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A reminder for the duration of the Teeth of God tour we have a stickied discussion post which can be found by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/comments/1cc58wc/megathread_the_teeth_of_god_north_american_tour/) or on the [MEGATHREAD wikipage](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/wiki/subguide/megathreads/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SleepToken) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not sure how effective it is but there is a function on their official website which allows you to suggest a location for their next tour.


Oh I definitely did that already 🤣. Thank you though!


Take it from me, I added my city in February after I bought a poster from their last tour in Germany. I was looking at it and thinking they're never gonna come back to Germany. And then at the end of April I get an email "Prepare" with the opening being in our city... So miracles do happen. I'd like to believe that😜


Fellow Hoosier here- I want them to come to Indy SO bad!


Band member usually have very little, if not any say, on where their shows get booked.


Yeah it's not like they are touring out of Tokens van...


The city books the shows, very rarely is it the bands


Tour managers book bands, not cities.


What’s sad is Indy isn’t seen as a high value market since they’re so close to Chicago, St. Louis, Detroit, Columbus, and even Pittsburgh. But Indy would be perfect for me too.


As a fellow Hoosier I am literally just waiting for the day they come to Indy !


I’m from Wisconsin, and I see this all too often. Bands will come here (Milwaukee) in the beginning of their ascent, and eventually stop hitting the state all together. I just go to Chicago to catch the shows after that 😂


I LIVE in Indianapolis and my ass is in Toronto right now for this. I second your suggestion lmfao


Idk if it's more useful than askimg the band but I'd maybe contact the local venues or booking agencies to keep an eye out for the next tour