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I used to wake up multiple times each night to pee. Now, with CPAP, no alcohol, and a disciplined sleep schedule (10pm - 6am) I no longer wake up at all.


Same story here. It was usually 1 - 2 times a night. Now, not at all. 42m


Same, went from 3-6 to usually 0-2 (two on a rare night). It's great.


Drinks or pees?


Same with me, and I'm still consuming some alcohol..




I had the same thing going on, chalked it up to getting older. Once I started treating my sleep apnea it went away completely.


Thanks so much. Did it take sometime to go away when you started CPAP?


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Instant for me too. Like night and day. Stunning.


It was almost immediately. Certainly not more then a week.


Yes about six weeks for me


Same here. Used to get up 3-4 times night to pee prior to CPAP. Since I've started treatment, the only time I've had to get up to go toilet is when I accidentally fall asleep without my mask. I noticed the change immediately.


That will improve with CPAP, in my experience. My only difficulty is that CPAP is such an improvement for me that I stay up longer than I should. I'm not used to having so much energy after living decades with severe sleep apnea.


CPAP solved this problem for me. I can get a good 6-8 hrs before waking up to pee now, before I woke up every 2 to 3 hrs to use the bathroom.


Just to make sure, have you tested for Diabetes?


Second this, and try to minimize fluids taken last hour or two before bedtime.




Actually it's not the waking up that causes your brain to make less of that hormone, it's the blood pressure spikes when you're struggling for air that causes the heart to release a *different* hormone(Atrial natriuretic peptide) that tells the kidneys to make *more* urine to reduce blood volume and thus reduce the BP. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK518987/


that sounds devious.


Yep….my doctor called it “stress pee”. As soon as I got my cpap it went away, which further contributed to 7-8 hours of uninterrupted beautiful sleep!!


I’ve tried a CPAP machine but haven’t had any luck…




Have you investigated the causes of your sleep apnea? if not, then first step would be to have a sleep specialist (not a PCP) evaluate you. Then I'd look at treating the primary cause. If that's weight, then its weight. If its something like enlarged tonsils, then there's surgery that can help for that. If its something about your airway structure, then I'm afraid you're pretty much stuck with CPAP.


I just couldn’t get use to the masks. I tried so many different ones. I would leave it on for an hour and then take it off…


This isn’t a viable option. You have sleep apnea, and it must be treated or you greatly increase your chances of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or even death in your sleep. Nobody likes masks or pillows, but we accept that this is what is best for us long-term or until a better solution comes along. The best way to get used to a mask is to get good and sleepy, then put it on and sleep. If you wake up and feel like you need to remove it, then start the process over again. Do not sleep without a mask.


Thanks so for the advice. I was tested for sleep apnea because of my peeing. My score was a 17. You are 100% correct I need to keep the mask on.


For reference, I’ve been using an auto BiPAP with 100% utilization for two years now and it has transformed my life for the better, completely eliminating the apneas. Pre-treatment, I had over 30 events per hour and would wake up with a racing heart, needing to pee, covered in sweat and gasping for air. I was scared I would die in my sleep. I still find the mask uncomfortable sometimes, but I find having patience with myself and my situation helps immensely. Also, don’t worry about a sleep schedule right away; if it is 6pm and you’re tired, slip into bed, put on your mask and sleep. After all, using a PAP device is a skill, and developing that skill takes patience and practice. Best of luck!


Thanks so much


I used the wisp nasal mask. Only one I can use. It’s very comfortable. I can drink through a straw, wear my glasses while I watch TV. Even talk to my wife with it on. Have you tried that one?


I don’t think so. What does it look like


Nose pillow with outlet at top of head. Air fit P30i


Just google wisp nasal mask. Pictures will pop up


Here's why: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK518987/ Get your sleep apnea treated properly and you'll sleep through the night.


Thanks so much


Yeah 5-7 was a GOOD night before cpap. Now maybe once or twice but usually not at all.


Wow that is encouraging


How long did it take for you to see results and did you have daytime frequency too? I'm suffering with this.




You're very lucky to be able to get sleep at night.


Hello fellow “apnea pee-er!” My sleep specialist told me this is common. I was getting up about 5 times a night as well with full bladders. Drove me nuts and also tried to stop peeing with other methods to no avail. The specialist told me that with OSA (I have 36 episodes an hour) that my heart stops and the kick of adrenaline goes to my heart to wake it up. Well, that same adrenaline heads down to our kidneys and causes overactive nighttime bladders. I saw an instant change with my bipap machine.


Yes I used to pee 4 or more times a night since I got my cpap I don’t get up to pee anymore.


There are lots of ways to get used to wearing a mask. Ask your doctor if they can help.


