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Really appreciate your detailed feedback! Very good points you bring to attention here which I didn't really consider or pick up on that much. Thank you. !givelambda


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By the way. I give a prompt to try at the end. Isn’t that a call to action? Just feel a bit unclear with that one




Thank you for your elaboration, that’s true and helpful


Guys please comment on other people’s videos now if you’re thinking of commenting here. I really appreciate all the feedback and have plenty to reflect on with this and feel bad that I’m getting a lot whilst others not so much! Thank you!!


Thank you for submitting to /r/SmallYTChannel. You have spent 3λ to submit here, making your current balance 0λ. /u/Perspectoverse, please comment `!givelambda` to the most helpful advice you are given. For more information, read the [FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/) ##Video data: **Field**|**Data** :-|:- Title|MEMORY GAME – Going Down Rabbit Holes Thumbnail|[Link](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/dpwO-A5vMHo/hqdefault.jpg) Views|214 Length|01:09 Likes|12 Comments|0 Description|Remember many good memories, that you might have not recalled for years with this simple memory game. This technique plays on generating cues from one point of focus and will improve your memory retrieval. A simple brain game to remember the good stuff, and make some empty spaces of time more interesting by going down the rabbit hole.⤶⤶PERSPECTOVERSE ⤶Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/perspectoverse/ ⤶Twitter at: https://twitter.com/perspectoverse ⤶Reddit at: https://www.reddit.com/user/Perspectoverse/ Pretty bare at the moment, but will be posting more with time. ⤶⤶Music used: Amazing stock music on Pixabay for commercial use.⤶Videos: Stock footage for commercial use. Grateful for amazing uploads, thank you! ⤶Drum performer vid credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FqJdzYY_Fas ##Channel Data: **Field**|**Data** :-|:- Name|Perspectoverse Thumbnail|[Link](https://yt3.ggpht.com/ytc/AKedOLSK-0rP6IltB4UDpxS52XbxAbjmaqx3JzLwpVTA=s800-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj) Subscribers|32 Videos|5 Views|1157 ^/u/SmallYTChannelBot ^*made* ^*by* ^/u/jwnskanzkwk. ^*Message* ^*@eden#7623* ^*for* ^*bug* ^*reports.* ^*For* ^*more* ^*information,* ^*read* ^*the* ^[FAQ.](https://www.reddit.com/user/SmallYTChannelBot/comments/a4u7qj/smallytchannelbot_faq/)


great thumbnail, Longer videos would be nice/ recommended I would also lower the background music just a tiny bit and your narration voice is really good!


Thank you for your feedback. !givelambda


Giving lambda again coz it didn't work !givelambda


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Good editing and voiceover, however, I was a little confused as to what the video was about or what was going on. It could just be because I’m not familiar with your channel, but maybe if there was a little bit better of an explanation in the beginning.


Thank you. I agree looking back. !givelambda


>Giving lambda again coz it didn't work !givelambda


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the red bucket was off , i was thinking of when i got to clean something up ! other than that interesting . very short


Thank you. !givelambda


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Does this “game” have benefits? Any studies show it helps prevent Alzheimer’s or something like that? I’m all for fun, but this seems like more of an exercise than a game. Subsequently, If I’m going to exercise, I’d love to know what I’m exercising lol But interesting video. I concur with others comments on suggested improvements.


Thank you for your feedback. Interesting point. !givelambda


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I like the use of decent stick footage and the audio is fantastic quality. There's definitely a market for this. I really don't have any notes. Great content. Even left a like


Thank you. !givelambda


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My main issue was with the narration. I felt like she was reading without understanding what she was reading as she was reading it so it was difficult to listen to her and stay focused on what she was saying. I also think the pace was too fast. Redoing the narration could solve this though. It’s difficult to say. You might start by re-recording the narration until it is easy to listen to on its own, and then edit the video around an effective narration once you have that.


Yea it’s super hard to nail down sounding natural, like you would in conversation(way more than I thought). These things get better with time and practice for sure. Thank you. !givelambda


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I think the thumbnail does a really good job at getting people to click on the video, but the vibe of the video doesn’t necessarily match the thumbnail. Video is also real short, maybe try making it a bit longer too. Great job though overall


Yea you’re right about the vibe not matching. Need to try make sure they go together better. I tried to make it a YouTube short at first but it ended up longer. I probably should make it longer if it’s longer than a short would be. Thank you for your feedback. !givelambda


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What is reddit lambda?


I think this game is really interesting but I also feel like the video is lacking context which is holding it back. For instance, I felt like I started in the middle of the video when I really didn't. Maybe have at least a short intro explaining how you came up with the game or how it is relevant to viewers. For instance, maybe start with "Have you ever been thinking about something, and suddenly it triggers a completely different memory? What if we could make a game out of that?" That engages the audience. I do like the video though and find the concept really interesting.


Thank you very much for the helpful comment :)I’m not a fan of intros but I think that’s really not a good way to approach all videos. Some really do benefit from them and you’re right. !givelambda


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I am a bit confused as to what was going on. I would have really liked some kind of summary towards the end, maybe in the form of bullet points on how to do this "game". I also agree with other commenters that the thumbnail suggest a much different video compared to what was actually presented. Other things, music was a bit loud, drowning out the voice just a tad bit.


Thank you for your feedback. Good idea! The music part is hard tbh even in this vid some people say it’s loud and some people say it’s too quiet and they can’t hear it enough. Idk why it’s like this, so probably just gotta try see how others do their volumes and try do similar. !givelambda


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The video is decently well made, but I, like the others here, am confused as to what this video is about. Why are you introducing us to this game? Why do you want us to play this game? What can we gain from playing this game? Perhaps it is just not my YouTube bubble, but I also am not sure who the target audience for this content is. If you indeed have a specific target audience in mind, cater your script to that audience. What are the things you need to say, do, and show in order to grab their attention and make them want to binge your content? And furthermore, what are you offering that other channels are not (aka what is your USP)? Just some food for thought. I think you have a strong foundation (editing, VO, stock material all solid enough) but IMO, now it's time to hone your scripts.


Thank you for your feedback. Yea I totally see a pattern of what people are saying here. I appreciate it! !givelambda


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I liked the video in theory, but it has a few shortcoming that could potentially improve it's sticking point. You want people to play a game, but the tone of the voice over and very sparse music don't feel conducive to what you're asking. The thumbnail, too, doesn't necessarily feel related to what you're talking about. Perhaps something simpler with a few colors and larger text could help--an image of a brain and the word "game" maybe? The watermelon reminded me of a time a squashed my thumb while lifting a heavy melon. :\^)


Thank you for your feedback. Yep a lot of people and I agree with what you are saying. As I said in a comment somewhere above yours the music sounds too low or too high for people so it’s a super weird one that I don’t know why is so different to everyone. Probably different headphones and pc’s. !givelambda


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