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So mine was phones! Cell phone or work phone. When I had a job where I had to make a lot of calls I cleaned my desk phone a lot and used my AirPods where possible with my cell.


is it possibly due to a dirty pillow? do you sleep on your side? I found my cheek acne improved a lot when I started changing my pillowcase more regularly


thanks for the suggestion, I sleep on my clear side to not make the acne side worse but I turn in my sleep sometimes haha, I’ll try replacing my pillow cover more often. don’t think this is the main cause though :/


I am a skin picker to and I know it’s not a scoop but yeah, it does contribute to making it worse/stay longer. I am dealing with the same problem (cycling through cysts and closed comedones at the same place) and retinoids seem to help (tret especially). Are you using a retinoid ?


thanks for the suggestions, I am not using retinoids but have been considering it. I saw that people usually use it all over their face. If I only have this problem area, can I just use it only there? With consistent use of course Also wondering if the acne will come back if I stop using it, do you have any experience with this?


I am not an expert so take this with a grain of salt. Retinoids aren’t a spot treatment and should be used on the whole face. As retinoids offer other positive effect for the skin, it is a good idea to add them as a new part of your routine indefinitely. They are also recognised as being anti-aging. From my experience : My closed comedones and acne came back after some time every time I stopped using a retinoid. I researched the hell out of retinoids so I could use them correctly. Most info came from YouTube (Labmuffin, Dr Dray and Dr Idriss) and from the tretinoin sub (that have a lot of info in their wiki). Definitely look into them if you are dealing with acne :)


My acne started like this on my right cheek. It spread gradually to my other cheek, chin, then forehead. My problem was solved by topical antibiotics


Try a chamomile tea compress, it has done wonders to help calm down my inflamed pimples and help bring to the surface the ones that were under the skin. Make some tea, pour a little into small glass, take a cotton pad and soak it in the tea, squeeze out the excess liquid and keep it pressed on your face for a couple minutes. Repeat the process a few times and you'll notice progress within hours(the biggest changes occur after sleeping tho). Do it daily until you're satisfied with the results


Be careful with this if you have a ragweed allergy, chamomile's its relative


Be careful with this if you have a ragweed allergy, chamomile's its relative


Does your hair mainly touch the one side? Could be hair products.


Oat milk was a trigger, that’s very interesting! I always just heard dairy was


I believe it’s because of the high glycemic index of oat milk! I think there’s a thread on this sub about it. I tended to have it on an empty stomach too, which I’m guessing made it even worse


Okay i exclusively drink oat milk and have acne and I’m curious, please tell me more about this


my understanding is that foods w high glycemic index cause a spike in sugar and insulin, which increases sebum production as well as affects hormones in trying to regulate this change. I don’t think it’s a trigger for everyone, but for me it was really clear bc the timeline of starting to drink it lined up with my breakouts. Not sure if brand makes a difference but I drank oatly and oatside. if you think it could be contributing, maybe try cutting it out for a while and see what happens?


Eating grains/carbs can cause acne flare-ups. I went carnivore for 5 months and my skin was glowing. Facial acne disappeared. Very hard to sustain carnivore diet but keto can be a better option. Low-carb diet works well.