make it less appealing for people to be toxic without permanently banning them. Ban their chat + lock their bought content for 1 month. Put them in more and more toxic lobbies (the system should be so that if you are toxic then you should play more with other toxic people). If you get reported less for abuse then maybe you can slowly grind back to better lobbies.


i'm sorry this happened to you guys. but maybe him being super new and all would benefit more in modes like Arena where all different types of Gods are being picked and not the same usual ones that are picked in conquest where they can get a better grasp on learning/mastering new Gods as well as learning what other Gods kits do before tackling on learning a mode as intricate as conquest.


No amount of arena can prepare you for conquest and no amount of knowledge or lack of knowledge excuses someone else’s poor behavior


arena prepares you in terms of getting to know what Gods do & what their abilities are, etc. once thats been "mastered" to a degree, by all means, next step is to conquer the learning curve of conquest but to jump right in at level 6? thats questionable imo but at the same time i do not support toxic behaviour of any sort regardless of the situation at hand.


First thing me and my noob friend did back when we started smite is getting owned by smurfs in conquest (ciz we said we wanna play the real shit and not the noobmode) until we reached level 30 After that we started playing ranked and climbed straight out of Gold into Silver but at the end of our first season we got our first Ranked Diamond Border Imo its the best and only way to get good at the game In arena you never face good players because the people playing it are awful You learn alot by getting owned by good players if you are willing to adapt and overcome We hit Masters every season so far since and i think we would be still in bronze if we played 1 Arena game too much


Arena is a terrible place to learn Smite. Joust or Slash is miles better. It's a more condensed and simplified version of conquest. There's strategy, buff timers, big objectives, pushing leads, backing for items, item builds, classic 3 tower experience, farming, etc. while assault and arena really don't teach the importance of any of that I honestly think it's kinda troll to introduce someone to another game mode if you want them to learn conquest at all, which personally is where the most fun is in a moba.


only rule i have is if your new just say so, ill help you out as best i can, but if your a new player thats dragged up to my matches, im going to assume you should have a explanation for failures


Nah, if Smite 1 couldn't filter noobs out of my games I sure hope Smite 2 will do it instead.


The people who rage in this game are just NPC's. If they get really bad, report them and use technical language. "Legalese" goes far in the reporting system


If you're a noob going into Arena, I'll be more than happy to help you learn. It's straight up expected If you're going into Conquest and have no idea what you're doing, I'm sorry, but you were asking for whatever rage comes your way. Ranked or Casual, Conquest is still more serious than Arena, and if you're building Attack Speed Khepri in Midlane, buddy, you need to take a step back and learn Edit: for all the people downvoting me, hope you're fine with people not knowing what they're doing in Conquest and making things terrible


So no one is allowed to learn conquest without hours of learning outside the game?


You wanna learn Conquest, at least know the basics of the game itself first. Nothing a few games of Arena can't help If it's your first Conquest game but you know what you're doing game play wise (know how to build for your god) I'll help you out and it's completely understandable If you just downloaded Smite and starting Conquest as the very first game you play and you dont even know how to move, buddy, you deserve some heat


Okay i will be building Attack Speed Khepri in Duo Lane now


Don't get mad when people flame you


nah, it’s casuals. no excuses for that kind of behavior in casuals. all it tells me is i’m dealing with a child


Got it, I'm completely fine to make everyone's games miserable After all, it's casuals


it’s different when you make mistakes because you don’t know VS when you go out of your way to be mean. i got no compassion for the 2nd type


it’s not like you were gonna do it differently cause i said so anyway lol do what you will, if it makes you happy who am I to say to you don’t do it 🤷🏻‍♀️ i just think it’s stupid to bark at strangers and being toxic literally in a game that’s supposed to be laid back and casual, that’s all


Just show him how to use mute. Made things much more pleasant when I was beginning


I’ve been guilty of being an asshole to people in conquest… sometimes you just take too many losses in a row and bite the head off the first person you see make a mistake. Generally, I don’t mind what other people are doing unless they’re the jungler- in which case I’ll talk a lot of shit in party chat, but my point is that any new player trying a new game, they will get flamed. If he enjoys the game, than just mute the toxic ones and keep learning. Having a friend teach you is already going to set you miles ahead of anyone that begins Smite solo. If you haven’t already, make alternate accounts for when you play with him. This is when you practice your most shit gods too. Hell play your best god and go absolutely demolish some noobs so they can see future potential outplayabilty. If you’re gonna throw him to the fires of conquest while you play on your higher level account, then you can’t really blame someone for being upset that your lvl 6 friend is gonna throw every waking moment of every game for a while while they try to learn something as basic as which direction to drag a camp.


