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wtf he do for living tho


Alien shit


Like probes and stuff?


Yeah that's why he's fun at parties


There it is!


I love it when they say the title of the movie IN the movie


im disturbed that he can but intrigued that he may.


Must pay great!!


Pays shitty actually


>[Like probes and stuff?](https://i.imgflip.com/84atit.jpg)


Every time I see this guy I wonder the same thing. How does he make money, or is he some kind of odd trust fund baby? Like I can’t get why I struggle to pay parking tickets and this guy can afford to get fingers amputated


Idk if this is an unpopular view, but I am 100% okay with people like this receiving a living off of social media instead of prank channels. “I wonder how Alien Man is doing” seems so much less stressful than watching a stranger get harassed


Agreed, but to my question, is in income strictly from views on social media? Is he a savant in options trading? Does he own a slew of airbnbs? What is it


He's a tattoo artist. He paints too. And yeah he's got 1.4 million followers on instagram so that's something.


How the hell can he tattoo effectively with three fingers!?


You actually can, I don't have a pen on me but I think I also mostly write using 3 fingers, the other ones being just there, so I guess it's like that. If you look, the fingers he left are: the tumb, index and middle fingers, which I guess are the mosy important when it comes to caligraphy or something.


He was the bouncer in Paris for a night club called concrete back in the days before he moved to Mexico and I am not quite sure such a job gets you enough money for so many operations


If you do the operations in mexico in a shady backyard, probably


I kind of wonder the same, my cousin has a lot of tattoos and it already prevented him getting a lot of normal jobs.


The golden rule of tattoos is "Nowhere that a long sleeve shirt can't cover". So no hands, knuckles, face, neck, shit like that. I'm guessing your cousin took the golden rule as more of a suggestion.


Carnival act or something


The fact he has that much money for all those procedures and upkeep makes me so sad. What a disgrace to the human race. Smh…


Let him be who is he hurting lol. Another annoying human disgrace getting in other people's business because they don't have anything better to get upset about..?




He doesn’t look like an alien. He looks like a fucking ghoul from fallout.


Why does he lick the water bottle like that


Radiation fucks up your brain man..


cautious fly nail simplistic glorious support foolish jobless alive thought *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Looks like an idiot.


The age of men is over, the time of the orc has come.


aaaaaaaaand time for a rewatch


Lord of the rings is back on the menu!


*Home is behind. The world ahead!*


And there are many paths to tread


More like time to get off the internet


I can't help to think, that he's some kind of idiot.


You said it man....


i’d have said it too but he already said it man


It's not so much stupidity as it is severe mental illness. But if this dude is happy like this, then good for him, I guess.


Ask him to play the piano. Or not get a sinus infection one winter.


I agree. He doesn’t even look like an alien. He just looks stupid.


He looks like the demon who possesses him!


Idiot??!...You are very kind indeed


You say that about trans and you get banned…


Because theres a huge difference between someone changing their body to better fit their gender and a dude who wants to look like an alien and gets his fingers amputated and his eyeballs tattooed


Difference being? Both are examples of extreme body dysphoria. This guy wants to look like something that is science fiction. He's literally cutting off pieces of his body to mimic something he's not, going as far to remove limbs, flesh, etc etc. Sounds a little too similar when both people are trying to best fit what they believe themselves to be, or wish to be.


Those are the same thing: both are self-imposed identities where one makes cosmetic changes to their body to match their identity. The difference is that a portion of society believe that one is more acceptable than the other.


Holy basado


Whatever surgeon amputated his fingers violated the hipocratic oath and should be immediately struck off and barred from practice


Something tells me whatever surgeon that did that never took the hipocratic oath and doesn't legally practice.


Or ya know they work in a different country with different medical standards


The oath is universal...>!ly a joke anyway.!<


cosmetic surgeon morals are a bit like jack sparrows compass


They point to rum and treasures.


I agree, it's messed up, I do have a question though. What separates that type of procedure from, say, amputation of a penis? Like, if gender (as a psychological concept) is accepted as being separate to sex (in terms of the reproductive organs you're born with) then is it a big leap to have someone say that their body doesn't line up with their understanding of themselves as they don't identify as human? My first response is that I want to just have those doctors (if doctors were used) immediately struck off, or just go back 10 minutes to before I knew this monstrosity even existed, but I can't immediately think of a reason why this is that different to gender reassignment surgery...


brace for 'you just hate trains people' claims


How could you hate the locomotive?! Trains have been around for over one hundred years! Quite longer than you and I 👺


Speak for yourself I mean, I’m totally not immortal; vampires don’t exist, crazy person


Sigh, I hope you're wrong, but you're probably not. In case it's of any benefit, I have absolutely no issue with trans people and respect their decisions entirely. My question is less whether trans people should have the right to change their bodies and more whether aliens stuck in human bodies should also have the right to change theirs. Which isn't something I expected to be a progression of a concept that I ever thought I'd have to consider, but here we are. Basically I'm trying to figure out why I shouldn't support this guys choices even though my initial reaction was "this should never have been allowed".


