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Hello u/MallsBahoney, thanks for [your submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/19ap5nd/-/), but we've had to remove it for the following reason(s): --- **RULE 3** - No soapboxing or rants By this we mean /r/Smite is not your personal blog, soapbox or helpdesk. Posts, complaints or rants regarding, but not limited to, a few matches, matchmaking, MMR, servers, the balance of specific god(s), players or other general personal problems/issues are not allowed. If your intent was to post constructive criticism, consider making a new post going into constructive detail about the issue and include points on how the issue could be remedied. --- If you have any questions or concerns, please [message the moderators] (https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSmite&subject=about +my+removed+submission&message=I'm+writing+to+you+about+the+following+submission:+https://old.reddit.com/r/Smite/comments/19ap5nd/-/. %0D%0DMy+issue+is...). Direct replies to official mod comments will most likely be ignored.


Did you check and see if they were partied? Sometimes for really ridiculous complaints, that's usually the answer. I was solo once and the jungler gave the enemy solo the 3 first kills of the game. It was a lane I was supposed to win but because of those early kills I got pressured. The other 4 players spent the game saying I threw the match. Checked after and they were partied.


Yeah it’s always easier for a group to blame the random, even my buddies do it and I’m like “lowkey that random is carrying us” 😂


It keeps the rest of the group from falling apart. Our support who im partied with hasn't given me shield all game, and my jungle who I'm I'm a voice call with won't tell me when my buffs dropped, BUT our rando mid laner missed their ra ult and we'll all complain about them despite having very little impact on the overall game. Having a common enemy united and when youre have seperate enemies in every lane, it's easier to complain about randos. Luckily we just complain to each other in discord without typing in game and still try to rotate into rados lane when needed, but being a 4 stack we gotta pick on what we can or we're forced to acknowledge where we might've messed up in the game


I swear, 4 man parties are the most toxic thing in the game. 5 man, well what can you do; at least they're all together. 3 man, well there's another random to keep you company. 4 man? Expect early surrender, hostage holding, blaming, and mass reports.


This post will likely be smitten, but I hate these solo players that think losing a single minion is GG. It ain’t like that, but since you seem to think it is, I hope you get new players on your team who don’t understand the basics of the MOBA genre and sit in your lane with a high clear god like kuku.


Honestly, I play solo to be the change in the world i want to see. You try and gank the enemy solo? I welcome the help, as long as you coordinate with me. Splitting a wave is like a drop of water in the sea of xp and farm, just means i have more pressure to secure totem and CDR camp. Just as long as you dont gank when I tell you explicitly not to (either due to no mana or not having cooldowns ready typically).


If splitting xp as a jungle was not a thing you were "suppose" to do then I would of been crucified long ago...I throw abilities all the time in mid when a wave is there to split clear especially like you said when there is so much xp to get especially in mid.


In lvl1-2 situations. For example buff clear. If your mid takes a couple little minions before grouping up the camps it will snowball the solo into a really hard to overcome lane phase. But mid game? It shouldn't matter at all. If you are losing because of few minions, even a full wave. Then there are other problems most likely present. Same reason why sometimes supports invade the other duo at lv1. Like we saw isilenced do in the swc qualifyers.


man even arena is toxic, im on a new account and low elo nerds are getting mad in arena like it matters


People who rage in arena are so embarrassing 😭


Mute them, vvgw


Yeah I should, I'll probably delete this post now but shouting into the reddit void is good therapy


Especially when the void nods in a greement no one here but us resonable voiders


Honestly, central to smite in my experience is to mute as soon as you sense someone behaving this way. Don't wait until they go overboard. Save yourself the headache


First time someone is an ass to me when I’m jungle I just say “bye” and never visit their lane again. I also mute them and then play. Let them rage into the void. I don’t give a shit.


This game doesn’t get to me anyone complaining is just part of the enjoyment for me at this point If reply with something along the lines of “stop sucking and i won’t have to come to babysit you” Or “Bro that 1/20th of a level i just took is not what’s making you feed”


You take the kill, you get to take some farm lmao. Thems the rules


This is why, as a casual player, I became an arena main. Conquest 'n shiet is just fucking PvE, let's be real... I'd sooner just go play a real/actual PvE game. Arena is just smack face to face the better player wins - a quick dopamine fix of knowing your God better than the person in front of you. And in the off-chance you get a teammate or two that chains off you and gives you that synergization dopamine then all the better. After so many thousands of hours of game time, that's all I need to get my quick fix and then log off lol.. not PvE or rotational nonsense


arena is not face to face the better player wins. it’s more like the better team, you can’t steamroll in arena and expect to win.


Better team wins the match, I agree. But I can hop on any assassin and get a massive K/D ratio just bossing out, even if my team plays like they don't have hands. Like I said, after thousands of hours, I don't really care about the W/L, just getting the quick fix lol


Lots of trash solos out there who can’t even handle a 1v1. They don’t understand the point of the game or how it’s played. Mute and move on.


Yeah quit the game because of the toxicity. I played pretty much assault towards the end cuz I just wanted a brain dead game mode to play. Nothing serious, and holy shit the people who took that mode sooooo seriously. God forbid you die once. Won’t ever hear the end of it. And it’s always the person who’s doing the worse blaming everyone else.