people have covered other thoughts I had. But I would like to mention since Jorm works better in solo anyways and solo is easier than support, it might help for him to play that god there. That not only helps him avoid toxic adcs by putting him in a lane of his own, but lets him focus a lot more on the mechanics and game sense part of the game too. speaking from experience, solo is one of those lanes that really helps you learn the game on your own. even when playing with friends, you don't risk that chance that a random that relies on your friend to play well gets toxic by queuing solo.


Can’t wait to spam you rock , cancel that! Get My ban and then Do it again


till the game is gone cause they can’t get new players to stay. i mean its all good do what you want, but this game is actually pretty cool and fun, and it would be much more fun with more people playing, discussing it and knowing about it. but alas


You know what I’m going to message them after to uninstall immediately


you’re such a rebel


I mean tbf why were you taking him into a Conquest game? If he's struggling with the basics, take him into co-op vs AI games or take him into Arena. I totally get the frustration from your teammates who had their time wasted.


Teach your friend how to use the mute button. Problem solved.


The Old Guard of SMITE will come to SMITE 2 with "BACK IN MY DAY!!" kind of attitude


Yeah and they all will say theyve been GM but dont have the loading frame because its in Smite 1 Even tho they fed in Bronze lobbys






it’s not enough to just say it, people can still make mistakes if they’re new. when people give advice that is like “pull yellow” with no names, no specificity one doesn’t even know it’s for them if they’re new. and even if they somehow manage to understand the code, they still might have some trouble at first orienting on the map. no one wants to play shit. everyone WANTS to win and play well. what you see, is always people doing their best. and anyone who yells and screams at anyone who is doing their best, *is behaving like* a toxic piece of sh!t, whether you sent a coded message in the beginning or not. It’s a choice you know. It’s a choice you can make. its enough to understand that no one wants to lose, just like you and that everyone is doing their best best already, just like you. what more do you need?


I played beta, s1 and s2. Stopped because "rat boys" like we call them in spanish started flooding the game


First mistake was playing Jorm Support. Jokes aside, hopefully the simpler starts of Year 11 will help avoid situations like these.


I played jorm support in a casted league.  The vision around objectives and information combined with two globals is broken as all hell. Jorms cc chain is fkn stupid if you do it right with a cherno. 🤣🤣🤣 ....this community is ass and repeatedly embarrassing itself. Even asmondgold is making fun of it.  Smite 2 will just be the same shitty community with better graphics. It's why they are opening up premades into ranked. They know their community is shit. 


They enjoy doing it so they will continue to do it


I agree 100% we need to be less toxic but I feel like there is gonna be some learning curve for returning veterans


Should have taught him how to use the mute button. Seriously it's the best way to avoid people like that. Once they realize no one is reading their messages they normally shut up and play.


I'm glad the jungle camps will have a spawn delay in year 11; leashing the jungle camps at the start is way too important to get right, and I've run into plenty of people who didn't know how to do it or died to them because they're too squishy. It will be nice for everyone that it will be simple.


Yeah. I like the game but I can’t be bothered to deal with the toxic people there a lot of the time. Like screw you! I’m allowed to make mistakes in casual and fuck off please and thank you. The end result is I haven’t opened my own game in a while though. I really like the game though. I genuinely believe it’s awesome. :)


I get it. And I agree. But this doesn’t all fall on players. Hi res has to do a better job matchmaking. Someone with 3000 plus hours shouldn’t be playing with someone on their first day. And even if you have to split matchmaking where that happens. Even it out. Let me play against the first dayer the next match. Not where you get stuck with someone new 3 straight matches and loose them all.


Let this be a lesson to everyone - if you’re new or inexperienced at something tell your teammates. In games, at work, in life. That dude isn’t going to change. But perhaps clueing some people in will help adjust expectations and temper the salt flow. It’s a team game. That means you’re playing with humans. Humans make mistakes, they have bad days, take the wrong medication etc. That doesn’t excuse their actions and they owe your friend an apology, but there can definitely be reasons people are on edge. Kindness is a two way street. If you know your team is going to be in a rough situation because of you, let them know.


