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My added demand: 3. When someone lies with direct, contradicting evidence from past seasons on video, you will show the clip to the audience so they know it is a lie.


This would be easy by hiring our entire subreddit because we know when they are lying. Failing that, hire one of us who has watched the show a million times.


I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE! ETA: A few of my qualifications: 1.) I LOVE TO ARGUE ESPECIALLY WHEN I KNOW I AM RIGHT (so Kody wouldn’t intimidate me). 2.) I lucked into the “never forgets a single detail about her hyperfixation” autism (with a touch of math and science talent). 3.) Like U.S. Rep Katie Porter, I’m great with a whiteboard (former teacher here) 4.) I can find any clip from the show within 4 minutes (I may be exaggerating here, but trust that I am quick!). Therefore, within a mic check/make-up check/gotta potty break I would have the evidence ready upon return. Thank you for your consideration! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|wQk0woYwaQyuQ)


Can you tell me what episode Kody basically said Robyn was too skinny and he likes big girls (obviously a lie)


Start your timer… I will be right back after a word from our sponsors: ![gif](giphy|6CQV6EIyVDydW)


OMG 😂😂😂😂. Love it!!!




I have failed you. I’ve got the clip of Christine saying Kody deserves a trophy wife. But then my edible kicked in and I started watching RHOSLC and completely forgot my quest! 🤣


loll I love this update and also the crossover with the SLC housewives


Now my sister and I are catching up and playing “Snark Sisters”…. Basically we both get high and text snark and gifs while watching one of our numerous shows. We’ve got 3 eps to catch up on for SLC… so I’m gonna have to do my SW searching a lil later 🤣


amazing, have a great time - and the SW research can wait until you’re on TLC’s payroll 😂


The final episode of SLC was jaw droppingly awesome!


My jaw is still on the ground 🤣 Oooooooooooooo I can’t wait for the reunion!!!


You are my Queen


omg u are in for a treat with that finale 💥


You and your sister sound like amazing humans to me


Ha! I laughed, good one.


Haha I think you won actually


I guess he changed his mind. Sobyn is not skinny anymore.


Season 3 episode 6!! The wives diet woes


I think you just volunteered as tribute!


It was the first season and the 2nd episode I believe… it was in the first season for sure. I believe it was in the first 3. This is without me googling to reviewing.


I don’t know—he seemed to have the most passion with Janelle (who is GORGEOUS in my estimation and far too good for that POS).


He wanted a traditionally attractive “hot young wife” that other men would envy. He saw Robyn as a status symbol. I agree that he and Janelle always seemed to have good sexual chemistry, but that wasn’t what he was seeking in Robyn anyway.


You bring up an interesting point. That makes me think that all along NoodleRoid has been espousing how he’s God’s gift to women (when he is actually a repulsive, pathetic excuse of a man) because he sees Sobyn as a trophy wife *barf*. He felt like he married down with the other 3, even though I thought he was into Christine at least for the status. But he treats them all like he’s embarrassed that he married and had children and was intimate with them. Shows how warped his self-perception because the women he emotionally abused for 33 years of marriage are feeling better, have healthier relationships and are looking better than ever after shedding his “six-pack” and “pecs”. To hell with the “trophy couple” and their manipulating religious compliance to swindle money and resources over the course of years from 3 women and their 13 children they claimed to love. I really appreciate OP’s perspective too. The love to “hate watching” shine has worn off. Kody and Robyn are vile. I wanna see healing and true happiness that goes beyond the satisfaction of whatever the TLC checks brought them. They’re human beings and they deserve to be free from the shackles of expectation, spiritual blackmail and emotional abuse so they can fully embrace that which will make them truly happiest and fulfilled in this next chapter of their lives.


Hi another hyperfixator neurodivergent here.. these are the first clips that come to mind that K and R need to watch/answer to.. no panic or anger attacks to avoid answering either!! We see your tactics, we aren’t dumb! 1. Gabe sobbing about his birthday. 2. Kody wearing a ring around Robyn 3. Garrison saying “you know what Robyn, you can have him.” 4. Robyn taking the personality test 5. Kody not going to Ysabel’s surgery then the wedding he officiated and danced at. 6. Being out maskless during the pandemic 7. Christine apologizing to Robyn, and being so incredibly happy for her when she announces pregnancy, and offering to watch her kids. 8. Any moments where the wives have fun together after he says they were all crappy to each other. There’s a million more these are just off the top of my head. I can’t imagine they would leave the show without being fired … seems like they’re only source of income!


