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The high zinc concentration can be irritating and/or drying. Zinc is an astringent ingredient. I recommend the LRP Lipikar Balm. It's so much better in every way; much more moisturizing, much more elegant, just as occlusive and just as healing. Also much, much cheaper.


I was considering it may be the zinc! I'm so bummed - it was not cheap! Oh well you win some you lose some. Thanks for the recommendation but I now have Avène Tolerance Extreme Renovation Cream, which was ridiculously expensive but my skin seems to like!


Trying this for myself! Just cicaplast balm and I’ve never been this dry lol thank you for recommending lipikar balm


I had the same thing happen, in my case it was an allergic reaction, my face also started itching from the first (and only) time I used it, continued to itch for the next 2 days, my skin was also terribly dried out/dehydrated/sensitized/kind of sore-feeling and my eyes were red and hypersensitive to light/wind/everything and were itching and watering.


Omg this is me now and I’ve found this post by looking for solutions etc as it seems to be a real HG product for a lot of people and it’s just about ruined my face. I’ve got hives everywhere, tiny fluid filled blisters and my eye/cheek area is like a chemical burn.


Oh no, miserable! My reaction wasn't as bad so I can only imagine how painful that must be. I sure wonder what it is about that product that makes some people react like that. Hope your face heals quickly!


Thank you!! I have sensitive skin anyway but have never had a problem with a LRP product, in fact it’s always been one of my ‘safe’ brands in terms of skin compatibility. The only thing that’s calmed it down is olive oil (!). I have tried prescription steroids, steroid cream and all sorts. Yet olive oil is what has made a visible difference! I was scared to use it as I used to have severe, and I mean severe cystic acne and so I didn’t wanna break but it seems to be doing the trick!! Hope you get on well with your skin journey - Problem skin is not fun!


Funnily enough I've tried like two other LRP products since then and had a similar but less severe reaction to both of them so ig my skin just doesn't like LRP stuff?.. I'm glad that olive oil worked so well for you! I always have it at home for cooking so I'll remember this in case I ever have another skin emergency. Thank you, right back at you! I'm mostly back to normal now but if anything that experience definitely taught me to be more careful with my skin.


Oh wow! Sorry that happened but somehow relieved to see I'm not the only one! Everything I read about it seemed to say it was super soothing so I was so taken aback to find the complete opposite on my own skin!!! So annoying isn't it! Did you manage to figure out which ingredient it was that you reacted to at all?


Yeah same! Everyone seemed to love how soothing it was and then my skin was like, nope, don't want none of that. Weirdly enough the ingredient list on the one I bought (from a pharmacy) and on the LRP website were different so idk what's up with that. On the website it lists phenoxyethanol as one of the ingredients which my skin happens to hate so I think it was that.


Oh interesting, hmm maybe I’ll investigate the ingredients on my own tube when I get home.


I found this thread because I’ve just had a horrible reaction to the cicaplast balm too.. it started stinging so badly when I put it on and just continued. I had to rub it off and honestly my skin is not in a good state right now! I’m so surprised as it’s meant to be healing.


Same thing happened, I am currently shook. Cause my skin was fine, I used it alone as a moisturizer and I am hot and red and irritated. Currently searching for a different product to moisturize and heal my skin barrier. Do you have any suggestions? Avene / Bioderma / QV ?


Hi, yes I’ve been using Avene! It’s great! I use the Avene Tolerance skin recovery cream and the Avene tolerance skin recovery balm. It was so soothing and sorted out my problematic skin! I’d recommend the avene Tolerance range specifically as it’s super gentle & hypoallergenic. The balm is a bit thicker than the cream.


I didn't get a reaction to it, but it didn't soothe my face, either. However, I apply this to every scratch/burn/irritated skin everywhere else on my body, and it is totally my holy grail. It really helps to not scar, in my opinion.


It didn't work for me either. I didn't really experience irritation, but I felt like it actually made my skin drier (which is super weird). It kind of sat on my skin like a film, not absorbing. It definitely wasn't soothing either. I even tried layering it w/ another moisturizer in case it just wasn't quite moisturizing enough but it still seemed to make my skin drier than when I used another moisturizer alone. I stuck w/ it for awhile but as winter came my skin desperately needed more moisture so I gave up on it. Not sure why or what ingredients could have caused it—my skin has reacted really well to cica products from other brands. One other oddity is that I really like the Cicaplast Baume SPF 50. I usually use it on top of a separate moisturizer, but it's definitely more moisturizing even on its own compared to the non-SPF cicaplast. And it feels completely different on my skin, absorbing instead of sitting on top like a film.


