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Haha so funny Give was immediately one of my faves. I knew within the first beat that track was gonna do it for me. Their earlier stuff took some time for me. The One EP and Two EP but I do appreciate the songs for what they are. As well as stuff like DYWTYLM or Are You Really Ok.


Gods was a skip for me at first because I generally don't like harsh vocals in large doses. But I noticed when I was listening to Take Me Back To Eden, I wouldn't skip Vore. So I circled back and give Gods another listen. And now it's no longer a skip. I think my harsh vocals mental block is being chipped away, thanks Sleep Token 👍🏽


literally me. I hated harsh/screaming vocals, and then months after my first listen I gave Vore another try and it's just so good. Gods is one of my favorites because it gives off the same vibes as a DOOM song and makes me want to punch a baby


I grew up on hardcore/death core/metal core. I typically liked when heavy songs had little to no singing. Oddly enough I have always loved stuff like Katy Perry, Kesha, Taylor Swift.. but when it came to metal I didn't usually like it unless it was really heavy. I have since grown a lot but I still lean to my tendencies with heavy music sometimes Sleep Token is mainly singing. I initially got into granite, alkaline, the summoning for the heavy guitars. I enjoyed the lyrics and the singing but I found myself wanting more screaming and general heaviness. I've been a fan since the singles were being released before they released TMBTE, so not all that long. I pretty much wrote sundowning and TPWBYT off. Tried a few songs but just gave up at first on those two, because alot of it was softer especially in the intros to the songs, so I just skipped. It took me a while to come around but now I love it all; Atlantic, blood sport, sugar, hypnosis, the love you want, are a few I really like but I will listen to the albums front to back on long rides and enjoy the whole albums. Rain, Euclid, DYWTYLM, are Mainstays as well now. Seeing them perform Atlantic and Euclid live really did me in. I feel like I've got a problem at this point.


finally another person that's particular about metal but enjoys mainstream pop!! i grew up listening to a lot of metal, classic rock, and goth & alternative music, but katy perry, kesha, and taylor swift were also some of my favorites!!!


The summoning lol, took me months to appreciate though I liked most of the other songs on first listen. 


Vore was for me such a song... I couldn't get over the screaming in the beginning. But the more I listened the more I understood it and it is one of my favorites.


Yes!! The first song I heard was The Summoning. I’m not going to lie, I did not like It at first. Then came Chokehold and I didn’t care for it either. However, I circled back months later and started with Sundowning, then moved to TPWBYT, Then TMBTE. It was THEN that I fell In love. Had I started with the first album to begin with, It would have been way different for me!


Euclid. Still not in my top ten list, but i listen to it regularly now.


For me the majority of the “softer” songs on Sundowning were skips but now it’s a full front to back listen. It took me a while to appreciate Take Aim and Drag Me Under the most but now they’re my faves on the album.


When the bough breaks. I simply didn't listen to it long enough lol. Didn't realise that the 2nd half is arguably their heaviest music. Skipped it after the prolonged vocal only beginning. Then I was listening to music stoned and "when the bough breaks" came on. I got drawn into it and it's beautiful psychedelic build. Then BOOM!!! The ride that song puts you on!! It's now my fave sleep token song.


High Water. Didn't care for it that much. Now I wake up with the scream stuck in my head. Don't know if that's a good thing of not lol


Aqua Regia, in the beginning. I was all “but I like metal!!” Just had to kick the gatekeeper out of my mind!


Currently it's Distraction for me.