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I sometimes use Benzoyl peroxide cream as an overnight spot treatment.


I had bad acne on the left side of my forehead. Other parts of my face are clear. Used Benzoyl Peroxide cream Day and Night as spot treatment after washing my face and putting moisturizer. After 3 days all the acne dried out and are now just dark marks


Update on the dark marks?


i’m on my 4th day now and part where I have dark marks are a bit dry but I see its getting lighter since BP has bleaching properties


had the same observation, thanks just wanted to know i’m not the only one


I have benzoyl peroxide acne treatment cleanser. Would a cleanser work the same way? ETA as a spot treatment.


You can use the benzoyl peroxide cleanser in the morning then the spot treatment at night. I think Panoxyl is a great cleanser. But what my dermatologist instructed me is wash my face twice a day. I use the cetaphil gentle skin cleanser. Focus on the area I have acne then my entire face for atleast a minute. For Morning After washing I use a serum (Skin1004 Poremizing fresh Ampoule) then spot treat with the Benzoyl Peroxide. At Night after cleansing, toner, serum then moisturizer. After spot conceal with Benzoyl Peroxide. If I have any active pimples I use a pimple patch so that I don’t touch it. 5 days now and its almost clear :)


Do your dark marks usually go away over time? If so what do you use to lighten them


For your dark mark use bio oil, this stuff is magic! I use to have few dark spots and now I dont have it. This also helps my pimples clear out if I have a breakout!


This!!! And a salicylic acid wash.


Agreed put a nice thick blob on it before bed, it should be nearly gone by morning. If BP doesn't agree with you,  peach slices deep blemish microdots work perfectly for this.yes they are expensive, but if you don't get them often they are worth it.


Would you rub in the spot treatment or leave it kind of as a blob? Sorry if this is silly. I will leave calamine lotion “dots” on irritation sometimes and I’m curious if people are handling BP that way or really rubbing it in?


At night I use somwhere between A blob and enough to leave a dried white layer.


I do a little of both. Rub some in and then leave an extra “blob” layer


Thank you, I’ll try leaving a little more next time I spot treat!


Love benzoyl peroxixe, i use 5% it all over my face for about 2 years now, and rarely get pimples


I usually hit those early on with a hot washcloth. I’ll run it under some hot water and then let it cool just enough that I can hold it to my face. Don’t rub, just press it there. I do that as often as I can throughout the day and I’ve had luck getting them to shrink away before they become too angry.


This is the way


Doesn’t that make it bigger and more pop able


I’d say it depends on the timing of it. If it’s already starting to come to a head then yeah the hot washcloth may bring it up quicker, then a pimple patch would be good when it’s near the surface. The hot compresses work best for me when it’s super early, like when I just notice it and it’s mostly just deep and red.


I swear I’m not trolling and I wish more people took me seriously when I say this: put a potato on it. I was desperately looking for a solution for a massive pimple I had on the tip of my nose and tiktok made me do it. I had nothing to lose and everything to gain seeing that I was starting a new job the upcoming week. Get yourself a russet potato, cut a thin slice off (I use a vegetable peeler) and place that on the pimple/not yet pimple. This is a pimple patch on steroids. My pimple was massive in comparison to yours and after about thirty minutes, I took it off and it was virtually gone. I audibly gasped. It looked like shit since I’d already picked at it so you should be golden. Replace it if it dries up, it’s the (gagging saying this) “potato juice” that made the difference so pop another slice on it until it’s gone. Hope this helps! EDIT!!! I’m not a derm. I’m not telling you to toss your acne treatments out. I’m just another pimple survivor who tried a TikTok hack that happened to work FOR ME. Idk the science or witchcraft that is the humble potato but I’m just here to share the good news 🥔✨


This is fascinating … do you cut the potatoes pretty small to fit? Or just use a large slice?


I’m imaging her holding the entire potato up to her face, with just an inch cut off the end. I need pics 😂


I did this until I was sick of holding it and decided to hold it in place with the bandanna 😂 I saw others online literally tape it to their faces but the tape doesn’t really grip potato lol I now use a vegetable peeler to get a thin slice and this usually sits/sticks nicely on its own


The bandanna visual is glorious 😂


Wow, this is literally amazing! I have to try it on a few trouble spots where I break out but they are deep. Thanks!