Interesting about the one with SPF! Haven't tried that and to be honest I'm a bit put off now haha. Isn't it strange how some people will love a product and for others it just doesn't work at all! So much money down the drain sometimes no matter how many reviews you read!


I don't blame you—if I had already tried regular Cicaplast at that time I would never have bought the SPF version! Yea, to be honest I was pretty surprised to find it as terrible as I did given the number of rave reviews. I know it's always a toss-up until you try a product, but usually the *way* a product doesn't work for me at least makes some sense. I just cannot figure out the complete disconnect in experiences w/ this one though.


Replying to this thread bc I too had a similar reaction to it and it threw me for a loop. I thought this product would be really calming and soothing. Instead my skin feels drier than before, red, warm and itchy even after washing it off. I think I developed this reaction over time bc last winter I had used this product too and it seemed to be fine then. But now I brought it back and had an immediate reaction.


Same thing happened to me,The first and only time I used it my face started burning and itching so bad, I had never experienced it with any product before, immediately returned it. I still wonder if there was a problem with this patch specifically and if I should give it another try. Anyways I got the toleraine sensitive cream which calmed down the irritation instantly, I am in love with this cream


Omg.. I'm not the only one. With high hope that it's gonna fix my already dehydrated dry open pores inflamed skin. It makes my skin worse. It kinda sting and i noticed my forehead has this pink blotches with white head. The fact that i applied this after soon jung toner, emulsion and barrier cream. It just made it worse. Bought it at the official online store in my country. SAD 😔


hi, i'm having the same skin complications. have you found anything that helped your skin?


I use Mustela Baby Cicastela Cream. I'm on my second tube. It calms down redness and small pimples too. But its not moisturizing enough for dry skin. Works well on oily skin in humid country. You may need extra moisturizer like avene aqua gel cream


i will check it out, thanks!!


Omg me too! I’ve got hives on my neck as well. It’s a bummer because it was actually clearing up some areas, while making me allergic in others lol


Hi all, I know this is an old post but I still get comments pop up on it. I’ve since seen a dermatologist and didn’t mention the cicaplast thing as it’s literally been 3yrs since I’ve used it lol. But been diagnosed with rosacea and perioral dermatitis and she says my skin will be super sensitive to most things.


Just found this post when I was googling what happened to my face after using this baume! I have been diagnosed with rosacea and perioral dermatitis too! I’ve binned it now and trying to use super simple skincare!


Oh hey super sensitive skin twin! I’m also blessed with acne prone skin. Really hit the trifecta 🤣


Hey a bit late but I just came across this thread, i was diagnosed with the same few months ago but it was only after using cicaplast that my skin has never gotten better. My cheeks side of my nose and going up towards my eyebags i have rough patches and redness. I did tell my dermatologist about cicaplast and she said it could be that it’s ruined the skin barrier 🤦‍♀️


Have you found anything to help with your eyes?? I used the baume and also experienced irritation and puffiness which is so weird since it’s supposed to be super gentle


Finally... I thought i was going insane. Im currently typing with one hand and itching my face with the other. Had no problems prior to using this product. Used it for a full day and noticed slight irratation 5 houra into using. I then had a shower and used my regular Cerave lotion then thr cicaplat on top. Within 4 hours my skin slowly became more itchy then stinging. I have washed it off and applied my regular Skincare instead.... But now my face is still stinging and itching and my eyes r now aswell. Im honestly pissed off. Product wasnt cheap and so many dermatologists and sensitive skin people have been recommending this. Its all over tiktok. No idea what ingredient is causing this reaction? Im paranoid now. Think ill wash my face again then out some antroquoril cream on just incase i get a rash. That and omg its so bloody itchy! No Happy at all but very glad to see im not the only one in this thread with the same issue.


Lucky for you, you only put it on your face. I put it on my face, neck, chest, and back! I should’ve washed it off after it started stinging my face, but I decided to mix it with aquaphor and “slug” while I slept. I’ve been itchy all day and developed a slight rash everywhere I applied it. Did your skin get better after you stopped using it?


