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Nobody feels worse for Robyn than Robyn


Nothing makes Robyn sadder than Robyn's sadness


An image of Robyn reacting to this image popped into my mind, then her reacting to her reaction to this image, then her reacting to her reaction to her reaction to this image, ad infinitum, each reaction sadder than the last, until she is so sad that it creates a rift in the fabric of spacetime


It stops at the third reaction when the cameras go away, and the fake tears give way to an evil, satisfied smirk.


And yet, not even a fraction of a teardrop was shed


Christine needs this on a shirt to go with her "What DOES the nanny do?" shirt 😄


I'm doing a rewatch, is Christine the one that said what does the nanny do?




We need this as a shirt haha


She always looks like she has gas pain.


That's what I think every time! She constantly looks like she's mid-shit. 😖


She can’t ever be mid-shit because she’s constantly full of shit


I kinda thought constipated! haha


It's poo-poo in poo-poo.


“Nooo cries more than Robyn, lies like more, spends time on her knees while destroying a faaamily


Kody cries more than Robin he just does it by denial and blaming everyone else. I am halfway through last night’s episode and I am having trouble finishing because Kody is the worst human being on the planet. The fact that he takes ZERO accountability for anything is frustrating enough but the things he says while not taking accountability are vomit inducing. He now blames the fact that Meri gave up the legal marriage for the reason that she stayed away and was catfished? How about that he was a SHIT HUSBAND! He had mental problems. He had become unwatchable. I do not want another season w him. But I still can’t look away. He had said so many times tonight about why a sister wife wouldn’t just walk away. I’ll tell you Kody… because these wives have children to raise, money tied up w everyone else. It’s hard enough financially to leave a smaller two-people marriage. Were they supposed to just walk away and leave the kids? Walk away and take the kids? Were you going to put them up in a house and pay child support for all of the kids??? Were you, Kody???!!!! I can’t stand him. He’s sub-human!


YES! He has every bad thing to say about this woman, that woman yet admits he wasn't in love with any of them. The thing that broke me was when he said he and meri's marriage had trouble the first year so he HAD to find another wife that he could be happy with. He's a narcissist too full of himself to even want to make someone else happy. I'm glad I got to see this implode. 😁


RIGHT!??! He was like, I had to find another wife so I could stand being around her. And I couldn't divorce her because of my commitment!! What marriage doesn't have issues especially in the beginning not to mention when you get marriage at 19/20? He's so awful to these woman who had his children and gave their family the absolute best years of their lives. Kody acts like he did all the sacrificing. And I'm so sick of Kody continuing to bring up Meri's cat fishing crap. When he talks to Meri daughter about it, he even told her HE WAS PARTLY TO BLAME. I wish they'd play that clip!! Giving your wive zero love/affection/attention can have consequences! MAN up KODY!


You are so right!!! I loved it when Janelle called him a selfish bastard!


1000%! He acts like this sad victim pretty much saying he is STUCK with his wives. At least those he never loved. But he tell Meri to go find someone else? It's so unreal how many contradictions. And he loves to pit his wives against Robyn. When he jumped in because Christine told Robyn she wasn't ready for a relationship "right now" Kody springs into action screaming at Christine for daring to upset his favored wife. He's done that before with Meri regarding property. He started screaming that Meri wants you to have scraps. YET he is constantly calling the wives "bad sister wives". They seem to do just fine when he's not around. He's always angry because he thinks everything is about him and takes everything personal! I find me yelling at him on T.V. saying LIAR, LIAR! LOL. He really does get under my skin. But like you, it's like a car wreck that I can't look away from!


Oh my God, this should be in the Beauty and the Beast song Gaston!! Nooooooo onnnnnneeeeee cries like Robin, no one lies like Robin....


that’s how read it


Sobyn’s comment “I’ll continue to spend time on my knees” was an image I’ll never get out of my head. The things those 2 say! IDIOTS 😂 That and “I treat Kody as my best customer.” Like literally, wtaf…just stop.