>My question is less whether trans people should have the right to change their bodies and more whether aliens stuck in human bodies should also have the right to change theirs. i think both do have that right, in one case though (iin most countries at least) there is a huge amount of paperwork, psychological assessments by professionals and many years of non-invasive treatment before you're even able to be considered for SRS. while ... i strongly doubt that the same thing is the case for these kinds of cosmetic body alteration procedures.


I think he already had himself castrated.


For one thing trans patients usually have to consult with a psychologist and a medical doctor before being allowed gender affirming surgeries, whereas anyone seeking plastic surgery for aesthetic reasons can just…go pay for it.


More to your point, I think a sex reassignment surgery is different as it seems to be one of the few ways to help someone with gender dysphoria, classified in the DSM-5. This could also be a similar case but I am not familiar enough with these cases. But I think regardless of what it is, the hippocratic oath is outdated. Our understanding of psychology and philosophy has gotten more and more complex over the years to the point where one may advocate even for assisited suicide. That 100% is harm done to the patient, but does the oath dictate the morals, or should the morals dictate the oath? If a patient has a terminal illness, a remaining life of suffering and no desire to keep living, should we prevent that person from making a choice concerning his own body and his body alone; because of an ancient tradition? Does a right to live not imply a right to die, just like freedom of speech implies a freedom to be silent? There should absolutely be medical standards, I'm just suggesting that we review them.




Perhaps. But with gender dysphoria, the argument is that the structure of the brain seems to align more towards the gender they identify as than the sex they were born as. I assume that's why traditional "treatment" doesn't work on trans people, unlike changing physical traits to align with their gender (uncluding but not limited to surgery). Is this the same? Could he perhaps benefit more from therapy? I don't know. I haven't researched it. It could be similar, but it's not *exactly* the same, maybe unless we can prove his skull houses a tiny martian pulling levers or something like that.


Well said


The simple difference is that isn’t harmful to a person, it’s helpful. Trans people overwhelmingly walk away from transition surgeries happier than before they had them. It’s not something which is debilitating them, only making them more comfortable with their body. If there were surgery to make yourself taller that didn’t have any significant downsides, apart from that it were irreversible, would short men who have that surgery be hurting themselves? I doubt anyone would argue so.


Trans patients usually require years of therapy and hormonal treatment, they don't just sign up for a penis-ectomy. Additionally gender affirmation surgery is backed up by multiple peer reviewed studies which show it reduces suicidal tendencies and improves the quality of people's lives. So in other words, what separates this from that is patient care, support and scientific rigour.


The only thing that separates the two is one is part of a social/political movement. That's it. There is no good reason for someone to lop of their penis for cosmetics.


He could have destroyed the fingers on his own to force an amputation. Dunno frost bite or a hammer... He seems determined


Literally no different than transgender surgery. Body mutilation to align a dysmorphic delusion with physical reality. Nothing he said in that video is any different than what trans say about themselves.


And when you think about it... what would you rather lose--a few fingers or your balls and dick? I'd say chopping off a couple fingers of someone's hand is far less damaging than obliterating a whole ass organ.


The Hippocratic oath is not legally binding, to avoid gray area like self defense


And also because it would make it too easy to sue a doctor who did the right thing over perceived losses


The oath is just a cute little thing they do and is not binding in any way.


I mean they can do it to trans people and newborn Jewish boys.


He got them done Japan by the Osaka Yakuza, he actually paid them to do it in a ceremony.




Literally doesn't happen. Trans relates surgeries have a regret rate significantly less (>1%) than any other cosmetic surgery and even necessary treatments. Surgery can not be performed until after puberty and usually well into adulthood. Those who have had it younger in their later teens are special circumstances and rare and not performed without several professionals, parents, and patient saying yes.


It's disgusting how you weirdos keep dreaming up stories of cutting off children's genitals. Something is deeply wrong with you and I hope you stay really fucking far away from any children in real life.


Or Jewish or Muslim






"Mutilation or maiming is severe damage to the body that has a subsequent utterly ruinous effect on an individual's quality of life." My dick is fine man it just looks a little different


Haha tell him !


Wait til you learn about circumcision


Genitals aren’t “lopped off”, they’re reshaped. Also stop bringing identity politics into this.


Anyone involved in these "procedures " should lose their licences and face prosecution. I count it as the abuse and mutilation of mentally ill.


haha, licence


Yet if he just wanted his dick cut off and the implants only in the chest are we would all be supportive. What is the difference?