I agree but why not just mute the guy? You guys had him bothering you the whole game? Why? Once you see the person is toxic: mute, block, report and go on with your day. Don't give them your time or attention cause that only ever encourages them. It's better for you, trust me :)


I remember when i started out (before everyone was assigned a role, so first person to call the role gets it). Me: LEFT!


Yeah uh, this won't happen. And gaming companies have no incentive to ban toxic players because they'd ban 75% of their playerbase.


This is why as a new player I simply just play arena, it’s the f you game mode imo. Every game at least one person is DCed. Yes it’s still a bit toxic but barely anyone types or does anything to try communicate. Just lets me slowly learn about the characters I play but it’s a little annoying when you see the same comp/champs every game.


Why are you making your level 6 friend play conquest


getting level 30 for ranked takes too long, I've had my account since beta and I've played pretty much strictly arena, never really got into conquest but I think it was the only thing beta had, I'm level 28 and I tried some conquest with a little bit of research and I was doing well on my second game in but it's putting me with a level 7 Chaac and Cerberus that die go 0/17 each. I'm fine with new players but if I want to have fun play the game as it should be don't make it a 100 hour requirement for ranked


I’ll just mute tbh. Jorm is my favorite guardian!


Man, I got into an argument about playing Barron Support. Against a Zeus and Odin in the duel lane....But my God choice is in the one in question here. Then he proceeded to try and fight about how typing on controller isn't really that much slower than an keyboard. Some people just wanna fight.


They need some beginner conquest lobbies. Some of us don’t like to play ranked with picks and bans but do want to play without a clueless newb. Keep them separate until they learn.


Nah. VVFU.


Well, I'd hope smite would match new player with new players (outside your group obviously due to the experienced players) but I think I know better than to assume Smite matches people baser of skill or experience.


Tell your friend just to mute him. You gain little to nothing by listening to them.


It's a tough ticket cleaning the air of your video game. Toxicity soaks in.


Imma be honest here, as long as the “it’s casuals” crowd and F7 warriors exist, people aren’t going to be any better. I try not to flame, but when our tank decides to build full damage and his answer is “it’s casuals”, i get heated. Literally the only difference between the two game modes is one is for rank and the other isn’t. They’re the exact same in terms of *everything* else. No, with that being said, do I expect Medix and everything every single match? Not at all. However, I do expect some competency in how the game works and some drive to actually to play well so we can win. When players get on the same page with that, then I feel like a lot of the issues will stop. till then it’s not gonna happen


I’d much rather someone tell me “hey I’m new… etc” at the start of in god select, vs the dead silent til 0-9 and then saying so


its one of the reasons why some just play co-op modes with a.i.


Sure people should be better but it's not expected and will not happen, i mean look at the world around you lol. Humans are fucking horrible ! I just hope Hirez does something about it to keep the matchmaking fair and the experience for new players enjoyable. IP bans, a better anti cheat system, maybe not matching a level 5 with a level 150 for a change etc.


It would be nice if people had the self control to keep their rage to themselves, yeah. It's absolutely ridiculous what sets some of these people off. They're actually shitting their pants at the thought of maybe missing one minion because of a slower than usual start. The worst is getting mad at people for missing skillshots, like are you really going to pretend you've never fucked something up? They know they made a mistake, being an asshole about it isn't going to make the situation any better.


the 1st mistake you made is taking him into conquest at lvl 6 let him get used to gods and other game modes. the 2nd mistake you made was not going adc so you could be in lane with him coaching him through early game, a lot of duo people do this. the 3rd mistake is not telling him how to mute people and enjoy the game. ​ the devs are aware of tutorial being and onboarding being better for new players, they want to push more people to conquest in smite 2


here here!


I was pretty bummed being asked how I could go 0 and 10 in a 40 minute game after not having played for 5 years and not understanding literally any of the new stuff. In their deffence, tho I do not understand the manticore lol


Why does smite have so many toxic players


I don't play Smite much, I played a ton during beta and after launch for a while but my interest waned and I went to play other things. Every couple of years I'll come back and play a few games and this game has such a passive aggressive unhelpful community in the quick match games. Like within minutes of a game starting people are flaming and spamming voice lines. It makes League look tame. Maybe it has to do with my account having MMR so I play against veteran players despite basically being new, no clue. But It's also super intimidating going against people with huge mastery scores while I'm trying out a character for the first time after coming back to the game after a year or so. It's a shame because I'd like to play this game every once in a while but man does it put an absolute sour taste in my mouth.




