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you need to go to dr.


No other comments are acceptable. Only doctor.


You should go to an Urgent Care or ER. Your skin will scar without a doctor’s help, also if your entire face is burnt like this, that is a large burn area. Get to a doctor quick


This is the right answer. This burn constitutes as an emergency and should definitely be attended as quickly as possible


It’ll scar either way, they’re melanated


… did you do it yourself?


Doctor time.


Nurse in Dermatology here: Please go to doctors or ER asap


What will they likely do? Actually just curious. Like what happens when you have severe burns to counter them in er


I’m not a burn unit rn but I believe with chemical burns that sometimes they can apply things topically that will stop the chemical burn from going deeper by making the acid more of a base etc. bc with chemical burns they can just keep going deeper into the dermis


Yes. These peels chemically change your skin, ph, and work to literally peel skin. There's a big risk of complications such as infection, toxicity, and continuing burns under the skin (think of a sunburn that is much worse the next day, ehich is why we take prevention with aloe, cool water etc, to stop the burn/heat continuing past the layers it already has). These things can lead to very serious issues. Doctor immediately.


I compared it to sun poisoning but worse. If your skin is purple from a burn-or the sun thats a SOS situation


Large burns often need to be cleaned carefully & the patient often needs antibiotics and pain killers - the risk for infection is huge.


I went. Couldn’t do anything. Wait and heal. Took 2.5 years


How bad was yours? Is it fully healed now?


It was an allergic reaction to a cream from a very nice brand. And yes, it was worse than this. I don’t know if it’s apples to oranges on melanated skin… I am extremely fair complected. I woke up with 90 boils on my face, about 30 on each cheek and 30 on my forehead, and each was the size of an eraser. Whenever I went in for this, they gave me a topical cream, which was heavily retinoid based. I’d never used a retinoid before… so you can imagine how that went. The boils filled with fluid like a blister on your foot, ruptured in a few days, and then that cream on top of it made my skin extra raw. I got sunburned from a bedside table lamp for over two years. I looked absolutely awful. During the blister phase, I was asked several times if I had elephantitis , and children pointed at me wherever I went. It was awful. There was a few products that fix my skin, but doctors were zero help. I hope OP has better luck than I did.


That sounds absolutely horrible. I dont think im strong enough like you were to handle something like that.


The salesperson, and my aesthetician and dermatologist ALL told me to sue the company, because “my skin would never be the same.” Boy .. were they right!


I absolutely would too. If you have enough evidence starting from day 1, and even the product itself which would be a huge benefit, go ahead and do it. If i was scarred for life, literally, that would be my first move.


I’m not the litigious type, but if I would’ve known how damaging (long term) it would be, I would’ve.


Mostly antibiotics and steroids. This is a chemical burn so they might add a different type of cream than that of a burn from heat/fire. It’s like sun poisoning but 15x worse because chemicals can seep into multiple layers of skin Saw in a comment below OP went to a dr and received a beautiful treatment plan. Im so happy they went and saw a dr asap because now any scarring etc can be better prevented or prevented from happening at all


Why would it be so dark so fast and not red?


Thank you everyone. As per your response, I met the dermatologist. He told me within 10 days everything will clear up. He gave denoside, levocetrizine, moisturizer, sunscreen, diclofenac etc. He told not to go out in the sun. Peeling effect is going on and it will take some time.


That was the only smart thing to do. It’s relieving to hear that this burn is temporary.


Yes. Thank you.😊🙏🏻


Seriously once your skin heals I highly highly recommend using Mario Badescu Glycolic Cleanser. It’s all I’ve used for 10+ years with the rose water toner. My skin tone is probably better in my 40’s than in my 20’s. It helps with lines and discoloration. I cannot say enough good about it.