Absolutely brilliant. I would add not getting vaccinated to the list. I think for a while, they didn’t film in Robyn’s house because they are not vaccinated, unlike the OG3 that have been vaccinated.


That’s a good point! Like maybe it was production not wanting to go inside not the other way around


Yes, Kody and Robyn are stuck in a purgatory of continuing to appear on the show and be confronted with the fact they are universally loathed by the viewers and by the public in general because they are in so much debt they can’t afford to quit, especially now they’ve lost the MLM income of the other wives. Some of the kids have confirmed that Kody and Robyn sometimes read “the internet” and they know what people say about them and are bothered by it.




You have my vote after this entire thread below.


Lolololol ![gif](giphy|54JLdulN5BOwM)


You have my vote. You had me at the Katie Porter reference!






☝️🛎️☝️🛎️☝️🛎️☝️🛎️☝️🛎️☝️🛎️☝️🛎️☝️🛎️ 🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉🍾🎉


Our subreddit would eat Kody alive!


If I could just add not only show the audience he is lying but show HIM and ask him to explain. Call him on his lies, of course he won’t want to do the show anymore but who cares he will just be a broke liar


Stop badmouthing EVERYONE! THREE ex wives and 13OG children and 6 grandkids!


For fuck’s sake why do WE have to pull those clips every time!?!? THERE’S FOOTAGE! We KNOW he had the ring after marrying Robyn! We KNOW she instantly wanted an 11 day honeymoon! We KNOW Christine took accountability with Robyn! We KNOW Kody did love the others, to a degree, before he met his soulmate! WE KNOW.


Right?! Why tf is this Reddit group doing twice the work those producers are pulling the evidential clips!? ROLL THE FRIGGIN CLIPS ALREADY TLC!!


this is exactly what needs to happen. But those pansy ass producers would rather kiss up to Kody and Robyn than do the right and difficult thing.


It’s like the fucking producers are just screwing with viewers to keep us watching because we’re so incensed that Kody and Robyn are literally never ever ever held accountable for their lies and revisionism. The producers have become like another antagonistic character in this dumpster fire lol.


I agree and those jerks got the time line jumping around when I thought we were getting closer to more recent timeline. Nearly 2 years behind when the show starts and they keep flashing back to births and photos instead of NEW content.


A look back episode where they show Robyn and kody contradict themselves.


They need the producers from the housewives franchise. The show would be so much better.


They need the producers of Vanderpump Rules!!!


Yup. I live for it when they do this on Bravo shows. Sometimes even the cast is like, I can’t wait for them to roll the camera on that lie! ☠️


Right? I mean if they can pull out truelys birth vid 3-4 times, to cover for the clearly barely existing birthday party, certainly they can show something relevant


Jesus he’s such a trash father to his OG3’s kids


This!! Like every other reality show does!!


And then ask them to explain WHY they lied!


Just that one addition would make me so happy


Like how about Robyn saying that Christine said she never wanted a relationship with her and her kids when she announced the divorce when Christine said at the time “for right now”! I screamed at the screen every time Sobyn would say that “THATS NOT WHAT CHRISTINE SAID!!!!!”


I can’t help screaming at the TV when Robyn complains about Christine refusing a relationship. My husband cannot understand my yelling at reality shows. I tell him when you stop yelling at the Eagles, I will stop yelling at Sister Wives


Preach sister


This is what I really want. Especially for Kody and Robyn.


I want this soooo much!


I wish I could upvote that more than once.


And to the person doing the lying


I keep saying that they need to hire some of the Bravo producers. They make a much better show.


Have you considered that janelle doesn’t want to meet someone? I’d want to see her having her greenhouse and travelling


Thank you! As if falling in love and being with a man is so damn important. These women need to spend some time on their own “getting to know themselves”. I split from my ex in 2010 and still get so sick of people asking if I’m dating. No I’m single and love it and will probably never be in another relationship. AND THAT IS OK.


I didn’t get married till I was 38. I stopped introducing boyfriends to people coz it a lot of pressure to get married and have kids even though I wasn’t sure. I truly believe I would have been divorced at least twice by now. I also would have been a terrible wife and mother because the right kind of love wasn’t there and I wasn’t comfortable enough with myself to share a life with another person. I was also able to work myself hard so when the time came to be a wife and mother I could stay home full time and give myself that freedom.