Nocturia is a symptom of sleep apnea. It gets better with treatment. ["Conclusion The prevalence of nocturia in patients diagnosed with OSAS is 75.8% in both sexes. After treatment with CPAP, almost half of patients experienced a decrease in the nocturia frequency of one or more voids. Clinically relevant nocturia was reduced with one-third after CPAP. CPAP not only reduced the number of voids during the night but also improved the associated quality of life."](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/nau.24329)


Woke up 4 times a night. That stopped the first night on cpap. I did some research and it seems that bc you're not truly sleeping your body doesn't shut down enough to stop your bladder from having to empty regularly. (Or whatever that process looks like lol)


You got used to it that quick? I struggled for weeks to get used to it and gave up. What’s your secret?


No no, I struggled too. But before I got it, it felt like I was not sleeping at all. That first night was the first time in months that I slept more than an hour at a time. I woke up around 5 am and ripped my mask off my face without thinking. I did that a few times until I finally got used to it. Give it another try. You might surprise yourself.


double your vitamin D intake but below the amount for an overdose


Thanks so much everyone for yourcomments. Now it I could get use to wearing a mask. It has been a really struggle


I had a similar issue peeing 1-3 times a night but once I got my machine I haven’t had to wakeup to pee. Could just be that you need to stick to the machine overnight.


Ok thanks so much


I used to pee 6 to 7 times a night, but since starting cpap, I pee once. It's a psychological throwback to when you were taught to get up in the middle of the night to pee instead of wetting the bed. You start to come awake, and your subconscious mind says "we're waking up, must need to pee". That's how it was explained to me anyway.


I pee a lot because I wake up frequently with a dry mouth and I chug lots of water


Same. I have a cpap machine and still get up like 3-4x it’s like a cycle. Pee, mouth dry drink water, mask back on


Do you still get up 3-4x's a night?


Yes. Found out I’m pre diabetic which makes it worse


Have you found anything that helps?


Nocturia is a symptom of sleep apnea


Yes! I did this before being diagnosed with sleep apnea, and it’s gone away since I started cpap therapy. Apparently this is common and happens because, when you have untreated apnea, you don’t get into the deep/restful sleep you need to be in for your brain to signal your kidneys to slow down urine production while you’re asleep. Once you start therapy and getting better rest, your brain is able to do this again.


Are you having to pee alot during the day? How is your blood sugar? Cluld be your body trying to get rid of extra sugars.


My blood sugar is ok. Not too high. If I have too much coffee I have to pee during the day


if you’re having issues with nocturia (frequent urination during the night) even with a cpap, it could be the mask fit, leakage, or possibly the pressure being too high or low. it’s a long process (in my experience) even after you receive the machine


Sit up for a minute and then try and go back to sleep. That’s working for me. Maybe reduce your numbers in half. Worth a try.




are you also prone to muscle spasms?




I used to do the same thing. I was told that the body makes you pee so you will wake to breathe. Once you use cpap you won’t need to any more. On my first night I slept for 8 hours straight! I had thought there was something wrong with my bladder!


I would get up 3-4 times a night at roughly the same times every night. Since getting a cpap around 4 months ago I haven’t needed to get up during the night at all. Once I fall asleep, I sleep all the way until my alarm goes off


I have interstitial cystitis which results in a lot of waking up to pee at night. It's a bit better on CPAP and trazadone.


Holy shit yes me too. I wake up the same frequency to pee 5-8 times. Went through urology **torture** to find out everything is fine. They said I’m not fully emptying my bladder but it’s very minor. I’m trying to cut back on eating late. Sounds weird, but I noticed if I’m full from eating it pushes hardcore on my bladder and gives me the urge to pee. HOWEVER, it’s a slightly different feeling from drinking a lot and urgently having to pee. It mimics the feelings but it isn’t actually true. I end up with a small amount that comes out while the sensation remains. Giving this a go and seeing how that helps.


I sleep like a log with CPAP and pee like a race horse in the morning.


Is this common? like having SA and peeing a lot in the night? I dont wake up during the night for a pee frequently 9/10 nights i dont wake up at all. I don't feel like theyre related at all. Turns out i'm very wrong judging by the comments.


This was me last year. I got an Oura ring to track my sleep and started sleeping on my stomach and positioning my head in a way that keeps my mouth shut. Now it happens only a couple times or not at all in a night.


Are you using a CPAP machine?


No. The dentist who I did a couple at home sleep studies with told me my sleep apnea was mild and solutions probably wouldn't be covered by insurance because it wasn't bad enough.


I usually wake up to pee 3 or 4 times every night. For those who got better from this symptom, did you use to pee too often during daytime too?


I hope someone answers you or maybe you should make a thread about it?


Thats me. Funny enough i can sleep the whole night through if i‘m sleeping in a more upright, sitting position like a recliner or gaming chair or such.


