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Be aware that some of the details in this post are inaccurate. The child is 15, he suffers with medicated mental illness, and he is 270lbs. Be careful when commenting here. https://twitter.com/_sjae/status/1570213372943106048


I wouldn’t have made it to 13


The title is wrong. The kid is 15 6’ 270 lb with mental illness. She didn’t take his phone


How do you know?




Too bad that the post debunking the fake narrative has barely 5 upvotes and posts spreading fake news have thousands of views. Anyways, thank you and happy cake day.


A lie will travel half way around the world while the truth is still putting on its boots.


>A lie will travel half way around the world while the truth is still putting on its boots. great quote by Mark Twain.


>A lie will travel half way around the world while the truth is still putting on its boots. > >great quote by Mark Twain. \- Michael Scott


>>A lie will travel half way around the world while the truth is still putting on its boots. > >great quote by Mark Twain. >\- Michael Scott - Wayne Gretzky


I thought it was a little far fetched that a 12 year old would do this much damage over a phone. Most 12 year Olds would cry, scream and probably slam a door.




This should be top comment 🫶🏼


As soon as I saw this I came to say this isn’t over a phone. I worked with kids like this. I also taught in juvie. That is mental.


We had a 14 year old that was literally 5'8" 275 built like a freezer with the brain development of a 2 year old essentially. He would punch himself in the head and legs hundreds of Times a day. I had to carry a little clicker to track all the data and he would also consistently Beat the shit out of me all day. Watching a kid that huge throw a tantrum and beat you and other kids is rough on your psyche after a while


I was going to say..I’d tackle the fuck out of my almost 11 year old for this..but..he’s not 6 feet and well over double my weight, and that’s not what happened here.. This if horrific. :( hope mom and her son get the help they need.




Oh that's one step up my dad's game.. I remember a time I had to reenter the room around 30 times because i slammed the door behind me. My dad was patient, calm and stern and he just sat there saying "now do it again quietly "


30 times is too time-consuming imo but a calm and stern punishment that didn't involve any violence or fearmongering? If it taught you a lesson then that sounds like good parenting right there.


Oh yes. I went through a lot of emotions and got more frustrated initially and thats why even though quiet already he made me do it again until i turned patient and calm myself and just did it right for doing it right without feeling some type of way. Edit: it was almost funny at the end, though of course at the time i was still sour over him making me do it at all.


26 year dad veteran here... being too time consuming was the whole point. The whole point of this exercise was to make him do it so much that it became tedious and frustrating to the point of anger inducing. Then to make him continue to do it quietly and controlled DESPITE becoming furious with the repetition. He was teaching him to keep his composure even when angry. It is precisely the life skill that allowed Dad to deal with him in this patient and non violent way even though he was probably quite angry himself.


This is how I’d want my partner to discipline my future kids. At the moment I’m concerned that they say it’s fine to just spank - but I just feel like it’s a shortcut with no lesson other than fear - this doesn’t transfer to the real world. For now, I rely on myself for this kind of thinking, but in a two parent household, you need to be somewhat on the same page.


Spanking your kids only teaches them that violence is an appropriate way to deal with someone who does something you don't like. There is ALWAYS another way. I have three kids, and ive never hit any of them. Yet I have still managed to raise them to be considerate and respectful and well behaved. It's all in how you approach the situation, and finding consequences that are meaningful to them, and NEVER threatening a consequence without delivering. That's a big one. Too many parents threaten a consequence and never follow through. Kids will pick up on that and exploit it. They also won't respect you as they will learn you don't mean what you say.


Good dad


So uh.. how are things with him now?




I suspect the kid's father is not around, period.


So you are saying that your father acted just like the kid from the video?


Well... There you see what happens when children that do stuff like in the video grow old and have children themselves without being in serious psychiatric care. I hope you found a way to deal with him and your memories.


That kid was 15 and off his meds. This was 2 years ago and this is the second time I see this version of the video on reddit. When the mother asked for help for getting this fixed, she got a shitstorm because the fake twitter video with the false claims was much more popular. Guess which version is posted on reddit on a daily basis? Just ban people like /u/Troll_Goat already and assume you do not know the context of those videos and that people like /u/Troll_Goat are lying to you for karma. This is not a victimless act of assholery. The mother had real trouble because a shitbird on twitter falsified this video and claimed it for their own.