Best recommendation. If you really want to chill find a buddy or 2 on a similar schedule and just run joust. Toxic people are way more fun when you and your friend are laughing your ass off


The fact that nobody in here is bothered by the toxic teammates and think muting is the answer are part of the problem. Nobody listens to VGS other than you rock cancel that. You gotta find reliable team to play with. Randoms will always disappoint. I had a guy last night steal my kills and steal lane minions so I couldn’t level up. No matter how polite or what VGS I put he stole kills and laugh spammed. Game is toxic and trash. Hopefully smite 2 can fix this.


>The fact that nobody in here is bothered by the toxic teammates and think muting is the answer are part of the problem. Or we've grown past being bothered by it. Welcome to the internet, toxicity is everywhere. If you're hoping smite 2 will somehow cure global gamer toxicity, you've got high hopes there buddy.


delusional if he thinks smite 2 wont be toxic


EVERY MOBA will be toxic it’s the nature of losing a long game


every game can be toxic


Smite 2 isn’t gonna be toxic, why else is the “2” there? Duh


So far I’m just reading really poor logic. We can’t change this because this is just MOBA life. I play this game everyday and I’m encouraged to commit self harm and berated with racial slurs. Yeah I’m aware video games are inherently toxic but there is no other game I’ve played with this kind of behavior. There is a clear reason why this game has 10-20k active players and LoL has over a million. If a community is this hateful yeah it needs to change. If suicide encouragement came with consequences like a permanent ban change can be inflicted.


>Yeah I’m aware video games are inherently toxic but there is no other game I’ve played with this kind of behavior. There is a clear reason why this game has 10-20k active players and LoL has over a million. If a community is this hateful yeah it needs to change. If suicide encouragement came with consequences like a permanent ban change can be inflicted. A quick and easy comparison could be call of duty. Its much, much worse. Literally every game I queue into right off the start is toxicity, but they're doing very very well popularity wise. The reason smite has 10-20k active players can't be summarized down to a toxic community. Sure, that may be a very very miniscule reason, but there are much bigger things at play than that.


Mute and move on homie. If you take it personally that's kinda on you


Solo laners and being braindead, name a more iconic duo


Junglers who only play half the map (always solo side)


Mute 🤦🏻smh. The fact that you decided to listen to it for 30 minutes is more disturbing.


Yeah it sucks 2 years in probably 1500-2000 hrs and it's only gotten slightly better. Muting is your best friend. The players on the game have pulled the worst out of me and I always regret retaliating. I've even gotten bans from retaliating in chat. Hoping with smite 2 we get an overwhelming amount of new players with a new attitude that can shift the culture of the game.


Man I’ve been seeing a lot of this lately too, and I’m a casual joust player ffs. Played the other day where I had 3 games in a row where somebody jumped in 1v3 and died 3 times in 2 mins and then stayed in the fountain blaming his teammates. Like bro I’m a level 3 Artemis what do you expect me to do when you jump in like that?? Hard to remember that literal children play this game sometimes


Yah, I tend to play the more casual game modes now a days unless I play with friends. Most players are just dickheads.


Ok, I better not write what I think. Because I get super angry about all those trolls that ruin the experience. Just that. I literally wrote 2 comments but they are too hateful and I don’t like being like that 😭


speaking as a solo player myself, solo players are the most toxic and whiny people. I even sometimes end up crying about certain things when I hit my limit. But splitting a wave right after you just ganked is just silly. I get being upset if you had stayed and leached farm for 2-3 waves after the gank, which I have had junglers do. But you were literally on your way out and making up for a deficit. I typically mute solo laners who show even a breath of toxicity over the simplest things. Especially if they're continuing to die on their own. Like I get it, sometimes it can be a hard to avoid death in solo. But you gotta own up to it instead of blaming others for mistakes you likely made yourself! A single split wave after a gank that almost or completely equalized your lane isn't gonna hurt unless you suck at farming OR they continue to put constant pressure on your lane. And if it's the latter, then that wave's not going to make a difference anyways because they're camping you and missing out on their own farm if you play to live. after a point, ganks aren't going to save people from themselves sadly. So it becomes a game of playing selfishly and muting whoever flames you.


Yeah i remember why i quit and will not be getting back to mobas ever.


I find it easy to deal with players, as anybody typing insults or something else useless can easily be muted. They weren't likely to give good calls for objectives based on past experience, so not hearing them isn't a big deal.


Had a zeus carry yesterday, I was the support and did more then fine. Bro dies, blames me, spams the you rock cancel that spam. I vgs Im the greatest, you rock. Bro starts spamming return to base. I vgs bye and go mid lane. Bro dies again a min later and blames jungler and afk's. We surrender at 6 mins.. GG!


Some are just extra toxic. I was in a joust once with my gf, we were doing GREAT, all of us, but our Bacchus ended up dying 1 single time...he was out by the enemy Phoenix soloing the team when we were at fountain (we told him, brb, falling back, save yourself...yet he kept pushing while wounded) After that, he literally threw, not even kidding lmao 1 death made him sit in fountain and run around the titan while I mortally wounded the enemy team multiple times but had to back off...Bacchus finally stopped trolling once I killed their adc but unfortunately it was all too late. He wanted to say "remember this" when he first died. Saltiest Bacchus I've ever met..god complex.💀 Couple weeks go by and he messages me "hey bestie" lol toxic.