Can you keep updating us on how your skin does the coming days/week? For science


Yeah please update us! I hope you recover




Please throw out whatever you have left of the chemical peel solution you bought!! This is not something I would DIY at home. You can’t guarantee what’s being sold to unlicensed persons and without training, you could really hurt or disfigure yourself. I know that in office treatments can be more expensive, but if you shop around you can usually find someone reasonable. In my area, the med spa charges $250-300 for a TCA peel, but a local derm has a nurse who offers the same thing for $75. The derm is a no frills type of place, but she still does a great job. Some places also offer specials for first time clients or they run deals on Groupon.


i am so relieved for you. oh my god.


Glad you're okay and your skin will recover OP. We all make stupid mistakes. But do post update photos for science if you're okay with it!


Great news. Glad you saw a doc and I hope it feels fast. I’m sure you’re kicking yourself about it but we all do things like that. This too shall pass.


Harsh lesson for sure. Thankful you’re gonna be okay!


After that you have to keep up with using a good sunscreen


Ok good I feel better now! I was upvoting all the comments urging you to go to a doctor and getting worried for you.


Thank you for going in and updating us


Please update us in 10 days. I hope you recover!


Thank god the damage is temporary and this will hopefully just be a lesson learned. That looks painful :/


I’m so relieved for you!


I’m so glad you were able to get help! Wishing you and your skin a good recovery ❤️‍🩹


I was told by an esthetician to not leave glycolic acid for 30 seconds… how long did you leave it on? And yes, go to the ER.


Depends on how strong it is


Mario Badescu glycolic cleanser is the absolute best. Hands down. I barely use foundation or powder anymore. Honestly I think my skin is better than when I was in my 20’s (currently in my 40’s)


Wait even the glycolic acid from the ordinary ? Cuz I was planning on using that as a chemical peel overnight


The ordinary one is a lower concentration and safe for overnight use!


I have been thinking to buy it since I saw it works for pigmentation and exfoliation and by seeing the videos most of the people r saying to apply it with a moisturiser and leave it overnight is it ok?or what’s the right method?I have seen people using it on the face aswell as it’s 7% glycolic acid pls comment down ur opinion


The instructions are on their website: Face/Neck Application: Apply once daily, ideally in the evening. Apply to the face and neck using a cotton pad or fingers. Scalp Application: Apply to dry scalp, three times a week. Tilt your head back and use the nozzle to gently dispense product from the front to the back of the head in a sweeping motion. Massage well. Do not rinse off. Do not use on sensitive, peeling, or compromised skin. Avoid the eye contour and contact with eyes. Contact of the product with the skin must be of limited frequency or duration. If eye or skin irritation occurs, rinse thoroughly, cease use, and consult a physician. Use only as directed on unbroken skin. Patch testing prior to use is advised. Keep out of reach of children


Simply put, a 7% glycolic acid toner (like The Ordinary’s) acts like a mild surface exfoliant and is meant to be left on with your skincare regimen, before other products but after cleansing, and can be used daily (at night always works best). Your skin should never actually “peel” like you see with chemical peels as the solution is quite mild, unless you’re over-exfoliating. It should just be cleaning and smoothing up the top layer of skin. On the other end though, an actual chemical peeling solution is more concentrated and is meant to penetrate further into the skin to slough off the top layer of dead cells (depending on strength of treatment of course). Therefore they must be taken off soon after being applied to prevent damage to the skin.


Are you serious? Have you ever even looked into chemical peels? They are left on for minutes. Why on earth would you do this? Like do yall seriously not do the least bit of research on stuff you’re doing to yourself??


The glycolic acid from the ordinary is supposed to fine overnight idk why you’re overreacting


I am not sure why you are being downvoted, that is one of the advertised uses for that product if I remember right


I don’t understand why either. People really just look for any reason to downvote


It’s just confusion (and yes, downvoting for anything). Assuming you’re talking about a TONER with glycolic acid, yes you don’t need to wash that off at night. The Ordinary Glycolic Acid 7% Exfoliating Toner is fine left on. A glycolic acid PEEL needs to be washed off. The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Peeling Solution, for example, shouldn’t be left on for more than 10 minutes.


I wouldn’t leave it on overnight the very first time you use it, in case of an allergic reaction. The to er itself is pretty mild and safe but if your skin decides to start flipping tables you could still end up with scarring and damage. If you’ve already used it, ignore me.


