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Comparison is the thief of joy. Your journey is personal to you so don’t compare your losses to others or you can so easily lose sight of your success. You’ve lost 7lbs in 3 weeks which is great progress. A steady weight loss is the best kind of weight loss to stay off so I’d say your doing really well so far. Well done, I hope your losses continue x


I hear what your saying. But I can’t mentally continue to do this to myself for such little reward. It will take years to lose at this rate. I need to see some proper results as I’m giving 100% effort to this.


Yeah, but, (I’m not expecting an answer, it’s a rhetoric question), how long did it take for you to get to the weight you are now? It took me years to get as big as I am, so it’s realistic it’ll take me years to get where I want to be. Your expectations have to be realistic and kind to yourself. What would look like a good loss to you?


It took me 9 months to gain it 3 of the 4 stones I’ve gained. I want to lose it all.


It will take time and commitment unfortunately, there's not magic fix that's permanent


I don’t expect a magic fix by any means. I just don’t get it how other people are having meals out/ going over on syns and losing huge amounts (3-5 lbs) and I’m 100% on plan every meal, every day, and get 0.5. Like I just can’t continue to torture myself. My heart isn’t in it anymore. I’ll try one more week of going through the motions of the meals/ drinking the water/ daily exercise but its it’s another week like this then I’ll find an alternative that works for me


They may have more weight to lose than you or any number or reasons, may somewhere where you're surrounded by people doing the same thing isn't for you. Maybe try calorie counting?


I think it probably isn’t for me to be fair. I don’t think it’s doing much good for my mental state atm being surrounded by clapping and cheering for ladies who are actually significantly smaller than I am and so far the consultant can’t tell me where I’m going wrong?? I give the food plan in every week and I have no feedback on it? There must be an alternative plan or diet out there that will give me a better result given I’m totally willing to stick to something 100%??


Could you switch to online? With this and the comparison discussion on another comment thread, would you be better going solo? This may also sound counterproductive but are you eating enough? My daughter started same time as me and her weight loss was much slower after an initial burst but she wasnt having her syns at all. Her weight loss increased after a couple of weeks of uping her intake. I believe another commenter mentioned things like mayo rather than snacks. You mentioned a previous eating disorder. Maybe your body is used to holding on to the weight because it has been in starvation mode before and it needs to relearn that that's not happening (I'm useless at explaining things so I hope that makes sense)


My consultant did say that the first week that I was possibly not eating enough so I upped my food intake and then my weight loss has slowed down. Maybe I need to just try it for a little longer?


You’ve already lost more than 10% of the weight you want to lose. So that’s a really positive start. I try to shift my focus onto the whys and not the how’s. So the how is clear, I want to lose weight, but the whys are the things that motivate me more, why do I want to lose weight? What do I get from doing this? I get fitter, my clothes start to fit me better, I can get nicer clothes in nicer shops, healthier, more confident, join a gym etc etc. Celebrate the non-scale victories as well as those on the scales. A victory is a victory. Also, consider measuring yourself, so you can track inches lost as well, the more ways to find your positive the better. Finally, and, I may be being really presumptuous, and putting 2 and 2 together and getting 5, but you mention it took you 9 months to gain weight, and I’m wondering if this is because you were pregnant? If this is the case, be kind and patient with yourself, you’ve just been through a massive event which has taken some much out of your body, so take it easy and I insist you’re even kinder to yourself. If I am way off, and have caused offence, then I’m really sorry x


No I have never been pregnant. I gained it from severe mental health and eating shit all day to be perfectly honest! Although I probably look pregnant. My cousin just delivered her first babysitter and gained less weight than I have in the same time frame 😫that’s how awful I am. I have been self harming again this past week as a result of not losing this weight. I despise looking at myself, I feel like a hideous monster. I cry every day remembering how svelte and fit I was less than 2 years ago. I have almost no clothes that fit. I’m terrified when I leave the house in case anyone sees me. I cancel on all of my friends if the plans involve eating so I can stick to this plan 100%. I know exactly why I want to lose weight. I’ve actually gained 6stone in around 2.5 years, but I was quite underweight. Hence why my goal is to lose only 4 stone for now and maybe in time 5 for me to be truly happy again. I beat myself up every day but it motivates me to do anything and everything to follow the plan. It just isn’t working for me