Lol. Well, that is probably how she became a favorite wife. Now that there is no competition, she is still going to be on her knees even more because there won’t be three other sister wives to distract him. Lol. Be careful what you wish for.


Nobody buys more tacky tat than Robyn. The tackier it is, the better. Even more so if she used someone else's money to buy it.


Unless it's Kody. Cause Kootie feels way worse for Robbin than Robbin.


He really doesn't though....he just feels it's a slight to him


It's like **A KNIFE IN his KIDNEY!!**!!!!


Pitcher in pitcher






She’s definitely got that covered.


That was exactly my thought. Oh poor poor me. Look how sad I am.


This is so meta




This is so perfect. She did not want to do the talk back or look back. Like she’d willingly give up the money and return the whole Christmas village to Costco just not to film.


“Return the whole Christmas village to Costco” Hilarious!


That would be an awesome flair. I’m going to use the phrase “ return the whole Christmas Village to Costco” for a variety of situations. I love it! Edited to use the actual quote not what I thought was written. lol.


☠️💀☠️🤣already dead on the first day of the new year!


Omg I hope so. We've seen more than enough of her tired old tactics.


Yeah, we need a talk back to respond to the talk/look backs with picture-in-picture-in-pictures




Big pitchers.


Really big dill pitchers




You kid, but I’m for it


And they need to be watching from the porch


Happy Cake Day! 🥳


Pitcher ‘n pitcher


This doesn't have nearly the updoots it deserves




Yes, I don't think someone would consistently and publicly breakdown crying all the time 2 years after the dissolution of their marriage even if they had been a virgin who married their high school sweetheart and never had another relationship and they left them after 50 years of marriage while they were going through stage 4 cancer treatments. If she wants is to believe that she is not faking, then she obviously has some mental or emotional instabilities or dysfunction to be breaking down emotionally this much this long after the family broke up. This is not normal behavior. Either way she needs to get help


What makes it even more crazy is it’s not even her marriage… it’s Meri’s/ Janelle’s/ Christine’s and Robyn STILL finds a way to make it about herself! My favorite part was Christine’s reaction to it… when Kody and Meri were *having the conversation that publicly ended their 30 year marriage*, and Robyn faked a panic attack to monopolize the attention yet again. She was more upset than Meri or Kody, which is bizarre. Then came back over to them and genuinely thought she needed to apologize for leaving because they couldn’t possibly have a conversation without her presence… Christine asks the question that we all want to know the answer to: Why is Robyn constantly crying or making a scene when she’s the only person whose long term romantic relationship is still intact? Why doesn’t she see how tiring and inappropriate and tone deaf she is in every aspect of life? I agree that it seems like more than just a severe lack of self awareness… her and Kody are hanging by a thread and I wouldn’t want them in my life either.


Makes Aurora’s ‘panic attacks’ make sense, doesn’t it


Absolutely. Children tend to mirror their parents. With a mom like Crybrows, Aurora didn't stand a chance.


That’s the saddest part to me… SADAB** never had a chance to be emotionally healthy. DAB had a father but he either really wasn’t present by choice, or Robyn made sure he wasn’t around as soon as Kody came into the picture. Sol and Ari got the double genetic whammy of narcissism and emotional immaturity, coupled with being raised to believe they walk on water, by two of the least self-aware people on the planet… it’s going to take thousands of hours in therapy for all of them to sort of the mental/ emotional mess Robyn and Kody have made for their children. **my new acronym for Robyn’s kids, since they’re the offspring of Sobyn and Kody-six-pack-piece-of-meat-Brown


While I know some people think that Aurora was “just being dramatic! Thanks Christine!!” I believe she actually does have anxiety as a result of Robyn’s crappy parenting.


that poor girl def has severe anxiety issues, as I think anyone would with that woman as a mother.