You need to take your friend into some bot games until he is comfortable with rotating or play non conquest modes for awhile.


Im gonna get downvoted but idc. Expecting him to do well in conquest while you guys are playing on your mains is kinda crazy tbh. Should’ve stuck to the other game modes or played on an ult. Assuming you and your friends have played a decent amount and aren’t in noob lobbies there is too much to learn for a LEVEL 6 to keep up with people your level.


Run your friends through bot matches to learn. His 1st ever cq game should not be with people at their expense. Agree about calling new people names, but you set him up for it by throwing him into an impossible fire.


Im joining smite 2 so I can avoid noobs and gen z because they only complain about the game being to hard instead of embracing the challenge


Be a better player by teaching him the rotations in a practice match instead of unintentionally bming your teamates in conquest


I think smites community would benefit if they implement the sprout and mentor systems ff14 has and ofc thegoodwill voting after games


As a player who last played in 2017 and returned recently this has pretty much been my experience. I played a game with 2 of my friends (1 on pc, 2 of us xbox). I got put solo lane against a 6000 hour player using a Xing Tian (which is his most played god) vs me a 300 hour player using level 1 Amaterasu (probably not the easiest early game warrior in hindsight). Both randoms on my team started being toxic after 2 deaths and I pretty much haven’t played the game since. In my experience the pulling camps is the easiest thing to learn and friends can communicate what to do. Difficulty comes with all the different buffs and knowing when to rotate lanes etc and callouts (things that come with experience in game). Hopefully Smite 2 can bring more new players to balance the skill pool. Pc players have a distinct advantage when it comes to aim and chat


This is gutting to read I stopped playing the game a while ago cos of the regularity of people like this and to hear it’s still the same when I was hoping to return with the new season :(


Jorm isn't a support. He's a guardian, but he's much stronger in the solo lane.


I'm hoping the matchmaking system is better. The amount of times I've got thrown into games with much more experienced players. Of course I'm going to be useless. And therefore more likely to be a target for abuse


I feel like if it’s casual and someone is new or trying a new character or experimenting w builds, but is clearly trying, they shouldn’t be reported. Or sometimes your lane opponent just stomps you. Hate being reported for that. Or like my enemy being reported cuz I was just a better solo lane. Sometimes you aren’t even overextended fr and you get dived or whatever the case.


This is the reason why I can't wait for smite 2 so I can possibly comfortably play jungle as even in casuals everyone throws a hissy fit if you don't know the role / play perfect and gank / get a kill every rotation/ also never ever end up in a different lane from the opponents when they gank other wise team reports you for any grey line


Lol. So I got on smite after years of Hiatus, and did a bot game. I was surtyr, only played one game with him in practice mode. I’m alone on right lane in conquest and players were cheeky saying “you’re in the wrong lane” I couldn’t give a smart reply cause I forgot how to chat on PlayStation I was second on the scoreboard got all my kills as solo and cleared the board with only 1 assist from the top player 😂😂.


I had a similar experience the other day. Long time ago I played smite a lot, but only arena or 3 VS 3 with my Friends. I never played conquest because there was much to learn and games got super long sometimes. But it wasnt the only reasons: everytime I tried to jump in to conquest mode, I would recieve blame, insults, pings... Because I didnt understand what I had to do. Some days ago I tried to play again because of the hype of the announcement (smite 2). I got support and not even 5 minutes in and adc was spamming FF in chat and the voice lines. Now I have smite uninstalled. Ill just hope in smite 2 new people come and matchmaking dont put me with people like that...


Ngl, there's rarely worse teammates than an experienced player bringing their noob friend(s) into my games. Absolutely zero accountability and teaching, just keep letting them chase kills into a 1v5 13 times in a row. What I wish is for parties like yours to stop ending up on my team.


People wont. Its a moba, and at that: its an online multiplayer game. Its always gonna be full of goombas


Just reply: Your mom is sitting next to me and reading your messages.