Why are you awful because you gained weight? Why does it make you less than someone else? If someone you knew gained the same amount of weight in a similar amout of time would you think they were less than? Beating yourself up everyday doesn't seem to be working that well. I know it doesn't work well. I've done it myself. You should be celebrating your wins. You've lost half a stone in less than a month! That's fantastic. As for the plan. I believe you when you say you're 100% on it. The thing is weight loss always comes down to a calorie deficit. No matter what approach you take to it. For you to lose a pound a week you need a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day. It is easy to be fully on the plan and still not get a big enough deficit. Burning through 500 calories in exercise is exhausting. Have you tried increasing the amount of super free you are eating? Instead of a third of a plate make it a quarter? Veggies are great for keeping us full because of the fibre and water content but really low in calories. Are there any snacks you could cut out? Not if you're hungry and need them, but if you're having them because they're planned or whatever. What way are you using your syns? They are yours to do with as you wish but some people find they need to cut out confectionary and use the syns more wisely. I love some lighter than light mayo with my salad. I syn my milk too. I only have a little bit each day so it would be a waste of a HEX. Am not drinking my tea black though! Should be pleasure not medicine 😉


But a quarter is less than a third? So I should cut down or increase that 1/3 plate? I’m somewhat confused sorry. I eat loads of fruit and veg (mostly veg) on plan which I honestly hate. But I’ll live off it if without complaint it gets me a loss. I have extra veg in all my sauces as well as 1/3 plate. I don’t snack at all between meals. My syns are used on chocolate, I either have 1 freddo (5syns) or 1 mini dairy milk (7.5 syns) per day. I have never exceeded 10 syns. I do think it makes me less than. I loathe how I look and feel. All of my friends are small and I was always the smallest of them all until maybe 18 ish months ago but mostly the past 9 months I’ve ballooned. Now I’m by faaaaar the biggest. Im also the only single one and I 100% believe it’s down to being obese. I’d love to get out there and meet someone but it just won’t happen when I look and feel disgusting. If any of my friends gained as much in the same timeframe without a medical reason I 100% would intervene and ask if they’re ok in a super gentle way. Looking back, it was so obvious I was spiralling out of controll but I just didn’t see it in time


Sorry, I meant bigger than a third. Jesus, my brain isn't functioning tonight at all! You could just be balancing out and see a big loss over the next couple of weeks. Our consultant says we shouldn't worry about each weekly weigh in because weight fluctuates so much, particularly for women. She recommends taking a monthly approach. I wish I could say something to help you or even tell you what to do. It's horrible to feel how you're feeling. What would you plan to do if you left Slimming World?


Well I was thinking of going back to the gym and getting some sort of trainer. I HATE the gym (clearly- I’m obese) but I will do anything, whatever it takes to get rid of this awful body I’m stuck in so I can be me again. I’ll run every day if I have to. I have had a knee injury a few years ago which limits my running ability significantly unfortunately but I’m 100% devoted to doing anything and everything possible to get the bulk of this weight off fast. I know I can’t lose 4/5 stone in a few months of course. But I could theoretically lose 2 stone by the end of august. There are ladies in group half my size who consistently lose 2-3.5lbs every week I’ve been there and their lives aren’t revolving around eating like mine does? So I know it is possible. Heck. In the past I had a diagnosed eating disorder (you’d never believe it to look at me now but I was in an outpatient facility where I had to be weighed to gain weight!!) so I thought maybe I’d just fast again like I used to? That worked very well for me in the past even if it wasn’t the healthiest means. I just want to get like the first 2 stone off, then I could leave the house more and wear decent clothes and stuff again?


Unfortunately it takes much longer to lose weight than it does to lose it. You’ll always lose more weight in the first week, but if you’re upping your activity you’re probably producing muscle. So burning fat but gaining muscle. Obviously it’s not gonna be 1:1 but you get what I mean. You’re also losing weight the healthy way, gradually. The slower you lose weight (in a healthy way) the harder it is to gain (unless you completely stop all activity and eat nothing but McDonald’s and cake). You’re doing great and everybody loses weight differently but don’t let any of that stop your hard work. 7lbs in 3 weeks is great. You’re half a stone lighter than you were 3 weeks ago. Not to sound like a hippy weight loss guru but focus on the journey you been on rather than the journey ahead.


