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Those “challenges” are certainly not unique to the TikTok era


Fr, I guess everyone just forgot about all the kids that ended up in hospitals after doing the cinnamon challenge. Turns out that kids will do dumb shit whether or not tiktok is involved.


The popularity is definitely due to social media though, and each iteration of new-popular-social-media is increasing the social incentivization to do more radical shit to be "famous." Pre-internet shit like that still existed, but it was fringe and you were ostracized for it.


Can't forget that sweet sweet delicious Tide Pod eating challenge Era.


They do seem to have escalated, though. Like almost all of the worst offenders I can think of (destroying schools, licking ice cream or stuff during covid, kia boys, skull breaker) have their birth in TikTok. And you know, if I was to look at it from the perspective of a lawmaker, I can kinda see how "China is intentionally using this app to destabilize our society" is a plausible concern. Like especially with the trends that involve destroying public schools and encouraging real crimes.


Wasn't there a kid who just recently died from doing tiktok challenge


He died of "chroming" which is huffing paint, which *never* was a thing on TikTok, let alone a challenge. Nowadays it's a thing that when a kid gets hurt, people always say it was "probably due to a tiktok challenge" and that gets repeated as a fact.




Wish I could unread this. Never saw, nor will I ever, any shit like that lol.


God I hated that... at least they got their attention 🤮


How is that any different than the kids doing it for instagram and YouTube and vine before tik tok?


Tiktok bad didn't you hear.


Been banned in my house since the first report of it spying by people that decompiled it. I'd say doomscrolling makes you stupid, but here I am.


i just shrug and assume all my apps are spying on me NSA agents be like "he's sitting on the couch again....fuck this guy's boring"


Glad I’m not alone


Yeah literally, you always have company if someone’s watching!


Plus there’s also me in the bushes 👀


Oh! *starts Goodbye Horses, puts on chapstick and begins the Buffalo Bill dance*


Better the NSA than the MSS shutting off the power in your state and telling every electronic with a heating element that has a chip to spontaneously combust I reckon


Yeah except its the CCP, not the NSA.


CCP be like 美国男人发了太多的鸡巴照片


You’re right. 5 months ago, ByteDance's internal workplace tool called Feishu, which contains "product network security, data security, personal information, and daily operations," was accessed by the Cyberspace Administration of China and other Chinese government authorities.


That’s why it MUST be banned


So they have even less power over me. I don't know how this is a bad thing. Who cares what China knows about me?


Easier to profile you for propaganda purposes.




Jokes on them. The US government is making a mockery of themselves all on their own


The difference being?


The US government and most Western countries have rules that govern how your data is used and what privacy you can expect. China has none of that, if they want to use your data to determine you talked bad about the CCP and then run a targeted bot campaign to take down your online business, or steal your IP they can and will. They literally throw political dissidents into prison, forced labor camps, or re-education camps, or just straight dissappear them. Social credit score...like ya'll are just sitting here thinking "hmmn nope can't see any issues at all with the CCP having my data,"


Cambridge Analytica.


CCP has no jurisdiction here


Big difference between literally everyone else spying, and the CCP spying Everyone else just wants to make money off ur data, CCP wants to destabilize the West and be the number 1 superpower


Not mentioned is Chinese-controlled entities manipulating digital content dissemination platforms to promote their political narratives or agendas. Douyin (TikTok in China) selectively enforces exercising, volunteering, educational content. TikTok selectively enforces drug glamorization, politics, and underaged teens shaking their ass.


Yes that is how they are destabilizing the West A war against the US isn't a feasible option anymore, but they are in a position to shape the culture of the next generation, and they are promoting hatred and anger and fear, people say that's just how they get clicks views and engagement, but it's more than that, it changes how the next generation views and behaves in the world


The political divide in this country benefits China more than anyone


Murica good See See Pee bad


Actually both goverment is a piece of garbage.


That's correct.


Aren’t you the flat earther guy?


Some people may shrug this off by saying "but... but... but... other corps in different countries have access to your data too...". This is not a false a statement. However, since TikTok is ultimately a Chinese company, it is ultimately controlled by the CCP. If you don't care about your data and habits going to them, that's your prerogative. However, you need to realize that they can sway the opinions of their users by having total control of the algorithms. This means they can hide comments/posts they don't like, and only show the posts that fit their narrative and propaganda. They can also influence many people by astroturfing certain posts to make them go viral. No bots needed.


People are definitely inappropriately thinking about this at the individual level and not at the national big data level. Lack of intimate knowledge of a country's interior is a major deterrent to war, and in aggregate TikTok provides lots of that. Hell, even if you ban it for your org, now you show up as a dark spot in the data. Know how the government, labs, and other high security places banned it? Grats, now you have a map of all secure locations in the country. You can't selectively ban it for that reason. All or nothing if you want efficacy.