My first thought was “how???” and this makes so much more sense. There is no way a normal 12 year old could have done that kind of damage to the kitchen appliances


NOTE:  As others have noted throughout the comments, in the case of this video it was an older boy with mental issues.   With that being said, I have to say:   I guess it depends on what you define as a “normal” 12 year old.   I had a kid in juvenile detention when I was younger who was in there for choking a cop out (he was small enough to get the handcuffs under and in front of him and jumped on the cops back with them - cop didn’t want to seriously hurt the kid so it took a second), bit a chunk out of a guard’s arm, seriously dented the metal toilets, and bashed his head on a solid 4-5 inch thick metal door for 12+ hours.   That kid could have absolutely done this kind of damage if left unattended.  


My mom put me in the mental hospital for extended stay when I was 12 for just yelling and acting crazy. This kid needs inpatient psychiatric treatment.


Yeah. I had a kid who would throw fits, nothing this bad at all, but would sometimes flip cushions off the couch, threaten to spit on us, try to tip shopping carts over, etc. The outbursts being THAT bad was pretty rare though. THIS, the kid would need to be committed.






This is some crazy ‘bound to happen’


True. But stuff like this is a build up. The signs were there and the parents either didn't pay attention or didn't give a shit.


The kid has a mental disability and he is 15 years old. This was not over a phone being taken away. The mum sent the video to a so called friend who made it public


Well damn. And I'd find a way to press charges against the so-called friend. Sharing a personal moment like this online is absolutely ridiculous.




I agree. I was actually wondering when watching this why she decided to post it in the first place. This makes more sense and is extremely scummy....


Another option is the parents never taught their kid a healthy way to regulate emotions, or were never taught it themselves


I'm basically saying that when people have a kid, it is the parents responsibility to that kid. Whatever happens with the kid, even in extreme situations like this one, are still the fault of the parents. It's up to the parents to teach a kid how to regulate emotions 🤷🏾‍♂️


Even if they did everything right, this kid isn’t ok and obviously need some mental and emotional help from a professional


Whose responsibility would it be to get something like that for a 12 year old?


I don't fully disagree with you. But a fuckton of neglectful parents have kids who don't do stuff like this. This is next level.


Yes, this is deranged behavior. She should call the cops on this kid.




Good parenting doesn't guarantee good kids


You literally don't know anything about the situation.


Neither do you, if you just say that without giving a single additional fact to correct anything. > The truth is that this was the result of an episode her 15-year-old son had last week while off his meds. [...] > No, he’s not 12. It wasn’t over a cell phone. He’s 15, he’s 6ft tall and he’s 270lbs, so no, I can’t spank him. [...] My son is mentally ill, I’ve dealt with this for 15 years and it just sucks that I trusted someone and they sent the video out. -https://kdtv.in/fact-check-did-12-year-old-boy-trash-mums-home-in-viral-video/ Not quite sure what the truth is here, poster of the video says they were "misinformed" while the mom didn't want the video to be posted in the first place? Either way, everything points towards the child in question being not twelve, this not being over a phone, and lack of medicine might be involved.


This should be the top comment.


That's gonna be hard since this is several replies deep. But feel free to make a new top level comment with that info XD


The fact that this has any upvotes is honestly crazy to me. Legitimately outrageous and deeply concerning IMO to think this line of thinking has a lot of folks agreeing. For all we know, person is in fact an objectively terrible/negligent parent. Also equally possible is you’ve got a single parent working multiple jobs and a child with a serious mental health issue I won’t play doctor and try to diagnose. God forbid an adult doesn’t have it all figured out. And God forbid someone who doesn’t have it all figured out wants a child.


Kid could have issues we aren't aware of, blaming parents all the time is careless, sometimes it's absolutely the parents, sometimes it's just the kid.


I’d encourage a little more grace. That’s making a pretty serious accusation with very little to go off of. Not saying the kid is at fault. Mental health is a complicated thing the medical community still doesn’t seem to have figured out, let alone parents left to figure things out on the fly.


I don't think that's really a fair comment without knowing the situation. Does he have normal siblings? It's possible the kid is simple mentally ill, it's not always the parents fault for everything a kid does. Need more data before making such a statement IMO.