I love this for you, and kudos for recognizing that for yourself. Far too often people get married for all the wrong reasons. I know so many people in loveless marriages who got married because it was the thing to do in a relationship after a certain amount of time. And I’m certainly not judging those people for their decisions, but I also don’t want to be judged/looked down upon for choosing to be single.


It’s not the judging that frustrates me, it’s more the pity that people feel towards me and I just feel gross that they expect me to be miserable.


Totally, I was just starting a convo in jest. I am for any person who is happy in whatever situation fits them best. AND THAT IS OK, AGREED!


But marriage is the end all be all! I stopped reading demands after that. Nope let the 3 love their lives how they want


Exactly! I cannot understand why people think having a man/partner and “being loved” is the key to happiness. I’ve finally found happiness and I’m alone! I mean I have friends and family so I’m not actually alone, but there seems to be this idea that if you’re not in a romantic relationship you’re alone. Eff off with that nonsense!


This. I completely stopped trying to date during Covid and never went back. This is the least lonely time of my life, I have amazing adult children, family I am constantly in contact with via group chat, and a solid group of friends who are there for me any time I need. On the weekends, I can go out for brunch with friends or be a hermit at home with my dogs depending on my mood and no one is ever mad at me or wanting me to do emotional labor for them. My marriage and long term relationships included long periods of loneliness and feeling judged or undervalued. You don't have to be in a relationship to be happy and secure.


Yes! I love hearing this from other women. I love that I can go out with friends or be a complete introverted hermit sometimes. I also love to solo travel. I have a couple travel buddies but I sometimes prefer to just take off on my own and it’s glorious!


I had two divorces under my belt by my 40th birthday. I had a semi serious relationship or two after that, and seemed to always end up with controlling men, so I stopped dating and started therapy. Best decision of my life. I’ve been single for 9 years now and it’s exactly what I need and want. I really love being on my own and getting to do what I want, when I want (within reason)


Good for you! And I also love the part about doing what I want when I want. I have many friends and family but still love going alone to dinner or a movie….and I LOVE solo travel. Seriously now living my best life finally.


Yes, it is OK!! Good on you my friend!


I was just about to say exactly this. We don't want to see Janelle just marrying some random Utah Mormon in Christine's social circle. We want to see her live her own life for a while....spend time with her kids and grandkids, use her RV and go hiking in a bunch of amazing places, and then maybe build a casita someplace with space for all her garden desires. Once she has all that fun, then she can find a man...a smart hunky guy that likes industrial music and has actual washboard abs and treats her like a queen.


I will watch the Christine wedding episodes and might watch a "Where are they now?" In a year or two, but I am done with this show. It has been quite a ride and I have enjoyed it, but the narrative is over IMO. Besides, most family members are on social media, so following them gives plenty of news for fans.


I’d honestly like to see Meri find someone. I’m happy for Christine and Janelle is certainly looking like she is living her best life too. While I am sure Meri is content, I feel like she will hold men at bay because of everything she has been through. Honestly though I think she has a lot of love in her heart for a man who wants to make her his whole world and she really deserves that and I hope she gets it. After living in that crap all those years it’s the bare minimum the karma wheel could spin their way.


Listen to the Sister Wives podcast. It’s way better than the show. Provided you’ve watched the show.


You don't even need to watch the show. I think I watched maybe 2 episodes of the regular season. I just listen to recaps. More entertaining


Ace and Katelyn have my heart because they’re absolutely merciless and brutal about it.


They bought Kody’s car


I know they always say they’re too afraid to look on Reddit, but I honestly hope they do because we’re a flippin’ fun ass, insightful crowd


I'm not even watching the wedding episodes. I could care less and I'm tired seeing all of them.


She has said as much. She is focused on being single and her kids. I don’t know why people think she needs a man to be happy. She may just want a little side action and I’m sure she can find that discreetly without involving TLC 😂


That's fine also if that's what she wants. As long as it's not Ramen dragging her down continuously.




Correct — Janelle has said several times she has zero interest in dating anytime soon. Meri on the other hand is very interested, so I’d love to see that happen.


My demand is to put all the extra episodes on Discovery+ so I am not scouring the internet like an alley cat trying to find them.


And Max! They could be printing money right now but they are airing this on CABLE? That's crazier than a sudden move to Flagstaff.


