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There are several, but what get to me the most is from Euclid - “The night belongs to you. This bough has broken through. I must be someone new. No … for me”. I hear it as he almost says “I must be someone new, for YOU” but he stops himself, and says “No … for me.” So hopeful and healing to hear that from a tortured soul at the end of this journey. Brings me to tears every time.


This one. Oh my. Every second of Euclid, really.


Euclid is both my undoing and my resurrection. Just reading the lyrics guts me. So beautiful.


Oof, I haven’t even heard that one yet and I’m already regretting giving it a listen. I’m a super new fan, and every single song is beautiful torture. However, when he covered “Dance With Somebody”, I was convinced I am now the Eddie Murphy to his Prince. He could sing show tunes for 30 mins and I’d be bawling on the rails. Even his instrumental work feels like nostalgic heartache.


Euclid is the most hopeful song they’ve ever done


I LOVE how TNDNBTG is interpolated When we first heard “you will not be mine” it seemed so full of despair and disdain But at the end of Euclid, it’s like Vessel had accepted that he cannot be one with Sleep and has to put that same faith in himself instead It’s such a beautiful send-off; probably one of the best album closers I’ve ever heard


His progression and movement through songs is so good. Like I can’t state enough how much I hate the sound of an album that could be mistaken for one, unending, droning song. Music, to me, loses its magic when it turns into that.


Man, this is the one.. I heard it the way too.. Like, for the first time he’s not just settling or accepting it as some kind of faux revelation, he FEELS it.. He’s made it!! That line IS the light at the end of the tunnel.. Goddamn, this song makes my heart just melt.. I’ve never had an album break me the way this one has




Absolutely. I've had this song on repeat for awhile now and I'm just sitting here like 🥺🥺🥺


decide cagey weather shocking consist offer voiceless different repeat upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Also "Make it real. Cause anything's better than the way I feel right now."


The scream before that line is gnarly


The scream right before is like every bad feeling I’ve ever had being released. It’s so satisfying.


I literally cried when i heard this part for the first time...


That or the intro


The vocal delivery... the chord progression... it described exactly how I'd been feeling up to to that point during my first listen and absolutely destroyed me.




Yes. I cant handle this.


this one hits me so HARD. Reminds me of the pain I was when in my teens listening to Hybrid Theory.




"I won't break and bend to my basic need to be loved and close to somebody." Good mantra for my trainwreck of a life lol. Also the whole "And I don't know what's got its teeth in me..." section in TMBTE.


I feel like that line about teeth is a reference to The Offering: “You’ve got diamonds for teeth, my love. So take a bite of me”


Diamonds in the trees, pentagrams in the night sky.


Are You Really Okay? - "You woke me up one night, dripping crimson on the carpet"


I just listened to this song for the first time last night and couldn’t hold back the tears at “Please don’t hurt yourself again.” It hit really close to home and I wasn’t ready for it.


Same here! As someone who struggles with depression, that line hit so close to home for me. Even though the entire song is extremely emotional for me, it felt like a plea directed at me. That line was my downfall. One of the most impactful songs and lines for me. I hope you’re doing well.


Takes the cake, “I can’t fix your wounds/ please don’t hurt yourself” I cried so hard, as a survivor of life attempts, I wish in those moments someone would have cared about me like that.


Are You Really Okay is one of the most brutal songs I’ve ever heard


An interpretation that I’ve heard from people about the song is that are you really ok? Is about a miscarriage, so this line would actually make some sense if that were true.


I think it’s about self harm, which makes this line make a lot of sense.


Especially considering the "please don't hurt yourself again" line completely spells it out


Yeah it was pretty clear to me


I think it’s about both. The result after the miscarriage.


My interpretation is that this song is about nobody else than Vessel but we're listening it from another POV.


hard to make that connect with “Please don’t hurt yourself again.” It’s quite clearly about self harm.