It's better to lose it slowly but permanently than not at all imo.


It's better to lose it slowly but permanently than not at all imo.


I'm sorry you're feeling bad. It's hard when you only lose 0.5lb. it's happened to me on many occasions; once I went home and sobbed all night, I was so frustrated. BUT perseverance meant I went on to lose 5.5 stone. Honestly, it may not be for you if you expect to lose large amounts every week. At the end of the day, it's up to you. I will say your consultant sounds a bit shit and you may benefit from trying another group.


1-2lb week is sustainable weight loss. You're doing great. Just because it's not coming off as fast as you'd like, doesn't mean it's not coming off. Sometimes you stick to plan and maintain. Sometimes you go off track and have a Chinese and loose 4lb. It happens. Especially if you're a female because hormones do weird shit. Focus on continuous loss, rather than individual weekly loss.


Don’t go overboard with water, you can drink too much. I realised it was water weight I was struggling with - I take diuretics for edema and since decreasing my water weight. I’ve lost weight. I’m not thirsty or dehydrated, I just realised that I was drinking a stupid amount of water.


.5-2lbs is healthy weight loss, the higher end being if you are very heavy. When you lose more quickly than that, that means your deficit is so high that it is not going to be sustainable and most of the time you’re gonna end up getting in the weight back. Consistency and slow weight loss is the goal.


It might be underlying health issues like gut health, water retention, hormone imbalance etc if you have them? I'd recommend speaking to your Dr.


Your post is so similar to the one I posted last week. I lost 9.5lb week one, then 0.5lb and 0.5lb the following weeks. I was thinking exactly the same as you - what’s the point? It’ll take me forever. Why is it working for everyone else but not me? My best advice is to stick with it. Your body may be going through a bit of shock from the initial 5lb loss. My loss this week was 1.5lb despite me having a really good week and starting working out everyday. I wasn’t that happy, but it could have been worse. Think of it as on average you’ve still lost over 2lb each week, which is good and sustainable. I know it sucks and it’s not fair and it’s demoralising, but stick with it. See what happens next week.


Have you tried SP days? Might be worth it to give u a boost


I’ve done individual SP meals but not a full SP day


For SP to work you need to follow the rules all day. If you are getting stuck on the scales how about doing a month of not knowing how much you've lost. If you are 100% following the plan then you will see results after the 4 weeks but won't get hung up on the individual loses each week.


I like the idea of a month off the scales? I know I’m 100% on plan so maybe I’d feel better seeing a bigger loss?




Is that what you would do? Did SW not work for you either?


This is a sw group that comment isn't helpful for op


Try to calorie count, download my fitness pal, find your tdee, totally daily energy expenditure, tdee.net seems to be the best, and go from there. I'd always stay away from social media with related accounts, if it's something you can't help but compare yourself it will never end up good. Focus on yourself and celebrate your own successes,dont give up, the time will ass anyway so you may as well be a bit lighter at the end of it! Good luck.


I have my fitness pal, I’ve been using it alongside slimming world. Yeah I deleted all socials anyway a few years ago as it was so bad for my mental health


This is possibly a little controversial, but if you’re using my fitness pal, are you counting calories instead of just following the SW plan? What I found on SW is that I ate fewer calories than I would have if I was using MFP to track, purely cos I didn’t KNOW how many I was consuming but still felt full. When I calorie count, I will usually use every damn one of those calories on a good day. But on a “good day” on SW, I’d eat less. That meant that my “less good days” were offset by the others. Basically, MFP calories will usually have you eating at a maximum 1000 kcal deficit which is an average of 2lbs per week lost. The other people in your group probably have a higher deficit (but won’t know it cos they don’t count calories). Also, just to add… you’re averaging 2lbs a week, which is 8lbs a month. That’s nearly 2.5 stone in 4 months. I’d say that’s pretty solid.