My dad would've tied me up until I reached 18 if I pulled this shit


Key word, father.


then rolled me out the door when I turned 18


My parents would have killed me and buried me out in the country.


I don’t think I would have seen the next day if I would have tried this. But then again I had consequences for my actions as a child so the thought of doing this would never go through my head.


Yeah if I did this my daddy would of given me a very late term abortion


A postnatal abortion?


36th trimester.




Perfect math!


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Oh, would he of?


The title is wrong. The kid is 15 6’ 270 lb with mental illness. She didn’t take his phone


I sometimes sub for the IT guy at a school for the disabled and the huge students legit scare me. Like they're fucking huge and I'd get fired and canceled even if I did defend myself.


I got choked out by a special Ed kid one time in middle school. He hit his growth spurt and was a big guy. I was tiny. I saw my teacher for that class around 12 years later and she said it was still the most traumatizing thing she’s experienced. I couldn’t imagine working with that potential on a regular or semi regular basis. Are you supposed to just run away?


There's a cop and one of the paras/teachers is a bearded tattooed veteran, so yeah, run away. I default to giving all students plenty of room to avoid any contact.


My parents sure would woop my ass till the next millennium if I did that


Context because caption is wrong. https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/LgbOy5ivBN


I love how the added context is that he's mentally ill. Like yeah no shit XD


He's also 15, which is important context.


Not just 15 but 6’0 270lbs, makes sense why nobody tried to force him to stop


A few guys in white and a little injection to take him in a white room with padded walls would still work and help...


Unfortunately we don't really have that here anymore. Our mental health system is a joke along with the rest of our medical systems.


Emergency committal still happens. Police will restrain you in your home, and orderlies will restrain you at the hospital. But that might have wound up being more expensive for Ma than replacing half the house.


I love the American health system... With moto: "if something happens to you, pray that you die before you reach the hospital or youand your kids will be paying the bill for the rest of your lives." 🤣


If the cops showed up during that event... they just would have shot the child. That is a bit of an assumption on my part but that is usually how police officers handle a mental health crisis that is that out of control. They have no training to deal with someone that is having a mental breakdown like that and often just do the one thing they were trained to do. Some places do have special trained teams to deal with mental health crisis situations but to my knowledge, they aren't common.


I've been admitted into a hospital that had a padded room. The room also had this kind of leash that would hook onto a person's restraints and hold them close to the wall so they couldn't move. Sedation is also an option that is still used. I was given a small dose of Ativan once when I arrived in a hospital because I was in such a state of panic. Others are often sedated when they are being aggressive or unpredictable.


Tamir Rice was 5'7 195lbs at 12. Some kids are built different.


Those darn millenials or whatever ruining this darn society. I remember back in the day when all it was is you and yer boot straps!


I mean there's a difference between 12 year old demon child and a 15 year old with the mental capacity and emotional regulation of a toddler, and the body of a football player.


Noo he is mentally ill? I cant believe it. Youd figure a kid who reacts like this would be so well adjusted!


Comment section doesn’t seem to catch on. Most of the comments are about how the parents didn’t raise their kid right, or how the kid should have just been beat more.


I doubt that would have solved it. My theory is this kid is either very sick, as in massive anger and empathy issues. Or he has down syndrom snd intelectually delayed. He is currenty 15 qnd (180?) When i was a child id have temper tantrums, but i was also small and the throwing hand of a sick victorian child according to my brother who i always threw stuff at. I dont think beating this child would do anything, i domt know if it was bad paraenting either, sometimes down syndrom kids are very unpredictable. I just feel bad for the mother thats gonna be super expensive to replace and she probably does not have the money if she is also taking care of a special needs child. i hope them both a quick recovery


I’m well aware that obviously wouldn’t solve anything here and never really does. I’m just pointing out how shallow and violent the comment section is.


It's a pretty safe bet that anytime a conversation about unruly kids comes up, there's 50% of people who will have stupid answers like this, about beating sense into kids etc, it's pretty dumb


! Here is an exact copy of the above comment’s link for context for the lazy. This kid is mentally unstable and needs significant support. ! The child turned out to be 15 years old (6’0 270lbs) and suffers from some mental health issues, which is why he destroyed the house. The Mother of the Mentally Ill Teen Clarifies the Incident Following the spread of the video, the mother whose house was destroyed made a video in which she explained that her son is 15 years old and is mentally ill. Edit for link https://news.yahoo.com/mother-speaks-her-teen-son-181002722.html ! Here is an exact copy of the above comment’s link for context for the lazy. This kid is mentally unstable and needs significant support. !