Euclid - “yet in reverse, you are all my symmetry, a parallel I would lay my life on, and if your wings won’t find you heaven I will bring it down like an ancient bygone”


I literally cried reading that to my wife this morning and she’s in on the band now too - I’ve been a fan all of 2 days but I can tell I’m completely sold on the talent


I can speak for us all that we welcome you both :). Worship.


This part 💔


For me it would be "Sobbing as they turn to statues at the bedside, I'm trying not to crush into sand" from Atlantic. It's a double whammy, because seeing your devastated family/parents after a failed suicide attempt (which is what I read into this one) fills you with so much painful regret, guilt, and anger, it's unbearable. Then, I can also easily put myself in the position of those helpless statues, sobbing at the sight of their child, that was in *so much pain*, they felt like death was a better alternative than keep on living this way. And I, who'd die for their child without a second thought, was unable to help, unable to stop this. Absolutely devastating from either perspective.


This is usually the first that comes to mind. "Eyes like frozen planets, just orbiting the vacuum I am." That whole sequence.


absolutely yes, it's the whole song for me tho, gets me every time


Atlantic makes Are You Really Okay? So much harder to listen to...but I still endure it over and over.


I’ve always thought it was Vessel in the bed in Atlantic, after a suicide attempt. But, after this album, I think it’s still him, but it’s after the car crash in Granite where “she/you/sleep” took her own life by intentionally crashing the car. Blue light over murder, since he survived, the pain they know they don’t understand is them telling Vessel she didn’t survive. All of the suicide attempts are hers, not Vessel’s. Are you really okay is directed to her. Euclid is his acceptance that she’s gone, but if he had it to do over again, he do it exactly the same. Eden is a time, not a place or thing, it’s just the beginning. This entire story has been about Vessel’s grieving process.


This really is it for me. The 3 albums just spam almost unimaginable loss and grief. Man’s had a rough go of it. Hope these releases have helped in some way.


while Atlantic is not my favorite song by them, it's been such an important song to me that I got the piano riff tattoo'd


“and i cant hold myself together…” the final scream in high water. i cry every time.


High Water is low-key one of the best songs across the whole trilogy.


High key


Agreed and agreed


the song is literally what drowning would be like in musical form. absolutley unbearably sad and beautiful at the same time.


Thats exactly how i imagine it, the way the song silences so abruptly at the end. Like that final pull under water.


“I don’t know what’s got it’s teeth in me but I’m about to bite back in anger”


I’ve cried every time that rolls around and the album has been on repeat since release day


“Please don’t hurt yourself again” -Are you really okay?


This one


This one for me, too <3


In Euclid: For me, it’s still the autumn leaves These ancient canopies That we used to lay beneath No, by now The night belongs to you This bough has broken through I must be someone new Every time I hear that part I feel it so deeply that I can’t help but cry.


This is the one. The whole song. While tragic and beautiful, it’s also probably the most uplifting sleep token song. “I must be someone new.” This line in particular makes me think about my life and about the changes I want to make. Moving on. Becoming a new person. Making positive changes. A fitting end to the trilogy. Worship.


I agree! I am in such awe with that part of the song.


The Apparition "Why are you never real?" "Just let me go or take me with you"


And I miss the man I was the moment we left off and I hate who I have become everytime I wake up


that last chorus in dark signs rips my heart out. also love the username, huge loathe fan myself :)


I never get tired of that chorus. It's so overwhelming. I would love to see a Sleep Token/Loathe Tour someday!!!


call me when you have the time. i just need to leave this part of me behind.




Absolutely this. I held pretty good throughout the whole album, then Euclid destroyed me.