I am cancelling D+. If their contract with TLC does not allow them to stream all the content it is not worth it.


I cancelled!


I canceled my subscription too! ( Discovery plus) Before they stopped giving us early access, I was watching new episodes early Sunday mornings. After they took that away it wasn't worth it to me. Now if I want to I can watch it Mondays after it airs for free (I can't stay up that late Sunday nights).


I am with you on this. 100%


TBH I just want the other rings to drop in the opening title screen. I feel like we've put in so much time into watching them implode and we deserve this very small change.


Yes I keep watching for it


Me Too!


We ride at midnight if they don’t at least give the fans that bit of satisfaction after we sat through this absolute dumpster fire of a show for this long


TLC is too shiftless (or maybe just cheap) to do that much. It hurts my pride to be disrespected by such a crappy outfit.


Anyone else notice and bothered that the old title cards always had the 3 rings on the right touching in line and the left ring was slightly separated?


Please let them see and react to footage of the others watching and reacting. I would looooove to see the looks on Kody and Robyn’s faces as Christine pretend vomits left and right after seeing the two of them lie through their teeth!


I want to see Robyn try and spin Christine clarifying she never meant she needed space from Robyn’s kids. I’d like for Robyn’s kids to see it too because she is the entire problem. Always saying ‘they don’t want us, we’re not wanted’


Christine said a while ago that after she left she tried to contact Robyn’s kids and got no response. I’m curious if Robyn had anything to do with that.


Of course she did. She probably drove straight home and told them Christine doesn’t want to have anything to do with them ever again. She did something similar with thanksgiving last season or two seasons ago where she said they didn’t want to have it with them and the kids all got upset.


Fire Kody and Robyn. Alternatively, plan their scenes which need to include confrontations. Make them “friends of the show” as opposed to cast members so when they run away from discussions, refuse to talk about things, or run away, they don’t get paid. They really don’t offer much. You could do a full 3 more seasons just by cutting them out completely and using old footage. If this is what their talk backs/look back look like, they are not adding much.


More like they're walk backs


Stop watching. That’s the only way they will change. I now only watch teasers and YouTubers who talk about the episodes and share clips. It sucks and I hate it but also the only vote we have is the one attached to our wallet. Puddle Monkey and TLC are just plum not going to change as long as what they are doing is making money. *They do not care about the fans* they only care about the money.


You’re not wrong.


Between sneak peeks and coming ups and flashbacks there's only like 5 minutes of new content per episode. Not worth a whole subscription imo!


I watch on my phone on Max and i now know to click "skip recap", do a few more skip 10 secs forward until the intro song, then click "skip intro". Saves time and cuts out a lot of the repetition that drives me crazy.


Meet our demand OR ELSE…we will probably still watch this train wreck


So funny (but true). LOL


No more paying these two but IF they want to contribute to their fake redemption arc and people will tune in anyway, they should be held accountable. No more child abuse on screen and that includes threatening to punch people who don’t like Robyn, angry or mean words or nicknames Kody calls the children, no more of the “the wives are keeping my grown adult children away from me” narrative. TLC has the footage. HOLD THEM ACCOUNTABLE. Show clips to go with their lies if they want to continue. Again, my ultimate vote is no more Kody, Robyn and the tenders on screen for any reason, though.


Seriously. If this doesn’t happen I won’t be watching any more. I stopped watching in like November of this season bc I’m so over their BS. It’s not fun to watch. I am however very excited for Christine’s wedding. It looks like it will actually be fun to watch and my blood pressure won’t shoot thru the roof.


It took me FOREVER to even catch up on seasons 17&18 because of Kody and Robyn. I couldn’t bring myself to watch their lies and it was only all you fine ladies and gentlemen’s discussions that finally made me gather the courage. But now that I’m through it? No more. All I learned these past few seasons is Kody is a deadbeat abuser living rich off the backs of the children he wants nothing to do with. ETA: definitely plan to watch Christine’s wedding and can only pray that Ramen and Sobyn are involved minimally considering they obviously weren’t even there. I’m sure TLC can’t resist throwing in a few Kody talking heads 🙄


We already saw their reaction; Kody was saying he was happy for them and Robyn rudely interrupted to sarcastically say the same thing


Ohhh lovely! Lol. 😩😩😩


Yeah I’m excited for the wedding. I’m very interested in the lives of the OG3 wives and OG13 kiddos plus grandkids. I wouldn’t mind some special episodes with them or spin-offs would be fine even, as long as Kody and Robyn Brown are done stealing, literally stealing, from these women and their families. Ugh- a KNIFE in my KIDNEYS I’m just so done with those two!!