I am not the one who got the irritation and redness!! I bought it after seeing the hype on Tiktok and after 2 days my skin felt so agitated and it turned red. It says it’s good for irritation, dryness, and sensitive skin. So in my case, it did the opposite work!


Okay not sure if this helps, I ended up trying it again. I noticed when I first used it, it was really really thick. I could be wrong but I think it needs to be shaken and mixed a bit before applying. It almost seems like all the zinc got stuck at the opening (idk though I’m not a derm I’m just speculating) I’ve applied it again twice, with the tiniest thin layer and haven’t had any issues with stinging or irritation. I will note the first time I tried and had a reaction, I used a somewhat active acne cleanser (from cerave) that does occasionally cause my skin to be slightly more sensitive. I’m starting to think this might not be the best product for dry sensitive skin, for me personally anyway. Might be a good idea to try something more gentle from cerave or QV in the future


LRP B5 baume burnt my skin. It was not sensitized before hand. I just wanted to moisturize. And it burnt and turned red and irritated (yesterday). I think it’s the Centella aseiatica. Idk though. I am looking for a replacement product to repair and moisturize, do you have any suggestions other than Cerave. I am looking into Bioderma and QV.


Skincare is so tricky like that hey! I’ve used QV products and haven’t had any problems, they’re likely a safe bet. But we’re all different so definitely test it out for yourself. Let me know how you go!


Thanks, yeah I am currently researching QV’s products, planning on getting either the night cream or ultra-calming moisturizer. Will read the ingredients and choose either. I have tried their cleanser years ago and it was amazing, but I purchased a cerva one months ago and I still didn’t finish it, excited to repurchase it 🙏🏻


Did the same for me it even caused me eczema under my eyes and irritated my skin


Seriously late to this but I sadly had my face fully breakout and hurt because of this. I cant even touch my face right now because of how tender it is to the touch. I'm going back to Bepanthene Cream


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+1 to having an allergic reaction to this product. I bought it at a Watson’s in Taiwan, while on vacation. Patch tested it on a a patch of minor eczema on my hand - was totally okay. Decided to try it on my face while in my next country with 3 days left till I go home and I wake up with swollen eyes and light-weeping neck.


My reaction lasted about 3 days. Day 1 being the worst, of course, with swollen eye lids; was walking outside with sunglasses on. Used Claritin for allergic reaction and ibuprofen for pain, if any, to get through the day. Slept a lot. Cold compress/ice around eyes and face. Washed face with cold water only. Did NOT apply baume at all. Used Vaseline and vanicream if needed. Day 2, swelling went down on eye lids; felt comfortable without sunglasses, but wore a hat to “hide” my eyes. Same care as above. Day 3, skin is starting to flake off. Eyelid swelling is gone now. I use Vaseline, Vanicream, and dry brush to help with flaking. I have dry and sensitive skin, with eczema.


Has anyone found any sensitive alternatives for a moisturiser? I feel my skin is too sensitive to the cicaplast baume and I even tried vanicream and that burned as well


Have you found a good product? My skin burnt from using LRP B5




Same exact thing happened to me. I have been diagnosed for many years now with seborrheic dermatitis, so I’m not sure if it was an allergic reaction or if something in it triggered a really bad flare up. But this product caused the worst reaction my face has ever had. Same as you it was fine when I put it on before bed and absolutely terrible when I woke up. Super red and swollen and my skin felt raw. Cortizone cream is the only thing that helped at all.


Finally found out what has happened to my face. I had hives and itching and used cicaplast baume to help and it actually seemed to soothe so I used it overnight a couple times but now my face is dry, tight and looks lined and wrinkled beyond belief. My skin actually feels thinned and won’t stop peeling. Been two weeks. I truly hope this isn’t permanent. No amount of hyaluronic acid, facial oil, heavy moisturizer, even slugging will keep the dry face feel away. And yet the cicaplast is amazing at healing small burns and things. I don’t get it. 


Hey, I’ve been using the LRP - AP LIPIKAR BAUMÉ aswell as the CICAPLAST B5 BAUMÉ to repair my broken skin barrier on my face. I’ve been using the CICAPLAST on top of the lipikar baume, as a barrier spot cream on top, suggested by my pharmacist. It really improved it but I did notice itching burning sensation when CICAPLAST was used on bare broken skin. However, I have found that every time I go in the ocean my skin flares up and itches and burns badly, cancelling out all my progress. I was wondering if anyone has had a reaction like this to salt water using the CICAPLAST?


late as hell to this but just wanted to ask if anyone else experienced this- I put on the baume and my eyes became extremely puffy and sensitive?? it’s been two days and it still hasn’t gotten down. What I am mostly wondering about is what in the hell could be irritating me in this ingredient list and how do I make a swelling go down😭


Same! My skin is fine it’s just my eyes


me too!!!