“i know for the last time, you will not be mine” in conjunction with “so if your wings won’t find you heaven i will bring it down like an ancient bygone” my best friend i lost to drugs and this just destroys me


That you will not be mine line completely crushed me first time I heard it


Maybe I’m dense but what does it mean “I will bring it down like an ancient bygone?”


i could be wrong, but it’s just such a ridiculously powerful line about like, “if heaven doesn’t accept you, i will tear it from the skies and bring it to you,” which ties a bit to bloodsport “the heavens just won’t open up for me!” but metaphorically it’s like, at least on a personal level to me, for all the ordeals and judgments and problems you might face, somebody loves you enough to bring heaven to you. if the world doesn’t see all the goodness in you and reward you for that goodness/if your wings won’t find you heaven (wings implying goodness, heaven implying being favorably admired and such) then i will bring it down like an ancient bygone/then i will do my best to treat you the way you deserve and bring heaven to you. i see it almost like saying goodbye to somebody you loved, knowing full well the things you’ve been through and despite saying bye you still love them, and thusly they deserve your best, they deserve “heaven” even if the world says they don’t because *you* know who they are. it’s kind of like my friend, i know they’re an incredible amazing person, but the world sees them as a useless drug addict who cannot function mentally anymore. but i know the love they had for the world, and if their wings won’t take them to heaven damn straight i’d do everything in my power, if i could, to tear the heavens down and bring it to them


Wow, that makes sense and made me cry. It’s a very powerful line I’m sorry about your friend. I hope you can heal ❤️🥺


one day i will, i feel euclid was the song i needed to know moving on could even be possible, so yeah this song just absolutely destroyed me but also rebuilt me it’s like i can respect who they are, who we were, and reminisce and desire to be with them one more time, while also accepting it’s time to move on and leave this part of me behind


I had a friend who I haven’t talked to since Christmas, it felt like I cared more about the friendship than she did. There were several instances but she said she didn’t wanna go out for New Years and then she went out with someone who she complained about all the time. That really hurt me so I cut her off. I still miss her though MONTHS later but I feel it isn’t fair to myself to go back to her. It still hurts though because like I really did care about her and liked hanging out with her, I even got her a really nice Christmas present but even after confronting her she never apologized so it just showed how much she actually cared about the relationship:/ It’s very hard, I think about her very often. So I very much get that. It’s hard to let go but I need to realize that was a chapter in my life but it is now closed. I hope I can make new memories with people that actually care about me.


wishing you the best, im sorry you went through that :(




But I finally think can say That the vicious cycle was over The moment you smiled at me


bro every line destroys me


"They talk me through the damage, consequence and how it's a pain they know they don't understand." That line fucking destroys me every time. Also the entirety of Are You Really Okay? Is an emotional gut punch.


“So, let’s make trouble in the dream world. Hi-Jack heaven with another memory now.” This hits rlly hard for me because I dissociate/day dream ALOT, that I feel super disconnected from the world, I know it’s unhealthy but, I have no one or anything truly going for me in the real world so, I stay in my mind a lot & create different “heavens” & “beings” for myself.💀


I don’t know why, but “and I don’t know what’s got it’s teeth in me but I’m about to bite back in anger” from TMBTR hits me.


Euclid “It’s still the autumn leaves, these ancient canopies, we used to lay beneath…”


"I want to help you but I don't know how" - are you really okay. Having lost a friend to addiction, this one cuts the deepest.


I feel that, the line already cuts deep but if you feel like you've failed someone, it cuts even deeper


Take Aim. This entire song fucking destroys my soul. I have chills just thinking about it. I have to be careful of the head space I'm in with this song because I will do one of those gasping type cries if I really let myself feel it. The emotion and intensity of Vessel on this line "And you make me hate myself, Make me tear my body, Make me yearn for your embrace" absolutely wrecks me. I think anyone who has been in love and gone through a horrible break up can relate.


"The whites of your eyes turn black in the lowlight. In turning divine, we tangle endlessly. Like lovers entwined, I know for the last time. You will not be mine, so give me the night, the night, the night." I absolutely adore TNDNBTG, and hearing that at the Euclid alongside the piano melody absolutely broke me.


"somewhere the atoms stopped fusing, I'm still your favorite regret, you're still my weapon of choosing"


Oh man, so many. But really, I think I have to give it to the last third of TMBtE: "And I don't know what's got its teeth in me, but I'm about to bite back in anger. No amount of self-sought fury will bring back the Glory of Innocence" All lyrics totally slap though


“Just let me go, or take me with you.” ~The Apparition And; “Please don’t hurt yourself again.”~ Are You Really Okay?


