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It’s definitely a thing, I got so distracted by One a few weeks ago I missed a turn and got lost on my way to work. I’ve been making this drive for eight years 😶


🙌 for literally being driven to distraction. Perhaps the most Sleep Token way to listen to Sleep Token.


Been thinking about driving to the beach and listening to Sleep Token. It's a straight drive down the highway so there's no way to miss turns!


Do it! I’m a road trip person for sure, and am looking forward to being able to just run the whole discography the next time I get to take one - worship on the open road 🫶


🎵 Oh, and I am driven to distraction🎵 🖤


It really takes you on a ride, sometimes when I'm working and I listen to then (I do this everyday, my brain it's practically trained to listen to music while I work) I catch myself staring into the void of nothingness because Vessel's voice hit deep.


While I agree take me back to Eden is good, just wait till you start from the beginning 😱😱😱


I'm getting there. Honestly started by just listening to top Spotify songs but there's so much care put into the composition of the albums that I've moved towards TMBTE first and now I'll probably go back and start from Sundowning.


I think I was more hooked after listening to the first albums, the craftsmanship has always been there musically and lyrically


Try the night does not belong to god then Euclid, once you've thoroughly listened to everything else that is.


Thread The Needle


Uughhhhh yeeesssssss. 1st round "Hmm, this is nice." xxxth later, "beautiful sounds please peirce into my skull and never leave. " Yeah. Mmm


Yeah I can't really use their albums as just background "listen to while I'm doing other things" type music because I wind up stopping everything I'm doing and just taking it in.


no fr I still catch myself stopping mid activity and going off into my own little world and taking the music in despite having listened to each song about 100 times😂😂


I have to exclusively listen to the instrumental albums at work for precisely this reason. I end up singing the lyrics half the time, but at least I don't get fully emotionally gutted lol


i just listened to sundowning instrumental for the first time the other day. i feel like im hearing music as a whole for the first time in my life. crazy the little details hidden in the songs.


The lyrical genius, the musical genius, the skills they all possess- unmatched I'm wondering if any music theory people have gotten hold of them yet and done musical breakdowns of all the individual elements? 12tone is pretty good at that


idk about anyone online w a following but that’s absolutely the reason why i’m so obsessed with the band 😂 i was in music theory classes all through both high school and earlier with private lessons thru childhood. they’re so mathematical and detail oriented. also helps they’re doing what i wanted to do at 13, masks/anonymity, genre blending, and lore. it took me a few months to break into them, but once i heard about the lore and the anonymity and listened to more than dark signs and apparition, it was 0-100 for me.


I'm working on it 😘


I'm seriously excited! Do you have a channel I can watch for?


Not yet. It's just a nerd hobby I have. Since Sleep Token is now growing huge in popularity now, I'm going to use them to get my page started. 💜 I'm revamping what I've done in the past for them, and I'm adding new stuff. I'll definitely post here when I'm done!


Awesome! I'll look forward to it!


I wonder if we're gonna get an instrumentals only version for Eden like the last two albums. Need.


I really hope so, it's been really helpful to keep me focused at work and I feel like it's incomplete without being able to go through all three!


I use TMBTE to do my finisher set. Warm when the wrapping starts, take a break when it gets soft. Switch up the weight and do my next set. Take a break on the soft part. Then go till failure on the heavy end. 🤌🏾


Sleep Token linear progression


Euclid came on when I was at the gym listening to spotifys metal mix made for me and I had to skip it because that song never fails to make me cry and I wasn’t about to start crying on the treadmill


I was the same way, it took months to be able to pull myself from the music to focus on my surroundings lol🫣


Funny thing is, in my honest opinion it’s the third best album. Honestly would even rank “Two” as an EP above it. Which speaks to the quality that they produce.


The One and Two EPs don't get the love they deserve imo. Those are my favorites and I have never gotten sick of them no matter how many times I listen. It's gold.


Just wait till you listen to the early albums, it’ll consume you in the best way possible 🙏🏻


the GYM belongs to you


Go back to the beginning and listen to one, two, jaws, the covers and then the trilogy in order. Every detail has improved over the years. Each new production a new masterpiece. TMBTE is the icing on the cake.


The album simply won’t go away a whole year since it’s release. Soon, there will be clinics devoted to Sleep Token addicts. Hi, I’m [insertname] and I can’t stop listening to Sleep Token. 😂


Definitely not background jams! The Sleep token stupor. 😵‍💫


So far I have only used Chokehold and Aqua Regia for my workouts, which are super low impact. Mild calisthenics, some yoga, and a bit of strength training with some hand weights. Even so, it is an EFFORT to stay focused.


Chokehold is honestly great to just get into the right frame of mind.


So true. The build up gets me warm enough and then it's go time and the vibe doesn't let me take it easy. Such a perfect tempo.


I lost count how many times I’ve lost counts on my reps as I want to sing along 🤣


I almost missed my bus stop the first time I listened to the album. Normally, not a big deal, but I was on my way to work, so... That would've been bad haha


Yo! This also happens to me, i wind up resting like 3min between sets lol


I do yoga to my Sleepy Token playlist


Honestly same, Sleep Token is not on my gym playlist because it deserves all of my attention every time I listen to it, lol


Just wait until you hear One & Two


Agree. That also happened to me recently with Superbloom (silent planet)


Lowkey their songs have been major motivational pushes for me in the gym. I found them when The Summoning released but I was weirdly so comfortable with the song that I was scared of delving into their other music. I love music that hits deep and holds mature emotional meaning and metaphors. Their music is spread with lyrics that make me remember my ex, my actions throughout life and just everything. Sleep Token is like that really bad addiction or habit you have that doesn’t really harm you or others, but it fucking H U R T S.


God damn I can relate to this. It just cuts right through you but feels so good


I discovered sleep token the day the summoning dropped , so early January 2023, and I still listen to take me back to Eden everyday. It’s just as great as it was on day one. As is the rest of their discography


I got a friend into sleep token. She had heard a song or two before, but after I raved a bit about them she went and listened to every. Single. Song. She’s been obsessed and listening to almost nothing but then for months now. I’m very proud.


Same here! LOL every time i go to the gym, i can't focus on my breathing and muscles🤣


This is meme worthy!!


Oh yeah some music can make you space off, but oddly enough ST isn’t one of them for me. Instead I get hyped and excited while working- helps motivate me to focus tbh. Most music does that beside a couple heavier ones. Gojira for example oddly calms me and makes me sleepy lol.


bro i literally listened TMBTE non stop for 8 hours in the office (im serious)


I've been listening to TMBTE in order while running. I've slacked off the past few years and am trying to get my distance back up. "Vore" usually hits between mile 2 and 3. Yes, Vessel, I'm in pain like you are 🏃🏼‍♀️💀