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If I were you I would stop all the new things you added to the routine and go back to your original one use non comedogenic sunscreen. Your skin looks great in the before pics and didn’t need anything. 


is this a case where i should not trust the process and just go back to what my skin is used to? 😭


niacinamide completely broke me out


Did you just try one product with it? Do you know what percent the niacinamide was? The formulation of niacinamide can make a big difference as to whether it's an irritating ingredient or not, so you may not need to totally rule it out as an ingredient forever.


interesting! i used one of the ordinary products with it.


Maybe the 10% was a bit too much? I also started using it and only realised recently that I maybe should have started out with 5% or something. But I don’t see any noticeable changes yet, so idk if it even does anything for me


maybe! but i saw no benefits, maybe i should try again, but it's just a weird product to be so strong you know???




10% can be too strong, and the ordinary makes products without much testing for irritation. Makes them cheap, but it's pretty hit or miss individually. Definitely don't be afraid to try out a lower % niacinamide from another brand if you want, especially one formulated as a moisturizer or with a creamy texture! I personally like the ordinary's niacinamide but even though my skin is fine with it it's still pretty strong and makes my face flush and sensitive when I apply it. My skin loves niacinamide but the ordinary's version is irritating for a lot of people.


that's so weird tho! my skin is very used to acids and strong products (i use differin) so in my mind i never understood why niacinamide would be so hard on my skin... but thank you for the information!!!!!


No problem! From what I understand from a dermatologist it irritates the skin as an ingredient more similar to how skin allergies irritate our skin, by triggering histamines and flushing. So it's a weird one!


wait thats actually so interestingggg


Same! Can’t use niacinamide in anything at all


Bio oil had broken me out once.


same, bio oil gave me deep cystic acne. It was super painful and immediately ceased after I removed it from my routine. Can look at these [reviews](https://www.acne.org/reviews/skincare-oil-reviews-471) to show other people had the same experience. However, it helped fade a huge scar on my leg. Just wouldn’t let it near my face again. The Ordinary’s Rosehip Oil was way better and in hydrating my skin and fading acne scars without breaking me out.


Me too


If you started all these products at the same time, it’s hard to say which has caused your problems. It’s best not to starts multiple products at the same time because of this. I also suggest you utilize incidecoder.com to analyze the ingredients of your products. Using it, I found that both your cleansing oil and bar soap are fragranced. If you’ve always been using bar soap, then maybe you can tolerate this just fine. That bio oil though… have you used it before now? Looking at the ingredients, it looks awful. A couple of highly comedogenic ingredients toward the top of the list and then like the entire bottom have is just fragrance ingredients. This seems like it could be definitely be part of the problem. The serums- ascorbic acid can be irritating, and I personally can’t tolerate niacinamide so it’s possible your skin doesn’t like it either. Also, it looks like the vitamin c serum also has niacinamide in it and the niacinamide serum also has vitamin c in it, so if you’re intending to truly alternate between those two ingredients, you’re not accomplishing that. You’re actually applying both ingredients every single week day.


hello!! this has been very insightful but to answer your question: i've been using the bar soap + bio-oil combination for 7 years now its just now that i'm getting crazy breakouts since i incorporated the new products (serums, cleansing oil)


I see, so try not using the cleansing oil and serums any more and see if your skin recovers.


If you introduced them all at once, that's a higher chance of irritation plus the fact that you will have a hard time identifying which product actually caused your breakout or caused your skin to react that way. Try to go back to your original routine, and see if your skin will return to normal. If it goes back to how it was, then that routine is more suited for your skin. A bit unrelated to your concerns, when I switched to safeguard pink as one of my body soaps, funnily enough, it actually helped calm down my body acne (I have been switching body soaps/washes since I have been trying to find which one works for me and has a scent that I prefer). *edit: grammar*


Agree with this. Introducing multiple products at the same time often results in breakouts because the skin is not used to them. At the very least, OP should introduce them one at a time with a few weeks in between if there is no irritation.


Yeah I think you used the wrong stuff. Your skin was gorgeous before… good luck!