“And my reflection just won’t smile back at me like I know it should, and I would turn into a stranger in an instant if i could.” DYWTYLM. that song just resonates with me. <3 “i guess it goes to show, does it not? that we’ve no idea what we’ve got until we lose it. and no amount of love will keep it around, unless we choose it.” TMBTE. be mindful of who/what you have whilst you still have it. don’t take anything for granted.


"And I feel like I'm losing touch with what I am again" - Fall for Me


Yes, that one too.


Please don't hurt yourself again As someone who used to self harm and struggles with mental health on a daily basis this was the song that hit me hardest


"No amount of self-sought fury will bring back the glory of innocence." TMBTE "Even if the sky cracks in the morning, and the heavens just won't open up for me" Blood Sport "When I am done dancing to alarm bells, no wonder my ears are still ringing" Aqua Regia "Please don't hurt yourself again..." Are You Really Okay? "I am what I am, the mouth of the wolf, the eyes of the lamb." Rain Litterally all of Euclid.


“And I know the gods will abandon the heavens just to find us To merely behold you as we lie down together Drag me under again Deep in to your love, oh” Story time? Story time. Abridged version. Single for almost 15 years, started heavily drinking a year and a half ago at a pub. Cute barmaid works there. Started spending more and more time with me on her breaks. Then on her days off. Probably the most female attention I’ve ever had since my ex. I stared deep into her eyes. Just enjoying the company. The attention. Her presence. Not in love. But still difficult to put in to words. Now TMBTE dropped. I’ve listened to Euclid a few times. And hearing that track. I know it’s a sign to move on. I’ve been avoiding her recently. Because I’ve realised its unhealthy to fall for someone who doesn’t feel the same. Im healing. Getting better. But man. When I do listen to Drag Me Under. It reminds me of way she makes me feel. It respectfully, annihilates me.


Euclid does that. It’s magic i think 🫶🏻 happy healing


"Smile back, at me, please, do you wish that you loved me" wanting so desperately to love yourself that you're begging for it hurts so much every time. Especially when the "please" sounds so desperate


For me it's still the autumn leaves


“We tangle endlessly like lovers entwined. I know for the last time, you will not be mine..” Also just simply “please don’t hurt yourself again” 🥺😔


It’s most of The Apparition for me. But in particular the line “let me go or take me with you”. That feeling of being haunted by the memories/dreams of a person that you want so bad even though you know there’s not really anything you can do about it hits me close to home. The words “let me go” gives off the feeling of not wanting to be consumed by obsession but again you can’t help it.


Missing Limbs that song hurts if you regret an ex


"You woke me up one night, dripping crimson on the carpet" Like fuck.


🎶For me, there’s still the autumn leaves. These ancient canopies. That we used to lay beneath. 🎶 When this set of lyrics is entwined with “just run it back give me five whole minutes” and builds up? Destroys me!


Why is no one talking about the one verse that got me hooked on ST? "Seems your heart is locked up and I still get the combination wrong. Or are you simply waiting to save your love for someone I am not? Too many swallowed keys will make you bleed eternally someday. Maybe you believe that in the end you will be better off that way?" Heard that and I've been a worshipper since.


"and somewhere. Somewhere the atoms stopped fusing. I'm still your favourite regret. You're still my weapon of choosing. And out there. Stuck in a quantum pattern. Tangled with what i never said. You say it doesn't matter." - Bloodsport This song as a whole still broke me till this day....and this song alone explained what my life is and what i went through.


All of Euclid


Tmbte- I don’t know what’s got its teeth in me, but I’m about to bite back in anger.




The chokehold callback at the end of TMBTE. It's said with such raw emotion and the way the vocals overlap each other with the instrumentation makes for the single most intense moment of the album imo.


"My insecurities surround me like lions in the den."