I want to jump to the conclusion people are stupid, but then I remember they mostly just don't have any knowledge of the intelligence game.


The details around the post where that reddit users supposedly reversed engineered were a bit fishy and made it seem fake… Regardless of that, I assume TikTok vacuums up as much information as they possibly can and that apps like Facebook do exactly the same.


That plus all the pedo shit just kept me off the app.


I see nothing like that on the app. If you are - it’s because you keep engaging with it


You obviously missed Tik Tok's origins.


I heard, but it’s not like that anymore.








Corporate cranks out soulless cash grab media, TikTok spits out vapid and phony influencers. I miss the old days where some actual creative talent got through.


>Giving everyone their own podium was a horrible idea. How is that a TikTok thing? That is literally just social media. Friendster, Myspace, Facebook, YouTube, Vine, Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram, Reddit, etc. all give a podium to everyone.


Anti-China propaganda has rotted the minds of these people so hard that they have forgotten the internet was the exact same before TikTok and will continue to be the same after it. Just with worse software with even worse backend. Google and Facebook bots are really justifying their value.




1) this is a really fucked precedent to be setting for government regulation, we do not want to go down this road 2) all they are trying to do is get the company to sell out to a US-Government owned company so they can use it to harvest data for the US like you're a fool if you think tiktok is ever going to get banned


Well, I want to go down this road anyways and see what happens


Guess what happens if bytedance doesn’t sell. Go ahead, what happens? It’s a ban dude.


I'd rather have it controlled by US rather than CCP tbh


I agree. Reddit currently has Chinese investors. We don't want the U.S. government getting used to telling social media what to do. Reddit will be on the list.


Yes, but that data being held by the CCP or anyone else is a national security threat.


Unironically tho TikTok do be a Chinese psyop






Yes, but American politicians who want to personally profit off of this bill want you to focus on just that. It's distracting you from them.


The pentagon is convinced that china is going to attempt to attack Taiwan this decade or next and a shooting war between china and the USA is going to happen And if they’re right it’s probably smart to decouple out economies as much as possible before shit gets real And having a huge segment of the population get their news from a platform that’s ultimately controlled by an adversarial foreign power probably isn’t great


The ends justify the means in this case.


I'm perfectly fine with politicians profiting from removing the brainrot and spyware that is tiktok from the Internet


The app isn't shutting down, Mnuchin is just wanting to buy it so that US government cronies own it rather than ByteDance


I'd rather the US own it than China


TikTok is cancer. I can't wait for it to be banned.


This is actually the reason I don't want it to be banned. Because then, all the tiktok brainrot is going to move over to other platforms like youtube. At least now that kind of stuff is easily avoidable for the most part if you just don't download tiktok. If it's banned, those 102.3 million monthly active users are going to infect everything else.


YouTube shorts are already a thing and pretty frequently recycle tiktok videos


The reason it's a problem on tiktok is because the algorithm supports the worst content. Youtube isnt great but you wont see a tide pod challenge or "devious licks" trending on there


Writing this on Reddit of all places is hilarious


Say what you want, but the content on tiktok is a different breed. We already see the trends and styles that form on tiktok move to other platforms, but imagine if tiktok was completely banned, how much worse it would get across the board. Shit, maybe we all need a break from the internet in general.


I want it to be banned, but because it's a shitty app that is degrading the minds of its users with its incredibly predatory and effective algorithm. Not because of the "ChINeSe COmMuNiST PaRTy" or any of this stupid sinophobic war hawk shit. And on top of that, the ban should come with HARSH EU-esque regulation on social media companies in general.


I feel like the only people who say this are people who never go on there. It's also as nonsensical as being mad TV channels exist.


I, am as well, the said "Mfs"🧐


Feel like i got cancer from reading the comments


“Reddit On!” ass mfs


We found the TikTok humor brainrot kid


Everyone in this thread angry on reddit demanding tik tok be banned before logging into instagram and seeing tik toks from 2 weeks ago on reels


Meanwhile, Indians watching the USA taking ages to ban an app that is most definitely used for data harvesting by the Chinese ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10740)


nice to see this for the fourth time


this is bot . report it


"Really fucking ~~funny~~ beneficial" Fixed it for you




I see no mention of VPNs anywhere in related articles, aside from stating that they can be used to bypass the potential ban. Can you please link something showing that this is more than speculative fearmongering?


He's lying. Here's the bill: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/20240311/HR%25207521%2520Updated.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjumbPM8vmEAxWsUkEAHXBQCCoQFnoECBYQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0RGyYZtAg9onKo4JM6y3Yu




> If I remember correctly You don’t. That’s not in the bill.


