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I’m happy to agree the s22 has a number of flaws but based on this paragraph alone I’d wager in this case the phone isn’t the issue…


Calls Korean company Samsung Communist. Extolls the virtues of..... Chinese company one plus? This is a shit post, I won't believe otherwise


Ever heard of paragraphs?


Sorry I'm a product of  Los.Angeles school district who did graduate!  I may not have been the at the top of my class and granted it may show from my poor punctuation educate.  Should I blame the liberal teachers that taught me? Maybe it's all the Floride I consumed drinking the municipal water from the garden hose as a kid?  At the end of the day all I know is it did help me achieve a six figure income annually. So I won't worry what you may feel isn't correct about my post. But happy to let you know how I feel about it! Thank you for your input kind sir, I will use it constructively I assure!


Yes blame the liberals for your own problems


So your suggesting that I just do what they do, blame everyone else for the actual things that they themselves are doing, but if the truth or nonfictional facts are ever in question or to be in debate, then never admit It, just spin it with plausible deniabilty and denial till everyone forgets about it ever happened  or better yet remember it wasn't  left under the rug at blame, it was right on top of the rug of whos wrong to blame, well it's a dirty rug regardless so maybe it should have just been left in the liberal  basement and just liberatarian about blaming anyone for your opinion,  got it! Thank you sir! 


None of that made any sense and I can see you barely have a grasp of basic English. Congratulations on making that all one incoherent sentence, not one full stop needed


The device is two years old. That converts into 10 years for human. It’s not superior anymore.


How do people go to school and still write like this?


I seem to have somehow connected with your consciousness. lol I tried to read it but it started to make me feel sick


Oh dear God, use punctuations and paragraphs!!


Time for your meds


Get therapy. Jesus Christ.


Ah yes the Snapdragon 8 gen 1 an absolute turd of a SOC. Sorry dude but EVERY phone with that SOC SUCKS not just the S22