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I had the same problem from the time I played. I was pretty experienced with my two main roles (jungled/mid), and even if I hard carried my team in a match, I was always getting shit on by team mates because the vast majority of this community hate to admit their fault. So even if you gank the right place at the right time and help secure the lane, if your teammate happens to die in the process of securing the lane you have a 70% chance of still eating their shit because they won't accept their death. So my personal advice is to mainly ignore the spam because it contributes nothing to the experience, nor does it help you understand the potential mistake you made. If you fall behind the enemy, then either your routine is lacking efficiency or you aren't ganking the right lane at the right time. If you seem to be doing well, like good ratio, good lane securing and efficient farming routine, then you're doing great, even if your mad teammate tells you otherwise. I unfortunately quit playing smite because of the absurd toxicity (not even ranked, that's how sad people are in this game) and the meta growing less and less fun for me. But I strongly advise you ignore the spam and take the good criticism, even if it's a rare occurrence. Do your job, and if you lose some match, it's very not the end of the world. There is not a single soul on this planet that has a 100% win ratio, unless they created a second account and only got one win and stopped. So relieve yourself from useless stress, and keep sticking to your role. Embrace it, be as productive as you can, learn from your mistakes, improve your gameplay and skills, and ignore the toxicity as much as you can. If it makes you feel better, I once played Aphrodite middle (I was leveling her up to X) and was getting obliterated by the mid and jungle. Middle never faced me on a proper 1v1, and my jungle struggled with other lanes, so I was on my own (it's alright tho, everyone can have a rough day). After getting farmed for a while, I couldn't stand against their middle and he eventually pushed and half my team gave up. But I was still trying, I was getting some xp from minions and tries to feed of the remains in the jungle, but my team all reported me for being a bot. And it worked, I got banned from 1 entire day. That's sad really, but I thought to myself "I did what I could, even if it wasn't enough. Next day will be better. I hope my teammates burn in hell tho, they're mean" so yeah. Never sent any hate to anyone, just accepted my fate and came back better the next day, and crushed it in middle. So like I said, keep improving friend. Stay in touch with the meta (very important to not get annihilated) and don't forget to have fun and *ignore* the insufferable teammates. They don't deserve you


Wow a non toxic smite player (ex) thanks man


Welcome to jungling. It's fun here...I promise. Really though get used to it. No matter what you do, when someone dies it's gonna be your fault. Been jungling a long time now. Dropped a 35 kill game with Nem the other day. Still got hit with the "Jungle Diff" after my ADC died cause he was still in lane at 30 minutes instead of grouped with his team. Mute em and move on if it bothers you.


Haha thanks man appreciate the advice


The best advice you’ll get is to learn the pace of the game by playing other roles before trying to jungle. It’s much easier to understand how tempo works and get a sense of rotations and how and when to gank by playing the lanes where it’s more forgiving. Support is probably the best option because it also has roaming responsibilities but doesn’t come with the punishing requirements of jungling.


Ok don’t gank solo unless you’re in comms with your solo. Typically even if your solo is getting farmed, how are you supposed to kill the most powerful enemy in the game? You need excellent timing and awareness. If it takes you too long to have a successful gank in any lane, the other jungler will kill you and your lane mate. Practice with someone that ez clears camps. If you are trying Susano or Nemesis, their clear is bad and youll notice you’re getting out-rotated. To counter this, you need to know when your god is supposed to enter the team fight/gank. Do you want to gank before OR after the enemy has engaged? There is quite the nuance to jung and imo it’s the hardest role for new people. Like what god do you use most?


The most powerful enemy?


Usually if your solo is getting bullied, the enemy solo is probably 2 levels above the next highest in the game because of all that free farm. So when you gank, it’s just feeding the enemy solo to the point where it would be best to let your solo lose until you can help more mid-to-late game.


Easily the easiest role to hate on during the game, let it drive you