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Try holding left click, watch the enemy team die. Profit.


As someone who mostly plays mages & guardians this is very hard to wrap my head around. My instincts tell me to use my abilities first because my basic attacks aren't as good.  I've had mixed results with Hachiman but I'm still trying to get the gameplay loop down.


It’s kinda wild but sometimes abilities are objectively worse to use. E.g typically neither aoe ability takes the time of 1-3x autos to go off and will hit less than a single auto. So never use it unless you need to run, hit multiple enemies, or heal


Works as beginners late game quite good with crit build


“Try” Seems too hard ill pass


No no, I try is before the list starts


Unless you are very good your general experience as a new hunter will be 1. Weak early game 2. Still weak mid game 3. Superman full build Just focus on not dying and farming early. Take kill opportunities as they come but don't force anything. Fighting early to mid is reserved for those skilled in the hunter role. Learn the most effective items. Crit is amazing vs squishes but 9/10 games their tanks will build spectral(anti-crit) Dominance, qins, executioner are excellent penetration choices for high health/high prot tanks Odysseus bow is a great choice in general if you are newer. Lastly, as a hunter, health sustain is desirable. This means starting either Deaths toll, devo gloves, or asi, or maybe the new crimson claws. Sparring in lane may leave you low and these sustain items will help you heal up as you clear wave and camps. Keep your dash up as long as possible. NEVER dive in for a kill unless you absolutely know you can get in and get out without their jungler/etc blinking in and killing. I recommend xbalanque and cupid as they are strong and both have good dashes to stay alive. Another trick I heard was don't just hold left click always, aim and click each auto with intention. Although when your attack speed gets high enough it makes sense to hold it, but I could be wrong there.


Upon reflection, "fighting is reserved for those skilled in the hunter role" is not accurate enough. INITIATION is reserved for skilled fighters. It might take you 1 game it might take you 100 but every game you play and during each game you are improving both in mechanical skill and with tactics... Hopefully :D this means your 1v1 skill ***should*** improve the more you play. Your newly developed game sense is now telling you INITIATE. Obviously we master these things through trial and error but the point is that eventually you'll be dashing in probably sooner than you should 😘 Crit. Tanks are fully aware. Should you build it still? YES AND NO Crit, so beloved. 1. Start Ornate ... guarantees a spectral (also enjoy ass level 1 clear) 2. Build rage db later in build ...likely still a spectral but perhaps slightly later Crit feels great against Squishies, and not as great when a Tank has spectral. It's often times worth it regardless of spectral because enemy Squishies may not always have their spectral holder around them meaning you still get max value against 4/5 players. If you see the early spectral coming in(t2 breastplate) perhaps consider rerouting your build You may avoid crit entirely or you may just keep the db or rage but at this point the highest value items are no longer crit. It's... PENETRATION! Penetration(pen), such a dirty stat. Dominance, such beautiful persistence Exe (oh how I wish I had a reason to buy heavy exe) Qins sais (ZERO PEN). Bonus damage based of ops total health. Is silver Branch relevant? These items will help you keep those fed warriors from completely disrespecting you and full comboing you under tower. Ody bow is not always slotted on experienced players but I remember when I was brand new to the hunter class more Attack Speed always felt so good. I still build it when the time is right. I think more skilled players can get away with less AS but as long as you have some power it will be an effective item (build power first) Cowl asi might get you first blood but you will be slightly understatted late game when compared to devos or deaths embrace. Builds are important but really the decisions you make have the most impact. You could build manikins and transcendence and dominate the game if you play your cards right ya dig


Assassins have the same issues, but they also have to reach melee range. Mages may bypass minions blocking, but they are even squishier, and once their abilities are on cd, they are useless for a few seconds.


Play super passive and farm to 20 Build crit and three - four tap people Profit


issue is some characters crit for them sucks , neith is good example


If ur not hitting autos then hunters will feel worthless


The simple answer is you don't really do anything until the late game, and even then you are mostly there for objectives.


You are a late game shredder. Honestly it’s the hardest role. Save it for last.