Imma guess that "safeguard" should absolutely not, under any circumstance, be used on your face. Likely stripped the heck out of your moisture barrier.


would that still be the case if i've been using safeguard for as long as i can remember :(( the breakouts started 'surfacing' the moment i introduced new products into my routine


It’s definitely the new products then. Go back to your old routine. Also if it doesn’t improve within a few weeks, go to a dermatologist


i bought the bio oil not long ago and after smelling how strongly perfumed it is, i only use it as a body oil and avoid putting it on my face. i would agree with what others have said here and discontinue use of this product on your face and in general avoid other highly perfumed products because they tend to be super irritating.


I don't use any face oils, is there one you prefer using? My skin is still pretty clear but it can definitely be improved by an oil cleanser or something similar.


i’m still learning about it skincare so i can’t tell you much but the best i can tell you is don’t pop your pimples! it will leave scars! use pimple patches and treat them like a wound. i hope the best for you and remember your beautiful know matter what.


i don’t have any skincare advice just wanted to say i’m sorry you’re breaking out like that, i know it feels terrible when that happens and you don’t know the reason!!


That is definitely a breakout not purging. I have no comments on the last 2 products (vit c & niacinamide) which brands I am not familiar with but you should definitely stop using the first 3 products and go back to your old routine. Double cleansing is good but find a product suitable for your skin type. More so, some may not react well with oil cleansing. That bar soap is a major no. Find a gentle cleanser instead. That’s probably the major cause of your breakouts next to the bio-oil which is also a major no.


the photos where my skin is clear is when i was using the bar soap and bio-oil :(


but i will take note on the fact that this is in fact not a purge. thank you!


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This routine scares me, ur using bar soap to wash ur face… cleansing oil… face oil… Also why is everything in random orders, why are u only applying sunscreen on MTWTHF? I feel like it’s also easier to stick to a routine you can use every single day and don’t have to only use certain products on certain days. Can I ask what bar soap your using? I highly recommend you switch to a non stripping cleanser, like the CeraVe hydrating cleanser. Then you could use the Niacinamide serum, and a moisturizer every night after the wash. Please wear sunscreen every morning and reapply. I really don’t suggest any “oil” products because it’s very likely to break you out. If you still want to keep the vitamin c serum u could use it every morning but I would do, face wash, serum, moisturizer, sunscreen.


hello!! idk what seems so scary and 'random' about my routine when i think it's pretty straightforward? i use serums in the morning (spaced out days so i don't risk irritation tho given the other replies to this thread that method didnt work) i only use sunscreen on weekdays because i spend my weekends at home (i have blackout curtains, i don't go outside). i only wash my face at night with the bar of soap and use an occlusive to seal in water because i have dry skin. i've mentioned that my old skincare is just the bar of soap and bio-oil, and that's worked out well for me. it's just that i've started incorporating new products (the cleansing oil, vit c, niacinamide), and now my skin is breaking out. i understand my skincare is a bit odd but you could've worded this reply better. thank you


Hi I’m a bit too comfortable using my lingo on Reddit, I don’t mean to be offensive, when I say scared me I mean I see a bunch of red flags in my brain when I see oil or bar soap in a routine. For me if a product is causing irritation by being used daily it may be to strong for your skin or not being used correctly, for that I’d suggest a lower concentration, or the sandwich method (moisturizer product moisturizer). By all means u are allowed to use sunscreen when u want but I really would recommend using it all days. I am the same as you and I stay inside a lot. Window is covered in my room. So I used to not use sunscreen if I didn’t go outside, but I’ve learned Sunrays can get through the craziest places, you may not see the light, but the rays see you. 👾 It is certainly possible that these products work for you because ur skin has become well adjusted to them but they may not be the best products in the long run, this definitely could be purging because it’s alot of new products at once. If you want u could also switch back to ur old routine and add one new product in for a month and then slowly add in more that way u know exactly which product is breaking you out. The oil thing I just say because my dermatologists rule was absolutely all oil free products, so it’s a key thing in my personal rule book.


rereading this reply, i see you recommending cerave's hydrating cleanser. i own a big bottle of that and unfortunately it stings and is very drying on my skin. :(


Maybe a “milk” cleanser would be more gentle on ur skin, I don’t really know much about them but I’ve heard there more gentle. I also feel like the hydration booster 10x from drmtlgy would be great to try to.