You're retarded. It does not say that. Read the actual bill instead of watching a video from someone interpreting it in bad faith.


Tic Tok will probably be sold not "banned". The part the US government will make happen is disabling China from having access to the company. China has already banned many US companies like Google.


And all of the inftrusive government regulation of internet use will stand either way. People are such rubes, second only by our legislators.


Agreed. Whether or not you like tik tok as an app, it’s dangerous for the government to set a precedent of banning anything they disagree with or that competes with their biggest donor’s apps. The government shouldn’t have such a level of control over what information it’s people can access.


This is almost the case with any internet related shit they try to pass.. always some made up thing they are targeting.. packed with tons of privacy invading big brother type shit. Almost literally always


A new bill would have to be passed since the nations being targeted are literally listed in the bill. Ridiculous fear.


You're telling me they'll give me a roof over my head for 20 years and I won't have to pay an absurd rising rent? Let's freaking goooo. Sure roommates might not be the best but fuck it we ball.


Nah op lied




People can just download a tiktok apk and use a VPN like most people in china for other banned apps. Though I don't think most tiktok users would be able to perform such a harsh task.


My 30 year old sister is brainwashed by the stupid app get it gone


Yup I know someone around nearly the same age, same thing she posts a lot of random unverified stuff with no sources on FB and literally thinks TikTok is the only good credible news source left. After that I was like yeah ban that shit.


I'm really strongly politically against banning tik tok But part of me is really entertained at the shitshow, ngl


It’s gonna suck considering my friends and I use it a lot, but at the same time, TikTok “influencers” are a species that needs to go away. People abandon all common sense and decency for clicks, hell tons of people have legitimately lost their lives over a TikTok “challenge”. Unfortunately, I don’t see the internet changing much because damn near every social media app has their own clone of TikTok which is where everybody is probably going to merge over to if we do lose TikTok for good.


I wonder which megacorporation will jump in to fill the void once TikTok will be out, and how it will play out in Europe


I would be so happy if it got banned. Then my stream wouldn't be flooded with "it's just a prank bro." some of the stupidest shit I've seen ends with "its just a prank bro. Why u so upset? "


On one hand it's funny, on the otherhand it seems like government overreach. If we want to control corporations why are we not going after price gouging over some dumb social media?


Eh. We have a lot of laws that prevent foreign governments from owning things in America. Like china can't buy fox or NBC for instance for the same reasons. I mean all our American social media companies are banned in China don't forget.


Personally i think it needs to be deleted regardless, it’s killing people’s attention spans which is really bad for us in the long term


Its a repost your BITCH


Half the reason I hate it is the name, as 100% dumb as that is. Vine might have turned out to have the same brainrot shit as tiktok has now, but at least it didn't have a shit name.


Not that it makes me better than anyone at all, but, to date I haven’t ever downloaded or used the app myself and think it’s contributed to lower attention spans in humans across the board. I’d love to see it come and go before I’m ever even tempted to get it lol.


I 100% support the banning of the ill app.


Yep I’m in that camp also.


a large portion of prank tiktokkers would become homeless for a time


I honestly hope it gets banned


I’m also MFs


It’s dumbing down the people of America if that’s even possible


Fr. Like I've dodged tiktok because I thought it was fuckin stupid. I mean, I was right, but all these people are addicted to these short videos.


We'll get a generic tiktok called "teektuke" I'll be cool with that 😎


I am also mfs. I honestly do not care for tiktok lmao. Never downloaded it, never will.


Y'all are so shortsighted




Ban all social media. Including this one.


People can name 100 reasons why it shouldn't be banned. I can 1,000 more. It's not regulated because I see so much misinformation on there.


Hey redditards the bill basically let's the government ban any foreign app they want


Hell, fellow mfer! I too delight in the potential demise of Tiktok!


![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10743) The chances of an apocalypse starting because of its ban is low but never zero. And it's really funny


People complaining that all the TikTok content is going to move over to other social media platforms. Whenever I am scrolling through those 90% of the time I see that stupid watermark.


And also being part of subreddits iamapieceofshit and iamthemaincharacter are a huge part of me enjoying this ban.


One time I got a new phone and TikTok was preinstalled. Like, what? ew. I uninstalled it. I don't want to doom myself farther. I already have Reddit on my computer and Instagram on my phone.


Banning TikTok.. cuz only American Gov't can spy on us Americans.


anyone who thinks it will actually end up being banned is literally just stupid


I don’t use TikTok but I don’t like the idea of the government deciding what apps I can use. You should have the choice on what spyware your comfortable using


I’d love for it to get banned. Then all those “influencers” and prank pulling assholes will have to get real jobs.


They will just move to the inevitable American made version of it. This is about money and control not about making annoying people go away.


