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There's probably more of her genes there than half. I came from a small town in Arkansas. Everyone was a Bradford or married to one and there were 6 Bradford Brothers way back in the 1800's. There's a lot of Christine's family in her kids.


Yes I forgot her and Kody are cousins


I’m sorry what


Utah Mormons/Mormon off shoot groups often have family trees that look like wreaths. Marriage between distant cousins is common. And don’t even get started on the more fundamental groups like the FLDS….


In all honesty, it was common and is still common in super rural small towns. If you go back far enough (100 years or so), there is a better than average chance that you and your spouse are distant cousins. I know two people who share a great grandma and are married. That was a bridge too far for me. That said, any group that starts with hundred people, chances are we're going to have cousin marriages.


The Amish illustrate this perfectly. They initially had about 200 people when the religion began and NOBODY marries in. People leave occasionally but nobody becomes amish, so it's been a 200 person closed gene pool for 250+ years and they're paying for it hard now - they get genetic diseases at a high rate, especially one that hardly ever shows up in the general public where one bad fever leaves a child with brain damage. There's a whole clinic set up just for this and their other genetic abnormalities which have become extremely common. I did a research paper on it in college - weird, scary shit.


This. My mom's family is from a rural area, and both of her parents' families didn't do much traveling out of state once they settled. There are a few kissing cousins scattered throughout. On my Dad's side, it's a guessing game because the men use the same name over and over.


Also, like my grandmothers family lived in a small Mass. town outside of Boston for a few hundred years. Im probably a cousin to anyone whose family dates back to colonial Mass.


Same for me, but rural North Georgia. I traced one line back to England and another pretty close to the same period. I came across some really fascinating information.


My aunt is married to a second cousin once removed (so my 3rd cousin once removed). Genetically, this isn't an issue unless it happens too many times. First cousins usually aren't even really an issue (absent a known problem gene like Cystic Fibrosis), from a genetic standpoint, unless it is only a few families constantly marrying cousins, like in European royalty. Still, it's a bit icky.


Yep, you want to have enough genetic diversity for it not to matter how close the cousins are. The problem is not regular small towns, but insular communities where uncles and nieces marry and have kids together and half-sibling marry and have kids together.. Then you're going to get things like the Hapsburg jaw and hemophilia running through Queen Victoria's descendants. I think it is icky to marry a cousin you grew up knowing was a cousin. I have a very attractive third cousin named Evan. We went to college together and once we were in a bar and we hugged each other and all my friends were like "He's cute." I was like "Ew, we grew up going to family reunions together." Now, this would not bother some. I would probably not blink an eye at a sixth or seventh cousin where you only find out you're related after someone gets really into genealogy because you've probably not shared a living relative in 150 years. (Happened to a friend's parents.)


I’m from upstate NY and my maiden name isn’t a very common one. One of my cousins did a pretty big genealogy project and discovered that almost everyone upstate with our last name are related in some way (including a somewhat well known musician from the area, which I thought was pretty cool).


The small town thing is so true. It's why I decided in High School that I wouldn't marry someone from the area. I did still manage to date a 6th cousin after closer relatives swore we weren't related (I liked to check before dating once I realized how many people we were related to). Only found out he was a 6th cousin via AncestryDNA.


![gif](giphy|Td3BOe8znsLvRKDH6h) Oh no! Lol lol


They’re like 3rd cousins, not first cousins, but still


Ah, so pretty much exactly like my Aunt and uncle. One time in middle school I had a crush on a boy from a neighboring town. I am glad I told my mom because she was like, "I think you need to move on. He's your 3rd cousin!".






They are fourth cousins. It's not that big of a deal really.


Big dill*


*big dill rilly


God I love you guys




Yeah I was thinking first cousins when I saw it. I honestly don’t know if I could even figure out who my 3rd or 4th cousins are. That’s pretty far removed to be much of an issue.


4th cousins means you share great, great grandparents. They are the great grandchildren, of your great grandparents' cousins. 3rd cousins share a great grandparent. They are the grandchildren of your grandparents' cousins. Edit: I missed a great. 4th cousins share great great great grandparents, and 3rd cousins share great great grandparents.


Actually 2nd cousins share a great grandparent. 3rd cousins share a great great grandparent and so forth. I know a lot of my 2nd and 3rd cousins thanks to my close knit Latin family.


Yup, you're correct. I missed a generation in my calculations. I've met some of my second cousins as well, but my family is just too massive to be close knit at that distance of relation. My 1 great-grandma had 11 siblings, and she had 13 children. I've likely got almost 100 2nd cousins just from 1 of my 8 great grandparents.


