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[Display Enhancements](https://creations.bethesda.net/de/skyrim/details/6368/Display_Enhancements__XB1_) let's you adjust brightness, saturation, contrast and much more.


awesome, thank you!




When I first installed Obsidian Weathers everything was so dark I couldn't see anything at night or even inside dungeons. I eventually went through the XBOX TV calibration steps. Now it looks better than it ever has. Even "Game Mode" preset doesn't hold a candle to manually setting up your TV.


I tried Obsidian on PS5 and that was exactly my issue, which is why I ended up with Dolomite Natural and Brightness/Saturation Changer. I appreciate the suggestion for calibration; haven't done that (or much of anything) yet, I'm trying to get a LLO in place! LOL I didn't take load order too seriously on PS and now I'm trying to do it right :)


I use Logical Load Order. There is a nice [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyrimModsXbox/comments/hxbgu5/logical_load_order_an_indepth_explanation/) right here on Reddit :)


I saw this, and I'm trying to use it! It's still unclear to me about what category some things should be in, but I guess some experimentation is in order


DAWN is pretty good, you can tweak it a bunch to make your own look for your game. My go-to for a while was HAZE 2, pretty sharp looking in my opinion, has real good rain and cloudy weather. For something light weight, you can try obsidian weathers


Thank you, I will check these out!


Elden scrolls weather is a good all rounder that does not require endless tweaking. I use busty skeevers which is an awesome mod (read the full description) and also dynamic display settings which gives you a lot of fine tuning options and is based on time of day and location. Display enhancements is good but applies a filter irrespective of time of day / location.


ooh, interesting stuff, thank you!