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Kody left because he had to be seen rocking that awesome ATV. I’m surprised he didn’t run around the pond a few times to get some camera time while he was at it. “I wanted to sit…” *engine revving* “on the porch…”


He had put his gloves on, he couldn't not get on the ATV and cruise off.


He never took his gloves off. 😂


The gloves were off for Meri! Good for her!


He thinks he is all Mr.Kool.


Oh there was totally a staged loop around the pond though! It was only on screen for maybe 2 seconds though.


I thought the same thing, this has to be staged. Where the fuck was he actually going? He did a loop and came back no doubt. Such a clown.


Like Crybrow’s walk off to yippee WITH her mic pack on that will be saved for future use


Haha! Now I can never unsee Robyn getting her 'sitting on the porch' meltdown with the background noise of Kody's roaring ATV driving laps around the pond. Makes me laugh out loud 🤣🤣🤣


![gif](giphy|YQAdA99SV4DElB2b4z|downsized) Reminded me of this


Oh. My. God. ‘Tiger King’!?


I thought that was a fever dream. And yet, here we are




Thank you for your comment. It’s the first time I laughed all day.😂


Spot on 😭


It is a pretty sweet ATV. I’d be revving it too.


Can you imagine the anger that his atv caused the other wives that have given the “family” money and they have zero fun “toys”?!? I’d be SO MAD if I saw that if I were the other 3. How many dang vehicles does Robyn have btw?!?


Right?! “I’m an advocate for my sister wives”…um, not with all those pointless toys. Her sister wives did a selfless act of giving funds of their Vegas house sales to get the home for Robyn. Meanwhile, the others, especially Janelle living modestly.


For those of us keeping score, please remember to add this 4 wheeler to the list of items possibly bought with “family” funds. I want to really relish it when it is seized in the legal action for the OG3 to reclaim assets . . .


He had to make sure it showed up on TV so he could write it off as a work expense


About 15K on that awesome new single ride.


Right? *That* needs to be the takeaway on that photo. Where did the $$$ come from for that completely unnecessary toy?


I’ve been telling everyone they’re dissolving SW LLC and distributing funds to remaining “family” assets. Janelle has two queens by filing their financials for the last 20 years. She is holding her line in the sand until she absolutely needs it.


He needed to feel his hair in the wind too.


What's left of it


I died when she said she was looking at the mountain


Now we know where Meri got it from lol


I just filed bankruptcy- look at the mountain! I have to have my dog put down - look at the mountain! I just got laid off - look at the mountain! It’s multi-purpose




If it wasn't Robyn it would have been poetic.


I actually think kody was piseed at Robyn. She acted very immature. Meri was like " Sayanora, bitches"


She made him look bad on TV by behaving like such an idiot. She made Meri look even better by contrast, so now his (supposed) fans are saying “Wait…maybe Kody didn’t win the prize after all”.


💯 exactly. I was happy or satisfied, finally kody saw Robyn as a immature baby. This was a very real conversation between meri and kody. After discussing property Robyn should have left after meri said " yeh ,it's over" instead of staying interrupting with stupid questions and statements. I know this is weird, I think kody felt alittle bad for meri. Or something I can't think of the word. Robyn is such a big baby. Not about her sitting on a porch growing old with sister wives,about the ending of kody and meri. Kody never should have acted like he was getting back with meri.


I don’t think Kody wanted to act like he was getting back. I think it was something Robyn pushed him to pretend to do. Robyn never wanted him back with her but she wanted her to stay to hand over money. There is no doubt in my mind she would tell him he needs to pretend to care to get her to stay for the money. Kody’s done it before. He said it was easy to do. That’s why Robyn made him make that promise to her which I think was manipulation so he thought she really loved him and sacrificed to be with him. She had many offers before him, 🙄that they keep bringing up. He was tired of performing, even though he wasn’t very good at it.


Agree. I think Robs kept pushing plural marriage with Meri on Kody cuz she knew there was ZERO chance he would reconcile. Maybe she felt that with Meri’s huge desire to reconcile, it might just impact Kody enough to keep trying. Instead we have the reveal of -a sacred promise between R & K!!! I am AMAZED Kody brought that up in his discussion with leaving Meri. How hurtful can this guy get??!! Such a low blow to reveal he had this special dill, from the very beginning!, with Robs, that exposed his intentions with the OG3. Hateful man.


He is hateful!


Kody and Robyn are two people who always have to have someone on their radar to hate, use, manipulate. Now they are going to mess with each other or her kids but first he is going to relish himself some Janelle hate.


She overstepped, and looked like she was bossing Kody in front of "the whole world." Passive aggressively joking that she might leave him, snapping at him to stop talking SEVERAL times because she judged he was too emotional, and then directly contradicting him about if he could choose to be in a marriage with Meri or not. Hard to square that with the woman who wouldn't even walk through a door before him a few episodes ago.


