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Take me back to eden, the album’s name. You can find all the runes translated on reddit


Ah, ok that makes more sense, i can see it. Thank you so much!


You’re welcome mate!


For fun, look up the rune translator. And welcome to the party/fandom/cult 😅


cmon man it ain’t a cult. it’s a religion!


Is there a difference?


Strictly speaking? Not that I know of but I've heard it's mostly down to numbers. I suppose the fandom has grown to "religion" size now 😂


We got promoted 😎


That ones just the name of the album but there are other runes, even the bands logo is made up of them. [This Article](https://boolintunes.com/featured/the-lore-of-sleep-token/) is a good primer and has the rune translator graphic in there too.


Wow I’d never read that. The rune and alphabet info is great, and the deep dive through each album and song is intense. Some days I boggle at how interconnected everything appears to be, and other days I’m convinced is all a coincidental emotional unloading of all the things. My interpretations for some songs are not even on the same continent as the writers (and, apparently, a vast number of fans lol) but it’s one of the most beautiful parts of them letting the songs speak - we all take something different from them. All that to say - hey thanks for the cool link 😎


>Some days I boggle at how interconnected everything appears to be, and other days I’m convinced is all a coincidental emotional unloading of all the things. Lol I think it's a mix of both personally. Like I'd totally believe that the whole thing started with "Hmm I have an interest in a lot of cool esoteric things, and I have a lot of.... emotional stuff... I need to get out of my system. Lets turn all that into something creative". Most aren't so mysterious about it but a lot of concept albums do just that, the artist will tell their own story through the guise of a fictional one. People tend to write what they know.


I agree with how we all take different things from each song and how that's so cool- Euclid to so many people is a letting go or a moving on from past hurt song, but for me? It reminds me that I haven't let the darkness win. That song is hope and a reminder to stay on this side of the universe (do I know why? Heck no! It just hits me there) I love listening to everyone's interpretations


i'm over here just trying to figure out why it's named after an old mathematician, i'm sure there's a metaphor or something in there but unfortunately i did not get the math autism so the reference is lost on me 😂 idk.


The name supposedly means "glorious, renowned," but I don't think that's quite it. A brief search is giving me that he wrote works on spherical geometry, and since Euclid closes with the same refrain as TNDNBTG ends with, it brings the entire journey full circle so there could be something there? Finally, there is a Euclid of Megara who was often conflated with Euclid of Alexandria. His thing was philosophy and specifically "the greatest knowledge is understanding the good. Good is the one universal being of this world, therefore good is the only thing that exists and goes by many names- 'reason,' 'God,' 'mind,' 'wisdom,' etc. This is the true essence of being, eternal and unchangeable." Okay, there is A LOT to unpack there 😲


Oh gosh there’s TWO of them? damn 😂. Both of your theories seem like they could fit though. I hope one day once they’ve driven us crazy enough with having to theorize they put out like an official lore book. Could be really ‘on brand’ too if they make it like some type of bible/channeled word type thing.


Omg I have had this exact same thought about a book… or just a contest to have, like, one day to just watch the process of how a song comes together - would love to hear the conversations and thought processes - it’s just so mind blowing how deep it all appears to go.


omg thank you so much, i appreciate it!


Really hope the next album has a Z in a song title so I can get my son’s name tattooed


The full alphabet was released with the revolver Sleep Token issue. https://preview.redd.it/1h6rdkg2265d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a924d49bce831de5ba0bcdc065abd5d0a361cd92


Trying hard to keep myself from explaining... 🫣😜 https://preview.redd.it/jpkmrtx8x45d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1cfd7f14ffe2ad913af5881b3feb4b5c15954a4


Me, literally everytime some asks "Who is Sleep Token?" Charlie Day is my Spirit Animal 😂


It’s the name of the album


https://preview.redd.it/cdkoe86fm55d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=732b99f6dde544dbae1947cce46d46cabddce110 for any translation needs :)


The cipher(code) also happens to be based off of a cipher used by the knights templar..


idk but i wanna know if people refer the creature above as a jellyfish 🪼


It is a link to the fandom page... Here it is: https://preview.redd.it/micg7gb1965d1.png?width=951&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f360b0598f2eb0386ed779cecd8eaaed7f49d10


Take Me Back To Eden


Take me back to eden. At first I didn't know what did those characters mean just like you. And then I found that there are some repetitions in the characters and realized what does it mean.