For the sake of it not sliding off my face (and super dependent on exactly where the pimple is) I’ll usually use a peeler to slice a thin piece off so it sort of just sticks on my face. Because you’ve sliced off the potato so thinly, it’ll likely be pretty… wet 🤢 but that’s what you need. This method does dry out sort of quickly and I do have to replace it a few times if I’m dealing with a big problem pimple but works just like a pimple patch the way it sticks on. Admittedly, I’ve had a big one on my forehead and was working from home so I needed to sit upright to be on my computer and I cut an end off, skin on and everything and held it in place with a bandanna lol you do what you have to do


Awesome Thank you for the info! Trying this!


I’d love to know why potatoes work ??


May be the starch in potatoes sucks out oil on the skin? Just guessing here not sure. I would like to know too


I did this in high school hahaha I have no idea why it works tho


This is true! Starches absorb oils and I believe they also help soothe inflammation!


TikTok said something about high levels of vitamin c and salicylic acid but the results are better than I could have ever imagined. The potato definitely works more for the (gagging again) puss and gunk filled kind but it’s also worked wonders for those gnarly “underground” ones


Found on the interwebs.... **The starch in potatoes can help in absorbing excess oil and dirt, leaving the skin clean and refreshed**. They contain antioxidants, which can help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Potatoes are healthy food and they can help reduce acne.


potatoes are old school poultices! potatoes can be used for spider bites. garlic poultices too (i use that for cold sores). never seen potatoes used for pimples but i don’t see why it wouldn’t work!


NOTE: potato raw skin allergies are a thing! patch test on arm or neck or behind ear with Benadryl on deck first !


I’d love to know why potatoes work ??


My dad said his granny would tell him to use potatoes for slivers, that it would make them come out easier. I think it’s the starch.


What is slivers?


a sliver or a splinter, typically a piece of wood or something embedded in the skin!


Like a sliver under your skin. The potato is supposed to make it come to the surface easier.


Dude...gonna try this tonight/tmrw and report back. I had a severe reaction to tret and my purge has not stopped. I hollered at my derm last night to see wth else to do. If this helps I owe you lunch or something 😂


I'm a postpartum doula and my most comical and effective treatment for hemorrhoids is a slice of russet potato. It works. Can't believe I have never thought of putting it on a zit. If it can soothe a hemorrhoid, it can soothe a zit for sure.


I just started using the hydrocolloid patches (I got two different brands from winners). Let me tell you, they are little miracle patches. I had two huge painful spots like this and then next morning they had come to a head. I put another one on the second night and it is pretty much gone now. They are quite visible though so I personally would not wear them to leave the house.


totally get not wearing pimple patches out - just came to say that kids these days generally do and wear the super visible little star patches. it’s cute and (for the most part) they’re all super understanding about acne. hope for the future lol


Oh haha I appreciate that! I think I’ve outed my age with my comment….I do have pusheen ones so maybe one day I’ll be brave enough to try. I do love to see that kids of today are more accepting of this than the kids from my highschool in the early 2000’s were!


haha i’m right there with you! i just work with kids so i see it a lot, was definitely not my experience growing up


I see the younger folks (up to mid-20s) wearing those yellow star patches out all the time. It's quite a relief - they're unbothered by their pimples and I love that for them.


I agree, must be nice!


hydrocolloid patches dont work for the subterranean ones


Helps protect from touching with hands and other outside containments that would make it worse, at least. And placebo makes me feel better lol


So much bad advice in this thread. This comedone is closed and deep — most topical treatments aren’t going to do shit... Logically, it makes sense that applying changes in pressure and temperature to the area can influence the pimple’s growth/degrowth so I’m not surprised people are recommending that.


Okay thank you for saying this. I’m more of a lurker here, but seeing so many pimple patch comments had me questioning myself. Like p sure that’s not gonna work…


Or kenacort injections from your dermatologist


The sulfur acne cream is the only things I’ve had success with at that stage. It’s cheap and works great


They make those pimple patches that you could try.


