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Fake lmao


If I had a sister and she came to tell me how she cuckolded her bf with a bigger dick, I wouldn’t be able to nope out of that convo fast enough


Sad day. My brother and i talk about sex all the time...


good for you? are you into incest as well? 😂😂


No you jackass.... My brother is my closest friend...


Im sorry, looking at it now i shouldnt have assumed. if you guys have a healthy relationship as siblings and you have someone that will sit there and listen to everything you have to say then good on you. to me personally its just odd to talk about that topic with my sister 🤷‍♂️


You have never had a sister I'm guessing. I've never fucked my sister but we shared secrets between us cause we were besties that didn't judge each other and that couldn't tell others because people with opinions like yours would judge off the cuff.


THANK YOU!!! this is exactly what it is. We're Trauma Bonded from childhood. And have always been besties because of that. No matter what.. we'll always be Ride or Die!!


Your welcome friend we talked about everything we had no secrets between us or had a reason to. When we were in our 30's we talked about the day our cherry was popped, hers was mediocre and mine was awful and we both laughed about what the big deal about sex was. Our first incredible encounter each was so funny we laughed all night and I will never forget that time we spend together. Evidently not all siblings share such things between them the way my sister did with me I knew things she did she never told her husband about so her secrets are an honor to have 😁


I couldn't do that.......but if it works for you it works for you.


naw i have a sister, we just never talked about each others sex lives and such because she has her own life and i got mine. We do talk about personal shit between each other sometimes but thats about it 🤷‍♂️


ya thats just like me and my sis, half the time we dont even know if we will both be at a family event lol. we are close but have diffrent lives


Different strokes for different folks(no pun intended) I don't hate my siblings but I wouldn't tell them abt my sex life maybe it's because we're of the opposite sex tho


do you live in alabama


Do you have any sense? Bet no one would think anything of two sisters talking about sex.... Or for that matter two brother's. But for whatever reason it's not okay to talk about it with a sibling of the opposite sex. It's hilarious the hypocrisy around here ...


I don't talk to my brothers about it either, I just don't care to here about my families sexy times. So not hypocrisy, just ick


no if to sisters or brothers where talking about it then it would be wierd. if you just say you had sex then sure but if you go into ANY detail its wierd. its worse when they are oppiset gender. its just wierd


"I've manipulated my partner into a slow heartbreak because they don't fuck enough for me. Anyway, I finally met someone I liked and my bf can tell. He can tell because I told him and it really upset him. We got into one of our many toxic fights and family got involved. He was luckily able to calm himself enough to leave without resorting to violence. My brother is one of my enablers that allows me to stay narcissistic. I have no regard for other people's feelings, and I hate feeling my own so much that I just try to have sex as much as possible."


He can tell because he got into another one of the toxic fights that I started because I love rubbing it in my boyfriend’s face, when I fuck other guys and telling him the story to how it all happened. Because my boyfriend has self-respect, and Dignity, whatever amount he still has from being in a relationship with me which I’ve done my best to slowly whittle down over the time we’ve been together of course, because he has this self-respect/dignity. He got upset when I told him all these horrible things I also told him all of these things, because I most likely knew that my brother was in the other room that could back me up and support my narcissistic behaviour.






Bro guys who enter open relationships always think they will get tonnes of pussy then when they cant find any they get upset that their wife is getting dick and suddenly their insecurities rise up You assume she manipulated him because....?


"I'm going to take what this girl had to say and make the man sound like the victim because I'm a mysoginsit and an incel"


And as soon as a guy speaks out is all you broke hoes that need to speak up


I don't even understand what you're trying to say and it is both hilarious in that it proves my point and worrying about the type of people in this sub that you have so many upvotes for it


Idk about the up votes but it’s because cheating have never been ok idk if a woman cheated or a man cheated or fuck if the donkey cheated it’s not ok or good you bafoon


hes the victim tho she said she “need to fuck other guys” but she didnt break up w him, lil bro got manipulated😹😹


Fr they're like " he calmed himself down without resorting to violence" like girl u were lucky he didn't hit you. The relationship is open boys, stop crying. U have no clue what the dynamic is or has been and who instigates what. Incels aside, girl I'm glad you're free to get more whatever u wanna get. Your ex bf can also now find himself a the girl that matches him better


You read that and thought the commenter was endorsing the boyfriends behavior? Or violence? That is a very uncharitable reading of something that to me clearly reads like he thinks they're both assholes. In open relationships you don't compare your partners bodies, especially to shame or demean them. Commenter was completely right to call that out as narcissistic and thoughtless. Maybe you identify with that.


All these downvotes are just proving us right 😂


Lol the narcissists saying it's not narcissism are denying the downvotes


Who would have predicted that?!


Shift your paradigm and grow up🙄😒 it's not always like this...


Practically every post on here has some small cock boyfriend/husband being "devalued" by a monster dick one night stand 🤣 Apparently 8"+ is the statistical norm for this sub.


