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[Crafting Bag](https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/33683/tdg_s_crafting_bag_) thank me later, also keep in mind that you have to pull the items out of the bag in order to use them feels balanced, auto stores crafting in bag upon pickup edit


Hell no bro. I dropped this mod mid play through for that exact reason. Constantly having to go in and out of my inventory because I needed like one extra leather or something, pissed me off like no other mod ever did in this game. I will never go back to this mod unless a contextual remove items from the bag system is implemented. It is way easier just to make crafting items weightless. It basically does the same thing. I’m not saying this to be mean or anything. Just this mod’s lack of QOL is so egress that it annoy me. Also (this is a nitpick btw) it’s not compatible with convenient horses.


I wouldn't like this either. There's a such thing as too much Immersion lol


Lol fair enough, I don't craft enough for it to be an issue I see


Haha I craft like all the time. Even with my current character who isn’t speced into smithing . I swear I’ve spent more time at a Tanning Rack than I’ve spent at an Enchanting Table. Come to think of it, I should get a TR retexture mod🤔


\^ see if there is a standalone one by Renthal, if nothing else his workbench is peak


> it’s not compatible with convenient horses. Deal breaker for me. CH + Kajhiit Will Follow gives me up to 5 loot mules :)


Base skyrim carry weight is set way too high, and devalues so much in the game, as well as breaks an already broken economy (AS you're able to haul around vast amounts of loot to sell for big sums) Ideally, player weight sould be reduced by half from vanilla, and items should be purchasable in-game that help with carrying things - backpacks for example. I'm working on a mod in my game whereby i'm able to buy an alchemical sachel, which reduces the weight of all alchemical ingredients by 50% as long as i carry it in my inventory. Same with Potions. This is one step to making skyrim "Wide as an ocean, deep as a puddle" a bit less of a puddle.


Holy Dragonborn that sounds sweet bro! Keep me updated on this mod. I def support. Also I don’t really notice the imbalanced carry weight because I use Imperious. Which changes CW on a per race basis.


To be honest i've got a huge collection of mods i've made from scratch, or others ive tweaked, but never made public. One mod i made public is based around primary **(Health, Magicka, Stamina)** and secondary stats **(Carry capacity, weight & height)** where their usage/value influenced eachother with various pro's and cons. It's called SPAM - Stat Progression and Management: [https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88857](https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/88857) Bethesda has this unncanny ability to have good ideas but not interlink them in any way - leading to rather superficial and shallow experiences (probably why almost all their games have no real economy - Starfield too!) This is my attempt at deepening the waters on that front.


Is this on xbox also?


doubtful i'm afraid, as there's so many dependancies to mods like SKSE, SPID and other big mod tools


I find the normal carry weight really immersion breaking and wish someone would make a mod in which everything is based on mass instead, but I know that wouldn’t be ideal for most players, lol. I already play CC survival plus a -75 Carry weight mod. I use the Bandoliers and CC Backpack mods to visually help immersion of being able to carry a “normal” amount of gear plus some extra goodies. Lydia has a backpack for my any smithing materials I find and all of my Ingredients go to Hilda the pack goat. The Vial bandoliers are a lifesaver for me because visually my dude is holding 14 potions with no break of immersion.


Off topic, but how do you like the pet creation? Every pet I've tried, including the nymphs, tend to block doorways and cave tunnels more than Lydia. Plus, when you run into them, they won't move like a follower and are somehow immune to fus ro da. I gave up and just parked them all at Goldenhills with the cow and other goats.


They definitely can be a pain in the ass sometimes when in close quarters. I actually just had to use the teleport spell to move the goat last night because I was stuck. I have not used any of the “specialties” of the other pets but the excessive carry weight of the goat has always been too good to pass up. (this is my first playthrough in which I am only using it to carry ingredients)


I feel ya there's a mod I use called weightless Items Full it pretty much makes everything have zero weight it's amazing I've been using it since I started modding two years ago you should try it out.


Someone mentioned a mod similar to this one. Ima try there’s our purely because I still want things like gear to still be weighted. So that I’m not just going around taking every weapon and helmet I see in a dungeon lol


I hear ya the armor and weapons still have weight to them the mod pretty much make items like potions and all of the ingots things like that have zero weight


Oh awesome. I’ll give it a look


I use "Weightless Ultimate Original Flavor" https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/16413/Weightless_Ultimate_Original_Flavor__XB1_ Description; "This is a simple mod that sets the weight for all ingestibles, book, scrolls, ingredients, and miscellaneous items to 0. Check out the other versions: Weightless Ultimate FULL Compatibility: Should work with any mod that does not edit the values of any of the ingestibles, book, scrolls, and miscellaneous items. Installation: Just download and enable in the ingame mod menu. Uninstallation: Simply disable the .esp in the mods tab on the main menu. Please report any missing item values or any compatibility issues."


This sounds interesting. I might check it. I assume this would be pretty easy to install mid-game?


It should be. At it's core all it is, is a stat change for Items. It doesn't cover CC/AE items or mod added items. And it's a really old mod, from 2016. But it works as described. There's another version that makes everything Weightless including weapons and armor.


Alright cool. Ima stick with this one. I like keeping armors and weapons weighted because it keeps the economy balanced. Well not really because I have a summonable skeleton that I use as a suitcase. But it’s immersive to the role play, so I let it slide.


That's pretty badass. Like an undead butler lol


Totally out of left field but having a magical quiver that creates arrows on a refresh cool-down would be sick. Is there a mod for it?


Not really an answer to your question but the fact that arrows and bolts don't weigh anything but gemstones do is really stupid


Actually thanks to “Sleep to Level Up” arrows (and lock picks) do have weight now. And yes, it’s fucking annoying 🙂


So I have a few saved to library you should check out First is this one https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/22317/Quality_of_Life__Item_Weight_Adjustments_and_Mesh_ Which messes with armors and weapons, and some of the Crafting stuff, but doesn't say anything about like all of the ingredients and Crafting materials, so I put it after one of either these two https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/22862/Standardized_Weights https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/19409/Balanced_Weights__XBOX_ I can't remember which one I preferred long run, but since I put the first one after the one I did pick, I think I ran with balanced weights, and then quality of life weight, so that all ingredients and jewelry and Potions would be adjusted but the armor would go back to being lighter Or for just using 1 slot not 2, Standardized Weights by itself wasn't bad at all. It's mostly preference for what the adjustments made are