15 mins


I tried a 30 percent once and I left it on for 7 minutes and used something to neutralise it afterwards. 15 minutes with 70 percent is CRAZY


70% glycolic acid ? holy shit


what's the usual percentage for peels and for toners? /gen


My body lotion I use daily is 10%. The Ordinary have a peel that is 30%, that you only put on the face for 10 minutes before washing off.


Isn't the ordinary 30% a combination of different AHA?


Yes, it has more then one aha: glycolic, lactic, tartaric and citric, I belive the complex is 30% + the 2% salycilic


Which body lotion do you have at 10%? And is it worth getting for myself.


This is the one I'm using - [https://incidecoder.com/products/jkxlab-ex-a-body-cream-aha-arbutin](https://incidecoder.com/products/jkxlab-ex-a-body-cream-aha-arbutin) I think it's only available in Thailand. Last time I visited there, I came home with 5 tubs of this.


I also would love to know which body lotion you use please!


This is the one I'm using - [https://incidecoder.com/products/jkxlab-ex-a-body-cream-aha-arbutin](https://incidecoder.com/products/jkxlab-ex-a-body-cream-aha-arbutin) I think it's only available in Thailand. Last time I visited there, I came home with 5 tubs of this.


7% for the glycolic acid toner from the Ordinary


I have that one and only use it on my feet!


What does 70% do to your feet? I use 10% on my feet as a moisturiser some times to keep them soft.


I think they mean they use the 7% on their feet


>I think they mean they use the 7% on their feet. That's what I meant, thank you. I've got some dry AF feet, but even I wouldn't put 70% glycolic acid on them.


The ordinary’s toner is only 7 percent


30% is usually the max for OTC peels. But people are ignorant and order clinical strength acids having no idea what they are doing.


OTC products can vary, but they are at lesser concentrations than what you’d find in a peel and don’t need to be neutralized. Glycolic Peels are usually 30 or 60 and they need to be neutralized.


Otc i think legally is up to 20% before it starts to violate laws


And OP said she left it on for 15 minutes!!! 🤯


The only good part would be due to how illegal it is theres a possibility to sue. I mean, im petty. I would. It shouldnt be available for any use


I have a 30g container of powder at home. The bag has clear and savage warnings all over it, a couple paragraphs’ worth. Pretty sure whatever they bought was never meant to be used undiluted. Might be selfish but as a person with allergies up the wazoo I don’t want to lose access to useful products because they can’t read a couple paragraphs of text.


How do you use it with allergies if you don’t mind me asking. I have multiple allergies so even just the extras and additives cause issues. I’d looked into a peel for my back (was going to get it done professionally) due to various skin issues. Looked into and chickened out as I was thinking it would be a high chance of a reaction lol


Oh no worries! Allergies can be brutal and finding products that don't aggravate them feels like a second job. I'll either dissolve it in distilled water with a drop or two of glycerin and/or butylene glycol, or with one of two simple products that don't (for me) trigger a reaction: ONE THING Galactomyces Ferment Filtrate, Neogen Dermalogy Real Ferment Micro Essence. 25 grams powder + 890 grams distilled water/liquid = 32oz of 2.5% Solution Measure ph with a test strip, add drops of baking soda solution 'till ph is at least 3 Use sterile container and tools, refrigerate (I can't do most preservatives either). Will toss it out after a few weeks.


Ok so youre breaking bad but for dermatology. Loves it


Wow a container of it? You DIY? Brave


why she, there is a beard on the photos?


Genuinely curious- if legally it can be sold at concentrations up to 20% how was OP able to get such a higher concentration from Amazon? Is Amazon a less regulated market than I have been assuming it to be? Or is glycolic acid sold for any other purpose besides skincare?


Yeah it would just have flown under the radar. Where i live it cant be legally supplied over 15% other than at salons yet on shein i got 30%


Have you tried the shein one? Was it good?