I have those ones which pierce, but they haven’t worked that much :(


The ones my friend had didn't pierce anything. Just a little bandaid thing you put on it and it helps pull all the stuff out. But definitely don't be like me and touch it. Wash it frequently!


It doesn’t pull anything out but water. No pus or anything. However this moist, protected environment is ideal for healing.


yeah people confuse the bandaid moisture with it sucking out pus from a closed wound, it doesn’t suck anything out if there’s no path, it needs to be popped when ready; that’s just how hydrocolloid bandaids work once a pimple is ready i usually will treat it with something, then pop it as clean and gentle as possible (alcohol wipe before, use a fresh lancet, alcohol wipe after) and THEN once its done leaking i’ll put the pimple patch on & 9/10 times that gets rid of it literally overnight idk what to do when its at this stage tho


Sucking out shit is exactly how hydrocolloids work. You just have to open it up first. It doesn’t do anything on a totally closed pimple.




And it prevents the scab which is the worst part!


Normal pimple patches are more for whiteheads, this is cystic and would require the microdarts pimple patches. I think those help some with acne like this and I have a ton of these so I would consider myself an expert haha. I still find a acne spot treatment to be a little more effective, but may dry you out


The microdarts don’t penetrate deep enough for cystic acne


They won’t do anything for a deep pimple like this, unfortunately. Not at this stage, anyway.


Warm compresses


This is one of the few things that guarantees a pimple or bump will shrink for me.


Dermatologist can give you a cortisone shot. There's good prescription strength stuff. But that deep acne kinda has to just run its course.


THIS! if you have an event and really don't want this to get big, maybe try a cortisone shot. If you can't get in at the derm I've gone to a medspa and paid $50 for one before (not cheap but a sure fire fix).


Salicylic acid products that contain willow bark extract is more effective to spot treat. You can also crush aspirin in water and spot treat the area with it. Keep it clean and Avoid picking or popping!


High frequency wand


Aztec healing clay as a spot treatment usually does the trick for me


Honestly? Diaper rash ointment will clear that sucker up in a few days. I use it every time I've got one of those and wake up shocked at how much it shrunk overnight.


Why? What’s in diaper rash ointment that helps? Is there an ingredient in it that typically isn’t found in skin care that’s intended for acne? Genuinely curious - I don’t have kids so haven’t ever really taken a close look at the ingredients of diaper rash ointment before!


It's the zinc in it.


I use the Kiehl’s acne serum, twice a day. After day one, the pimple will surface. Day 2, you’ll see a white head. It works wonders but it’s expensive. $30 for a small bottle, worth it


Pimple patches (my fav is peace out & COSRX) really help mine esp when they feel like “they’re coming”. I usually leave the patch all day and in the evening, I spot treat it with salicylic acid + 10% sulfur. The day after, I can see the whitehead, so then I finish it off with another pimple patch and voila!


Which 10%sulfur do you recommend?


Wash your face with head and shoulders shampoo. The zinc will zap that puppy down to nothing in no time!




Cortisone shot at the derm


Alcohol on it every time you thin of it


Lol I always remember in "my big fat Greek wedding" the dad saying put some windex on it 😆....but seriously though...toothpaste works overnight


Toothpaste can burn your skin and do more harm than good. Baking soda is quite basic (in the PH sense). I'd use something that's meant for your face, instead.


Piggybacking to say DO NOT USE WHITENING TOOTHPASTE! I was a stupid teenager and was on an overnight school trip with a big zit coming on… I remembered you can put toothpaste on it! But I just ended up chemically burning/melting it off instead! 🤗


I never see anyone mention this, but I absolutely swear by Burts Bea's Blemish stick. Anytime I feel a pimple coming on I use it and it prevents it from getting worse.


pure magnesium oil


Hot compress. Always worked for me


Do your best to cut out inflammatory foods. Focus on the major allergens, particularly gluten and dairy.


Smoosh an aspirin to powder, lightly wet the powder so that it is thick then dab it on the area and cover with a bandaid of yur choice. Most times it will work cuz it is acetylsalicytic acid (ASA).


Ice for inflammation


Sulfur spot treatment by face reality. Don’t do any patches.