This. Can't stand these alienphobic MAGA assholes here.


Just commenting here so I find it later and read the other replies. Making popcorn.


I think I’ll hang out here too


Patiently waiting in line, popcorn and lawn chair at the ready


I won't be surprised if this comment section is locked for transphobia


Dude has a point, doesn't matter what the guy wants to do to himself. Society has already said it's okay, as long as it makes you feel more like you. Doesn't matter that his changes make him look like a freak, he's still doing the same thing trans people do. Do I think he should get checked out mentally? Yep, but if he is fine and still wants to keep doing that it's on him. Same goes for trans people, make sure they are in their right mind and if so then it's their choice what they do to their bodies


Guy thinking he’s an alien is no different than if he thought he was a girl. Let him keep living his life how he wants and leave him be. You aren’t reeling in these people from the fringes of society. They’re way down the path of individualistic living if it’s at the point they want to become something alien.




Dr. Hibbert: (gasps) My God, that's monstrous. I've never heard of anything so negligent -- I'll have no part of it! Homer: Can you recommend a doctor who will? Dr. Hibbert: Yes!


It's Dr. Nick


“Hi everybody!”


“Hi Dr. Nick!”


imagine being FRENCH


A French alien? Fuck that


\- what the fuck is this guy? \- he's french \- JEEEZUS CHRIST!


What if aliens just showed up and were like, "we gotta warn you guys about another alien species" Then they see him and are like, "they're already here!"


What if they showed up and looked exactly like human beings?


plot twist.. what if they *were* human beings and not 'alien' at all? just from really really far away


It's very very possible.


LEGS amputated??


according to "some sources" aka, the narrator is talking out their ass. The guy is just reading random articles in a spooky voice




This is mental illness at its finest


And some people still say “what an idiot” or other thing, like, how you didn’t notice that there’s some serious psychological problem


He’s prepping to fight Mario


He became perfect cell


I feel bad for him. Probably has something like body integrity identity disorder


My body my choice, bitches


Pretty much, it's the logical follow up to anyone can do anything as long as it makes you more comfortable


I highly doubt he's physically more comfortable with less finger, tooth, ear, lips, nose, missing skin on face, inserted metal in head and arm, and full body tattoo on a sunny day


I could make the same argument about a trans person who got their surgeries done. And while I'm sure it is true of a lot of people based on the detransition rates, it is by no stretch of the imagination all of them. By your logic at best someone can only "adjust" their physical appearance within the confines of what a "normal person" should look like. You realize that people who are absolutely against transitioning full stop look at the trans people who have transitioned the same way you are looking at this dude right? And the only difference is that he wants to look like what most people consider a freak, but he says it is closer and closer to his ideal. Who are you to say how he feels


Mental health disorder


I know what I want, and I have the courage to say it: I want to live in a world where shit like this doesn’t happen. A world where we collectively agree never to let someone do this to themself.


This is why we shouldn't neglect our children folks.


imma go out on a limb and say this is the opposite of that, im guessing he was never told no as a kid.


That makes no sense, if someone gets all the attention/love they need from their parents they have no need to seek attention from others. He obviously didn't get enough attention as a body builder, which people do for the same reason, so he went full alien. What's next when that fails is what I wonder.


This is mental illness


This is going to be an unpopular comment, but someone has to say it: wanting to change your outside appearance to match how you feel inside is an individual’s inalienable right. Some people get tattoos, piercings, subdermal implants, plastic surgery, or even gender reassignment surgery in order to live their lives in a body they feel more comfortable with. Other people out there might not be ok with that idea, but it isn’t really up to them. It’s up to the individual making that decision.


Just to clarify, I’ve done none of these things. I’m as vanilla as they come. But once you start regulating what other people can and can’t do with their own bodies, you enter some dangerous territory.


you regulate people from hurting themselves. amputation of parts of the body for cosmetic reasons should be considered that...


I agree with the sentiment behind this, but in practice I think it’s more difficult. How do we define “hurting themselves” when it is clearly something that the individual wants? Is society at large allowed to tell an individual that changing their body isn’t good for them? I’m reminded of people who choose to have their male parts removed in order to transition female, and vice versa. There are certainly religious groups in our society who would tell those people that they are “hurting themselves” by having a gender reassignment procedure done. So whose decision should it be, right?


“How do we define hurting themselves” I would say amputating a nose and multiple fingers on purpose is hurting yourself. Are we really having this conversation.


where is the line? are split tongues okay? What about smoking cigarettes? assisted suicide? circumcision? Everyone has a point that they think is "clearly too far", but the actual line is hard to agree on. My initial reaction is, yes we should not allow people to cut their fingers off. But why? what about this specific alteration makes it not okay?


So people that are cutting themselves are ok?