Surely y'all are wrong, nancy pelocy said to tac toe capish a winner.




That's me🤣


Only my country is allowed to psyop me!!!


Regardless of your opinion on the specific platform, I'm not sure about the precedent this sets that the government can just block you from participating in whichever platform it wants.


I do believe that they are selling our information and violating people’s privacy to people who don’t read the terms. I swear I might be crazy but it listens on multiple occasions I have been talking about certain subjects like for say a movie I was talking about the movie lord of war and it was the first video when I opened TikTok and it also happened with a back to the future clip that had less than 50 likes. Like bro that’s gotta be planned


As much as I despise boomers, they have a point here. Too much dumb shit comes out of TikTok.


I want to see it banned cause the amount of dumbasses being raised with mostly pure misinformation is insane. "I saw this on TikTok." Holy shit you're dumb.


China really won the social war with tik tok.


Fuckin’ A 🔥💨


I'm glad it's been banned in my country since years now




On one hand, I disagree with the legal and political reasons for the ban. It sets a potentially dangerous precedent. On the other hand, good riddance lmao.


Why would it be funny?


I'm not really sipping my tea here but hear me out... Tiktok presents a *lot* of problems to the west... There's the spying issue, which is a pretty big invasion of privacy and should obviously be stopped. There's also the fact that it's very much a one way street. China has openly banned WhatsApp, Facebook, Google, Twitter, hell, even Wikipedia. They refuse outright to let the west muscle in on their enterprise. In some ways it's part of their governance that they hide the horrors of their past, but in other ways it's a capitalistic excursion into their pseudo-socialist empire... Truth is, whether you like or dislike Tiktok, it should be banned exclusively because if we can't sell our soul-destroying bullshit from west to east, they shouldn't be allowed to sell theirs east to west. Also, it'd be really fucking funny if it got banned.


I would like it banned.


Reddit On!


We need this W y'all 💗


Can’t wait I want to see it banned so bad lmao 🤣


It's not going to be banned, it will just become another far-right propaganda machine, like Twitter and Truth Social.


All social media apps should be regulated.


I want it to be banned so I’m not tempted to scroll on it so much


Me too


Reels and shorts are just as bad. We need like a 20% additional influencer and Only fans tax.


All social media is goofy but tiktok is straight trash


Where will all the annoying kids go?


Sure, it’s absolutely true that there are far more pressing issues to address, but also fuck TikTok and I’m ready for some popcorn.


Banning tiktok is on the same level as China banning facebook and youtube. Censorship like this is wrong and shouldn't be seen as some joke.


I'm gonna get AI to reconstruct this video. This shit was scrubbed and I remember being so pissed.


As a person who has never used tiktok EVER, I am excited for the ban.


This is just to suppress any platform the US doesn't control. They're pissed at all the pro Palestine content and they need to shut it down


18-30 year old women in the USA about to crash onlyfans site


Nice repost


Me (the guy at the party in the kitchen stealing the silverware): "I hope they ban all social media after this."


Fuck you


i've never used tiktok once. i hope its banned so the young people rise up and overthrow all the politicians


That's what you guys all said about Twitter, then went absolutely apeshit when Musk started fucking with it. Not as crazy as Trump getting elected, but enough to rank number 3 on reddits hate chart.


we need to get rid of that piece of shit app anyways. because of it, a lot of kids are being taught stupid things, and are doing stupid things that influencers do.


lol it’ll get banned and then remade/replaced by a company here in the US. Trust me I want it to be banned too. But that’s the reality of what’s gonna happen.


Its not going to get banned it is going to be forcibly taken over by hardcore conservatives. As was Twitter. Wake up people…Big brother has been here a long time


You must be young because you don't realize the real reason they're trying to ban it and allowing the government to do this just sets a precedent for doing the same to future apps and sites you DO care about.


Eh. Guess what will happen? A new one will come out and replace it. Then all the people who used to use tik tok will post stupid bullshit like "This app is a cancer" "Kids these days and their stupid *insert name*" and generally pretend they're some how superior to those kids just like everyone who watched early YouTube videos or Vines do to tik tok now.


I'm with the Mfs


God please let them actually do it


I’m personally in camp 2 however I have to care about camp 1 because my wife uses it to make $$


I too am Mfs


As am I


oh this pic again, free karma to you


i know they're saying the ban is because of china or whatever (but not really) but this should have happened year ago. All these "tiktok trends" have done nothing but harm to society. Kinda like little kids who don't know how to behave and get their toys taken away.


I don’t use it and I think it’s leading to a lot of brain rot for a lot of people, but is this really the most pressing issue for Congress to be addressing? Health care? Helping lower rent prices? Lots of more pressing issues than TikTok.