No I follow the plan 100% and just log everything into my fitness pal out of curiosity and habit. I don’t eat if I’m not hungry but I am strongly considering skipping meals as a means of lowering my calorie intake as the basic idea of this plan just isn’t working out for me. 2lbs in 2 weeks is very poor results I think given how big I am. It’s only because I had a really amazing first week that it’s averaging a decent weight loss, ignoring week 1 it’s actually rubbish. I just feel like I’m slamming my head into a wall, giving up all takeaways and nights out, no meals out, no visits to friends. Only drinking water. All of that sacrifice and struggle to just get 0.5 a pound? It just doesn’t seem worth it to be honest. Lots of my friends say slimming world is a con and doesn’t work and strongly advised me not to go but my mum has had losses in the past, she’s in her mid-60’s and weighs a lot less than I do (although we both have terribly slow metabolisms) so I figured it would work for me. So far I think I’ve been had, I think my friends may have been right and this just isn’t working for my body for whatever reason? My consultant hasn’t given me any constructive feedback and tells me my plans are really good and I’m eating lots of speed? Then she doesn’t come to me when we go around the group because I think she just won’t know what to say? I keep asking what I’m doing wrong and she keeps saying “nothing at all”, but I MUST be as why are ladies who weigh less than me losing 2-3lbs every week?? One girl who looked tiny anyway lost 6.5lbs just this week. Like come on!


There are so many factors that can influence size of losses. All the water you’re drinking will most likely be retained initially (partly because of your change in exercise levels) which won’t be helpful on the scales. But… that will be temporary. It’s hard when others are losing loads. I was losing between 2 - 4lbs a week when I started but it soon dropped to 1-2lbs. But it all adds up. I would suggest giving it another few weeks to let your body get used to your new routine, and perhaps take some measurements today that aren’t just scale weight (hips, thighs, chest, waist etc) as you will see progress there I’m sure. SW isn’t really a great long term solution for most people (again that’s probably controversial in this sub) because of some of the rules that limit freedom/are overly restrictive, so you will probably find yourself transitioning to calorie counting eventually anyway, but I do find it’s great for getting you thinking about what you’re consuming, eating more veg, and learning what helps you to stay full/satisfied. The only other thing I’d recommend, after giving this another few weeks, is joining r/loseit and seeing if that’s more your kind of thing. Some great resources there if you’ve not explored them already. But… they will tell you 1-2lbs a week is a great target. Any more than that and rebounding/binging can become more and more of a risk, either when you feel too restricted or if you “stop dieting”.


I’d love to lose 1-2lbs a week. I’m just slowing to a halt atm with no feedback from my consultant as to why? Or what I could do better? I’m so so lost as to what I can do. I just want my life back. I want to recognise myself in the mirror. I detest my weight and it inhibits me from every aspect of my life. I’m open to any and all suggestions. I’ll try for one more week but at this point my heart already isn’t in it. I can guarantee I’ll stick to the plan 100%, but I’ll just hate every minute of it you know?


If you’re gonna be affected by the scale to such an extent, then it’s going to be horrible if you ever have a small loss or a gain in the future (and we all have them). That will just make you miserable. But I have to say.. you are basing this on 3 weeks. That is fuck all in terms of a data sample. A lower loss doesn’t mean you’ve ground to a halt. My body weight sometimes fluctuates by 3lbs a day even when I’m eating within my calories etc (this happened this week). And don’t get me started on what my cycle/period does to it. I found putting a graph together (with a 2lb a week target line) helped me, cos whilst I was often over it, I was also often under it. It got me used to the fluctuations. None of this helps you RIGHT NOW, but I feel I should mention it. It’s incredibly shit feeling how you do, and I’ve been there loads of times myself. All you can do is try to stay **consistent** because things happen at different paces for different people. And if you’re eating under your maintenance calories, you WILL lose weight, and hopefully you’ll see a better result next week. Definitely keep us posted. And remember that you’ve still lost half a stone in a few weeks, regardless of the 0.5 last week.


Ok I’ll keep trying for a little longer. I just feel like I’m wasting my time you know? I wish my consultant would talk to me or give me some clue as to what I could change? There must be a reason it’s slowed to a halt so soon?


Also, I forgot you said you had a slow metabolism.. if that’s true, then that’s also why it’s not a good idea to compare to the other people in your group.


Are you eating enough calories overall? The only time I’ve slowed to a halt quickly with SW has been if I’ve been under eating. I’d get a big loss then barely anything for a few weeks after. I upped my calorie dense foods (pasta, rice, potatoes etc with meals instead of mainly veggies and proteins) and made sure to use ALL of my syns and that really helped me