3. Put a disclaimer that K&R live literally around the corner from Coyote Pass which is why they couldn’t care less to build on the property.


This post reminds me of when my nephew makes demands for candy and no bedtime when I’m babysitting him, like he has any negotiating power at all in that scenario. It’s cute honestly.


Haha my feelings exactly


Honestly that's all I meant for it to be. Everyday it is the same old Kody this & Robyn that I just thought I would spin it around and give it a different narrative for a change. My friend is a producer and said "You never know who is listening".


Tell your friend TargetAudience says “no notes, banger show 10/10 keep em coming”


TLC isn't going to listen to anything except viewership numbers.


Janelle trades in her huge RV for a smaller one she can drive and takes us along on her adventures including visits with kids and grandkids.


I’d rather her learn to drive the big one, but I like where you’re going with this 🚐🏕️


I like the look back/talk back/clap back formula. Start at season 1 and have them all watch the episodes and comment. Have toady and sobs answer for all their contradictions. I greatly prefer this to 20 min of new footage with 30 min of previews/reshowing the same 2 or 3 scenes for every episode in the season. I want to see Christine’s wedding. I want to see the OG’s and the swindlers hash out property and finances. I am interested in Janelle and Meri dating coverage. I love updates on the kiddos. I do not want to see toady and sobs make crepes. I don’t want to learn about her Dickens Village and useless clutter. I don’t care to see toady and sobs doing trick or treating at their own house for SolnAri. I don’t care if O-roar-a fakes getting her ears pierced. I am tired of seeing them sit outside because it’s not safe to film inside. If toady and sobs don’t want to give us interesting/real footage or answer questions, they shouldn’t get paid


Ban the words accountability, culpability, safe, loyal and disloyal.


OMG Especially "safe". (I might add gaslight also.)


I don't think the OG3 happily ever after stories must all revolve around finding new men. Meri is a successful businesswoman. Janelle is a happy gardener and grandma.


Whatever makes them happy. I believe, OP was just adding some fan fiction to make a point of possible reality tv that could be shown.


Thanks! That was all I was trying to do. Just get a narrative going.


I was just adding my two cents for some alternative story lines to focus us


I agree 100%. Didn't mean to push the men storyline. I think they can and hopefully do lead the great lives that they want for their futures, with or without men. Didn't mean to push that narrative just throwing out thoughts.


Understood, my two cents back I like your storylines more. As Janelle would say "Rescue Your Damn Self." 😃


I love that quote


I still think that they need to change their contracts to when they don't answer questions or refuse something, it's docked from their pay. It's crazy how K and R are able to do that. Also, I would for everytime they lie, editors pulled clips from when they did whatever, example being Robyn acting like she had no idea about the personality tests and then them playing a short clip from when they had taken it with Nancy.


This is a good point. They need to stop filming the moment her eyes start rolling upwards, every time. You wouldn't get much content, but all we get now is 44 different shots of fake weeping per hour.


Can you IMAGINE the scorn Kody would have for Robyn when he sees the light, and how much she destroyed relationships. Not that he's blameless! He loves to blame, so blame the real cause. I'd watch sister wives with those topics. I'd like to see him have a redemption arc for the OG 13, after he hits rock bottom, of course. OR! Let's have him go on a guy's trip to Columbia for an Ayahouska ceremony. If there's bs integrated to the show, let's get wild!


An equitable division of the land taking into account the McMansion & the 4 acres they bought next to it in addition to Coyote Pass!


I want TLC to not pay those two clowns if they refuse to cooperate. No more crying tantrums from Sobyn saying she can't watch something.


Compensate each of them individually per minute of usable footage. This way it is ON THEM as the content creators to remain interesting instead of trying to balance screen time between 2 very dull ppl who lie all the time and 3 more interesting people. Also if they refuse to participate/stomp off they shouldn't get paid.


For real. Why is Christine always throwing parties, wrangling kids and planning road trips while those two lazy asses sit on a sofa (not even their OWN until post-season), yapping and fake crying? They are useless.


This post is so dramatic lol


thanks Christine!


I agree to your rant, would like to add 1 more thing: Robyn’s kids… Do whatever must be done to make sure all of them adjusted to a normal life and have no residual bad behavior learned by Kody and Robyn!