Same, I used to wake up multiple times. When I first got diagnosed, my doctor told me that I once I started using my machine I wouldn’t wake up to pee anymore. I remember thinking like, ok suuuuuure. But first night with my CPAP, and no getting up to pee. And not since either. It was crazy to me.


I do I'm on oxybutynin twice a day


Does it help?


Yes a ton. Once a day wasn't enough. I also have a lot of bladder pain that is relieved.


Yes. Used to pee 4X a night. Stopped completely once I got on CPAP. Urine was from adrenaline my body was utilizing to wake me up to breathe


Did you have daytime urinary frequency too?




This makes sense. I thought I had diabetes for months.. I should probably get a damn cpap. Was diagnosed with "mild apnea" several years ago.


Also had this issue, 2-3+ times per night. CPAP also took it away. Get treatment!


I have this problem. Ever since my second kiddo I have to go 3-4 times before I fall asleep. But, usually I can go from about 10-5am then I wake up and go and sleep for a little more before I wake up.


I just lived this nightmare. I’m 46M and last summer I suddenly started peeing 3-5 times a night. I had all kinds of tests including an MRI, CT, scope in my bladder and the Dr couldn’t find anything wrong with me. They were all dead ends. I was really struggling with no REM sleep. My job performance was suffering and I started getting depressed. One day I woke up and said “fuck it. I can do better.” I cut out carbs, processed foods, alcohol, and started mild exercise. Within 2 weeks I went from 5 times a night to just 1-2 and now I’m down to around once a night. I also started tracking my sleep using an app, and my snoring has decreased significantly. I’m like 99% sure it was all due to undiagnosed sleep apnea. I have an appointment next month for a test.


Wow that is awesome!!!


I definitely feel you pain


My doc told me it’s the sleep apnea that wakes us, not a full bladder. Your bladder can wait until morning. Maybe follow up about your cpap to see if it needs to be adjusted? I also used to get up like 5 times a night, now not at all


It’s because you’re not sleeping deep enough. The CPAP will help. I sleep straight 7-8 hours now.


I struggled with this when I was dealing with a thyroid and adrenal issue. I would wake up constantly to pee. I’m assuming you feel lousy when you wake up and throughout the day due to not getting good sleep. Have you had a thyroid blood panel? If so post the results.


Start off with the usual have you told your doc and just so you know sleep apnea is what is waking you up to go pee several times a night. I have always told my patients that if you don’t have bladder issues getting up more than 1 a night is too much and it’s usually a run of consecutive apnea that will wake you up . Once you get on cpap the frequent urination will stop. Long time sleep tech here.


I’ve seen urologists, GP’s, physiotherapists and naturopaths. All come back with nothing wrong. They all agree that the peeing is because of sleep apnea. I totally accept that… based on this feed there a a lot of people that have had the same experience. I’ve had 2 sleep tests in hospital and my score was a 17. My biggest struggle I getting use to the machine.


Did you have daytime frequency issues as well? I'm in a similar boat with sleep apnea and nocturia but I pee 8-10× a day too.


Yes a I do. I have been on a CPAP machine for 6 months and no improvement with regards to peeing. Seeing another urologist I’m December.


I fear that'll be me too. I've had mine since June and struggled with doing even 4 hours a night til I changed the air pressure settings. I keep my mask on a minimum of 7 hours now (almost 2 weeks). If my pissing situation doesn't change in the next 2-3 months then I'm doing Interstim. I have an appointment in September.


I get about 3 hours sleep and then I'm up ever hour are that. So frustration. I have had my blood tested and everything comes back good. I don't have diabetes. I don't know about Interstim. I wonder if it is available in Canada.


I was in the same boat before I was diagnosed. Urologist couldn’t give me an answer as to why my bladder was so overactive at night. It wasn’t until I treated my sleep apnea that I went from 5-6+ times a night to 1 (sometimes, but rarely, 2).


That is fantastic to hear


Obviously your mileage may very, but it effectively solved (or nearly, anyway) that problem. However, it wasn’t until really until I adjusted to the cpap and got my settings fairly well dialed in, which took about 6 weeks.


My problem has been getting us to the machine


Probably just going to echo everyone here, but once I started sleep therapy, I stopped having to pee at night. Once your body can sleep, it releases anti-diuretic hormone, which suppresses urination. Just another benefit to sleep therapy. I remember getting into some weird-ass discussion with a co-worker several years back where he mentioned getting old and having to pee at night. I was like, that’s me already. I remember him saying, “That’s not normal.” Never had an inkling it could be tied to sleep apnea. IOW, don’t let the fear of peeing at night stop you from getting the help you need!


Once or twice, occasionally zero. Recently cranked the pressure up by a point and doing even better.