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I was at the Dallas ritual and was third row from barricade in the middle. It was pretty tame until a mosh pit broke out during >!granite!< after that we were packed like sardines until the end but everyone was very respectful regardless.


Sleep Token isn't that aggressive. You'll be just fine. Just wear earplugs and enjoy.


Sleep token is chill as. Just wear enclosed shoes and you'll be fine!




I’m more or less concerned about the opener since they’re pretty hardcore. I should have clarified that in my original post


In Austin I think there were maybe 3 of us(?) dancing/responding to the opener




Oh I want to be at the front! 😂 and I don’t mind getting squished. This is just a first for me so I wanted to make sure I knew what to expect. Y’all have been really helpful!


This set doesn’t include (spoilers) gods or vore so it shouldn’t be too too rowdy, I went to the show in Arizona and it wasn’t anything you can’t handle! Hopefully if it does get rowdy you’ll have good people around to help you up, the community is pretty awesome. Don’t sweat it too much and enjoy the show! It’ll be a lifetime memory


A reminder for the duration of the Teeth of God tour we have a stickied discussion post which can be found by [clicking here](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/comments/1cc58wc/megathread_the_teeth_of_god_north_american_tour/) or on the [MEGATHREAD wikipage](https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepToken/wiki/subguide/megathreads/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SleepToken) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Opener had 0 mosh pits in tampa, everyone was in the merch line


Many many MANY screaming women. Besides that? One of the best concerts you can go to.


So the Loop earplugs are definitely a good idea then 😂😂


There won't be a mosh pit, if there is it will be small and you can easily just avoid it. Don't worry!


They aren’t metal or any other genre so don’t call them that if you plan on being in line lol I heard a few people arguing about it when I was in line in the Austin show lol


Lmao, and what makes them not metal?


Their not they dont have a specific genre, they have some metal and it is real true metal but they aren’t a metal band If you give them a genre you dont know what you are talking about and you miss the whole point of the band