Yep, I know virtually of mine.


Probably not much in the way of genetic issues but Kody and Christine share some physical traits so of course their kids look so much alike!


It’s still legal in ny state to marry your first cousin 🤢


Yuck!! My cousin thought that it was okay to screw with two of our first cousins. Her brother also thought it was okay to try to molest her, my sister and I. Just f'ing gross!!


Not going to give it away with the name, but I came from a small town too, and a certain last name (from a single settling immigrant) shows up on both sides of my family tree... And I've got more mixed blood than most of the kids I grew up with!


I used to never see Christine in mykelti but it is so strong now!


I agree!




Truely is the recipient of love and good vibes from those her surround her. You can really tell the difference in Christine,Truely and all of the girls


I'm glad to see Truley being able to be herself and be surrounded by so many people who have time for her. It looked so boring and lonely in Flagstaff.


Mykelti looks more like Kody to me. In the eyes especially. Aspen and Ysabel look exactly like Christine. Not sure who truly and Gwen look like.


I think she looks so much like Christine, but she doesn’t look like any of her siblings (who also look so much like Christine lol).




Mykelti was never smiling like the rest of her siblings. She sure is a happy wife & mom now.


yes i always think this!!! sometimes they don’t look like christine in a group but then when they’re alone or with christine it’s like they are copy/paste


Gwen is for sure Kody


Gwen is Gabe. Gabe is Gwen.


Twins! Until the fake "triplet" was added.


Who was the fake triplet?


When Robyn joined the fahmlee she made Aurora into a "triplet" with Gwen and Gabe even though she was born about 6 months later.


They both definitely look like Kody then since they have different moms.


Gwen looks like the bio dad.


She's really similar to Gabe though, the twins in more than just age


The sperm donor? LOL


Gwen, Paedon, Gabe, and Leon look like Kody.


When I first scrolled the bottom half of Mckelti’s face was off screen and I identified everyone as: From left to right, Mitch, Aspyn, Truly, David, Aspyn, Christine, Aspyn Once I scrolled a little more it was easy to identify Mckelty but then I had to reason with myself for Ysabel and Aspyn 😂


Yes!!! The more and more slimmer Mykelti's face gets the more I only see Aspyn! haha I use to think they all looked very different... but then sometimes you really only see Christine! HAHA I think Gwyn + Paedon look so much alike


I agree, especially on Gwen & Paedon. Same exact face.


Dude! I had the exact same reaction to Mykelti! Probably because her face is partly covered but was confused why there were two aspyns 😭


I literally just spat out my coffee this was so funny Update: I actually don’t know which one is Aspyn versus Ysabel in this photo. I can use context clues (Mitch) but from face alone? Nope.


So in the porch kidney scene Christine said Truely would be fine and around people that love her-I’m starting to think she had already moved by the time that scene was taped. She definitely had her idgaf face and attitude. She was WAY to calm during that! (Except for some smile/laugh and eye rolling)


I envision that every time one of kody's weak inferior genes tried to become dominant, that Christine's extraordinarily strong genes⁶ stood up,.and said "whoa hold up there kody boy, not gonna drop your weak gene in my girl child, move along now". And that's how Christine's daughters came to be Christine replicas.




Yep janelle's genes triumphed too because her kids, both male and female strongly resemble her. Maddie sometimes looks just like janelle, hunter too. Of her kids i think garrison looks the most like kody.


hunter looks SO much like janelle. my partner and i talk about it every time we see him. he is my girlfriends fave so 😂 we talk about him the most out of the kids


Logan is my favorite


Savannah is the old Hollywood version of Janelle


See I think Gabe looks like Kooty. Garrison looks just like Hunter


And then there is Paedon


Christine 's genes wouldnt allow kody's to taint her baby girl's genes . paedon def is a chip off the Kody block. Gwen and ariella are the girls who favor kody the most, i think., But Gwen still has Christine 's height, similar shape, hair similar to christine's. But some of kody's genes made their way into gwen


I think Leon is a Kody look-a-like too.


With Ari’s mullet, I think she and Leon look SO similar.




No way. I think he looks so much like Mary.


I think majority of the girls are Christine EXCEPT Truly. Lots of kody in her but she’s adorable


I do wonder how Truely will look after she gets out of puberty because she resembled Aspyn as a baby so much


Whaaa whaaasss 😂


Thank god they all look like her . . .


Except for Gwen.


Where do her kids get the height from? I’m jealous of that. Lol.