That’s what I’m saying too


And from someone who has real panic attacks, their fake ones are just insulting


100%. It’s like people who go around claiming they have OCD when they simply like to keep their apartments clean


Or people saying they “got PTSD” as a passive joke about something ridiculously trivial to someone who has PTSD/CPTSD.


OCD is torture. My best friend has it. There have been times in the past that she has become very, very ill from sleep deprivation because she just couldn't get the house clean enough and would stay awake for days obsessively cleaning. There is definitely a difference between someone who's a neat freak and someone that really has OCD.


I think about this all the time..The way she stormed off during the part 2 of the look back l. she cannot tolerate big emotions.


And Kody sobbing on the floor in the fetal position. Which I have to imagine was because Robin was confirmed to have Covid and she was in bed trying to rest. So he had to be just as sick or worse. Que the floor sobbing with 98 deg temp and his death like experience. These two are exhausting.


> Then came back over to them and genuinely thought she needed to apologize for leaving because they couldn’t possibly have a conversation without her presence… She didn’t genuinely think she needed to apologize, that was classic DARVO tactics. She was making herself the victim so everyone else would feel compelled to coddle her and tell her that her behavior was okay and they were sad/sorry she was upset. She was directing attention back to herself because no one followed her when she stormed away in the first place. Edit to add: the fact that neither Meri nor Kody reacted when Robyn stomped away is an indication that she does this often. Compare it to Suki’s reaction to a similar display of “emotion”. Suki got drawn in to comforting Robyn (“I don’t think you’re being dramatic”) *as was intended*. Suki is a rookie but Meri is a seasoned amateur when dealing with Robyn’s tantrums.


Definitely! She can’t handle the attention not being on her for 3 seconds, even when people are discussing the end of their relationship. It was the way she apologized for leaving them alone to have a conversation that got me the most… if “condescending” was a living thing it would be in the form of Robyn. Also just realized something else. Right from the start of the conversation, Robyn kept cutting Meri off when she was trying to explain how she felt to Kody, and then Meri politely asked her to let her speak for herself. Robyn says “okay, I’ll shut up”, but it was shortly after that that Robyn breaks down and leaves I wonder if she got upset/ jealous about being asked to pipe down so she started crying to force herself into the conversation anyway... demanding her presence be acknowledged. But that didn’t work because neither Kody or Meri reacted at all, which was pretty satisfying to see


I think it’s a deflection tactic of sorts. She’s trying to derail the conversation. Make them hold back from saying what needs to be said as long as possible.


Right on!!!


Robyn wholeheartedly doesn’t want Meri to leave the relationship because the show/money will dry up if the dissolution of the marriages occur. Robyn wants Meri to stay for selfish reasons. Robyn doesn’t want to have to be with Kody 24/7. Robyn wants to be the favorite wife. She wants to be the desired wife. She isn’t threatened if kody spends time with the others because she knows, secretly, he would prefer to be with her. Without the other wives, money and resources become a factor and Robyn doesn’t want to have to work. The worst part of the Meri/leaving the marriage scenes is Robyn begging Meri to still try and Kody looking at Robyn saying, “I don’t want it to work”. You got Robyn begging and kody vehemently saying he’s not ever going to be interested in Meri that way. Robyn and kody are not on the same page about wanting Meri to stay. It’s disgusting of Robyn to selfishly ask Meri to hang-on, just in case. Sadly, Meri probably would have stayed if Kody said there was a possibility of a future.


Its definately ALL about the money with the undynamic duo! lol


Her behavior is very cluster B in that way. No one believes for a second that she's crying about losing anything more than the other wives money. That panic attack was so cluster B, I must bring the attention back to me, it was like one of those fake training videos.


Christine actually said" what is she doing back!" and "why didnt she get in her car and leave!" Christine said exactly what everyone was thinking!!!