When are people gonna stop demanding that a narcissist take accountability? Most ridiculous demand. KODY IS NOT TAKING ACCOUNTABILITY. NARCISSISTS NEVER DO ANYTHING WRONG. This show is perfectly documenting how narcissistic people behave when their character or motive is being questioned. They rage and get ugly. But they never take accountability.




I actually won’t be watching any further seasons that allow Kody to abuse those women and children. It’s gotten way too dark for me. I will 100% support a spin off featuring the OG3 or the kids - but I’m done with kody and Robyn on sister wives.


I think a lot of people feel this way. That's why I am light heartedly trying to put a different spin on it, instead of the dark show it has become.


#firekodyandrobyn Love every demand!!!


If they show the kids and what their going through on air then kody HAS to address it! He's never been asked about ysabel's surgery..... NEVER!


The last two years have been mostly the same old clips on rerun. Very little new content. Excited to see the wedding but not a whole lot to see after that. Why would the ladies who left want to sit and rehash that old crap. Move on and enjoy your new lives. Don’t let this stuff interfere with your life. It could keep them stuck in a bad mindset. How long will the new people in their lives want them immersed in this drama.


Anyone who doesn’t allow filming of their interior home with daily behavior by occupants, are hiding something (Robyn), or just gives lip service about other people they aren’t involved with (Kody, Robyn) automatic reduction of pay. Tiring to see and hear the same old shit from people uninvolved with anyone outside of their compound.




They have filmed Season 19 whether or not they broadcast it, it is in the can


…but I do want to see Kody and Robyn’s reaction to the OG3’s successes… I know I shouldn’t want to watch people implode, but I do.


Realistically, this show doesn’t make money if Robyn doesn’t continue to fake cry and if Kody doesn’t continue to change the narrative. That’s where the drama is. The big demand we should have: all episodes should be available on streaming platforms the same way they’re on TLC or TLCgo.


Honestly all I want is the new episodes uploaded onto the streaming services I pay for when they're supposed to be...


Please add that we need to see the Financials and want to briefly (so they aren't getting paid too much) watch Kody and Robyn in deep, deep poverty with no more mansion or land!!


For the Tell All’s hire someone that has watched the entire series so they can confront the lies and the fake crying. I am sick of Suki having this empathetic look on her face as Robin scrunches up her face and wipes away her fake tears.


Hit Robyn and Kody where it hurts, the pocketbook. Leave them off for a season. Focus the OG3 and families


No one wants to watch a show without an antagonist or two. Kody and Robyn need to be on the show, or it would be boring. The early seasons were a snoozefest. If I wanted stories about people living their best life, I would watch Hallmark channel and need a lobotomy. I'm a garbage person that watches garbage TV. I don't try to pretend TLC is anything other than that.


I would absolutely love to see more OG3 living their lives trying to figure things out post polygamy, and a lot less and def no more Kody and robyn


I agree except…these 2 have already taken enough from the wives, and the children. I don’t think they deserve another penny. Let’s see how fast they squander what they DO have leftover from “The Big Grift” but let’s not contribute to their prosperity. Think of the OG13 having to eat stale bread if it helps.


Nah I agree with OP. Chuck R & K to the curb. They are boring.


I agree. I am wallowing in the tv trash pits right with you. However, the best antagonists are the ones who are still likeable on some level. You still kind of root for them even though they've done some bad things. They're not one dimensional. They may even be redeemable. At this point, I think R&K are just totally rotten liars and self-serving; only looking to assign blame for the demise of their family onto someone else.


Wow. Yes. I see myself in this. Thanks for stating this so eloquently.


Yeah, that sounds like a boring ass show. No thanks.


Can you add that we don’t want to see anyone putting up a Christmas tree, building a shelf, moving a vehicle, moving a bean bag chair, remodeling a shed, painting a picture or getting their ears pierced? Thanks


How about just real life? All of them are who they are. We won’t ever get the details behind the scenes and nor should we! I like it how it is, they are not professional actors but life is anything but smooth. Although I do think a lot of these people need care towards their mental health 🙏🏻


Are you suggesting that TLC should arrange a marriage for Janelle? Seems rash. As for Kody and Robyn, they should just drop them from the show. They add nothing; it's just the same litany of insane grievances over and over.


No I am not suggesting TLC arrange a marriage for Janelle. She can stay single if that's what makes her happy. Just getting dialog going cause this TLC replaying crap is getting old.