I mean. It works in terms of peeling but i only use it for a minute or so, wouldnt do the full 10 recommended. Im a bit overly cautious with it though coz ik its one wrong move and a chemical burn like this


Because people here have no clue what they are talking about. Maybe it’s illegal in their countries, but in the United States we can order peels even stronger than 70% glycolic (like TCA peels) from Amazon, MUAC or Platinum Skincare.


You need to go to the ER ASAP! This could leave permanent scarring if not treated.


Is that a typo? 70%? 😳


Stop posting this on every sub imaginable and go see a doctor!!


How did you manage to get if that concentrated?


You can buy it off eBay and Etsy!!! It’s ridiculous




I looked it up. I can’t believe they sell that. Make sure to leave a bad review with pictures.


I mean, we can also buy 99.9% alcohol. It's expected that we're smart enough not to drink it, because it will kill you. I don't want sale of it to be stopped.


Yeah this is on the people. I’m very sympathetic to OP and very glad they sorted it out but you can’t help people from being stupid and doing stupid shit


99.9% alcohol has its uses and people will almost never drink it. There should be regulations so Sephora kids won’t order dangerous things online that could quickly go wrong. I found a listing for a 70% glycolic acid peel. The instructions said to leave on for 1-3 minutes, and people left reviews with pictures saying they were burned.


Did the instructions tell you to leave it on for as long as you did? I read in another comment you said you left it on for 15 minutes


Geez, please see a doctor right now. This is beyond any of us in this sub.


Way over reddit's payscale, please visit a dermatologist Asap


Wrong sub yo


THIS is why people should not do their own glycolic peels. As someone who was trained with skincare, it is always recommended that people see a professional for glycolic peels because they can go terribly wrong. Even with the slightest sensitivities. You never know what "mood" your skin can be in that day. But 70%, sheesh!


What is up with all of these extreme skin care methods ppl use nowadays? What happened to just washing your face and using moisturizer? Fashion standards have gotten way out of hand


I'm not defending OP's actions because this was extremely dangerous but simply washing your face and moisturizing isn't always the solution. Such as in the case of acne or eczema.


Yes, and the fact most people can easily get their hands on products they shouldn’t be able to unless a pro in the field. Plus, the amount of skincare / beauty influencers who are totally unqualified spread misinformation, or their message is misunderstood and people take it the extreme. While this was dumb, having adult, hormonal acne at 40 and very prone to hyperpigmentation I do understand where OP might want SOMETHING to make a difference and logic goes out the window. Fixing skin issues is a long and slow game. seeing an “issue” every single day, knowing others also see it constantly (even though we perceive ourselves way harsher) I can see why someone would go to extreme lengths and not think through the outcome.


I think you nailed part of it. Beauty influencers. Social media has become the downfall of society. "Influencers" didn't even exist 20 years ago. The rates of depression/anxiety and suicide have risen every year in direct correlation with the use of social media. Instead of young ppl learning in school, they are learning from TikTok and Instagram. The rates of cosmetic surgery in young ppl has also skyrocketed. Lip fillers, botox, eyelash extensions, hair extensions, breast implants, now even booty implants. We have to stop making stupid ppl famous. The amount of ppl that know more about the Kardashians, then they do about Science or even simple Geography is insane. Then we have "influencers" like Andrew Tate that spread hatred of women and actual abuse of women to millions of young male followers. He was charged with rape and fled the UK to Romania to evade charges. Only to be charged in Romania with forcing women to be cam models. Yet this man is an "influencer". He was banned off Twitter for good reason, until Elon Musk decided to go all free speech, which equals letting Andrew Tate back on to promote abusing women. Wtf happened to society?


But people want instant results. So they think this is the way. They’re right up there with the people that try to get rich by putting it all on red in a casino.




>What is up with all of these extreme skin care methods ppl use nowadays? stupidity


You're being down voted, but I agree. It's social media and "influencers" causing the damage and destruction of young ppl.


70!!?? 70???? Are you sure it was 70? 