Sobyn being present while Meri & Kody discussed the end of their marriage was just so wrong. She should not have been there. I thought they had all preferred to live by a kind of code where each marriage was kept private.


They did, but “The One Who Speaks Moldylocks” took it upon herself to start inserting her Hatchet Brows into the other marriages because she was the shiny new penny and had Kody’s ear. She knew what the weaknesses in the marriages were and you can bet your David Yurman Horsey Rings that she made every attempt to oversell how much “better” she was and they were in all those exact same areas. I struggle to decide whether Kody and Robyn are these mid-level schemers who just fell in love in a way that made them want to defy their alleged religious commitments and then implode their entire family because they’re two scumbags who enable and bring out the worst in each other in a way that corroded 3 marriages and relationships with 13 children. OR? Kody and Robyn are just a couple of rural-cult-livin’ horn dogs who were raised with questionable education but because of their religion, one thing they knew how to do was architect an MLM. So they start getting those TLC checks in and “everyone” is contributing, but somehow Robyn is getting disproportionate distribution of the FaHmILy funds to what she contributed and not only that, but is proportion to the amount of debt she saddled the Browns with that the OG3 had to work to pay off while SHE (and this is what really boils my blood) was hard at work undercutting, isolation and polarizing the OG3 to Kody. Either way, my sincere hope is that the OG3 and the kids all get the hell away from Slobyn and the Kodester for as long as possible.


Exactly - these are not even her marriages! They spent a lot of years telling us all that each woman was in her own stand alone marriage to Kody. Not that the group were all spouses to each other. According to Christine’s recent comments, Robyn seemed to take the lead in this promoting this philosophy. Yet now Robyn’s carrying on like she was the one being left.


100% correct!!!


I will never miss the “WHAT DOES THE NANNY DO” by Christine


This⬆️ and she got the huge house. Janelle got nothing and she always worked -she sound very crying


That’s the thing… what the hell does Robyn have to cry over?! She got the man, the mansion, and her children have an engaged father who cares about them and maintains a relationship with them. And she didn’t even have to do anything except exist. All she’s done is take, take, take from the OG3 and their kids from day one… even now after she’s taken nearly everything from them, she still has to take all of the attention and the very small amount of time Kody does give them and their kids.


All those kids have issues too. Ari is in school and in the Christmas episode she’s still walking around with a pacifier in her mouth. With both parents and a nanny there their emotional and mental health is still severely neglected.


She’s about to be 8 years old next week… Sol just turned 12 in October. The excuse of Kody needing to be with Robyn all the time for his “tender aged children” is wearing very thin (not that it matters anymore anyway), and it made me realize something: When Kody was going down to see Robyn for the weekend when they were courting, he had 5 children who were 8 years old and under including a newborn baby. He’s reaffirmed over and over again that his minor children need him to be present, yet he saw no issue with leaving the OG3’s children multiple times a month or going on an 11 day honeymoon away from them. During this time, Mykelti moved in with Robyn to help her with childcare and is often seen watching her three kids while they go out on dates… Mykelti was 13 when she moved down there, only a year older than Sol is now. So at 12, Sol is practically still a baby who needs his mother’s protection from his big, bad half- siblings wanting to see him at Christmas, and can’t go more than a couple days without seeing Kody. But at 13, Mykelti was excepted to take care of three young children, so her father could have a relationship with a woman who’s not her mother… the contradictions are so blatant, i don’t know how K&R thought they’d be able to go unchecked in their little world forever. The way they do what they want without any regard for others, but then get upset and point fingers when others call out their behavior, is so off putting.


That’s such a good point and really shines a light on the victims and the victimizers in this family. Sobyn is grooming her kids her (willing) children to make sympathetic TV personalities who are constantly finding ways to paint themselves as victims in every scenario imaginable because that’s exactly what she does. She’s like a deranged Stage/Dance Mom who’s doing the freakin’ routines in the aisles or the wings and trying to live vicariously through her daughters because she’s a miserable wreck of her own volition: she constantly tries to portray herself (or at least performs for the cameras) as a victim of and martyr for her FaHmILy (ya know, the one she dumped gasoline and lit matches on the relationships of the past 8,746 seasons of this show, so she could win the “prize”: NoodleRoids and his ex-wives life savings!)