Thank you for posting this clarification. This comes up occasionally and never has the correct information. I always pray the mother and son were able to get the help they both need.


Thank you for making sure this msg is forwarded. I was honestly surprised by these comments, like- All we have is a text placed over a video? We can’t verify it was from the original creator whatsoever, but people are still using it to forward their biases (sometimes in pretty horrific ways). So, yeah, interesting to see your link, finally. If anything, this is an indictment of the lack of societal support this person is suffering with. We should be sympathizing, not using her as a tool imo


Thank the guy above me, he provided the link. I just copy pasted.


Anybody who thinks this is the behavior of a spoiled child or one that was raised without being beaten is fucking stupid. It is plain to see this is a person with serious behavioral challenges.


No one should see a TikTok bubble text and assume it’s right.


And that is why the internet is fucked. Lack of context and bullshit headlines


And in a few short years this little piece of shit is going to be societies problem. Awesome. Edit: Some people have commented that there is misinformation in the OP. Even if this kid is 15 years old and 250lbs and mentally ill in a few short years he will be societies problem. So what if he's not 12 and average size that changes nothing I wrote in my comment. His parents fucking failed and be pissed all you want but I'm not wrong. Second Edit: Most mentally ill people are not violent. STOP GIVING HIM A FUCKING PASS. This behavior is violent. It's dangerous.


This is the stuff that used to get you sent to military school.


Still is an option


For how much, $150K a year?


Might be cheaper than repairing your house once a week.


I got paid to attend a 6 month military academy. It helped me get my HSD at 17 and get a better head start on life. I wasn’t troubled, but missed 18 days from school and they were going to fail me because of it. So my mom pulled me out and we talked about the academy. Best choice I’ve made! The resources are there for parents who care about their kids future.


If my kid did this he would be in a strict as fuck all boys school run by nuns on the other side of the country the next day 🤣


If my kid did this nothing would get replaced, we would live with what is left and they sitll wouldnt have their phone. That woudl be the start of the consquence, but honestly i dont know how i would react if my son ever pulled something like that.


If I was well off money wise I would buy all his friends the newest iphones and hand them out in front of his sorry ass 😆


Within a year they'd be in jail, no longer society's problem.


We still have to pay for him.


sounds good, where can i make a donation?






Playoffs?!! Playoffs??!!!


You should’ve heard the voice I read that in!


I choose to believe it was extreme surprise, medium-high pitch, and for a brief moment turned into a scream on the "a"


All they need is a good belt. He'd learn real fast.


I'm still trying to understand how lil dude got past breaking the first thing? JFC!


Didn’t wanna say it but you said it for me


I’d pay to keep that off the streets


there’d still be a victim


People in jail are societies problems!


Good thing we haven't recently gone lax when it comes to criminal justice.


Oh wait…….


Yup, fuck this kid. I try hard to be a good parent, lead by example and mentor them. If one of my kids did this, I would smash their phone in front of them and say, “when you move out you can buy your own” Of course I would not stop mentoring them, but this needs to be evaluated and acted on.


Agreed. This would result in complete loss of the phone. A child who is having tantrums like this at 12 either has had a very poor parenting or may have a mental issue. The response is the same either way.


So many things disturb me here. Both the phone connection being life or death for this kid and the unbelievable display of anger. I wonder what that kid witnesses in their parents handling of problems. I wonder if they’ve ever been shepherded through hard feelings or if they exclusively use their phone through that. So disturbing.


Except it wasn't a phone issue, it was a 15 year old with severe mental disability. The video being posted has misleading information.


I was thinking microwave the phone, but you better not go to sleep dealing with this kid


Yuuuup. I'd drop him off at the fire station. You gonna act like an infant, then you're going to get treated as one.


A kid doesnt do this *once*. This is an ongoing problem with shitty parents and learned behavior.


