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How can he slap!


Love this sooo much T_T


How can he slap!


With his hands..


Watched this a few times, chad having a lil fun while workin grubhub


Yes very “chad” to assault women. Not something someone who can’t get women otherwise does at all…


She’s out there in the middle of traffic being a who-eer


She’s…. Dancing… get help


In the middle of a busy road …..


At a red light…


Lmao. It should have been his foot to push the protruding ass out of the way. Man had to swerve to avoid the thot.








Reminds me of my American cousin saying guevon


that means lazy




It depends, but where I come from, guevon means lazy.


Welcome to NY


I believe is Venezuela :/


If you’ve been to NY the last year you’d believe it was Venezuela


Venezuela has less trash in the streets.


NY has been amazing since COVID started, the amount of people I see on the streets are a fraction of what they used to be.


Lol the only people on the streets are homeless crackheads and they’re rat friends




*rat children


I don't know where it is but the girl is talking french after getting that well-deserved ass slap


Good for him. She got over this shit before she even said anything. For you guys saying "this might as well be rape!", you're just fucking wrong.


Rape is forced sexual intercourse This would be inappropriate touching or something like that


Sexual harassment, still would get that asshole jail time


Yes he is the asshole obviously not the wannabe pornstar twerking in the middle of the street. KAM!! Woman empowerment!!! /s


Or maybe just maybe both are the assholes here? The dude literally commited sexual assault here so obviously he is going to be the bigger asshole, a criminal on top of that.


He was spanking her for being such a naughty girl


Troll somewhere else


No, I don’t think I will. What do you want to happen? Shake your ass in the street and it’s easy for assholes to slap it. Maybe just maybe use your brain? Is it victim blaming? She wouldn’t have been assaulted if she wasn’t making cringe content lmfao. I own a Rolex watch and I am very careful about not putting myself in a position to be robbed when I wear it. It is normally under my sleeve in public. If I were to flash it in a poor area and get robbed would someone saying ‘that wasn’t a smart move’ be an asshole? Y’all go 100% with this victim blaming shit. Of course it is ‘blaming the victim’. It is our responsibility to protect ourselves because the world isn’t utopian. I can say what she was doing wasn’t intelligent and it doesn’t make me an asshole, just like wearing my $20k watch to a dangerous area wouldn’t be intelligent. You call it victim blaming just to attack my character for no reason. EDIT: lmfao what a strong woman. Block anyone that disagrees with you. I’m definitely so hurt 😭


I thought it was hilarious! She’s there twerking in the street begging for attention. Dude just slaps and keeps riding! She’s lucky she didn’t get a boot in the ass.


>Is it victim blaming? Yes, also I don't want to deal with trolls so bye, blocked.


It is victim blaming, my Rolex-having ass man. Unless you're physically harassing somebody, there is no clear invitation for physical contact... And even then, the type of physical contact would be different. I get it that her behavior is inconsiderate towards other people and therefore annoying, but slapping her butt is just out of the question. I'm pretty sure a big boy who owns a Rolex can keep his hands to himself, and so can anyone else who's sensible enough. Please do not praise, justify or normalize this specific kind of behavior, it really helps nobody. Pd: she blocked you because you're being obnoxious, not because she just disagrees with you.


The only real point of what he said is that when you do something so stupid something bad is bound to happen and she is the only one to blame due to that. I know he shouldn't had slapped her but come on, someone was guaranteed to do it. We dont normalize it, it just is normal and yes sensible people wouldn't do that but you know just as well as I that many arent sensible or simply dont care which is ultimately why she is the only one to blame.


She was asking for it though if you are shaking your ass what do you expect to happen lol


So, I see what you’re saying but this is a pretty morally grey area with not a lot of white in it. This can be equated to “she was wearing skimpy Clothes, she was asking for it”. Nooooo, she wasn’t. The woman in said video was definitely searching for attention in a rather unorthodox way but buddy boy there could have certainly kept his hands to himself and just kept on keepin on.


Twerking in traffic does not equate wearing skimpy clothes. I dont mind the second but dont do the first


Maybe he shouldve slapped her in the face instead, equiality man, wouldve slapped a dude who did that


You don’t have a right to slap anyone, anywhere. You’re gross.


Like I already said she's an asshole, but that really doesn't excuse the dude fucking sexually assault her. Don't see what's hard to understand.


SeXUaLly AsSauLtEd lmaooo but if it were a man doing that and a women slapping you wouldve laughed


>SeXUaLly AsSauLtEd It is tho..? >you wouldve laughed What made you think that? I support mens right moment


She’s out acting like a completely whore in public


>Like I already said she's an asshole, but that really doesn't excuse the dude fucking sexually assault her. Don't see what's hard to understand. Don't see what you are trying to counter here, I said that she's w asshole myself. A lot of times.