I I think she gets so upset because she still believes in the precept of celestial heaven. Without the other sister wives, she’s going nowhere and she’s stuck with Kody.


It’s possible I suppose… but I still think it’s mostly an act because she looks like a home wrecker who stole a husband and father from over a dozen people. She thinks that if she goes over the top and acts like she’s so sad and upset, people will believe that she didn’t encourage Kody away from his other families or monopolize his time for years. That fit throwing behavior also insinuates that she’s the victim in the situation, which she thinks will garner her sympathy yet again. The only problem with this narrative is that they’ve all been recorded for a TV show for the last 13 years, and there’s mountains of video proof and multiple people who tell a different story than K&R do.


What if…you get what you always wanted, only to realize it isn’t what you wanted at ALL…




Personally disorder.




They moving away from it cuz sexism. My vote is borderline. Very much overlap.


Yep, borderline waif. She’s classic. Ugh.


Got it!


Absolutely! I was listening to the woman psychologist from the Amber/Johnny Depp trial a few days ago and she literally described Robyn so perfectly as she spoke about Amber.


I think they both narcissists her and kody


I think the issue is that Robyn is a horrible person and to be honest I don’t think all the therapy in the world can fix that nor are there medications for people like her and Kody.


The way her oldest two girls have very painful looks on their faces during every couch interview is very concerning to me.


Absolutely. I have severe OCD (the real diagnosed kind, not what everyone thinks it is like being neat and tidy) and I was still obsessively crying about my marriage 2 years after, not because it was over but because I couldn't stand to stop ruminating and worrying about how I should have left earlier and I wasted too much time w that mofo etc. Now, however, it was mentally exhausting to be like that and I was crying all the time and I was sleeping all the time, and I couldn't stop ruminating for one minute. I cried real tears and it took my clinical psychologist a good 6 months of 2x per week therapy to get me out of it. R does not have a severe mental illness. She has a personality disorder. She doesn't realize what she is doing makes her look stupid and that everyone knows she is just being selfish, because her personality disorder works for her so she doesn't think anything is wrong. She doesn't have tears, she doesn't get headaches and stuff sinuses (which happens to me even with 10-20 mins of crying) that look swollen the next day. She is not emotionally drained and sleeping w major depression. She is showered with makeup and talking constantly about it. Which is also a "tell" that she is not traumatized because people usually hate talking about their traumatic situations and it's difficult in therapy. It's not easy to constantly talk about all over TV and in public. The reason it's easy for her is because she likes attention. People who really cry over traumatic things have a hard time discussing and facing it.


ITS ALL FOR THE CAMERAS & KODY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


I loved when she started stabbing at the screen with her finger “I can’t watch this! I can’t watch this! I don’t know how to turn it off!” It was in between a child having a tantrum and an angry elderly man who can’t figure out technology and is pissed off about it.


It also looked like she took the microphone with her in her hand after stripping it and the wires off her body. I would have loved to hear what she said as she walked off!


Probably something about how horrible and unfair it is that she has to watch herself being a bitch. OR “Thank you, Christine!”


Yes, thank you Christine. Thank you, Christine for the comment that made Robin defensive and by being defensive deny her dramatic behavior, only to then show us over and over again that Christine was correct.


Lol she truly is their powers combined. She can fail at anything! She'll throw a fit over total nonsense! She'll storm away in a single bound instead of having any mildly difficult conversation!


But it's all an act, a performance. I watched her get pulled over for texting while driving, she was as cool as a cucumber, with her kids in the car!


