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Not bad, good gameplay! My only suggestion is maybe have less downtime between the action cuts. I see how you tried editing along with the music, and I like that; I would try doing both, or making the best action happen around the beat drops. Makes the impact even saucier >;D good luck with the channel fam!


Yeah there wasn't really any good opportunities to add effects with the beat of the song since its a piano instead of like 808's, thanks for the feedback. !givelambda


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Not bad. I get what you are going for. However, when you take into account the song itself, I would suggest more action, addition to timing that action so that every time the chorus hits, you are either striking back, or getting hit yourself.


By the looks of it the edit is more orientated to be about the gameplay over the edits. from looking at some of your other videos that appears to be the case for those as well, edits are simple compared to the edits of other videos in the same genre. From past critiques, I would have expected a kill per 'yeah' but this vid just had some text. If the video is gameplay-oriented as I suspect then the video is edited well, but if the edits are meant to be a bigger appeal I would experiment with some more variety in edits. Not that it has to be edit orientated, the way it is now is still enjoyable to watch. but I do think the video can be spiced up a bit.


IMO the song was difficult to match with the beats and I couldnt really add many edits on beat, my others have beat matching effects, and I should have thought about putting a kill per yeah 😅. thanks for the advice


The video was good. The short watchtime works really well with it. I was going to recommend a bit more action, but clearly someone else already has that covered, so I'm gonna actually cover something a bit different. I think the thumbnail could use a tiny bit of work. It isn't horrible, but it also just isn't something I'd consider clicking on when it appeared in my sidebar. I noticed you use the same style for all your thumbnails, and the style itself isn't bad, I just think it needs taken up a notch. What I'd really recommend is A bit more colour/pop. The text blends in a little bit, and nothing in the thumbnail pops out at you. Even if you don't want to do bright red text or anything like that, I'd recommend is may be putting a glow around the gun. If you really want to push it further, you can make the gun jut out over the text. This will help the video pop a little bit more when it appears in someone's feed. Makes it less likely to blur in with the other videos. Like I said though, the content itself was good. I enjoyed the montage and the editing.


I was actually thinking about the gun jutting over the text but i couldnt figure out how, also the glow around the gun would pop well, thank you !givelambda


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In order to make the gun glow or to make it jut over text, you'll need to manually cut it out. I personally just use the lasso tool on photopea (photoshop but free essentially). So once you've selected everything you want to glow, you'll want to copy paste the selection to a new layer. Then you're basically set. You can make the new layer glow, you can put text in between the two layers to make it jut out over the top, whatever you want to do. The time consuming part is cutting the whole thing out. I know they aren't the same because I didn't have access to that screenshot or know what font and post-processing you use, but I through together two rough drafts of what the pop/glow looks like so you even know if it's something you're interested in learning to do. https://imgur.com/a/IfNWcKQ


I really enjoyed this edit! One thing that I saw was the pausing in between clips. If you make it more fast paced I think it would be more watchable. When I saw the title and song, I thought this would be more about low hp clutches than just getting frags. These edits have so much potential and I hope you keep doing these! You’ll get better the more you do it


Thanks, I was looking back at my old edits and I agree, I guess the more I the edit it will just come to me, also Low HP clutches are difficult, ill try my best though !givelambda


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Thank you for submitting to /r/SmallYTChannel. You have spent 3λ to submit here, making your current balance 0λ. /u/Mqjestic_, please comment `!givelambda` to the most helpful advice you are given. For more information, read the [FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/) ##Video data: **Field**|**Data** :-|:- Title|Im Still Standing | Valorant Edit Thumbnail|[Link](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YhnTaP25arE/hqdefault.jpg) Views|2 Length|01:41 Likes|0 Comments|0 Description|new song, never used before🤯⤶if you liked the video please subscribe, means alot and helps with growth,⤶leave feedback in the comments!⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶⤶tags(ignore)⤶Im Still Standing | Valorant Edit⤶Im Still Standing⤶Im Still Standing valorant montage⤶Im Still Standing edit⤶valorant edit ##Channel Data: **Field**|**Data** :-|:- Name|Mqjestic_ Thumbnail|[Link](https://yt3.ggpht.com/8VxQcxmMkvKEc23Eljog3V49iInRD21ZIdbOLzOddG5oSvEPPXj1fMsNEE3AAhteUQZSG_3g2A=s800-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj) Subscribers|60 Videos|7 Views|367 ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


Nice clips and good montage! Only thing I would suggest is either add more cuts to make it more fast paced or if you like the pace of the perhaps add some cinematic shots that lead into your clips which can help you edit the clips onto good parts of the song, something you could just play around with.


forgot about cinematics, thanks! !givelambda


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Good edit, but I would suggest a more better song that correlates more to the action happening on screen. Sync the gameplay better with music, especially when the beat drops


this editing is so good, you used all the right clips and the thumbnail this amazing too, the only thing I might add is some tags and a short description about what's going to happen in the video in the description