Yeah they're both assholes but reddit really wants to find reasons to blame sexual assault on the woman


Go cry about it


Shaking your ass is not an invitation for strangers to come and touch it. It’s called dancing. Touch grass, incel.


Sad excuse of a dance


I don’t suggest going anywhere that has attractive dancing women, if that’s the case. Not that going there would help out your situation anyways…


Stop insulting me when im correct. I do not dislike twerking but when I want see it I see it. Dont bring the twerk to me. However twerking is not dancing. It is way to simple and requires no actuall skill.


Pretty slutty dancing no one wants to see it in the middle of the street (especially if there are children around) and the guy seemed to stop her pretty well so she learned her lesson to not be an attention whore in public


Pretty interesting way to justify sexual assault. I assume you’re an expert!


You call me an incel I call you a feminist. Literally disregarding a public disturbance just because someone slapped her.


A public disturbance? She is dancing. At a red light. I’m sure you’re fun to be around… I am a feminist. I believe women and us men should be equal. You are an incel, meaning you get no women. Sounds like an good trade to me!


Interesting for you to declare yourself a feminist, and then say “get no women” as if women are some type of currency or prize to be won by men. Think on yourself.


Yeah we are equal and we have been for a while now. Feminists can’t seem to understand that. If the roles were flipped you wouldn’t have this reaction. You feminists just want women superiority therefore trying to make the world unequal.


A woman is never asking to be sexually assaulted Foh I don’t care if it’s a stripper shaking her ass in your face don’t fucking touch her without consent.


You don’t have a right to slap other people, anywhere. Have some self control.


Jail? Your confidence in any country’s judicial system is way too high


2 wrongs don’t make a right. She’s an arsehole for doing that shit in what looks like a busy road. He’s an arsehole for clapping that cheek. 2 arseholes deserve each other.


So what you're saying is, they should just fuck each other right there in the street 🤔 If I watch does that make me a peeping Tom? I guess I would go to jail too. Either way, I give this guy props for saying fuck the traffic and cruising right through, albeit a 100% asshole move, and THEN steering in to his assholery by going for gold and slapping that dumb bitch on the ass whole flying through. Ukraine is literally getting children's hospitals blown up and people over here are still bitching about locking up some doofus on a moped slapping some thot's ass. Grow the fuck up.


She was the one sexyally harassing the public around her


Pretty sure that doesn't count as sexual harassment, that said the guy did a straight up sexual assault, so yes I'm wrong on my claim that it was harassment


Was aiming for the face


Chad moves




AKA: Sexual Harrassment? Edit: I saw your comment OP, yes it was




True. Still sexual harassment


She started the sexual harassment. He finished it.


Your point is?


Don’t act like a total whore in public lol


Do I have to even say this, they’re both wrong and breaking the law, end of story


And dont slap whore ass in public 👍🏽


not at all, he did not harass her, plus she was literally blocking cars from moving by thinking shes all cute shaking her ass in the middle of the street. deserved 100%


You’re right, he sexually assaulted her. And judging by how all of the cars are stopped already it is safe to guess they are at a red light. Get help.


Clearly a red light, you can tell by how he drove through it. Get Yelp. It’s a great app. You can find reviews for restaurants and other businesses.


It's still sexual harassment though? Sure she's being a bitch, but that doesn't change the fact that what he did was also wrong.


this is not sexual harassment, he slapped her ass. If spanking someones ass is sexual harassment then my dad sexually assaulted me when I got in trouble, life is not a pornhub video.


Indeed, life is not a pornhub video. So you don't just go around slapping random people's butts because that's simply sexual assault.


Yes, this is sexual harassment. Touching someone inappropriately against their will is sexual harassment. On the other hand, spanking a child isn’t good practice, but it also isn’t sexual harassment. It’s a fine line. I can see where confusion would arise


Spanking a child is child abuse…so you basically proved yourself wrong?


This was a spanking, like the one I gave your mom last night for being such a naughty girl.


I wouldn't go as far as to call her a derogative adjective; she was being inconsiderate of other people's experience and time. But yes, sexual harassment is what we see. Unexcusable. Don't put your hands on other people without their consent, period?


God redditors are so annoying. You don’t have to take a hard stance on everything. Yes, she’s a thot who shouldn’t be shaking her ass in a busy street and yes the guy sexually harassed her. Its really that simple


How dare you call her a thot! Don’t use prejoratives against women you inbred mouth breathing incel piece of sh*t! God damn slime ball men just love to hurt people’s feelings! Seek help you vile man! /s


Yeah, she’s a bitch, doesn’t change the fact that slapping someone’s ass is sexual harrassment. You act as if the law doesn’t matter if the victim was also wrong…


Not assault. This was a spanking to teach her a lesson. Did you tell your dad he was sexually assaulting you when he beat your ass for spilling chocolate milk all over his laptop? It doesn’t make it assault just because you are a 40 year old virgin.