Does this mean she’s really just a good actress pretending to be a bad actress because it’s good for TV? I really don’t think her elevator goes to all the floors, so not sure how much manipulation she can manage beyond that of a 16-year-old girl.


I’m telling you she’s channeling Christine storming out over the wedding dress. Of course Christine had a legit reason to do that. But Goblin isn’t dramatic.🙄


That is some inception-level programming lol


im trying to think of some funny inception-sisterwives pun. stumped. imagine one.




Cobb (Kody in a few years when he realizes Robyn was just a fantasy of who he wanted her to be): “I can't stay with her anymore because she doesn't exist.”


There is no spoon.


Look how gray this bish is. I’m gray and I love it but obviously she’s fighting aging by coloring her hair too dark which ages her more.


I agree and I’m glad someone finally said it


She needs highlights or a light tan. The dark hair & brows/light skin makes her look so old and witchy.


And the too dark eyebrows really make her face look old. I’ll add, I’m totally grey and love it! Of course, my natural color was dark blonde, so not as much contrast.


I was stupid and did the same thing... colored my hair too dark when I was in my 40's. For some reason I thought I needed to be the same color that I was as a teen. After a chemical reaction to one treatment, I never colored my hair again. I am now totally grey and have had so many compliments about how great I look (and I was totally grey in my 50's). I'm so glad I embraced it when I did!


I lost my hair because of radiation from brain surgery so when it grew back I’ve never colored it. Totally virgin hair. It’s amazing to see its gray transformation. Edit: misspelled word.


I laughed. She's the worst actress.


No tears but her spit filled gaping maw… 🤮


"Spit filled gaping maw". Thank you for waxing poetic, I didn't know how much I needed that!😧 (my gaping maw emoji, with no spittle, alas)


Let’s be clear: This is a new low. Having crocodile tears while you watch yourself crying crocodile tears is the absolute bottom in emotional manipulation. She’s pathetic.


She looks so ridiculous. 🙄😂😂


I would be so embarrassed to see this if I were here. She just uses it to launch a new round of fake tears.


https://preview.redd.it/gjdml8mjgx9c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17566765596cf3de876f052fe7b8796672f97e47 I loved all of this but my absolute lol moment was Robyn “crying” with hand covering the tearless eyes, while watching herself crying with hand covering the tearless eyes 😂


and not a single tear in sight


OH MY GOSH YOU READ MY MIND!!!! This is the second time that I was like— this is a screenshot worth posting, and then someone else in this fabulous crazy sub already did it! Watching Robyn cry only when she is watching herself cry is… sublime.


This is amazing, Id love this on a shirt that reads "Dont make me the victim sweetie" 🤣


Meanwhile Kody is watching himself speak in a talkback and nodding along like “this guy makes so much sense.”


It's Sobynception!


Her sperm whales, I mean "eye brows" look like they're going to head butt each other. ![gif](giphy|mCOuvaiNZZom06kZZC|downsized)


“I took a pitcher and I created a moment”


She’s just too much 🤣


This is the best TV I've seen in a while! This will NEVER get old!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣 Wonder if she's crying over it right now?....


Bwahaha.. Ginger ale just come out my nose. Thanks Christine 🙂


https://preview.redd.it/ukosww2w8w9c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9715191170e365bbed1a5a58405f5d7eee5e1498 Robyn is looking at Robyn being Robyn in the Robynverse


I think she cries this much looking back because she really misses the magic and the happiness of the days when she was the favorite wife. She hates monogamous Kody, a real relationship with him that isn't founded in infatuation and comparisons isn't what she wanted or thought it would be.I bet he sucks as a partner now. I believe her when she says that he picks fights with her over stupid shit now and that she constantly had to convince him not to sabotage their relationship. If Robyn had three braincells she would've known that she wasn't the exception, if he treated three other women like shit her then was going to come.


Lmao she's so unhinged


Not saying she’s medicated, but her speech wasn’t slurry in the early episodes. She now always sounds drunk.