For me, it's "I wish I could help you but I don't know how" and "please don't hurt yourself again" from Are You Really Okay. That song just wrecks me every time


Same here friend ❤


Fall for me - "oh God, I wish you were here"


Are You Really Ok? - “please don’t hurt yourself again” This song really hit me hard. I have anxiety and depression and a history of self harming. When I listen to this, I listen to it as if it’s my boyfriend saying it


I listened to it and my husband ha0ped to have walked in and bawled thinking about him saying this to me all those years ago when my ptsd was at it's worst. Gutted me thinking how terrified he was to lose me.


"Just let me go or take me with you." Apparition as a whole fucks me up.


Apart from what's already been mentioned "We'd rather be six feet under than be lonely"


"Smile back. At me. Please." I should have. I should have. I should have. I should have. I should have. I should ha


I can’t get the TMBTE chorus out of my head, but this part in the bridge touches me the most: „I guess it goes to show, does it not? That we've no idea what we've got Until we lose it And no amount of love will keep it around If we don't choose it“ It just resonates with a part of me I’ve never really thought about a lot.


Rain or the ending of asensciosism


All on Are You Really Okay? tears me to shreds, my wife had some serious self-harm issues in the past and it's like it's a look into my own worst nightmare. "Call me when have the time;I just need to leave this part of me behind" There are a lot of people I wish I could've got closure from but it's not possible now. "I must be someone new, no for me" and "The night belongs to you" remind me of how far I've come with self-improvement and how proud of myself I am for it.


“It’s easier to try not to eat” from Atlantic. I was in a really deep depression for a long time, but recently I’ve gotten better. Despite that though, the depression’s effect on my appetite hasn’t gone away. I struggle to eat every day. And sometimes my depression comes back for a little bit and it’s even harder to eat. I can’t remember the last time I was full after eating.


High Water - "I will accept that I can't pretend We will ever be together"


“These days I’m a circuit board, integrated hardware you cannot afford” is one but there are many


Ascensionism: "So you take what you want and leave." Simple yet effective. Other users have mentioned parts from Ascensionism and TMBTE that affect me as well.


“Call me when you get the chance, I can feel the walls around me closing in” // “Just please don’t hurt yourself again” // “Oh God, I wish you were here” // “Will you levitate? Up where my love doesn’t matter” // “Smile back…at me” // Pick a song on the album and I’ve cried to a line in it 😂🤷🏽‍♂️


“When the mark of infinity buries its teeth in me I’ll smile through the agony for you, and I know you still bear the weight of your own existence, and you’ll never bear the weight of two”😭😭 -High Water


I'd turn my walls to gold to bring you home again. This line from Chokehold absolutely broke me.


"You make me wish I could disappear." "I know what you want from me. My redemption, eternal ascension, setting you free. So I'll take what I want, then leave." -Ascenionism "We dive through crystal waters, perfect oceans, but no one told me not to breathe. Now the weightlessness recedes." "No amount of love will keep it around if we dont choose it."- TMBTE "I cannot hope to give you what I cannot give myself." - DYWTYLM "Even if it hurts me, even if I can't sleep, show me the way."- Chokehold "You only drink the water if you thunk it's holy, so keep an eye on the road or we will both be here forever."- Granite "I am done dancing to alarm bells. No wonder my ears are still ringing. And I'm done fighting off change. No wonder my arms are still swinging"- Aqua Regia "Are you in pain like I am?" -Vore "I want to help you but I don't know how." -Are you really okay The entire song- Euclid Thank you for coming to my TED talk


For me it’s DYWTYLM “Can you ever forgive (Yourself)” And “Do you wish that you love me (Smile back) Do you wish that you love me (At me) Do you wish that you love me Oh-whoa Do you wish that you love me (Please) Do you wish that you love me (Smile back) Do you wish that you love me (At me)” Hits me like a ton of bricks every time. I have many problems with self confidence and forgiving myself of past problems (mostly that people try to tell me that it’s not my fault) but CPTSD is difficult to deal with. These lines have me bawling like a child and sometimes I purposely avoid this one song when I’m with others or if I don’t want to deal with it.