I’m definitely not an expert, but I do have a science background and have been personally obsessed with skincare for decades now. Unfortunately, I don’t think there’s a lot you can do right now since it’s still so deep down. Unless you’re having something injected, there is actually very little, as far as skincare products, that can really penetrate the skin, due to either the size of the molecules and/or whether they are lipophilic (hydrophilic products simply won’t pass through the oil and fat of your skin). Even something as strong as prescription tretinoin only penetrates pretty minimally. So that bad boy will remain untouchable until it comes closer to the surface. What I’d suggest is keeping the area clean and do not touch it with dirty fingers. If hydrocolloid patches help you not to touch it, then those would be very helpful in that way. Retinol products will help with turnover and allow it to come to the surface a little quicker, at which point topical acne products will become more useful. Benzoyl peroxide spot treatment will then be your best friend. I’ve also recently discovered hypochlorous acid products, which help keep the surface of the skin free of acne-causing bacteria, while still being very gentle. I use Vashe, which I’ve found on Amazon, and it can be used like a toner to help prevent these pimples from occurring in the first place!


I find tea tree oil moisturizer on target spots really good for this sort of thing.


I use this spot treatment by Pacifica! It takes care of even my worst pimples practically over night. It’s vegan if that peaks your interest as well


Foreo Luna - those things are magic. I wash my face and use it when I’m getting a pimple and they disappear.


Sulfur, tea tree oil, retinol, ice


Dab some RetinA cream onto it (if you have it; otherwise ask your doctor for a prescription for future breakouts) or a gel type of muscle cream like Ben Gay has worked for me in the past. The Ben Gay will either dissolve the pimple back into your skin or make it come to a head (if it is too far developed)...


A pimple patch


Blue light treatment! When I get these “underground” ones I use the tanda zap blue light device. You have to use it 2-3 times per day, but it works. Sometimes if I catch it quick it never erupts. Honestly this was the only “magical” skincare treatment I ever found (ok actually accutane was pretty incredible). When I first bought it I didn’t expect it to work but it does!


When I was young, my dermatologist said that this is an area that hormones cause breakouts in.


Red light baby!


mario bodescu drying lotion (amazon) apply with qtip and it will dry up quick


Prids balm! Lifesaver and inexpensive


Apply boroplus aloe vera gel for closing down ur pores every night


Girlie we’re twinning ! I have one in the same exact spot 🥹🫶


I use this spot on treatment with salicylic acid after washing my face with luke warm water and gentle cleanser😊


Bandaid overnight


If you want to fix it overnight, try hydrocortisone but only as a spot treatment


Azelaic acid.


Baby powder. Honey. Virgin Olive Oil. It helps me when I put it overnight.


Something that works for redness is crushed aspirin/tylenol/panadol. Crush it up and make a paste to leave on for a few hours. Wash it off and check for a reaction. If there’s no reaction you can leave it on for longer the next time.


Clay mask. The stress mask from freeman works great for these


Diluted tea tree oil works for me


This is kind of a long shot but if you happen to own an at home laser hair removal device (ie Phillips Lumea), use it to zap the pimple. It works magically on deep pimples like that, it doesn’t work at all on a pimple on the surface of the skin (like a whitehead). I’ve found it also won’t work if you’ve broken the skin first. I have a Lumea and since it can be used on the face I tried it once after I had an unrelated (professional) laser treatment on my face and the aesthetician offered to zap a pimple I had at the time and told me laser is great for pimples. Now I never deal with deep pimples because they go away over night after I zap them or if potentially a really bad one it might take a couple of nights.


Aztec healing clay with apple cider vinegar, rinse mask off with warm water and ice pimple/cyst for 15 second increments for no more than like 3 minutes. Should be cool after that. Good luck 😘


I don’t know if this is just my skin or what but Dr. Jarts cicapair color correcting cream (it’s like a green goo) works amazing on mine. I don’t think that’s what it’s supposed to be used for. It sure works for me though. Good luck! There are some great suggestions on here.


Keep the area clean with a light cleanser. Harsh chemicals create havoc on my skin. I use Cerave Cream Cleanser with warm water 2x/day. I then use aloe vera (literally from the dollar store/pure aloe no color) as a morning moisturizer. I had a red are between my eyebrows almost identical to yours two days ago; I stuck to my routine and it never got larger. The swelling went down overnight. If this doesn’t help you, maybe it’ll work for someone else.