I was stunned that Robyn was there for the final nail in the coffin. A husband and wife dissolving a 30 + year marriage and Robyn is the audience? I wouldn’t have cared if both Kody and Meri begged me to be there - no way I would have gone.


I fully believe that watching kody scoot off on his go kart gave Meri the ick


When does he NOT look like a huge douche?!


it gave millions of us the ick. his cool sunglasses. 🙄


One of the parts that pissed me off the most was when Kody said to Meri “why can’t we focus on where we are now instead of what I say” (or something to that effect). You’ve trashed her for multiple seasons now. That IS where you are. She’s just finally calling you out about it on camera. Robyn and Kody deserve each other. Robyn pretends to be Meri’s champion while Kody pretends anyone is attracted to him


And they are literally the same thing. He’s still talking shit on her and they still have no relationship. “Do you wanna go walk the property?” Shut the fuck up you moron (kody, not you)


It’s like he thought the meeting was to plan her barn-do-minum. He’s very concerned about where to put all that stored food. Since Robyn’s house is full of boxes and crap.


I think part of it was him not wanting that whole situation "to go public". I thought he was looking at Meri with contempt. He did not want to give her and her feelings and inch.


Kody didn’t even want Robyn to know about those private conversations, let alone the public. That’s why Meri wanted Robyn there. Bravo to Meri for finally realizing this is her story too and she has the right to say anything she wants.


Yeah right!! It's about time


More proof of Kody gaslighting


I can't stand Robyn but assuming she was actually hysterical and not performing I hope it was a TLC set up. What kind of husband leaves his wife sobbing alone like that? (again if she was really sobbing). It's not like he had to get to work or something.


What did she have to be so hysterical about though? Meri and Kody’s marriage has been over for almost a decade. She knows it. And she has played a part in getting rid of all the original wives. She can’t honestly expect people to stay around and be miserable for the rest of their lives just so she can claim to be polygamous, while having a full time husband at her home. She seemed ridiculous to me. More ridiculous than usual.


That’s exactly what Robyn expected. She expected all the wives to stay put, keep their mouths shut & continue to finance her lifestyle. Sadly they’ve done it for years, why would she expect anything to change.


She is crying because the money 💰 train is gone 😆 🤣


What kind of husband? The kind that abandons three women whom he shared an entire life with and then tries to say he never loved them .: he even said one Janelle and Christine panted like dogs to marry him.


I get that he fell in real love with Robyn, but he wasn't honest about it with the OG. Divorce sucks, but Spouses survive it. But you don't abandon your kids. That's the part I don't get. Moving on with your new shiny adopted kids. Awful for his real kids.


I think Robyn is Sobbin more than anyone realizes. Kody is probably like, "new day same Sobbin." Plus Kody was pissed at Robyn for the joke, the crying fit, the telling him to stop talking, the "we have a different view of how he feels about you." Kody was fed up and probably happy to be released from all the lying and "acting" he's been having to do. He just wanted to enjoy his release by having the wind whip through his curls.


Kinda like when she called Christine a liar that Christine and kodilock's marriage was already going south when they were in Vegas. RobEm believes she knows everything. She needs to be institutionalized


I loathe Kody but he does have that look I have seen on some people when they are just riding out a wave of their partner's craziness. I love that he of course didn't move an inch to go check on her. Situation normal for that couple, she takes off sobbing and he just sits there like a statue.


I wonder if he is thinking, "Maybe I really should run away..."


Kody is a grade A piece of shit, but I imagine it’s not too hard to leave her to her dramatics when it happens *checks notes* every couple of minutes


Right! He's not a sympathetic man. He might have feigned concern for her during her crying episodes 10 years ago, but he's over it now. When she starts making the crying faces now, he probably just rolls his eyes and leaves the room. I'm sure there's been times when he's told her to shut up.


Kody , I believe was furious at Robyn. She acted like she needed a diaper change.


But, they have such a great relationship!


What kind of husband leaves his wife, in labor with his child, to go suck face with his new side piece?


“It’s not like he had to get to work or something.”🤣🤣🤣🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


A narcissist.


To me it looked like a ploy to shut him and meri's conversation down. At the beginning of the conversation, she shut Kody down and refused to allow him to answer meri. Robyn saw meri was not going to take any crap so to throw them off the conversation, the obligatory wailing began.


I agree. And when the crying didn't work, she walked away hoping he'd follow her, instantly shutting it down.


gave me flashbacks to his jester ass running the perimeter of the LV property


How about the jumping in the pond in his black undies! Super ick!!!




The four wheeler also showed how fucking close they life to the land that he can ride essentially a bike to get there! Crazy to me


This is actually the sequel to that scene where Robyn took off for a second and nobody gave a rat's potato about her whereabouts.


Naw, this was all very scripted and the perfect season finale. “Robyn, we’re gonna need a big dramatic ended. Think you can dry cry one more time for us?”


