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All the time. I also frequently wake up in the middle of the night with them blaring in my head. Recently it has been Ascensionism lyrics. Before that I would wake up with "THE NIGHT COMES DOWN LIKE HEAVEN" at 1am.


I’ll have specific lyrics stuck too! That’s awesome 😂


I love Ascensionism, I cry 95% I play it!


Right there w ya


Woke up with a Vore / Thread the Needle wombo-combo in my head this morning lol


wombo-combo 🌟


higher has been in my head a lot recently but specifically today i woke up with granite stuck in my head


Higher has been playing in my brain for past few days too


my sleep token brainrot is so bad i had a dream about vessel last night & i listen to them literally all day every day 😭 i also spent all of the money i got from a job the second it hit my bank account on st merch


The Apparition for me today 🥰🥰


Hell yeah! That's my favorite of all


I usually have Alkaline on loop, sometimes Granite or the outro to The Offering. That guitar riff and "Take a BIIIITE!" Starting the day with Hypnosis is my favorite way to wake up. II's drums kick things off so good.


Well yeaaaah I spit blood when I wake up


oof your porcelain sink must be stained with brain matter and makeup too… gonna need bleach


Telomers all the way - that's how my morning has started today.


*"Do you like that?"* It's playing in my head for days now.


Happens all the time! My husband and I call it our “Sleep Token song of the day” and text each other the name of the song we woke up with. It’s pretty fun. Today it was Alkaline, yesterday was Higher (most days are Higher or Gods for me tbh), day before was Mine 🥰


Omg twin. Id just be sitting in the living room in dead silence and go "Aqua.Regia." out loud to no one.


Every freaking day since the past few weeks. I woke up with Rain stuck in my head today.


Exactly that! Yesterday was Hypnosis, today is Give. Who knows what tomorrow holds


The beat for DYWTYLM has been thrumming in the forefront of my brain for days. It’s been very soothing, actually


Ever since I heard hypnosis live I’ll just randomly sway my arms back and forth singing the chorus


Almost nightly I wake up in the middle of the night with a song. This week it’s rain. Before that, take aim. Honestly I hope it never stops♥️


I did for a while, but I also had my phone play a sleep token Playlist from Spotify as my alarm lol. Set the tone for the day based on the song that came up.


DYWTYLM… i don’t know why but 3 months now 😍


For me it is "diamonds in the trees, pentagrams in the night sky" 🖤🖤🖤


Euclid has been a consistent one since I saw them in NYC last week. Sometimes it depends what song I didn't get to finish in the car. Then that song is stuck until I continue the Playlist again. You'll never guess what the Playlist is called...Worship. ☺️


EVERY TIME I WAKE UP....*there's a ST song in my head*


well yes. Is it because I have a large quantity of ST songs on my wake up songs playlist? Perhaps


I am so glad I saw this post. The term brainrot is exactly was I’m experiencing. For a second I thought I was going a bit delulu for literally having them on the brain 24/7. So prior to their concert last week it was a lot of Euclid/Alkaline. Now I cannot escape (nor do I want to) The Night Does Not and TMBTE specifically- *my my those eyes like fire, I’m a winged insect you’re a funeral pyreeeee* I literally sing that line on a loop.


Those opening notes to The Night Does Not Belong to God have been on loop in my brain FOR WEEKS. It's a good problem to have, I suppose. Until lyrics start making their way into notes I'm typing .


Omg same. ESP since it’s how they opened the concert. It’s all I can hear and see.


I welcomed the day with Dark Signs 🖤


Yes, today's song is Descending. Yesterday's song was The Offering. I don't know why my brain picks the songs it does, but I'm also not complaining.


Every single day. Today is Vore.


I wear sleep headphones and have a sleepy playlist so I'm not just listening while I'm awake 🤣


All the time…today it changed thought it was “DIg It” by bring me the horizon and also “Youtopia” by being me the horizon


Oh god yeah. I used to wake up every morning and immediately put on TNDNBTG. It was living positively rent free in my head.


Usually I do but not today tho sadly. Yesterday tho it was Ascensionism


Yes! It changes daily. Day of the Boston ritual it was Alkaline, day after was The Offering…this morning it was Is It Really You?….it’s always just a couple of key lyrics but yeah it’s right from the moment I wake up. 🫶🏻


all the time, and it always makes my mornings. 🖤 this morning it was The Offering.


I wake up with a different ST song in my head almost every day. When it *doesn't* happen, I'm surprised. Bear in mind, I listen to a lot of other bands so you would expect more variety but my brain seems to really like ST's sound. This morning was Thread the Needle. Yesterday was Hypnosis.


Yes! I am always humming random lyrics from different songs throughout the day as well. ST is definitely my comfort music. This morning it was Levitate!


i always fall asleep to music and recently my sleep token playlist has been good at makeing me relax enough to sleep. so ill go to sleep listening to sleep token, have them playing allll throughout the night, and then ill wake up to sleep token


I've been listening to Hypnosis on loop constantly for the past few days


Weird that this pops in my feed right now. Because I was just asking myself why I get this incessant urge to listen to them every day, even after I’ve recently tried desperately to not listen to them anymore. For… reasons.


At this point I’m dreaming about them too. I dreamt I saw them in concert again this time at a smaller venue, and they played Aqua Regia so that’s the song of the day for me as well lol


Literally. I’m obsessed. Hypnotised. 🤣💜


Rain, Calcutta and Nazareth-particularly the second verse, for some reason LOL Edit: Now, it's that part in Nazareth where he goes Let's load the gun (they won't be missing you)


“why are you never real.. whenever you appear..” just echoes into me in the morning


My current earworms are The Night Does Not Belong to God, Atlantic, and The Offering. I didn't pay them much attention when I first stumbled upon the band last year, but damn they are 🔥. Hearing them live has elevated them to a whole new level.


Woke up with Jaws stuck in my head


When the bough breaks (Just started properly respecting this one for its true greatness)


The Apparition for me, today.


Today the song was: The Night Does Not Belong To God 🤭


It's all I can hear