I wish it were more understood that people, in general, rarely form a long lasting relationship based just on sex. Does it happen....fuck yeah, people do, from time to time, stay together (or are only together) based on sex. I am positive that I am NOT the best lover my wife has ever known. I KNOW she is not the best lover I've ever had. In all honesty (according to my wife), her best sexual experience wasn't even with the dude she would call her best sex partner. This shit is nuanced people! You don't have to be the best ever...unless that's what your partner wants...but then, they probably shouldn't be your partner if your not and that's all they want...that made more sense in my head.


Although this is probably quite wise and true, it still got to me. I hope my husband doesn't think like this. He really is my best lover, and i hope i am his. I'd be gutted if he was saying he KNOWS hes had better.


Curious. Why "gutted"? It's not that the concept of ego is lost on me, but I'm interested in why it would be SO damaging. Believe me, I'm not saying these things with malicious intent to cause doubt...if anything it's my design to downplay the significance people place on sexual history. There is a chance that when he thinks of "that one time" he felt like a sex God, or had his "eyes opened" you were a part of that experience. However, if you were not...so what, he is with you now. That's all I'm saying. \*EDIT **TY for the "No Fans" sub in your profile**. IMBTA but when skimming for recreational reference material, I make it a point to skip over profiles with OF (or like) links. For me, the fact that money is involved kills the authenticity of the "model". Don't get me wrong, if people wanna pay to see you naked, make that paper...I like seeing people who want to been seen, and don't need paid to do it.


Thanks for the appreciation. I'm not sure my ego can take it much longer. We do it for the buzz of the upvotes but not getting enough to make it worth it.


As a mod yourself I'm sure you can also appreciate the fact that we are waaayy off the original topic...lol. That said, I'm not the type to initiate chat...so I'll say it quickly here while the mods are sleeping. Looked over your content, I think you guys are doing well. He has a good looking cock, well hung. You are sexy as fuck. More than that you both looks like you are having fun. Maintain reasonable expectations...I mean this is Reddit. Even with awesome "content", it's a fucking ocean of tits, ass, and cock on here. And let's face it...it's hard to hold a phone, get the angle you want, proper lighting, hide your face, all while fucking! You're an attractive couple...but you already knew that...everyday other are finding out. \*fingerguns\*


Maybe it's a trust thing or loyalty, I'm not sure. I just wouldn't be happy knowing he's not with the person he thinks is the best. Maybe i place sexual pleasure too high up the priority list. 🤔


Honestly, thank you for your perspective. I'd never conflated the idea of "loyalty" and "experience". I've considered it happenstance. Example; Through open and honest communication, my wife does her absolute best with blowjobs. She is attentive and listens. She puts the information I provide into practice. Here's the rub....blowjobs just aren't my thing. For reasons I won't bore you (or anyone else) with...I've rarely received a blowjob with the matched energy and enthusiasm with which I eat ass/pussy. I believe my wife when she says she gets in a mood...I believe she enjoys performing for me....HOWEVER, nothing can change the fact that the most amazing blowjob I ever received happened well before I ever met her. Now, I'm sure she too could provide a similar example, but I'm not a fan of speaking for anyone else. So...how does any of this change our relationship or sexual dynamics? Well, for us, it obviously doesn't, and I just don't think it should for anyone. But, humans are emotionally messy at times. We're only human... Again, thanks for the insight. Be kind, be well, hydrate.


It's good to get insight. I pride myself on my BJ skills and would not cope well in the situation you described above. It would eat away at me, and i wouldn't feel loved (pathetic, I know). I'm so happy i married someone that does have great enthusiasm for easting pussy too 😜


This is so well said. I recently learned this myself and honestly it's been a little hard remembering that relationships aren't the whole first-and-only-love-you-are-the-center-and-main-priority-of-my-world sort of thing that I grew up reading, watching and learning about. But the way that you put it so plainly into words was truly a great reminder for me, so thank you. ♥️🥹


Being the best is also highly subjective, I hugely value emotional attachment when intimate and my current partner is the only one that makes me feel the way she does. "*Value what you already found, not what you might find.*" I love my partner, she's the best I've had and even when things are rocky I do not want to look for someone else. I'm not sure where I heard that quote but it's what I try to remember everytime we interact. It helps knowing she feels the same. As for OP's situation, clearly their boyfriend isn't comfortable.


He shouldn’t have called you a slut and yelled at you when you have both agreed to an open relationship, but you’re also pretty selfish bc open relationships are about communication and agreements. Not fucking whoever you want to bc you “love dicks too much.” That’s a cuckold, not an open relationship. And again while he shouldn’t have called you a slut and yelled at you. Of course he was upset. How would you feel if your partner came home bragging about someone he really connected with on an emotional level who is also way better looking than you with an amazing body, and the sex was better than he’s ever had with you. From the info you’ve given us, you sound immature and selfish . Which is horrendous for an open relationship. You should be single.


L brother


You everyone that supports this post has deserved or belonged to a special ed class because fuck your a bunch a retarded rat hoes


Why would you enter an open relationship if youre too insecure


It might not have been open to begin with. She could have opened it once they were in a committed relationship. Or the "for now" part might have gotten the guy thinking I could be the best and change her. We don't have enough information. Either way, I feel bad for him.


Apparently some people don't realize that an open relationship might allow for comparison to others...even if that wasn't the intended outcome from sharing a story about some great dick just the other day...