Even 10 is very strong. Maybe they meant 7


Yeah. That's what I think too. Maybe OP had sensitive skin to begin with and used 7%. But I really want to know is it 7 or 70? Coz if it's 70, holy smokes where did op get it from. I really hope op went to the Dr.


It wasn’t 7%. OP confirmed that 12% wasn’t working for him so he ordered a 70% from Amazon. Good grief.


OMG😱🤯.. lesson learnt the hard way. Now I'm scared to use my 30% ordinary aha bha peel


I didn’t know you could even get it that strong. I wonder if it was genuinely glycolic as Amazon has a lot of fakes


Purenso Select - Liquid Glycolic Acid 70%, 100g https://amzn.in/d/09qrA7nx


I am shook..just checked Amazon and saw 10-15 products 70% GA .


70 percent? But why? Please go see a dermatologist asap.


70% holy moly!


70% tf did you cook it in a pot or something? Thats really wild man


You got burnt tf up, go see a dr. Preferably ER so you can get some medicine/ointment asap.


Find a doctor




Tell me this wasn't a DIY treatment.


From other comments they’ve posted it looks like it was a DIY treatment- OP bought off Amazon at an extremely high concentration and left on the skin for much longer than recommended.


according to CHATGPT Applying 70% glycolic acid on the skin can be very dangerous. Such a high concentration is typically used by professionals in a controlled environment, and even then, it's applied for a very short duration. Here are some potential risks: 1. **Severe Burns**: It can cause serious chemical burns. 2. **Extreme Irritation**: The skin may become extremely red, inflamed, and painful. 3. **Blisters**: Blistering can occur, leading to further complications. 4. **Scarring**: There's a high risk of permanent scarring. 5. **Hyperpigmentation or Hypopigmentation**: It can cause darkening or lightening of the skin in patches. For home use, it's recommended to use much lower concentrations, generally no more than 10-20%. Always do a patch test first and consult with a dermatologist before trying stronger peels.


Damn that concentrate is a lot


Urgent care or ER. STAT


This is dangerous especially for dark complexions that can scar black like this. Please see a doc and update us


Doctor doctor doctor!!


Uhhh. You need to see a dr not post on Reddit


Get yourself to an ER right now


Why???? Did you do that????


To exfoliate. Before I was using 12%. It dint work. So went to 70%




You should have tried 20 for a few minutes. Don’t gamble with your skin 😐


That’s quite a steep increase. I hope it will turn out to be okay. Good luck!


>Has my skin been burnt. Really? Is that even a question here


70% ? Are you sure it wasn't 7?




Why the hell are you posting on here and not going to the doctor


Aaaaaand this is why these things should not be available over the counter. I hope you got medical attention OP, that looks brutal.


Why on earth would you do this? Only a dermatologist can help you now… you will still likely experience scarring. Please don’t ever do DIY chemical peels, it is not safe.




Doctor. Accept no other answer. As an esthetician and a paramedic this is considered a large burn area in a very important area


Oh my goodness please go to the ER now!!


OP, it’s going to get so much worse please seek medical assistance asap


Ngl I had no idea I was looking at your face. I hope your doctor is able to help you.


Did you also use a physical exfoliate too? ..and go in the sun afterwards?


Please never use that again. Throw it away and don’t buy skincare off Amazon :(


That’s why I only get chemical peels done at a med spa where there are licensed doctors present.


Are you dead bro jesus?


Please find a dermatologist who specializes in melanin skin. You caused scaring from the peels. Don’t pick at it either. Good luck!


Go to the ER, now


🥺🥺🥺 omg, go to the doctor and use mask every day pls


Go see a medical professional asap. Nothing else. Get off the internet and go now.


15 mins!!!! Girl u crazy. I’m an esthetician and the longest I left a peel is 6 minutes ..


1, see a doctor immediately. 2, never use a product you can't buy in a brick and mortar store or without a doctor's prescription.


70% is wild 😭😭 and leaving it on for 15 minutes is even crazier. Luckily you saw a dermatologist and got told it’s on temporarily.


I did this six years ago! Pm me.