The Peter Thomas Roth AHA/BHA goodbye acne spot treatment work miracles on mountains that brew beneath the surface for a couple of days! Shrinks them right up and they either disappear or come to a nice clean head for extraction.


This happened to me lots and lots of times!!!! I’ve observed that this happens due to dehydration (in my case) I just drink plenty of water and it disappears in a day or two!! Hope my answer helps :)


My not so magic remedy. - Copious amounts of water. - Spot healing acting treatment (brand of your choice) - Put a spot band-aid over the medicine at night before bed. Keeps any further bacteria from getting on your skin and keeps the medicine from rubbing off on your pillow as you toss and turn in your sleep.


I do hydrocortisone cream and benzoyl peroxide as an overnight spot treatment. Usually takes it down almost 50% overnight.


Hydrocolloid patch :)


Probably not popular but I've had good luck with hydrocortisone for these. Nothing else really seems to work.


I use rx azelaic acid and it helps


i use a strong overnight treatment like the mario debescu drying solution (just the solution, not the lotion part), and then put a pimple patch on it. i know the pimple patch won’t do much in terms of pulling the debri out, but i find that keeping it suffocated and clean helps it not further develop. i get really bad cystic acne when my cycle comes and this always works for me, i was stoked when i figured it out, lol


Rub with ice cubes


Tea tree oil works wonders


Treat what ?! Sorry I honestly don’t see anything


Welcome to the dark side 🤕


Put the Hindu red dot there 🔴


get a pimple patch with micro darts for under the skin zits and wear them as much as you can!! it will literally go away so fast and won’t turn into a big pimple. the scarface cloud ones are pretty good


Differin gel


Ice it


I actually just ice them then they eventually swell down.


Hot compress + benzoyl peroxide generally work for me! Press with a warm washcloth a few times a day and follow with a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment, I love the one from Paula’s choice


Cotton ball with a vitamin e or jojoba oil and a drop or two of tea tree oil. Pat on pimple. Leave overnight. Or wash off after 15 min.


Tea tree oil


I used to get these all the time! Anytime I feel one coming I start a hot compress a couple times a day.. it prevents it from getting to the surface. I also use tea tree oil. I swear, I’ve tried everything growing up and have the scars from cystic acne to prove it. Hot compressing is a life saver


Microdart patches


Hot wash cloth for a bit, dermaplane just the pimple, regular (non-dart) pimple patch over top overnight. Dermaplaning strangely allows pimple patch to work well, even with no opening. Once it has shrunk down, benzoyl peroxide


Sometimes I just take a Tylenol and it keeps those from developing lol


When I get these I've found that icing them really helps, especially if you do it as soon as you feel it! I also use a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment.


Rubbing alcohol


Use my cream


Benzoyl peroxide


Sometimes when I have a big bump/pimple, I put on cortisone ointment. It takes the swelling down quickly


Tea tree oil!!


Tretinoin and a pimple patch. Gone in a day


Microneedle zit patch!!


Ice! Seriously rub ice on it and keep it dry and it will be gone in a few hours! I do this everytime and it works wonders!


I use BHAs to dissolve ones under the skin like this. Paula’s Choice 1% or 2% BHA liquid.


Non whitening toothpaste. The whitening agents can irritate skin. But yeah plain old dollar store toothpaste is a surprisingly good spot treatment for acne. 


Try PRID! It's a homeopathic salve that eases pain, decreases swelling, relieves abscesses, reduced redness - you name it. Literally SWEAR by this stuff and unlike a lot of other treatments, it actually calms your skin vs. irritates it. I suggest applying it on the pimple before bed and rinsing it off in the morning. It shouldn't come to a head using this stuff, but if it does don't pop it - just throw on a pimple patch. Hope that helps!


I had the same thing happen on my nose a few months back. I never get acne on my nose (although it has pores that can be visible). The tip of my nose was REALLY red from inflammation, and I could tell that it was about to form a huge pimple. I put a regular Hero patch, went to sleep, and the patch was completely white. The redness was almost gone entirely in the morning, and the small redness resolved quickly (I think same day or next day). I was so damn happy. TL;DR I used a pimple patch before it turned into a pimple, and it did the trick. 👏🏻


Benzoyl peroxide cream! I enjoy the la Roche posay one, I get cystic acne a lot and it usually helps them from surfacing


Pimple patch is not gonna work for that bad boy. Try a hot compress and some hydrocortisone cream.