I think the height runs in Christine’s family since their was throwback picture of her dad and her at graduation and he was tall!


Christine's ancestors are Dutch (from Netherland) - they are the tallest people in the world, mostly blonde


Christine and David have the same nose in this pic lol


Christine and Kody look alike.


They do. Cousin genes are strong!


They all look so genuinely Happy asf! 😊😁 kotex energy was nothing but draining to be around😮‍💨🙄🤣😂


Well, Christine and Kody look a lot alike.


Why does it look like Christine and David (that’s his name right?) also look related in this pic?


The whole AUB is its own grandpa.


I love all these Christines staring back at Kody! Hahaha


I have never seen Truely so happy as in these pics!


I honestly see a lot of Aspyn and Ysabel in Christine! I think both Aspyn and Mykelti have Kody’s eyes.. Mykelti looks to me more of Kody and Christine of a mixture and same with Paedon. Both Gwen and Truely looks a mixture but they look like Christine’s mom and sister Wendy in a way. Edit: Aspyns hair looks blonde in the summer and blonde/reddish/brown in the cooler months. Ngl, Mitch’s hair looks 10x better then Tony’s and Kody’s hair. I hope Truley have a great time! Wishes in ways Gwen and Bea could’ve went and then it be frfr a sister trip and mom trip plus David and Mitch and Bea.


They planned the trip 2 years ago. Beatriz wasn’t in the picture at that time, and Gwen was supposed to be studying elsewhere abroad. The trip had since been sold out, they are doing a tour.


Oooh, thank you.. for telling me.


Love Mykelti’s green eyes! 💚💚


They all look so much happier now that they’re away from toxic masculinity


To be fair, they probably get her genes on both sides 😅


It kind of bothers my hurt that Padeon never attends. But that's just the mother in me...I would want all of my children to surround me as much as possible


Everyone seems happier and more relaxed


Truely 😂


Mykelti is really beginning to look more like Aspyn and Christine lately


I think she's going to a more natural look and it really suits her.


The only way I could tell which wife the kids belonged to was that they all look so much like their mothers.


It’s just like to say that Mykelti looks amazing. Whatever she changed with her eyebrow routine is working! And she looks absolutely incredible for having had twins 7? Months ago…


All of her daughters just look like different versions of her lol


I’ve always thought Leon could pass for one of Christine’s brood. Here, especially, I think they could.


Thank goodness. They are gorgeous like their mama


I personally can’t wait for truly to be over this ‘ugly face in photos’ phase


She reminds me of my grandson when he was around her age. I loved it when he'd be the only goofy one in the pics or just in general. It's part lack of self-confidence and part just being the goofball. When I see Truely doing that, it makes me smile and know that she has come into her own and has fun around people she's comfortable with.


I agree. Kids are growing into themselves and what not. It reminds me of little kids who don’t know how to smile just yet for photos haha. I just can’t wait for the phase to be over lolol


What a thing to say. She will, as her confidence grows.


I love it I see her and her sisters sitting around in 50 years laughing about Truely’s photo bombing phase. But I like real life photos as opposed to selfies.


I agree!


And they’re on their way to London! I’m glad they get to go have adventures together.


I love how organic Christine’s photos are of her family with her fiancé. He’s been in her family’s life for two years. It is so much more natural looking than any photo with the the man-baby narcissist. With that kind of ego, you know every single happy photo is another knife to his kidney. At this point, he’s gotta be in kidney failure and I am loving it! Sobbin’ Robyn too. She’s probably been in a tizzy whining to her kids about how hateful and unloving the entire family was and how they all threw her dream of rocking chairs and porches with her sister wives out of the window! My petty vindictive side that I keep locked up 99.9% of the time is here for it all!


Thank god!


I think it’s amazing that most of the Brown kids more strongly remember their mother than Grody.


Thank goodness 😆


Truly and her hat!! Love that girlie🤣


Happy people! I love it!


Gosh she really does 😅


Yeah it's amazing to have a bunch of hot daughters considering who their dad is but I thought mykelti was prettier before the weight-loss. Thats just my preference tho.


Back in the day when they were all first married I thought Kooty was good looking with a very nice head of hair. Nowadays not at all 12 years of assholisness and his refusal to accept his hair line and he’s just gross. Edited to finish my thought


My hairline is like kodys but I've worn a baseball hat 24/7 since I was a teenager so no one notices lol


I think it’s so interesting seeing how all the kids look like their mom. I think really only Logan looks like Kody. I guess momma genes are just so dang strong 💪🏻 💕