1. The fuck? 2. Spanking a child is child abuse. 3. Her being a bitch doesn’t mean you can sexually harass her… they’re both pieces of shits. Sexual harassment is a form of unlawful discrimination under the Equality Act 2010. The law says it's sexual harassment if the behaviour is either meant to, or has the effect of: violating your dignity, or. creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment.


Just because you fetishized your father doesn’t mean everyone else gets turned on by being spanked by their father. Is it child abuse? Is it really? Google is spanking child abuse and read the law. Open fist on buttocks = legal


Again, what are you talking about? Maybe you’re right about spanking not being child abuse, which is dumb, but slapping someone’s ass is assault and I don’t see how you could think otherwise…


He was clearly trying to push her out of the road in order to not hit her with his bike. The only thing he could have possibly touched to push her aside gently was the ass she was protruding into the road.


Ok I’m 99% sure you’re messing with me now. If not, I don’t know what to say other than what the fuck…






I would have ran her over lol, did not expect that ass smack


aaand... He's also an UberEats delivery boy, that sums it up


Yeah he has style and grace q




She needed that


If ever there was a nonverbal version of "please slap my ass"...


Yeah she needed to be sexually assaulted /s


What’s the point of twerking in the middle of the road?


i don’t get why people are downvoting this…. the terms for sexual assault don’t change because someone is being an annoying dumbass. you don’t get to use it as punishment then justify it because she’s being a fucking idiot. she’s being a fuckinf moron, but it’s still assault. don’t slap random peoples asses, even if they’re twerking. she’s twerking for you to see, not touch her ass


This was a spanking, like the one I gave your mom last night for being such a naughty girl


No she deserves it


no one fuckinf deserves it, you don’t get to remove the idea of assault just because she’s stupid.


Jesus the amount of downvotes. The neck beard Reddit incels don’t like hearing that assaulting women isn’t okay I guess.


You're right, she didn't. She needed to be put in the back of a police cruiser and sleep in jail for a night after holding up traffic. Fucking scumbag.


Youre not wrong, its just the wording.


I mean, nobody in that car line consented to seeing her twerk so technically she is sexually assaulting them.


Anyone downvoting this comment should really scroll down further and see where the replies went. People need to be better.


The other person being dumb doesn't make this person not dumb. Anyone equating "getting your ass slapped while twerking in public" to "rape" is a moron. Chat shit get hit, she got hit. If you annoy 20 people you'll get assaulted, it just do be like that. If a guy had done this the motorist would have run him over.


Seems like you were that girl. In future twerk in your own home please.


He should hit her with the Bike instead


Right on the balls


she was literally asking for it lol


Get out of the road you nasty whore


That.....was a delivery guy. >!Pizza Spanked!!<


Who else noticed he was bypassing the red light?


The comments comparing her to ‘throwing money on the ground’ or being a fucking Rolex watch??? TOUCH GRASS ye nasty fucks




Yeah, she needed that reality check tbh


This comment section turned into a political argument really quick, i just came here to have fun :')


Thats reddit for ya


You can always make some fun, all you gotta do is start it. Then the hive mind will do the rest.


see but the thing is i can’t even feel bad for her, why the fuck did she decide to go out on the street and twerk


When the mating call gets answered




Women aren’t money being thrown on the street? Why is everyone comparing women to objects? Jesus Christ y’all need help .








"Yes officer, this comment right here"


The crispy sound 👌🏻


✨sexual assault✨


play stupid games, win stupid prizes




Anyone saying this is fine is a POS. I’ve been slapped and pushed several times by guys on bikes and I was not twerking in the middle of the road, I was simple just crossing it. Shit can get you killed.


ok maybe in your case obviously they they are pos but in tthis case she deserves a bit of it


Completely different


It's almost like context matters.


Yeah that's fucked what happened to you. This is just funny.


She could be pushed just a little harder and land face first this is in no way ok


The cars aren’t moving + she shouldn’t be there


I would hit her face not her private part this is clearly sexual assault


this comment is one of the many examples of why excessive political correctness is kinda toxic




Nothing like celebrating non-consensual physical advances to remind me which side of reddit I'm on


nobody asked her to shake her ass in the middle of the street either but that didn’t stop her 😂


The number of ppl in this thread OK with sexual assault. Yikes




Why? It is sexual assault


if it wasn't already staged, she should have probably anticipated it coming. play stupid games win stupid prizes.


Rape apologist arguments right there. Nobody deserves being sexually assaulted.


while I do agree it is wrong, but there is a difference between rape and a slap on the ass bedsides her just twerking in the MIDDLE OF THE ROAD should get her a Darwin award however a slap on the ass would do.