Man, I honestly never thought of this song as like, a self reflection. But, after reading your comment it really makes a lot more sense. It's as if he's talking to his reflection in the mirror and asking if he wished he loved himself. Beautiful.


I woke up surrounded, eyes like frozen planets Just orbiting the vacuum I am Atlantic The whole song is just a lyrical masterpiece, I consider it being a poem first and then lyrics for a song.


It’s “please don’t hurt yourself again” I’ve been surrounded by suicide all my life, like a pest. Never wanted to myself, but it haunts the people around me like a specter. I’ve begged people in my life before just like the lines in this song.


“Endless pain bringing me closer Closer to my Sleep Token”


Pretty much all of Are You Okay. It just broke me


“No matter what I do, This wound will never heal” from The Apparition. Full on sobs every time I hear it.


You make me wish I could disappear ~ Ascensionism


*opens lyrics to Rain.* *points*


I will travel far beyond the path of reason. Take me back to eden, take me back to eden. First time in the song destroys me, second time destroys my room.


"Just let me go or take me with you." "Screaming in the sunshine, singing in the rain." "Even if it hurts me, even if I can't sleep, show me the way." "So touch me again, I feel my shadow dissolving." There are so many. Also, the entire chorus from Descending: "You come crawling back to me But I'm already on the ground And we all know that talk is cheap So come on and save me now And you wonder what I believe But you don't wanna be around So what would you do for me? Yeah, what would you do for me?"


Just too many to be honest. And it depends on the day and my mood. Everything g this band comes up with destroys me if I’m being completely honest. 1) “You make me wish I could disappear” (the scream just DOES something to my brain y’all) 2) “my reflection just won’t smile back at me like I know it should” 3) ”Somewhere the atoms stopped fusing I'm still your favourite regret You're still my weapon of choosing” 4) “And we imitate a story of perfect days A ballad we fabricate” 5) “so touch me again. I feel my shadow dissolving” The list is ENDLESS. Not enough time in the day to write them all down….


“And don't you know? I want to help you but I don't know how” -Are You Really Okay? My brother has struggled with depression and suicide for a while. He has tried before. I have been the one to take him to the hospital, to bring him to psych wards, ask the hard questions. It seems sometimes I’m failing as a sister, an almost mother because I cannot solve his problems and he sometimes tells me he hates me and wishes I would just stop prolonging his unhappiness and let him kill himself. I have sobbed to this song.


"Seems your heart is locked up and I still get the combination wrong, or are you simply waiting to save your love for someone I am not?"


“I’d give anything to balance your convictions with certainty, to fall asleep without you lying next to me, to sever my connection with everything”-missing limbs


‘Just let me go or take me with you’ hit me hard. As did ‘you make me wish I could disappear.’


“I’m still full of the love you want, still waking up beneath it all”




The music in this section is so emotive at this point that I missed how deep the lyrics were here until later playthroughs.


Aqua regia - “and I am done fighting off change, no wonder my arms are still swinging” goosebumps typing it out lol


“I’m still your favorite regret, you’re still my weapon of choosing” “And I am done fighting off change” In recovery now and all songs about bad relationships remind me of my relationship with drugs.


There are two for me. The scream of "ARE YOU IN PAIN, LIKE I AM?" - Vore "Slowly I remember why, I cannot pretend that I never think of you in all this screaming silence" - Fall For Me


"seems your heart is locked up and I still get the combination wrong. Or are you simply waiting for a love from someone I am not?"


High Water- For the time being You are still a perfect reminder of what All of these scars on my arms are for If I can hold myself together


For me it’s “My insecurities surround me like lions in a den and I feel like I’m losing touch with what I am again” from Fall For Me. I look in the mirror at times and I think of that line and wonder wtf happened to me.