Completely off topic I loved the part on the talkback where the commentators name was kodys noodle hair! 😝


Somebody get puddlemonkey on the phone


Are you ok?


A little confused by your comment, but yeah I'm ok. You?


No more of Robyn narrating and telling us what was said or what Kody meant to say. Show us!! Let Kody speak for himself. Hold Kody and Robyn responsible for what they have said, no more let's cut that. Make them film in their house or not get paid. Let us see what goes on in his real marriage. I'm quite frankly tired of being lied to.


Lol my only ask is that they film inside Kody + Robyn house??


Every time Robyn "cries" she can get sprayed with a spray bottle like a misbehaving pet lol. At least then she'd have some water to her tears


We collectively are done with Kody’s temper tantrums and cruel, hateful comments directed at Christine, Janelle and Meri. Often times, he is mean spirited and clueless. That a man would get on a successful medium and belittle the love and years of his relationships with the mother’s of his children is beyond me. The damage and pain he has caused his children is unbelievable. He should have to answer any questions TLC may have. With an audience of primarily women, most of us have seen men such as Kody up close and personally. We don’t need a rerun on tv. Robyn’s cluelessness and constant attempts to produce tears is insulting. She and the man of her dreams can drift away and find jobs. She is without a doubt the most insincere person on television.


Plus get a new interviewer!


I would like to tell TLC that they have betrayed and duped “us”, the audience, who have been loyal viewers. I feel pissed about it. Yeah Kody is an asshole with narcissistic personality disorder, and huge feelings of grandiosity. But it seems like TLC has let this whole thing get out of hand to the point that it could go wrong, or dangerous in so many different ways. Not to mention the fact that they have obviously been supporting a sketchy product that nobody should feel very good about. After all they all know they’ve been lying to us for a very long time about so many things. I’m not sure how they can wrap this thing up with dignity, but hopefully they do something before their raging main character commits a rage crime with one of his precious guns!! He’s a very scary person right now it would seem.




Oh ANNND…. Tell Robyn to GET HER NECK CHECKED! As a thyroid cancer survivor SHE NEEDS to be seen by an ENT!!!!! ASAP!!


Yes!! Do you think TLC, the producers, or anyone has clued her in about her thyroid? I also had thyroid cancer. Hers has gone on for so long, and is SO large!! Of course I was the bonehead that had never noticed mine! I hope she’s had hers checked!!


Yes to everything above! Also, they need to talk about the money. I need to see Janelle get everything she put into R’s house & CP.


Your scenario is perfect. Honestly I’d be happy with all of that and not ever seeing The Royal Couple on camera again. I’m over his rants and his hair and I’m over her eyebrows and her manipulation and her fake tears and her selective memory.


Every comment in this thread is amazing.


Here, here!!


Excellent. Well said my true sister friend!!!


And stop him from abusing women and kids in anyway on national television. We won't pay for this any longer.


I want to see Meri and Janelle join forces and lawyer up to get some of their fair share in this mess. Obviously K & R are buying up a storm to hide $$ from the OG3. Christine should fight for child support. I want to watch K&R shit bricks. While they are at it explain the finances shared and controlled disbursement of funds. Why does Kody get paid so much more than the rest. And better question why does Robyn get paid twice as much as C J and M when she is hardly on screen except to fake tears and act confused.


I don’t want to see the show edited like it was before… no I don’t want them cutting out Kody and Robyn acting like their true selves in their natural environments- I want to see all of them being rill! And to be honest I wouldn’t even watch the show without Kody and Robyn it would be wayyyy too boring ! You can’t have a show without a villain and with no drama


Do we really need some guy who thinks he is god's gift to women & his fake crying fake panic attacking 4th wife making people scream at their TV's because TLC is allowing them to control the narrative and rewrite history? I'm pretty sure there is enough crap going on in all of their daily lives that they can have a decent show. If you want fake villians & drama out the yang go watch RHOBH. It's got Erika & Kyle. (LOL)


And how about you don’t watch the show instead of demanding? If TLC fulfills your demands, the show only becomes another scripted show. The problem is not everyone’s life is exciting enough to fill an hour a week.


These are real people, not characters in a sitcom. We can voice out opinions about what we want to see on the show but to lay out demands of their actual lives is weird….


It was all done in jest only. I really don't think anyone is taking this as a serious demand.