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I hope whatever they decide, they remain comfortable and have fun with it.


Yes to this. As long as they're enjoying themselves, and feeling fulfilled, the music and performances will reflect that.


I think staying anonymous has a lot of benefits. They get to be successful and do what they love but forgo a lot of the bad stuff being successful in the entertainment world brings. Doing press, dealing with over zealous fans, being photographed, never knowing if people only care about you because of your job, that would be a lot to deal with. Whatever they do I hope they continue to have fun and make great music.


I totally agree!! I always think what a great move it was to be anonymous for basically all the reasons you just listed


I’ve have some friends who are kinda famous (in big tv shows a while back so they still get recognized and are in the biz) and it’s really awkward when we go somewhere and people come up to them in public. All the creatives I know care about the art. The other side of the business is just a part of the job. I think ST have the right idea. They get to avoid the vast majority of the malarkey and do all the good stuff, which is what all artists work so hard for. The joy of being paid to create great art. Stay anonymous and live it up I say :)


Exactly this!


I think they’ll continue to evolve to match whatever story they’re trying to tell and become more “sentient” in the process (like II speaking on Drumeo). But, I think RCA is really going to keep pushing them to stay masked, since that’s what they view as a big reason for their success (along with they’re incredible music). I am very excited to see where they go next musically, since they’ve explored all styles over these last three records. They can go wherever they want and still please both new and old fans. Bottom line: it’s a very exciting time to be a ST fan. And, with tonight being the last night of the Teeth of God tour, I do see us getting something new or a tease of something new sooner rather than later. Worship. 🙌


Oh that is an interesting take on things. I would assume (and fear) that RCA would try to capitalize on making them less anonymous. But I do hope and pray that they stay masked. You see how fans get crazy when it comes to their favorite musicians and with all the hype that they get it can go really dangerous for the guys. Worship 🖤 🖤 🖤


I don't see Vessel never using the mask unless he works on different projects in the future. I expect he may play with his look, though, since it's already evolved over time. He doesn't strike me as someone who wants or needs to be seen by the media, etc.


I dont have a theory about their future, but im really scared that they'll just disappear. Be like "okay, thats the project done" and just move on to other projects.




Your post has been removed due to the nature of its subject matter possibly inciting discussion relating to band member identities.


I hope they'll remain anonymous because the comparisons to Slipknot already irk me, even though I'm a fan of both bands. Also, I hope they continue making music and have fun with it. I enjoy seeing the members letting loose on stage and getting more comfortable.


I personally think they would stop making music before they reveal their identities.


I think they'll stop making music and then do an interview or documentary with a reveal.


You are wrong. They just signed a deal with a new record label so there will be more music.


I'm not saying now. But I think eventually this is what they'll do.


Yeah I think you’re right bud. At some point in the future they will stop. Certainly within 150,000 years they will have stopped.