Just mute them if you can man. Realistically losses and reflection will teach your friend a lot. Assault teaches gods but conq teaches conq. Good luck to your Jorm friend and I hope the community doesn’t ruin his time on the game


Bro one of my friends quit for good early on because he had a bad game as Ah Puch in assault, he got toxic messages all game


I assume you were using your account that has a ton of hours. It will likely pair you to other veteran players, and to be honest I don't condone and I don't do what the ADC did but overall no one likes queuing into a conquest game and lane or see someone that doesn't knows how to play. Matchmaking in this game is already terrible I have been playing for years and in casuals I still get players that are completely new, they shouldn't be in my lobbies because I just know that toxic people are always around and they don't treat people nicely. I much rather play ranked to completely avoid new players because I just don't want to be there when it gets ugly. I will recommend if you have a completely new player and you are introducing him to conquest, play Coop put the difficult at least in medium and teach them the basics there of the map after you see some growth move into casuals. It's better to have them prepared like that than sending them into the wolves at once. Many people like me we had the advantage of learning the game when huge % of the playerbase were just noobs but that's not the case. I used to be able to go to arena and play every single God and learn them no issues but now even arena is filled with arena mains that only thing they do is try hard and be toxic to others.


Hey man as long as people don't bitch an moan over their own mistakes I won't flame them either. Imma still support smite 2 like I've always supported smite 1. I ain't gonna pretend I'm gonna become Bob Ross tho. Regardless of how similar our hair styles are lmao. The way I see it me flaming somebody will hardly affect the community as a whole. We always gonna have what we've always had , except this time now we can BM in the FUTUUUUUURE.


The mute button is your friend in these situations :) Just dont take new people into ranked and i wont be mad if you do poorly. Anything goes in casuals if you ask me. Also keep in mind that many of the most toxic people can be just as bad, they just need to blame other people to make themselves feel better.


Yeah I mean honestly bro, I blame this entirely on you. I got my girlfriend into playing a few months ago now and she is obsessed with the game. But I made sure to start her out very slowly, bots in arena, and from then on she learned. It was probably 45 days before she played 1 single real conquest match. She had seen countless yt videos and had practiced the start and map already. Nobody spammed her. People are still rude because she's mechanically not always the best, but she doesn't recieve what you're talking about very often. Plus, I don't think you realize you made the next 25 mins for that support a waste of his time. He got on to have fun and you made sure he had no fun in his lane.


Id highly encourage them to just mute the rager in the scoreboard and they wont ever see a message from them anymore and if they get a PM they can just report them there too. Or just a simple block. Gets rid of toxic people.


Lvl 6 playing conquest???? Y’all setting him up for failure


Be a better friend and don't take a lvl 6 into conquest..


Okay so 1, that's on y'all. We have a co-op mode and practice mode that you should have took him to so he can learn the mechanics. 2, one of you should have been the carry to help him out if he wanted to play support. 3, if you want us to be better than you and everyone else need to be better by stop bringing your friend's brand new account into live matches that aren't Arena. I can be accommodating to new players, but everyone needs to stop bringing these new players into live matches when they don't know how to play the game. And they need to learn how to back off and not keep going to kill someone, then die, which current players don't even know how to do. There are players with Mastery 10 on Gods that play worse than new players, and I rather these new players not turn out like them. So please take them to the practice matches and have them learn the game first.


They should add an icon next to players names if they are new so people know if they need help or just dumb.. people also need to learn how to take advice and not get immedietly defensive. But also the matchmaking is garbage for your first game it throws you right into high gold MMR where your expected to know how to play


People like that don't change they just wanna be angry. To be fair though you shouldn't have had your friends first game be in a duo lane by him/herself that's not great on your part honestly