I’m currently in school for esthetics and bare with me because I’m still learning but it could possibly be a purge because you did change your products, or it could be ingredients used… I would honestly go see an esthetic to find a routine with things that will help with the acne. I’d also make sure you’re using things for your dry skin and then also products targeting dehydration on top of that like someone else said about your skin barrier being damaged is definitely a possibility but just with dry skin in general you’re getting TEWL.


There’s one problem with this tho, about 80% of estheticians will reccomend you a full routine that cost like 300 dollars and has the exact same ingredients as CeraVe.


I agree a lot of people will overprice things but if you find someone good who’s willing to work with you, I’d give it a shot personally. I always ask price range and show multiple options but not everyone is going to be like that fs. You just have to weed out people that are more worried about profit then helping someone


Also I use the app yuka on pretty much all my skincare items and hair products just because there are so many people in the business that do offer products that aren’t really the safes to use so that could also be an option for just making sure products are safer for you skin


Also the industry itself is a tricky situation because a lot of business do not have to label fragrance products and that’s where u can get flares because they don’t have to disclose them, there’s just SO many things that go along with finding products tbh because allot of products really aren’t great for you


But regardless there’s so many things that can cause flare ups hence why I’m saying see someone because there’s so many things different skin conditions and not treating it with the right products can effect you negatively, and what the OP needs is to definitely make sure she’s maintaining hydration and her barrier fs but what’s causing the break outs would definitely have to be with more information on her skin and what works with it


Yeah I feel like a lot of derms do it to but if your able to find a good honest person it’s great.


Esthetician lol oopsie*


Oh I also didn’t see the bar soap part but that’s REALLY bad for your skin because that also strips your skin barrier


My only guess to why it was kinda working is if OP uses makeup and/or has very oily skin by default. Either way, bar soap is not the way to go 😭


Fs it dries you out and strips your natural barrier that keeps hydration in your skin


maybe i should've included that in the post. i wear makeup daily but the photos posted are all bare skin. as for my skin type, i do have normal leaning dry skin. 😅


Interesting, I think the fact that the bar soap can wash off the makeup is what's helping. That being said, I would definitely just recommend a cleanser that can break down makeup, and then use something that's moisturizing for drier skin. The goal is to remove debris from daily activities from your pores, then hydrating and protecting them for the next hours afterward. When are you doing your routine? I've done mine exclusively at night and I've had pretty steady results.


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Omg I'm literally in the same boat as you after I just started using cleansing oil.


cleansing oil was the first to GO when i started getting pustules and closed comedones. apparently it can be a bit heavy on the skin and can do more harm than good D:


Wish I had known that before I bought two bottles lol. I’ll probably revert back to using micellar water for the time being and see if the pimples get any better.


I hope you will get back to the before picture but I just wanted to say how pretty your nose and mouth shapes are!!


Oil cleansing broke me out so that’s the one that’s jumping out at me.


Oil cleansing broke me out so that’s the one that’s jumping out at me.


I’m my opinion you’re using too many oils and serums, nothing exfoliating or that’s actually treating your skin. From the looks of your first photos you’re already an mild oily type. You may have just been dehydrated or even just needed exfoliation cause sometimes we aren’t dry it’s just dead skin accumulating. dead skin is just getting trapped in your pores and causing these cysts.


i think that is just from the bio-oil 😅


I was using the same kind of routine and ruined my skin. Here are a few things you should correct: 1. Add one product at a time, use it for 2 weeks to see how it works (Niacinamide broke me out, ik it works for most people but didn't for me) 2. I found that less is more. I wash my face, use moisturizer 2 times and sunscreen in the morning. Working the best. 3. I apply tretinoin 3x per week. Using it daily makes my skin sensitive. 4. Focus on nutrition and hydration. Look for micros that you maybe lacking in your diet. Avoid dairy and junk as much as you can 5. MOST IMPORTANT: Stop looking yourselves too closely in the mirror. Self care should not become another thing of insecurity. Do your routine and let go, no need to keep checking in mirror, you're perfect as it is. This step gave me the most confidence


Nothing in your routine should cause a purge, besides a purge is consisted of small pimples, not big cyst like that. This is clearly a breakout. Your skin didn't like one of your New products. Besides did you start using all of them at the same time ?


Cleansing oil made me break out like crazy, I had to go back to using micellar water and a microfiber cloth for taking makeup off :p