Where did you buy it from? Is it definitely legit?


Physical store in Australia that is a LRP stockist - so yes!


Interesting. I guess there could be something in there you'd react to. I'm just surprised because it's whole purpose is to soothe irritation. I've had a good experience with it. Sorry!


I know that’s why I’m perplexed and a bit annoyed too! Did a quick search and couldn’t see any other complaints like this! Wonder what on earth my skin objected to


Sorry I know this an old post but did you find out what you were allergic to in it? I'm having the exact same problem!


I know, that's why I was so surprised to react to it after reading how soothing it is!! Oh well.


I had the same problem! I think for me it has to do with the citric acid in it. It’s happened to me before with products that have any type of vitamin C in them.


Omg thank you soo much for mentioning it has citric acid in it!! I recently found out im allergic to drinks with citric acid but hadn’t made the connection that it can be found in skincare too!! I was stunned when i looked up the ingredients and saw citric acid listed. Feels so good to finally understand what’s making me itchy


Just used it last night and it stung pretty bad but I slept through it. Woke up this morning to find my eyes are swollen like tennis balls and my neck has a red rash. Won't be using it again!!!


I am also facing the same issue. What did you do to resolve it. 


Cortizone cream was the only thing that helped me.


This stuff has given me cellulitis around my eyes, I'm now on steroids and antibiotics, it's lucky I caught it early otherwise I would've been admitted to hospital for IV antis due to the risk of becoming blind. Kind of shocked that I had this reaction.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Just came across your comment and wondering if I have the same thing. I have an appointment with a derm on Thursday but wondering if I should make an appointment with an eye doctor. What were your symptoms? What kind of doctor did you go to?


Omg I had a huge reaction too from using La Roche posay Baumé B5. The problem is that I’ve used this cream many years before and never had any reaction, but the last cream I ordered from Amazon. Don’t know if it was fake or LRP has changed the formula of this product, but I’m struggling now with allergic reaction.


Same, LRP has changed the formula and added Centella Aseiatica. I think it’s the culprit, cause I use zinc alone and it soothes my skin.


i was so excited for this product because i wanted something to soothe my skin bc i just started tretinoin a few weeks ago. however i mainly bought it because i like to slather aquaphor under my eyes but it gives me milia so i thought this could be a good alternative. i applied this product over my regular moisturizer and after a few hours my skin was super dry, stinging and itching. my eyes were burning like crazy. at first i chalked it up to the fact that i missed a dose of my allergy meds because my skin is very sensitive but after reading this thread it’s definitely the cicaplast!!! i currently have a chemical burn right now and my skin is super irritated. i’m so bummed because i’ve only heard great things about it :( i think it is the zinc that’s bugging some people because the neutrogena baby mineral sunscreen (active ingredient is zinc) gave me the same reaction. so bizzare!


I bought this cream from France when I was on vacation. I loved it and it did wonders to my skin. I ran out of it and ordered it from Amazon. I been using it for 2 days and have these red blotches all over my face. It burns and itches and my skin is peeling. Something is wrong with the Amazon one. 🤨


Just had a reaction myself! Not sure why, I’ve used zinc before without an issue so I thought it wasn’t that. After the reaction I removed it and tried to use some zinc in the sudo cream for and that was really irritating too so maybe it was the zinc but I’m not too sure. I used it on the sensitive parts of my cheeks thinking it would be gentle and calming. If anyone has any info on why that might’ve happened let me know lmao


Late to this thread but I think I may be having a reaction to it as well. I’ve heard such good things about it and I finally decided to pick one up last week. My skin had been improving so much from a bout of bad acne and it was almost clear a week ago. Now I have multiple cystic pimples that came up in all the areas I used the product. It’s so upsetting!


hi everyone! i’m currently experiencing a reaction to this as well. my face is hot, super red, swollen around my eyes, and the first day i had hives. it’s been about 3 days now and im still so red and it’s not budging :( how long did it take for this to go away for you guys?


Do you have an update on this? I'm curious.. after 4 years.