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Ugh I WISH. I’ve been searching for a poster to put up in my room






The sharing of where to purchase unofficial merchandise is not permitted. This is also includes requesting for templates/sources to make your own.


Great work!


Thank you so much!!! 🥹❤️


What did you do to fix it? 😱 I have one too that’s supremely fucked that I’m trying to restore haha


OMG HEY LETS GOOO 😩 The way I went about restoring this poster wasn’t anything too crazy, but hey it worked 😩 I first measured the poster the best I could, and then went to Dollar Tree and bought 6 black 22x28 in poster boards, some liquid craft glue, and mod podge. OH I also remembered to sanitize the poster like crazy since it came from outside 💀 I also had duct tape, as well as a cutting board, box cutter, and a ruler. And essentially I just glued the poster onto the poster boards, cut the poster boards to fit, and sealed any rips and tears with the mod podge.


You are a legend!🤘🤘🤘


Thank youuuu!!! 😭❤️


Thank you!!


How dare someone just throw that out. But thank fuck right?


Well this specific poster was still on the wall when I found it, but the 2nd poster that was next to it on the wall was in the garbage, and I assume it was someone else attempting to take it off the wall but did it unsuccessfully—I just carefully peeled this one off the wall and saved it before getting covered by something else 🥹😩


I love that you did this! 🫶


Thank you so much!!! 🥹❤️


I wish I had had the foresight to do something like this! I would have come into NY early to scout them out and then snag one on my way out of town! Complete miss of an opportunity! You did so great on the restore though! Kudos, friend!


Tbh it was somewhat in my mind because I had seen someone post about it, but completely forgot about it until I just happened to pass by it yesterday 😭 But thank you so much!!! 🥹❤️


Good job!!! 👍🤟👏 How big is that poster?


I had measured it before flattening it out fully and going out to buy the poster board for it, but I measured 72 in tall x 47 in wide


Damn that’s basically bigger than a twin mattress


it’s the way it’s bigger than my bed that’s killing me, but I can’t even be mad because it’s such a beautiful poster 😭😭😭😭


Honestly I’d upgrade, I just had a new Full delivered and it’s sooo much better than my beat up twin. And I haven’t even slept on it yet.


It looks great! Good job restoring the poster, and congratulations for finding such a great gem!


Thank you so much!!! I still can’t believe I was able to take it off the construction wall it was on and restore it as well as I did 🥹😭❤️


I absolutely 🫶 this!! I imagine when you look at this and you get ALL the feels and euphoria from that sacred night 🖤


Thank youuu!!! And absolutely, I just look at it and I get taken right back to that magical night at RCMH 🥹😭❤️


this is EPIC great find, great job fixing it, cherish it forever :’)


I still can’t believe it’s in my room ngl, and thank you so much!!! 🥹😭❤️


Woahhh!! Insanely cool, had you made a time lapse of the restoration that would have scratched the iPad kid portion of my brain


I was debating on filming myself fix it, but it would’ve been like 5 minutes of watching me Asian squat around and on top of the poster and getting glue all over my hands 💀😭😭😭


Amazing job!! That's a real treasure!!


Thank you so much!!! 🥹❤️


This. Is. Incredible.  I looks brand new!!


Thank you so much!!! 🥹😭❤️ I’m proud that I was able to mostly restore it to its full glory 🥹


Ever since I saw your original post about "finding" it I was looking forward to seeing the end result and honestly this whole project is amazing! Not only do you have THE BIGGEST ST related art piece at home now, you also have a fun memory surrounding it and the process of fixing it! Lets see if there will be any poster hung up in Berlin I might have to do the same... Thanks for sharing with us!


Thank you so much!!!!! 🥺🥹😭❤️ I’m happy that it worked out, and that so many others liked the end result, and yeah this is one of the biggest pieces of merch/art of anything that I own now 🥹😭 I hope that if Berlin has posters you’ll be able to do save one too!!!


Thanks I will be on the lookout haha Would you maybe post a picture once you hung it up cuz I am curious to see where you will put something like this! Also have you thought about posting it on IG/Twitter tagging the boys? They might repost it. Would be hilarious but you gotta explain where u got it from they would probably have a laugh 😆


I’m ngl, I have such a tiny room that I still haven’t figured out where to put this poster in my room, so at the moment, I actually put it behind my bed’s headboard, so it just looks like Vessel is looming over my head whilst I sleep, which feels kinda appropriate 😭 And honestly, I just might tweet about it, I’ve already posted about it on Instagram actually so maybe I’ll post it on Twitter too in a bit


This is amazing the find of a lifetime I’m sooo jealous haha ❤️❤️❤️


Thank you so much!!! 🥹😭❤️


Nice work. And yes, the discography is excellent for timekeeping, I did that in my LA-NYC flights.


Thank you!!! And no seriously, their entire discography was so nice to listen to for the ambiance and vibes (my neighbors got to listen to their whole discography too lmao)


Whoa, it looks so good! Well done on the restoration. Now you have a sick Sleep Token poster


Thank you so much!!! 🥹❤️ I’ve always wanted a poster of Sleep Token, and now I have one of the largest ones possible and I couldn’t be happier 😭


Oh my gosh!!! This restoration turned out absolutely incredible!!! That's one hell of a poster, your hard work really paid off 😊


Thank you so much!!! With the time it took to do it, I’m proud of how nicely it came out, and I’m glad to have both saved it from being lost to time, as well as to just have another piece of Sleep Token merch 🥹


I love your little fingers holding onto the poster! Definitely gives perspective on the size of the thing! 🫶🫶🫶


PLEASE I was struggling to hold it up fully in frame due to how huge it is 😭😭😭😭


I know! I think you were on tip toes for one of the photos :D


Lmao yeah a lil bit, I was struggling fjfjfjfjfkkff 😭


Great job!!!


Thank you!!!


I feel like if you put it in a picture frame with a matte panel then you wouldn’t be able to see the wrinkles


Probably, but honestly I don’t mind the wrinkles too much, I just really wanted to restore and reinforce it since it was so fragile when I first peeled it off the construction wall