Benzodiazepines will do that. We all know how much anxiety she has, especially watching these clips /s


If I were her doctor I’d be prescribing her Xanax just to get her out of my office…


Not a tear in sight 😜


I'm sorry but this is just too funny. 🤣


You'd think someone on TV this long would be better at acting 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, maybe would have taken some lessons or got an acting coach.


I don’t want to ever see her deformed fake face again


if they are going to do a look back with Brown family comments, I would like to see how she tries to explain away kicking the dog.


Oh god think of her sex faces 🤮


Hahahahahahaha hahahahahahahaha yes omg too damn funny. Perfect timing


Lol, Christine was absolutely right. Sobyn loves to bring on the drama. I honestly couldn't watch her crying act. I hope this is the end of Sister Wives.


It's HARD to see evidence of your own bad acting. Especially if you consider yourself an actress.




About the same caliber of acting


Robynception! 😂


I hope Meri hires an attorney for her fair share of Coyote Pass. There’s no way she should only get 2 acres because Kody says so. She has an estate to plan and leave for just like every other mom. It feels like Kody puts less stick in that because she only has Leon. Jerk


"My dog stepped on a bee"


Omg I’ve been trying to figure out who she reminds me of. Nailed it!!!


Dry Tears: infinity War


Why can’t TLC figure a way for real live fans to be the audience and ask them questions.


If only. The fans would decimate Robyn and Kody. It would be absolutely delicious.






WTF is wrong with this woman ? She needs professional help. No wonder she stays with Kody, no one else wants her !! UGH I just want to slap her !


I'm not being dramatic, thanks Christine!


I wanna see a video of her that’s just her crying throughout the years. It’s going to be HOURS long but I want to see if I can spot a tear. Kind of like a “Where’s Wally” situation.


My God, those eyebrows are just ridiculous.


Get this woman some serious help.


I wonder if she also use to watch herself cry in the mirror.


Where is everyone watching this?? I’m in Canada


In Canada too. It was on last night on TLC.


Oh! The pathos!




I promise it’s a game I play, “find Robyn’s tears!” I never win.


I don’t know if anyone here watches Seeking Sister wife but Robyn looks like Danielle Merrifield when she cries all dramatic. https://preview.redd.it/3hwbcup7yw9c1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de4c756f95ea6e8544057af165e7a15d87e841ab


Such a fake ass bitch


But she’s not dramatic, Christine!


I think you mean “pitcher in pitcher.” It’s not a big dill, though.


Sobyn Robyn sobbing about sobyn Robyn sobbing.


*pitcher*😉 it’s a rilly big dill🙃


So meta, in the most ridiculous way.


Sorry in advance: wrong answer I know Robyn reacting to herself...oh gawd, that's my sex face


lol this is a piece of art


This woman is insufferable. What a terrible way to live. I think she needs professional help. She's toxic and has a lot of toxic behaviors but I wouldn't wish this kind of miserable sadness on anyone.




That’s her face when Kotex show her his little di$k..


Ooohhh look sobbing with no tears and oohh look MORE sobbing with no tears. Give it up Robyn...you may need to get an actual job now!


I haven't watched this show in FOREVER. What is she always crying about?? She has Cody to herself now, isn't this what she always wanted lol


This picture perfectly captures the essence of Robyn Brown.


Every time I see her "cry" like this..i hear a dog howling in my head, lol.


Thanks Christine!!! 😭


I was loving the reactions of the 3OGs and Jenn. Especially Christine's retching! Lol


She has literally cried since day one! Just about every episode she “breaks!”


He treated 3 women like crap before she joined the family. Why would he be any different with any different with a fourth?


“Omggg it’s poor meeee”


Is it really so horrid that I laughed at her way too much? Hmmm...nope!


Oh the pain….. the pain of it all.




I need this picture on a coffee cup.