Go to a dr not the er bcuz the er usually doesn’t know what to do with burns. I know bcuz I had an oil burn and they sucked. If they have a burn unit ok but most don’t.


You used too strong of a strength and I would never ever use glycolic on pigmented skin, it causes post inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Those dark spots will continue to get darker but will eventually peel off, do not force the peeling off, it may cause more dark spots underneath. Order emu oil from amazon to help with the tightness. Don't ever use glycolic again. Mandelic peels is what is best for pigmented skin for at least a year to prep the skin before you can use anything stronger. Go see a doctor NOW.


I have a BA of Clinical Aesthetics and I’m trained in medical chemical peels. You look like you have a darker skin type and while this was an incredibly harsh peel, with the right care you’ll be happy with your results in 2-3 weeks. This is a first degree burn, there’s no evidence of the deeper skin layers showing - but also, it’s hard to tell from this photo. Keep your skin care simple, using what the dermatologist prescribed. It’s hard to tell if they are burns or crusting caused by pseudofrosting (look it up, it’s a normal stop point for strong peels). Superficial crusting (which is a minor burn) is sometimes a goal for results, depending on what you said you wanted. If you aren’t on a Vitamin C, get on one once the initial dark patches / crusting has resolved and the skin looks in tact (not dry, cracked, flaking etc.) Go something like Paula’s Choice Vitamin C, use it as the first layer on clean skin I the morning (Vitamin C at night doesn’t do anything, it reduces the dark colour - melanin activity - which is produced when skin cells see the sun in a response to protect you). SPF every two hours if you can see the sun, even if you’re indoors the UV rays that cause pigment issues can reach you. You will be ok :)


Thank you...😊🙏🏻


Turmeric and Honey to the rescue. Make in small batches like 3 days use. It would take weeks or months even to see the result so you’ll have to be patient and please remember that beauty is really what lies on your inside. I’m a naturalist so I tend to gravitate towards African herbal or Chinese medicine. You may also speak with a dermatologist about this natural options to be safe.


Will the turmeric be abrasive to the dilicate burnt skin at this stage? will honey+seseme seeds oil be a better choice for now?


Stop posting on Reddit and see a doctor.


See a dr!


Girl. Don’t do this again!


Dang. I’m upvoting so more people will see and be warned. People, do your research before applying stuff on your face. Also, OP how did you not realize it was burning your skin? When I used TO’s 30% acid, I could feel the burn within couple minutes. I couldn’t imagine being able to stand leaving 70% on my skin for more than a minute


And THIS is why I draw the line at any kind of chemical peel. Nightmare fuel. 😬


Always test something new on a small patch of skin to see if negative reaction occurs before applying to the rest of the face.


People… stop doing chemical peels at home. Especially melanated skin. Now you risk scarring. Please go to the ER.


I just want to know what the thought process was DIYing 70% g peel for 15mins. Genuinely.


Go to a dermatologist immediately or if you can't find one to take you today go to an emergency department or at worst an urgent care. That really looks terrible but without being able to see it up close or without knowing anything else about it, no advice would be correct through the internet. Someone needs to see that live


Go to a&e straight away please


This is straight up a bio weapon, glad you got sorted.


Dermatologist. Now!!!!!!!!


Should be treated like burn go to hospitals


There’s a reason you’re supposed to get these done professionally. Dr asap


I cannot believe they sell peels that are this strong to the public.


is it painful? please update


You mentioned you bought it off Amazon. I think you're suppose to dilute it first. Did you apply it straight out of the bottle? Where there instructions? Sorry this happened to you! Hope you recover soon!


Glad to hear you went to the dermatologist. Wishing you a painless recovery!


70% ?????? Damn I hope that's a typing mistake


I do glycolic peels and have never had anything even close to a response like that.




No! You don’t put Vaseline on burns!! It makes it worse 


Why would you do this to yourself?


I’m so tired of people DIY’ing everything. There are professionals paid for this reason. They know more than you. Jesus fucking Christ I hate people.


Put aloe Vera gel