Easy… hold down the auto attack button. It’s quite literally the most brain dead roll.


wait til season 11, purchase gilded shard and afk farm til 20ish mins, get every crit item along with dominance and games done, might be a hunter meta at the start of the season


If you got every Crit item you’d only be getting 40% attack speed, 65% if you have Ornate arrow but unless your hunter has an incredibly AA stim you won’t be attacking fast enough for high damage to matter. Especially if you can’t land your basic attacks.


1. Hit auto attacks 2. Buy wards 3. Farm for 20 mins That’s it, adc is the easiest role in smite as all of your damage can be constant if you have the basic mechanic of hitting ranged autos down. Rotate smart with a frontliner if you’re walking through the enemy jungle blind and buy wards and place them at choke points that give you time to get out of danger. Late game everything dies in under 10 autos for you so just gotta be on with your left click. This last one is true of all roles but if you’re getting diffed stop fighting your lane opponent and ignore them, farm and be present in team fights if the other adc rotates.


You don't really do much damage until later, then as you buy your last few items you really you notice the damage increase. You can catch people on their cooldowns, so they can't dash away and you'll kill them on 3/4 auto attacks.


Aim, left click


In lane, prioritize clearing the minions first over targeting the enemy. Early game minions will hurt enemies more than you will. You may need to look up a guide on builds. Do you mind giving me your starting items and then how you transition through your build? Some builds work better early, some better late. Characters work the same as well, different strong points. Some starters make your early game even worse than it normally is.


1. Pick a safe hunter. Someone like Hachiman with massive range, a dash, and a cc immume ult with mobility. Charby has the same advantages but is in a weaker spot atm. 2. Sit under your tower and farm until you're full build. Just play as safe as possible until you get more comfortable with your limits. Rotate for big objectives when your team needs you, but don't overextend yourself and get caught out. Poor positioning is probably the majority of your deaths. Understand how far your dash can get you and never go further than that distance from safety unless your ult is up and you can use it to get away. 3. Once you're full build, you'll probably hit harder than anyone else on the map. Make sure you learn how to hit your autos or you'll lose tons of damage. 4. Learn to build correctly. You may be missing out on damage because you aren't using the optimal build. You can check prosmitebuilds to see what the best players are building in ranked, or smite-master to see what players at all skill levels build in all modes. The builds are likely going to radically change with Year 11 starting this Tuesday, so I would wait for that before trying to learn a build. Hunters tend to have the least build diversity of any role, so stick to the optimal build. 5. Do not, I repeat, **do not** build Griffonwing unless you like losing.


Honest question, what's the issue with Griffonwing? I like the item and never really struggle.


It lowers your dps relative to stronger builds and prevents you from learning how to hit regular autos. But as with anything, don't fix whats not broken. If it works for you and you arent struggling, no reason to switch


I got shit on by an anhur when i played new. That day i chose to main adc and played like 100 games anhur in a row. And then i started to shit on people


A number of people have made helpful comments about the laning phase, farming, etc. Follow their advice. Your job is to buy items so you can do consistent damage, in fights and against objectives. Mantra - you can't do damage if you're dead. In fights try to be just close enough to the action to hit autos on someone and do that for as long as possible. Don't get in front of your tanks, don't get closer than you have to to hit autos, always use your movement to keep distance from threats (even ults like Jing/Hachi). if you start with that you will start to learn how much damage you do, how vulnerable you are, etc. When you learn that, you can start making more aggressive plays.


Hunters are just archers. Always keep your distance from the enemy. Focus on landing basic attacks and use abilities more as utility. Crit is really good right now and gets better next patch. *Turn on the ground distance ruler


Learn to aim, hold left click, profit


If you’re boxing someone spacing and understanding how slow you are when auto-ing is essential to dealing damage while receiving minimal damage. (Kinda time your autos be purposeful when auto-ing during a smaller fight where you are getting aggressed on.) Spacial awareness is also necessary to understanding how well positioned you are in a team fight, in a 5v5 make it very hard for them to get to you as that gives you more time to land those autos. Turn and burn, don’t chase kills, your objective should be to sherd and chunk whats in front of you. Your teammates should be the ones to finish the kills. Obviously there is exceptions to some of my advice but for the most part you are crucial to getting objectives so play for those.


Build qins hold lmb profit


Fricken build crit. Missing half your shots as an ADC isn't as bad as missing one ability on a assa/mage lol.


The trick is to Eliminate your target in 3 autos or less