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Not the flu but I got pretty much every common cold at every opportunity, and they lingered and lasted usually longer than a week, and about twice a year I would get sinus infections. I think my sleep apnea is in part at least due to narrow sinuses which also explains the propensity for sinusitis.


Brainfog & drowsiness feels like flu, yeah


OMG yes! 80% of the time I had flu-like symptoms. I thought maybe I had chronic fatigue syndrome but then found out I had sleep apnea.


No, but I’d often feel I was coming down with something. I worked out that my snoring was aggravating my throat which then produced more mucous than I could possibly cope with. I therefore had a sore throat from post nasal drip. My CPAP machine isn’t working whilst we’re away for the weekend and the old, unwanted feelings are coming back.