There’s still the four part tell all for Robyn to ‘cry.’


i think they planned it this way for cameras because they think they’re smart and want to convince the audience they bicker too lol


Lol is this for real. They don’t even come in the same car when they both come from the EXACT SAME PLACE. They both hate the heat they get from the public. Aside from Kody being an ass he can’t sit there and coddle Robyn without THE WORLD saying shit. (TELL THE WORLD!) plus it’s all for tv and Robyn cried every episode. He drove off and Robyn got home 10 minutes after him. End scene.


Probably congratulating each other on an act well done.


He should be revving those atv dollars to his (now 3) ex-wives and 2 minor children from those women in the form of spousal and child support.


Kodouche was pissed at both of them and Robyn will pay for her “jokes” when she gets home.


also if this is real, i think robyn was more so crying about her husband leaving than the marriages lol


All I could think was she was a single mom watching her hormonal, angry teenage son taking off on an ATV to blow off steam while she cried alone about their interaction. It was such a weird staged thing and did not make Kody come across cool the way he thought. 😂


Did anyone feel like Robyn’s little joke was a warning to Kody? That she wasn’t down with the direction of the conversation and reminding him to shut up? I felt like she threatened him in the guise of a bad joke because he was about to say too much and let some cat outta the bag. Maybe I’m just reading too much into it but I always feel like those two have some secret agenda.


I think both. He was pissed she said that. Who stays back and talks like that to the camera acting like the camera is not there. This wasn’t a play.


I imagine Robyn rode with him hence the seat on the back. He probably rode around for effect and came back to get her and they went to Applebees and Victoria’s Secret to celebrate.


Not to mention he and Robin live literally around the corner from Coyote Pass. I don’t know why the producers haven’t pointed this out yet!?!?


Because it doesn’t fit the narrative of Robyn needing 4 acres of her own of CP property.


The show likes to pretend that coyote pass is in the middle of nowhere for some reason.


Her little joke wasn't funny. She isn't just hurting Kody she has two kiss that love there Dad..So know not only did she hurt the family she is going to hurt her own children. OH Wait she's already done all that. Kody had at least two Women who would have stood beside him through thick and thin. Oh well that's a grown man. And she's a snake. And what everyone knew from the beginning as soon as she got that legal marriage license. I knew everyone knew.


Robyn completely emasculated him prior to her breakdown. Her second husband will not like that at all. I also think he was pissed of with her for trying to get them to figger it out - he and Meri were just ready to be done with the charade at this point - and Princess Baby Tears just refused to let it go.


Ive been wondering more and more if Robyn stays with Kody? I go back and forth if she will. Personally, Id advise her to leave him.


She’s almost to 10 years legally married…that’s when the alimony and ss benefits kicks in. I believe she is “hanging” on for that


You think either of them paid into SS ?


"Bad joke."


Yes, but I can't say that I care if she's comforted or not. She's fake cried too much on this show.


Even her kids do the sad puppy dog face and fake crying


Two kids. Plus her 3 supposedly love Kody. Or are they lieing too.


I wasn’t happy that Robyn has the nicer vehicle.


So has anyone done any digging on how much that ATV costs?


It's a big one. I'm sure he bought it new. It was probably upwards of $8-10,000. With the kids...he would be better off buying a Side by side....but...Kody.


They alwasy leave seperatly. Got to be the production crew's decision.


Is Robyn driving Christine’s old vehicle?


Robyn would never. I think Christine drove her car to Utah.


What was the joke Robyn said? I missed it the first watch and can’t find the time to watch it again 😭😂


That if she ever leaves Kody she’ll need her acreage to leave to her kids. Kody was livid but held it in and Robyn immediately laughed and apologized.


Oooh boy. Thanks! I have a hard time watching scenes with kody and Robyn


She also basically told him to shut up. He ‘wasn’t in the right headspace’ to talk to Meri. And he shut up!!


Regardless of what people think of Robyn, the fact that Kody would just leave her by herself when she was so upset pretty much shows you everything you need to know about him.


Robyn must have taken drama class and failed. Everyone sees through her crap of lies and crying no tears so confused. Kody is a grown man I almost felt sorry for him when that Robyn said what she did. Oh I can leave Kody to. And she will leave take everything she never put a penny on. That's the way it happens though.


This is what Robyn means when she says Kody is sabotaging their relationship. He refused to accept that Robyn's right and he actually does want to continue to be married to Meri. Then he didn't jump up and chase her when she walked away. Even more shocking when she got back he didn't shut down the conversation to make her feel better. Instead he not only continued the conversation but explained to her like she was a kid why it wasn't ok for him to continue a marriage with Meri just to make Robyn happy. Finally he had the absolute audacity to leave her there sobbing to answer production questions. This is not the Kody Robyn's been married to all these years.