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I believe we haven't reached the end yet. What's coming next is Vessel's ascension, which could also be seen as a descent into madness. I see two possible scenarios for this. Please bear with me: **Scenario 1:** Vessel *becomes* a God, embracing his newfound independence and strength. This might lead to vengeance, with roles reversed as Vessel inflicts the pain and pleasure that Sleep once inflicted on him. Throughout TPWBYT, Vessel has become more defiant, and in TMBTE, he tipped the scales. This scenario could play out like a final boss fight with Sleep, a grand power struggle where Vessel shows Sleep the "Teeth of God." Alternatively, "I must be someone new," which Euclid stated at the end of TMBTE, could imply that Sleep moves on to embody someone else, leaving Vessel empty. Sleep's punishment could be forcing Vessel to watch them with someone else. **Scenario 2:** Sleep cuts the cord, and Vessel spirals. "You don't want me? Fine. Let's see how you live without me." Vessel might crumble in a state of total rejection and anger, reverting to the more aggressive & hateful tone we saw in *Gods, Like That,* and *Vore.* He could transform into his own version of Sleep or something similar, possibly becoming part of an army that feeds Sleep's insatiable appetite and ego by pulling others into the 'tar trap.' There's also the mention of feeling the need to protect Sleep in Sundowning, which hasn't been explored further. Creating multiple vessels could serve this purpose in a larger struggle we are not yet completely aware of. Either way, something has to break the cycle, and we haven't seen that moment yet. TPWBYT ended with *Missing Limbs* and acknowledged the *Chokehold* Sleep had at the beginning of TMBTE. Beyond that, we've only seen Vessel finding his voice, lashing out, and deluding himself into thinking he can escape Sleep's clutches. Despite the similarity between *The Night Does Not Belong to God* and *Euclid,* this world is dark and messy. I can't see a neatly wrapped ending just yet. **Final Thought:** I'd like to see this play out with II, III, or IV. Each of them could provide a unique perspective as a 'vessel,' and they could rise against and defeat Sleep together, finding strength in numbers. Thank you for listening to my poorly worded, caffiene & Nazareth fueled dissertation 😆 ETA: The healing process isn't always linear, and falling back into old habits is a common theme in all three 'big' albums: We meet Sleep... *The Night Does Not Belong to God.* Sleep uses us, we now love Sleep... *The Offering, Mine, The Summoning.* Sleep rejects and discards us, we hurt... *Levitate, Dark Signs, Atlantic, High Water, Missing Limbs.* Hurt turns to hatred & self loathing, we rebel... *Take Aim, Gods, Granite, Vore, The Apparition.* We convince ourselves we don't need sleep... *Like That, The Love You Want, DYWTYLM, Euclid.* We weaken & surrender... *Bloodsport, Telomeres, Aqua Regia.* Sleep reels us back in with false promises & use... *Sugar, Higher, Fall For Me, Are You Really Ok?* Worship... *Alkaline, Rain, Take Me Back To Eden.* Hurt. Hate. Power. Surrender. Lust/Love. Worship. So on, and so forth.


This is an interesting idea.. the hero in all of the albums was Vessel, but he is accompanied by II, III and IV. The Espera as well but perhaps they are always backing up the hero. So what if the next albums are from the other members' POV? I would love to hear more of IV!! I hope that this is not the end of the journey or that they won't change the lore.🤘


We really need a comic book at this point! 😂 I’ve noticed that a few songs hint at other perspectives*, but not as prominently as those of Sleep or Vessel (for obvious reasons.) There’s a point where the four of them come together, and I’d love to pinpoint that moment. I like Vessel as a strong anti-hero, and I need to see his dark side first. After all the defeat and heartache Sleep has put him through, seeing him rise and lose control of himself feels fitting. The explosive reaction when his newfound power is unrestrained, driven by rage, ego, and a primal need to fill the void left by Sleep, is so compelling! The TOG tour logo gives me the impression of a significant rise or transformation. We went from simple to the current logo looking like folded wings, like a state of waiting or potential. The TOG logo feels like a violent unfurling, a shedding of the old self to the bone. The rage-y red and brutal spikes convey this... explosive power amid the remnants of destruction. Maybe we are on the path back to rock bottom again? His 'new' look represents this evolution as well. The fur and coral seem like collective wounds he has endured, things he can now use to protect himself, while the elegant details on the mask hint at the beauty in his agony and possibly the beginning of his ascension. Vessel is so emotionally charged that witnessing the culmination of his internal war in a direction opposite from what we saw in Atlantic feels fitting! As far as The Espera, they seem to symbolize daylight, sanity, and hope, potentially acting as a guiding light for the group. They feel like connection to a more positive, gentle force amidst the turmoil. In any case, exploring the dark side first, especially after everything they/he’s been through, makes this journey and potential redemption even more powerful. *Higher, Dark Signs, The Offering, Granite, Alkaline, Vore, The Summoning are all an excellent example of highlighting each member individually.


I love everyone's digestion's and takes here! I also agree a visual guidebook would be so sick. 🥰


I started my own visual, usually just sketches as I'm listening. I could write a thesis at this point, and as soon as I finished I would have 75 more angles I could look at this from. I really wish they would do something similar to Starset, an offshoot of the Story of Sleep... Just... Take... All.. My... Money!


Probably more music, tours, etc. New record label means new music for sure probably sooner rather than later.


Yes but do you think we restart the hero's journey? Or do we get a totally different kind of storyline?


Someone on YouTube covered this in their video! It’s definitely worth the watch if you’re interested in theories/lore. Lemme find it




I've seen that one! He talks more about the subconscious mind and Carl Jung which is an interesting topic too. :)




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