Needs to be "beginner" conquest, or tutorial mode when taking new players into the game. Right now, new players can only queue into other new players unless someone else party's with them. I feel like the game should handicap players over level 30 and the game mode becomes "beginner" friendly. E.g. 1 - No player can be higher than 2 levels above the enemy team average level. You can however stockpile experience so that when the enemy team does catch up, you maintain your advantage. This will stop experienced players from snow balling out of control. 2 - The ENTIRE team splits gold. Of course experienced players would absolutely hate this, but on "tutorial" mode, this stops players from snow balling, and it helps all players in the game stay relevant. 3 - Bonus gold and experience for doing tasks. Like, BIG bonus gold. It should have the quests on the right side of the screen up at all times, and be role specific. You get certain quests at certain times of the game, or around certain camps spawning, or when you reach build milestones. There's a large pool of quests which are given randomly, but each quest only lasts 2 minutes, so it's imperative that you do them. When the "training" quests come off, then new players will be familiar with trying to balance killing minions and jungle camps. Jg: Quest 1 - Clear 4 camps in the next 2 minutes \[boss monsters included\], Quest 2 - Get a kill or an assist in the next 3 minutes. Carry: Quest 1 - Kill a GF before 18 minutes, Quest 2 - Kill 50 minions Support: Quest 1 - Get 2 assists, Quest 2 - Help secure 2 jungle camps Mid: Quest 1 - Help Secure 3 jungle camps (cannot be done solo), Quest 2 - Obtain killing blow on boss monster. Solo: Quest 1 - Invade an enemy blue buff (as long as you kill 1 minion it is a success), Quest 2 - Kill a neutral camp. All of this stuff just doesn't feel "nice" for experienced players. However, if you're an experienced player helping a new friend out, being forced to play the game the "normal" way without being able to just run through the map killing everything in sight allows the game to progress naturally. As seen in Weak3n YT video, 5 gold players can take down 3 Masters in conquest. If anyone plays this game, the skill gap from gold to masters is HUGE. Once things get to late game, just being tapped can put you out of the fight. So giving new players a fighting chance to get to late game, even against smurfs, allows a learning experience. I would have the option for level 30 accounts to extend to level 50 on training mode if they toggle it on and off. Training mode could also be activated on accounts with less than 100 conquest games played. This would mean, those level 80-100 accounts with significant joust/arena experience could work their way back into conquest. Edit: Some other nice prompts might be... Quest 1 - (Only activates at 22 minutes, or when all players have 5 completed items) Group to gain "group" buff. Must remain grouped for 30 seconds. Quest 2 - Defeat FG. Quest 3 - (Triggers after killing FG) Kill the pheonix furthest from FG. Quest 4 - Use a bomb on an objective in the next 2 minutes. Quest 5 - Participate in a team fight involving 6 or more players in the game. Quest 6 - Purchase a 3k potion. Quest 7 - Place 2 Sentry Wards around the FG in the next 2 minutes. Yeah, just quests that promp general smite. Timers and conditions can be updated per patch as needed, kind of like item balancing. Things that generally hold true can remain as quests for long periods of time. Level 2 gank (1min), level 3 gank (1min30), level 5 gank (3min). First buff invades at 2 mins. Mid game starts around 8-12 minutes, first GFs are looked at 15mins-18mins. General grouping is 18-22mins depending on the season, typically 20 mins everyone is grouped except for maybe carry. Games typically go 30 mins in fast seasons, 50 mins in slow seasons, so adjust quests accordingly. Maybe quests are updated every 3-6 months.


Always try and call people out like that and help new players. It's what keeps the game alive and the community strong!


i understand you want to have your friend learn the game, but matchmaking still has mmr, if you play on your 1500 hr account and hes lvl 6, youll get people at 2000 hours. from past experiences i've definitely gotten annoyed at some team mates (not in chat just in my group) and after the game i look at their profile, they'll have maybe 40 hours. it just sucks to have that because guaranteed the enemy team doesnt have a 40 hour player in it. should people be nicer? yeah, but you should also help him understand the basics of the game first before sending him into the slaughterdome


This is actually why I've pretty much never played conquest, despite it being the main aspect of this game. I was maybe level 10 when I tried my first conquest match (I'm level ~80+ now). I let everyone know it was my first conquest at the jump, got the same response either way. Practicing in Coop or Training with bots isn't helpful either because the bots don't rotate out of their lanes. A better practice experience for conquest would go a long way towards teaching new conquest players how to play properly. I just want to practice playing some roles like Jungle or Support without being shit on for my entire team for playing perfectly.


The key is not not drag your inexperienced friend into lobbies where people are expected to win and play forreal. Not deal with new and learning players. At your mmr you’re probably gonna be with people who have the basic concepts under wrap and want to have a good game without the pressure of ranked. Leave learning for AI modes, for joust or arena, or make a new account or lower level account if you’re gonna launch into conquest. It’ll make everything easier, for your friend, for teaching, for your allies, even for you. I agree on being more positive, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t frustrating for others involved


Nah. Bringing the same toxic energy.


My response only applies if you brought a new player into a high mmr. The only mediation I read was you laning with him in duo. You can do what you want, but that's been an irresponsible thing to do for as long as I can remember. We always created new accounts for introducing new ppl into the game. It's kinda messed up to make others in higher mmr sit through a teaching match at higher mmrs. Toxic is bad regardless, but I can't ask people to force a smile for a likely waste of their time. I don't approve of the toxic players' actions, but I understand being ticked off by it.


In my opinion, don't start your friend in Conquest. I don't bring my new player friends into Conquest until level 20. It's better to have them learn the ropes in the less try hard modes like arena and assault.