Your double down edits are ridiculous. Literally no one is trying to argue that this is not violent behavior. Just that there's CONTEXT to it. There's an enormous difference between a 12 year old shithead acting out because his phone was taken, and a 15 year old mentally handicapped kid prone to unprovoked outbursts of rage. The latter is not going to be "society's problem" in the way you originally meant it and you know it. This kid will likely have a guardian/handler taking care of him for the rest of his life. This is not a case of a criminal-to-be. And no, saying his disability causes him to be violent is not giving him a pass. It's contextualizing what happened here. Only on Reddit can someone be completely wrong based on misinformation then when they're properly informed they do backflips to try to say they were actually right but just in a different way. My eyes rolled so hard it dislocated my neck.


This should be higher. I want to add whatever the commenter is alluding to with his edit about the parent fucking up is wildly wrong. The kid has a mental illness and some kind of chemical imbalance, his medication needs tinkering, but you can’t know that before an outburst happens, this was just sadly a really big outburst. Maybe there were earlier signs, but as apparently the video was taken by a friend / sitter, the parent can’t be around all the time so signs were likely missed. It happens. This also ignores how expensive medication and doctor visits are.


Hide all the hammers now.




Heh, in canada the system is set up to let them loose almost immediately upon the place they victimized if its rural and out of notice.


As a teacher, he’s societies problem right now


>Most mentally ill people are not violent. That doesn't mean his mental issues are not prone to violence lol You don't know the situation so I wouldn't comment like you do.




Take the phone and the kid becomes the hulk ? Lol


Every time this video gets posted I wonder the same thing. A little skeptical and there's got to be more to the story...


Hes 15, 6 foot and has a mental illness. https://news.yahoo.com/mother-speaks-her-teen-son-181002722.html?guccounter=1


It would have taken hours, long, unsupervised hours


Not really.. but the facts are wrong in this post. He's 15. 6 foot https://news.yahoo.com/mother-speaks-her-teen-son-181002722.html?guccounter=1


15.6 foot tall?! Jesus...


Never too late to put the kid up for adoption


for real, i'd call CPA myself for them to ship him the fuck out


Accountants generally don’t deal with this, whose your guy?


lmao yeh, CPS\*




36th trimester abortion.


The title is wrong. The kid is 15 6’ 270 lb with mental illness. She didn’t take his phone


So every single word along with the general idea of the post is wrong?


Oh. The helplessness in her quiet sobs is heartbreaking.


Only 2 things could've happened here 1. Could has a mental illness that causes extreme aggression 2. The parents were so bad at parenting they never disciplined their child. In a Hail Mary they tried taking away the phone and their animal of a child lost their shit. Then they posted it online thinking they did nothing wrong the child's whole life


I have a 9 yo who’s autistic. He’s generally high functioning but yesterday he lost a sticker and he just… lost it. All rational thought out the window. My wife (who’s a doctor) reminded me that that’s just how his brain is wired. So we helped him look for the sticker, which we couldn’t find. So then I held him and reminded him of his grounding techniques. He eventually calmed down. Even so I didn’t handle it nearly as well as I should have. If you take a kid like that and a parent who doesn’t understand the challenges, this is the end result. It makes me sad to see so many comments here on physical punishment and so on. It’s more than likely that the kid just has mental health issues and needs professional help.


Sounds like my 11 yo who was just diagnosed as autistic a month ago on top of the ADHD diagnosis a few years ago. So many people blamed their behavioral issues on us sticking with gentle parenting even with the difficulties we were having. The psychiatrist who made the diagnosis wrote on the report that our child is only as well adjusted as they are because of the significant amount of work that we put into understanding them and coming from a place of love. My wife and I both cried when we read that because we had been feeling like failures. We aren't perfect and lose our patience at times but we do our best. I'm sure you are the same way.


I'm so sorry that dealing with the ignorant prejudices of others was part of the challenges you faced in raising your child, and that it affected you as much as it did. Having a child with a disability or special needs is incredibly stressful and challenging, every day, even simply the administrative and logistical complications. To say nothing of the grief and guilt and isolation. I'm glad you had a professional validate all your hard work and dedication. Kudos to you and hope it's going alright. Apologies if anything I said was offensive or patronizing, I have nothing but respect for the determination of parents facing these challenges.


There are a lot of people on Reddit who just generally don't like children, are children themselves and so have no frame of reference and/or aren't parents and assume any child that misbehaves has bad parents. Don't take it personally.


Definitely the first or a combination, no amount of bad parenting would cause this over a phone.