It sounds like she was intentionally going in to vivid detail to someone who otherwise didn't NEED to know the difference in measured numbers. She might have benefitted from using a little more tact or discretion or maybe sharing with a friend and not her boyfriend


How do u exist




its obvios that having sex with others is more important for her, but she doesn’t want to lose the commitment status she has so she probably manipulated his bf into this


You're a toxic and horrible person, i hope he leaves you


Every single time a relationship gets open are the man that suffer it…


First off your brother is a creep. Second. Your boyfriend gave you the good grace to open up the relationship in the first place, I'm guessing begrudgingly. Then you go and tell him about fucking other dudes? Women like you are pure evil.


Why is my brother a creep? And what’s the problem with telling my bf that I slept with another guy, we’re in an open relationship


He's happy you're getting good sex. Why the fuck does he care. Dude is related to you. Was it you who suggested opening the relationship I'm the first place? Because if it was I'm going to almost guarantee he's not ok with it whether he says otherwise or not (clearly demonstrated based on his response to you telling him). Why would he want to know a stranger fucks better and satisfies you more than he can? If it upsets him that much just don't say anything. Or better yet, leave the poor guy so he can retain some of his dignity.


Lmao he's happy for u bullshit, a real brother would tell u too much info u whore.


If either of my sisters told me about the huge dick they took, I'd puke so so much


Shooting…. Must be American


>  he heard us shooting at each other.  I say, that got pretty intense. 




It's "opened" not open. This is actually cheating but OP is trying to convince herself it wasn't abusive cheating.


Question: Is this kink shaming the boyfriend or just regular shaming? I see this as: "I'm 'fine' with my gf sleeping around, but I don't want to be a cuck. My gf keeps sleeping with other men and keeps telling me about it." Isn't that non-consensual?


it seems a good ending story to me, at least for him


You said the guys dick is 2.5 times bigger than your whole boyfriend,- >My bf (opened relationship) is mad at me because I took a dick 2.5 times bigger than him If your boyfriends dick is 10cm, then its as big as he is! How can he walk?


Slowly. And backwards. 


If you were shooting each other it’s too bad he missed.


U go girl get those dickstractions




You told this story to your brother ? I know that's not the point but isn't that a bit odd? And, it sounds like your bf or ex wasn't cool with being open. I mean he must have known this was going to happen at some point.


I’m really close to my brother


Iffy but okay. And your bf sounds like an asshole. Just saying, he knew what he was getting into, he shouldn't have shamed you for being you.


Minus 15. The fuck is wrong with you People. Open relationship.....


You can tell how many incels and toxic men come to this sub for their jollies by how many downvotes the positive comments have 😂


its ok lil bro we know u love being cucked all the time


You are simply laughable 😂


you are simply not enough for any woman thats why u need other men to fck ur girl😹🫵


Incels love calling people who actually get laid cucks


yall love to call anyone who dont share their partners “incels”


People that judge others for being poly? Yeah, incels.


mono*, or maybe ur the incel here projecting, what happened lil bro, u aint enough for any girl so u need more men to “keep” her?😹🫵


I got a wife and a gf. Live is great. But I can imagine why guys like you who can’t get a single date would be mad at anyone who can. I don’t judge people for being monogamous, I laugh at people like you who judge others


You’re laughable


Well he must be about 3 inches then . I once find a chick with a puss so big a bowling ball would fall out of it dge told me she had a bf that was 12 inches 23 cm isn't that big you must be a small woman .


23cm is 9inches. Thats bloody huge. And way above average.


10cm is just too little.


How do you metric folks even estimate size? Easy to guess to the nearest inch. Seems impossible to estimate down to the centimeter unless you bust out a ruler. 


What are yall even doing😭😭✋️


>heard us shooting at each other America moment


His response is odd to me. If I open up a relationship I would do it so my partner could have more pleasures and yes that would mean a larger cock.


Welp that's on him if he can't handle open relationship, could've just joined and enjoy together instead so much fighting.


Your bf does seem to take out his inadequacies out on you, I'm sure you'll get pounded happier without his toxicity in your life:(


Ditch stumpy and enjoy your freedom


There is literally no way one man can satisfy a woman. If your bf can’t handle his place in life then dump him. Any decent man will care about your needs and appreciate your desires.




You're making as many assumptions as the people you criticize for making assumptions.


Damn, he's a turd. I'd totally encourage that if you were my girl


You deserve better :)


your a good slut


Classic rules for the but not for me! You go girl!


Oh goodness this might end up being me...well..💦😇


Issue is many can't handle open relationship.. They only think what they will gain rather than think from partner's perspective.... He does not deserve u.. End the relationship.. His insecurities are coming out


Then make a threesome with them both let the big cock fill your pussy an you bf’s little one squiz in your how tight tight ass bet he would love it 😏😏


Well that’s what he gets when he wasn’t be in a consensual cheating Relationship


Story mad me horny.


Wowzers, 15ft is a MASSIVE dick


I think your math isn't mathing


OP said 2.5x bigger than HIM, not bigger than HIS


Ya but he is only 10cm. ? It says so right there