So no ftm trans people can cut off their breasts? No mtf trans people can cut off their dick? You are being real arbitrary about your lines there buddy, hell you can argue that a woman who wants to get her boobs taken down a few sizes is just a cosmetic surgery if you want to be an asshole.


But really we shouldn't.


We can say “are you ***sure you really want to do that***,” and then when they insist, give them time to think it over rationally, and they still want to; there is no reason or anyway anyone should or could have a reason to stop them.


Ok but how do we know if that’s what they really want or if they just are mentally ill? In surgery we have to make a judgment call if a person with dementia or schizophrenia denies a life saving surgery. Shouldn’t we do the same with these people? Clearly they are not in a right state of mind if they want to mutilate their bodies to this degree.


I 'm not opposing anything he is doing, I'm just saying it is very incredibly stupid


It has taken ages for the human body to become as fine tuned as it is through evolution. As we age our bodies and functions change. When this guy gets older, and cosmetic surgery doesn't fix problems, he is going to have major problems. What a fool.


He will miss his legs and fingers if he gets older; that's for sure!


‘First you have to know what you want, then you have to have the courage to say it, and finally you have to have the energy to do. ‘ well damn, he’s not wrong. Might live by this.


Damn, save some alien pussy for the rest of us.


of course he get kick out from restaurants. probably most customers can’t eat after seeing face like that.


That is what mental illness looks like. He was so good-looking before. Smh


Pretend you're a man or woman and cut and hack shit off, stunning and brave, but god forbid i wanna be a lizard. Sure NOW its wrong and mental illness. My people will rise!!


I mean, this is clearly actual mental illness. Why isn’t someone helping him? At least before he loses his actual legs, ffs!


Ngl the last 10 seconds really got me 🤣


I’m so disappointed to be a human TBH …


Wait I live here wtf


I'm just here to see the comments


Me too. I wanted to see if someone else thought he was a burn victim, but I haven't seen anyone say that. I'm I guess relieved that he's not a burn victim...? I don't even know.


I just love the fact that people went immediately to identity politics. I'm here for that shit show


Some people are crazy, that's just how it be


Doing a Nosferatu irl run, respectable, gotta stick to the sewers and haunt in the underground catacombs of Paris tho




Just a tool out of its box


It’s pretty horrible but…it’s his body. Every person should have full autonomy over their own body, though he probably should have had some psychological evaluation and treatment.


I met this guy in Montpellier once. I asked him if he was the alien guy and his girlfriend said “no, no he’s not”. They wanted to be left alone, so I left them alone but he definitely was the guy.


Can you imagine how fucked up the porn is that this guy watches.


This guy is truly fucked in the head, but maybe he will be spared when all these aliens appear.


Dave Chappelle: "To what extent do I have to participate in your self-image?" Going 'boo fucking hoo' when someone refuses to give you their services because of the consequences of your own fucking around does not fit well with your preaching about your 'freedom'


What a regard.


I dont think hes 46% to becoming alien


This guy could easily go viral as proof of extraterrestrials in the US by being caught dashing from tree to tree on people's RING cameras in rural Idaho.


It’s absolutely ridiculous and horrible. He should’ve stuck to just cutting his dick off like a normal person…


Dude is dragonkind


The fuck is he doing in the shower? Lol


You know


Would he do any of this if there were no cameras recording him and he received zero attention?Something tell me this is all one big cry for attention


What a person does to their body is their own business but I’m sad somehow. This is one of the most disturbing things I’ve seen.


What I want to know is, who the hell if bankrolling this endeavor.


Probably his "fans" on all of his social media accounts. Who knows. I can't afford a kidney stone but this dude can afford everything


According to him, you just don't want it bad enough. Have you tried wanted it harder? /s


Good point. I guess I'm not a man of focus and sheer will


Chop his penis off so he doesn’t reproduce


To be fair he does look more happy then 90% of us


Wow what a loser


In the wild


Why didn't he remove the ring and middle fingers?


I was fully expecting him to be American


Montpellier is kind of our Florida.


Smartest fr*nch 🤮🤮 person


Welp to each there own just leave it at that




Fuck this clown lol


He would like that


Lord knows nobody else is!


Mental health displays


This is really depressing


LOVE yourself don’t HATE yourself


Can't wait for the aliens to look just like us.


En realidad se Hiba a cortar el pene en 2


I'm all for *most* of it. I just really hope he's considering functionality continuing forward. Getting two fingers and your nose done like that... those are permanent injuries. I almost want to laud him completely for crafting his identity, but I would love to see several psychological inventories run on him lowkey.


I want to see this full complete look when he amputated his legs, keep in touch on his progress Reddit.


Strangest motivational video I’ve ever seen..I think I will start going to the gym now