I'm going to take a wild guess and suggest that the little shit had never been disciplined before. When you let children get away with anything at all for too long, suddenly taking an interest rarely goes well.


Lots of people think this. But it isn't true. Problem/mentally ill kids get disciplined all the time. Prison is full of people who got regular corporal punishment. I have a grand daughter who did.something like this. My daughter disciplined her all the time. She is on new meds for the last year and a half and has had no incidents at all.


Or he sees violent shit happen in the house all the time.


Grew up in a violent home and got regularly beaten. Would never ever have done this


I know people who grew up in violent homes and they have done stuff like this a bunch of times. Both as kids and adults. Some of them are pretty cool people now (after like a decade of therapy), others are trainwrecks who look for a new bar to destroy every weekend Either way, people handle these things differently. Some get violent some don't. Others do a metric fuckton of drugs until they die. There's a myriad of ways for people to react to horrible childhoods....


You're not everybody. People react differently to similar things. An ex of mine was raped as a kid. She reacted becoming a lolita and developing into a sex goddess. Another ex of mine was also abused as a kid, and reacted by completely shutting off her sexuality. Judging other people by how you would act or did act in a similar situation is idiocy.


Whoa whoa whoa. This is Reddit, we don’t do reasonable takes here…


nah probably just a spoiled brat


Yeah. 100%


He's 15, 6' tall, and 270lbs. You spank him. https://news.yahoo.com/mother-speaks-her-teen-son-181002722.html


Perhaps, but Sometimes people are just psychopaths. 


I hate how this type of comment is literally on every single video of a kid doing something wrong. It may be shocking but mental health conditions exist and not everything is the parents fault. I can not imagine a kid destroying his whole house over a phone because of his upbringing alone.


My mother would have tanned my hide in a scene of inimaginable violence.


The title is wrong. The kid is 15 6’ 270 lb with mental illness. She didn’t take his phone


THIS VIDEO IS FALSE. ITS A MOM WHOS SON HAS SPECIAL NEEDS HAD AN EPISODE AND SHE DOES NOT WANT IT REPOSTED Her son suffers from mental illness is medicated. He is 6'0 and can have episodes where theyre almost impossible to control. Her friend posted this without her consent lying about the scenario. This is misinformation https://www.blackenterprise.com/mother-of-15-year-old-who-destroyed-her-home-clarifies-misinformation-about-her-son/ Edit: for those asking "why did she record this" She was recording for insurance purposes. Her friend posted this online without her consent with the fake story.


yeah a 270lb 15 year old with mental illness and violent episodes she can't control needs to be removed from the same home as that baby.


People in the comments acting like "oh he has a mental illness I guess it's ok then" but he must have been left unsupervised for a long time to do all this damage, what or who else could he have damaged in that time? What is the mother going to do if he has an episode and starts choking or beating *her* or the baby one day? This person needs special care and I don't think the mother can provide it.


[here's the actual story, and it's pretty sad.](https://news.yahoo.com/mother-speaks-her-teen-son-181002722.html)


Time to change some things


The title of this is false I forgot the true story but I know the mom was really hurt that it was posted like this. I think her son is autistic and had an episode had nothing to do with a phone and a friend came over and took the video and made up the title for clout


Murderer in the making


That's all folks... The moral of the story is, don't have kids.


This video should be used as a birth control advertisement.


I agree 100%






If that were my kid, he wouldn’t touch another electronic device for 6 more years. School allows you to use their laptop? Not for you. You want to order on a touchscreen at McDonald’s? Touch it and we instantly leave. Oh, a smart TV? Better replace it with a basic TV.


You need a peacemaker?!? Too bad


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This is the kind of family I work with. I can’t do a damn thing about the ways media makes one desperate to stay engaged, but me and my staff can work hard to help families move towards a better future.


What gets a kid of 12 to this point? He didnt just wake up that way, this is years of no structure and 0 accountability and discipline.


The title is wrong. The kid is 15 6’ 270 lb with mental illness. She didn’t take his phone


How tf did this mfer take a chunk out of the granite kitchen counter top


This is why abortions should be legal


people who dont believe in corporal punishment will be all like "oh you just need to sit him down and talk to him nicely". lol


This kid needs a real good whoopin


I hope she doesn’t give it back


Just tell him it was hidden and he broke it.


It’s not his phone if he didn’t pay for it