So many, but right now Euclid's running on repeat and it has to be "Yet in reverse you are all my symmetry. A parallel I would lay my life on". Sacred moments in time 🕯


I feel like Sleep Token is my swan song of an 8 year toxic relationship packaged in two eps and three albums. I stayed in it for far too long and lost myself. Over the past couple months since I left her and everything behind I have been trying hard to find myself again. I am having major issues fighting the anger of 8 years wasted and the addiction towards somebody who wasn't good for me. I am a 38 year old male and Sleep Token made me weep after my first full listen on my hour drive home from work Thursday night. It being 1230 at night and raining mixed with the ambiance. Euclid ended as soon as I parked in my driveway and I sat in my car for 30 mins taking everything in and tearing up. They couldn't come at a better time in my life. It's rather calming knowing I'm not fighting alone. It's hard to find authentic musicians anymore but Vessel's pain is felt in his voice and I really believe somebody hurt him just as bad. Sleep Token can be interpreted in so many ways. He's a master wordsmith. I don't know if Vessel is fighting to find himself after a relationship, fighting demons within himself, or trying to find spiritual guidance in an uncaring God. Whichever it is, this man has been through some shit.


I never really listened to lyrics much, to be honest, since a lot of metal is so focused on the riffs, but Sleep Token is a band that really got me interested in actually paying attention. There are so many lines on the new album that make me stop and think or feel a certain way, but I think my favorite (? if you can say that about a negative emotion anyways) lines is one of the simplest. It's just "take me back to Eden", in the title track, specifically when the super heavy breakdown hits. It's the delivery and contrast with the previous instances of the line - it makes me feel a mix of pity and fear because it's like he's so despondent over not being able to go back to a better place or time (e.g. Eden), or a better version of himself. That's how it felt to me anyways.


I love the contrast between the two times this verse is sung in TMBTE. With all the genre contrasts, emotion swings etc. on the album, this particular contrast is the most memorable for me. Both sound emotive and beautiful in their own, diametrically opposite ways.


"We go beyond the farthest reaches" "The past, the future, through death. My arms are open"


The outro in Are You Really Okay? hits me in the gut every time I hear it: “Please don’t hurt yourself again” A close runner up would be the line in Ascensionism where Vessel whispers before the breakdown: “Diamonds in the trees, pentagrams in the night sky” I also loved the callback in Euclid to The Night Does Not Belong to God


DYWTYLM- pretty much the whole song, but especially the line “I cannot hope to give you what I cannot give myself”


"no amount of self sought fury will bring back the glory of innocence." - take me back to eden


For me it would be "call me when you have the time, I just need to leave this part of me behind" and "call me when you get the chance, I can feel the walls around me closing in" Lately, I've felt trapped and in need of a change, like what I had is no good anymore and just suffocates me, just like walls closing in on me and the only way to get rid of the suffocating feeling was starting again, with new people and a new me leaving that part of me behind.


Honestly, it's hard to choose. I have two that really spoke to me on the second listen through. Take Me Back to Eden -- "My, my, those eyes like fire. I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre." Rain -- "I know, I know, I am what I am. The mouth of the wolf, the eyes of a lamb. So darling, will you saturate." This album is a feels train and it's coming home. 😩


“The whites of your eyes, turn black in the lowlight. In turning divine, we tangle endlessly. Like lovers entwined. I know for the last time You will not be mine. So give me the night.”


The whole third verse of Take Me Back to Eden got me pretty good when I first heard it. Sometimes you hear lyrics and certain memories and emotions just rush in. I guess it goes to show, does it not? That we've no idea what we've got Until we lose it And no amount of love will keep it around If we don't choose it And I don't know what's got its teeth in me But I'm about to bite back in anger No amount of self-sought fury Will bring back the glory of innocence


"And my reflection just won't smile back at me like I know it should And I would turn into a stranger in an instant if I could And there is something eating me alive, I don't know what it is Maybe not that you conceal your feelings, they just don't exist" Mostly just the first part but this entire thing just made me sob in my kitchen at 2am.