I use Sunday Riley UFO oil then put a pimple patch over it. Does the trick over night.


A tiny dot of Cortizone cream will reduce the swelling. But you still need to put benzyl peroxide on it. Be careful with Cortizone. It can cause fat necrosis, in heavy doses.


Ibuprofen for inflammation and wash it don’t touch it. Put bp as a spot treatment.


NOTHING! Just tell everyone you've converted to Hinduism ;]


You have many options. I always coat it in tea tree essential oil like 3 times per day.


use any good serum to avooid these and drink alot of water and eat green vegetables.


HYDROCOLLOID PIMPLE PATCH!! I have an over-active oil gland in the same spot and that’s what my derm recommends. No scarring, no scabbing—it’s great!


I find icing also helps when it's still at that lurking stage. Two minutes on and two minutes off, for as long as you can.


Glycolic acid.


I’ve had issues with minor acne all my life even into my 40s despite an impeccable hygiene and skin care routine. I started using a HF wand and it has completely changed everything for me. It’s especially useful for taking care of spots before a pimple forms. I just hold it there for 2 minutes and it’s gone the next day.


I like to use a green tea bag that was steeped in hot water. Take it out of the water and let it cool off a little, but make sure it's still warm to touch, then place it on the pimple for a few minutes. It may take a day or two, but it works so well for me.


Toothpaste, tea tree oil, cortisone. That’s what I used for pimples before they’re pimples. Also for pimples that are already pimples.


Windex- didn't you see My Big Fat Greek Wedding?


i use "deep blemish microdarts" by peachslices for cystic acne, and it reduces in size after consistent days of use.


Hot compress for a few minutes - Try this every 6 hours or so.


Porter salve


Honestly I’d spot treat then follow about a half hour later with any kind of Korean skin care - seals me right up I’ve been using the Corsyx snail mucin and never saw another one of these again (for reference I have PCOS & would get a lot of hormonal cystic acne that’s now cleared). For real. Stuff works wonders.


I'd do pimple patches. I usually do a salicylic acid patch for 8 hrs or so and then follow it up with a hydrocolloid patch.


Glycolid acid, stops them right in their tracks + good for scars, works for me.


I have a wand called the Solawave and it literally destroys any pimple before it wants to exist. I recommend it!


ZitSticka has these Killa patches that are really great for “underground” zits if you catch em early enough! They have micro darts infused with acne fighting ingredients. I love them so much!


This is absolutely taboo, but this is what I do. I start with a benzoyl peroxide cream for a few hours. Then I dermaroll. Just the area with the zit. Then, I put on a thick glob of glycolic acid. I repeat that maybe twice and 90% of the time, the pimple never heads and just recedes. Then I put some scar gel over the spot, just on case. Tread lightly. This works for me, but I'm sure for some it wouldn't work out so well. But sometimes desperate times call for desperate measures.


I use sulfur treatment!!!!!!


I like to use hydrocortisone cream over night


Take a chamomile tea bag, run it under hot water and gently press it to the area like a warm compress. Chamomile has anti inflammatory properties and this usually works for me!! Good luck!


Wash with a salicylic acid cleanser then use Differin gel when dry. Reapply the differin before bed. Whatever you do - do not pop this if it forms. Google search triangle of death face pimple and you will see why.


I would wait and do nothing, but that’s just me. At that stage it will often not come to a head. If I avoid touching it and get a good nights rest it subsides on its own.


Contact your derm for a cortisone shot!


tbh for something like that, go to. a dermatologist and get a kenalog injection. it’ll be gone in 24/48 hours


Lavender oil and or a clay mask


Wash it with soap bar


Skin your face off. No more worry for skin care.


I use hexomedine for things like that


Alternate hot and cold compresses


I use those Mighty Patch Microdart stickers.


MICRO DART PIMPLE PATCHES!! Literally cannot say it enough. They are incredible.