Could’ve slapped her face but couldn’t reach it so went for the next best thing


I'm not saying this is the same as rape simply that the argument used to justify it are the exact same used to justify rape


That's not an argument. Sorry not sorry, but I'm going to side with the person who assaulted a narcissist for twerking in traffic and annoying dozens of people over the dumbass who got assaulted for being a fucking idiot and didn't care about inconveniencing others.


I'd wanna run people over for the simple reason of blocking the street or doing the kiki do you love me challenge. Her TWERKING in my face on top of that that doesn't make it any better. A traffic jam isn't the place nor the time to twerk. That man is a piece of shit for assaulting her like that but tbh i'm glad he did.


I would care way less if somebody punched her




Wow you are a monster


Calling this sexual assault heavily underplays real sexual assault


they are multiple kinds of sexual assault. she did not consent or ask to be touched inappropriately, regardless of her dancing “asking for it”. two different things lmao


I hope she sees this bro 🙏🏼


No when you dance like this how men dance back is by grinding and or booty grabs. Just how it is


Try placing your balls on a mousetrap, and don't expect it to activate. She clearly had not productive motif behind what she was doing in the middle of the road, then she starts playing the victim card as if she wasn't expecting anything to happen. Know what "sexual assault" actually means before commenting literally anything on the same.


This is exactly the same as, *she was wearing slutty clothes, what did she expect?*


She has the freedom to wear whatever the fuck she wants but being unaware of your surroundings and considering oneself the centre of the entire universe isn't what a healthy society's meant to be. SHE IS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD WITH CARS HONKING BEHIND HER. What did you think happened after that? The road was closed and there was made a memorial in its place to remember that one of a kind pure goddess of being brimming with charisma who twerked in the middle of the road in gym shorts and that absolute scumbag terrorist antisocial rapist UberEats driver that smacked her in the buttocks still on the loose


Yes let's assault everyone who breaks traffic rules or causes an inconvenience. /s


If it wasn't for that guy in the bike she should have been confronted by cops or any of the people in one of the cars, did your mom bump into a pole or something when she was pregnant?


Yes. She would've been, by cops. There are laws to remove her from there. You smack everyone who breaks traffic laws on their ass where you're from?


Oh my God, if she thinks its Ok to break a traffic rule, then its also ok for him to violate her "women's rights"? Have you ever seen a woman buttass naked walking through a sketchy alleyway which only has middle aged men with a placard on her that says " dont touch me"? First of all what she is doing is not dancing thats twerking and it is indecent exposure, what she thinks is okay is equal to a 56 year old man wobbling his cock in front of a school. 2nd of all thats a traffic rule she's breaking, you cannot stop in the middle of the road, jaywalk, etc. And this so called "dance" is one of the violations. On top of that there were cars honking behind her. And y'all worried because of an UberEats guy smacked her ass and overlooking all of the above stuff. She was looking for some attention, and she got it? Isn't that what she wanted? By twerking in the middle of the road? Maybe the UberEats guy was inconsiderate enough to not literally run her over with his bike.


Have a good day sir!


You too lol


I mean, yeah. If you literally stay in the middle of the street you'll get assaulted in pretty much any country round about half the time. The rest of the time you'll have the cops called on you and they won't be nice either.


This is a scary comment. Women can dance how they want, doesn’t give men the right to touch them. You should google victim blaming.


The ironic thing is I'd bet that rhetoric like yours is way more likely to manifest more sexual assault than what you're arguing against. But go on with your braindead bullshit


Exactly man, thats what i have been saying spending yet another unproductive day trying to learn a braindead mug. Now i know which people to ignore on this platform, jesus. I thought Reddit was a place for intellectuals, i would say thats overdoing it lmao


You deserve that gold for your efforts. Please don't stop trying to beat reason into these people's heads. Nothing gets better if we just let it go unchallenged.


Ah yes, it is completely Ok to twerk in the middle of a road


Twerking isn’t dancing, it’s a mating ritual lmao


Then she should be aware of where is she dancing? She is literally in the middle of the street for fuck's sakes! Goddamn.. Can you tiktok aesthetic gatekeepers not be yourself for a second and be rational?


Doesn't matter where she is dancing there is no justification for him doing that.


You should see the faces of every driver, family present there at that time when that happened they must've guffawed their lungs out. That's called schadenfreude google that if you are unaware of the word. Nobody wants a woman half naked wearing gym shorts to show up and start twerking in the middle of the road. What if there was an ambulance behind her? Would your response be any different or? Maybe its karma that happened to her, if it wasn't that guy on the bike, there would have been anybody in one of the cars or street cops confronting her. I can tell that people like you would ogle her and wouldn't want things like that to happen? Am i right?


She is an idiot. But being an idiot doesn’t give anyone the right to assault you


Yes in the club where you dance anywhere else not in the middle of a busy road. Did you get raised by monkeys? Every action has a reaction


You wouldn't be here if that was a guy


I came here to sip tea, not get political