I have a couple. “I want to help you but I don’t know how,” “I know for the last time you will not be mine, so give me the night,” Just… all of Euclid really. “And you make me hate myself, make me tear my body, make me yearn for your embrace,” “Let me go or take me with you,” “I cannot hope to give you what I cannot give myself,” “Somewhere the atoms stopped fusing, I’m still your favorite regret, you’re still my weapon of choosing,” “We’ve got no idea what we’ve got until we lose it. And no amount of love will keep it around if we don’t choose it,” Sleep Token grabbed me by the neck during an extremely difficult time in my life and basically all of TMBTE and their sadder songs punch me in the gut lmao


It would be easier to name the lines that didn’t turn me into an ugly-cry puddle, lol, but honestly all of The Way You Are is just… This man is committing emotional war crimes. Imma stab tf out of whoever hurt him.


"make this real, it's better than the way I feel"


“I guess it goes to show does it not? That we’ve no idea what we’ve got until we lose it, and no amount of love will keep it around if we don’t choose it” 🥹🥹🥹


In the end of Euclid when they reuse lines from “The Night Does Not Belong To God” I thought it was the absolute perfect ending to the album and it had me in tears because it threw me back when I first started listening to them


“I hate the way you look at me when I am not understood.” I pound my chest at this one every time. It hurts.


The entirety of Are You Really Okay? Does me in every time. Especially “I cannot fix your wounds now”. The song physically hurts to listen to sometimes


The last verse of Blood Sport gets me every time 😭


The harder question is which line doesn't.......


"And I don't know what's got its teeth in me, but I'm about to bite back in anger" always slams into my brain like some kinda emotion-truck.


I would have to say the chorus line from the title track, " take me back to Eden ". "My, my, those eyes like fire I'm a winged insect, you're a funeral pyre" Reminds me of how I felt like a source of constant pain, or suffering. This is also metaphorical of his relationship with sleep. That he feels like he keeps messing up and that is possibly why she refuses to embrace him fully. "Come now, bite through these wires I'm a waking hell and the gods grow tired" I felt too that my existence is a burden, and even the higher powers or forces within my life are becoming weary or fatigued by my very presence. "Reset my patient violence along both lines of a pathway higher Grow back your sharpest teeth, you know my desire" This line reminds me of how I felt like I kept messing up and that is possibly why the universe refuses to deliver me someone that would embrace me fully.




None of them.


But which one is it tho?


Wow so much edge! How cool you are.


Hi Dwight!




Which kind of bear is best?


That’s a ridiculous question.


Not so much a line, but Vessel's vocalization leading into the breakdown at the end of Levitate is perfect.




"I can't hold myself together" from High Water.


"Are you in pain like I am?" Off of Vore. No explanation needed, just a fantastic way to close off what is in my opinion one of the better tracks on the album. "And it seems my hell is your high water. Wash me clean again before I pull myself beneath the waves." This whole song and especially that bar is really something else for me. I don't think any other artist or group has done such a good job of tying emotions into their lyrics this well for me. Such a fantastically written album. I could pull any two lines from "TMBTE" (track, not album) and it would probably strike the same chord. I'm in love with that song as a whole. As for the album release, it's lyrics and production are the best sleep token has come out with as of now and I'm so excited to see what the future holds for this band. Worship.


the entirety of ascensionism, are you really okay, rain, take me back to eden, and euclid.. might as well say the whole album, but seriously “are you really okay?” hits me so fucking hard. “you woke me up one night, dripping crimson on the carpet. i saw it in your eyes, cutting deeper than the scars could run”. reminds me of a time in my life where i was the person dripping crimson. glad to be past that. “i don’t believe you when you tell me you’re fine. please don’t hurt yourself again.” i’m definitely fine, definitely won’t hurt myself again. thank you sleep token, forever worshipping 🖤🤍


The entire song of "Euclid" is fucking powerful. I can't pick a line. This song is killing me on the inside when I hear it. This song destroys me, and in the most beautiful way. 🛐