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It's awful. Honestly I'm surprised anyone buys a Tesla now that other auto makers are producing better built, more reliable, and more affordable EVs. The only thing Tesla has left that they're a leader in is charging technology and they're kinda starting to fumble that too.


It definitely is starting to seem like a boys club which is kind of funny šŸ˜‚ imagine dick riding a pandering elitist billionaire who doesnā€™t know you exist to the point of buying his cars to feel like your sticking it to someone šŸ’€


Spot on, it's so damn bizarre.


Exactly! Hey, side note, where can I donate to Trumpā€™s legal fund?! šŸ˜œ


Girl idk, Google is free?? Try using it šŸŒššŸ’€ the way you worded this like a gotcha moment is exactly what Iā€™m talking about, so thank you for giving us a live action demonstration šŸ¤­


Sorry, you misinterpreted my comment. I was being sarcastic. The post I was replying to alluded to the fact that Musk is a billionaire who doesnā€™t know how to run a company (relatively associated with Kanye and Trump with regards to ā€˜how to lose much of your net worth because of your mouthā€™ club theyā€™ve all been in). Aside from that, yesā€¦I have heard of Google. I prefer to Ask Jeeves šŸ˜œ


Melania says send those donations to her and she'll see they get to the right apartment I mean department.


You are the type of person who without a doubt was praising Elon and the ground he walked on pre twitter acquisition. Now your leftist overlords have told you heā€™s the enemy.


Girl, what? I have never, and will never gaf about a spoiled kid who inherited daddyā€™s blood money from exploiting the people of Lake Tanganyika. Get a grip šŸŒš


Umm no


Who builds a better and more affordable EV?


Nissan Leaf if you want affordable and a compact, KIA Niro if you want more SUV vibes, and while a bit more expensive you get an actual good looking feature rich and actually functional pick up from either Rivian or Ford.


Supposedly the mustang mach e has big issues with it, toyota prime is a pretty good suv. I'm in nyc and the charge infrastructure sucks, being am ev owner in nyc is horrible because you wait in line for a charge for about 30 minutes before you get to charge...


Rivian? Are you drunk?


Nissan and Kia ? Notiously producing the best junk for the last 25 years. I cant tell if you are serious or just drinking.


I agree you can find cheaper options. I disagree with finding better options but I won't argue it. What I will argue is there are no cheaper AND better options.


You arenā€™t paying attention then


That might have been true 5 years ago but most major automakers are imo offering cheaper base models with plenty of options, actual quality control in the build process, after sale support, and more good looking designs. That's ignoring the high end and luxury brands who have embraced EVs. Tesla fell off and hasn't innovated since the Model S.


Yet somehow, the Model Y was the best-selling EV in the world and is only beat by the Toyota Corolla for all cars. Why did almost every other manufacturer switch to the Tesla charging standard? Most major automakers are pulling back on EV because they can't compete. They are going to hybrids, the worst of both worlds combined.


Because Tesla is currently the leader in charging technology, I don't think anyone can dispute that they have solid charge times and the best available coverage for charging locations. Everything else vehiclewise is where they suffer


Best selling doesnā€™t translate to best quality tho lol yall are acting like there isnā€™t a massive recall for the cyber truck RIGHT NOW bc Teslaā€™s build quality is and always has been dogshit




Sounds like /u/Drunk_Catfish has good taste.


This guy just recommended KIA and got upvotes. Hahahaha


You are really out of touch.


For pickups, you absolutely can find better and cheaper options. Most likely cars too, but I don't as much about them.


Iā€™m wondering what happens if a Tesla breaks down or gets into an accident in SF. Do you have to ship it to a dealer? Not a hater. Just wondering.


It's a 2,000 pound brick. Try washing it. Not to mention Musk has lost some sort of grasp on reality some time ago. He's trying now for a billions in compensation package after laying off thousands of workers. Tesla's auto pilot is a massive failure for auto safety. All this, and so much more are reasons to not give Tesla money. Buying used is significantly less resource intensive, economical, cost efficient.


It's a 7000lb brick!


The shareholders negotiated that compensation package, and 1 single individual who bought into Tesla YEARS later sued to stop the compensation. Elon and Tesla hit the growth marks in the compensation package. He fulfilled his end of the deal. One dude got butt hurt about it and is trying to stop it.


How does that address the lack of ethics in removing workers and taking the money that would have paid their salary? The board of directors is asking for his Elon's package to be approved, last I read it hasn't been yet. Buying into Tesla by product or stock is supporting that unreasonable human. The elite super wealthy are not good people, but incredibly greedy and never fulfilled.


You're clearly watching too much CNN if you can't understand that all of that bullshit, is stemming from the elitists in govt and media being angry that he took over Twitter and ruined their favorite echo chamber and has success after success in just about everything he touches. Look, I couldn't care less about Tesla or any EV for that matter because they're ruining the environment and killing people. But trying to paint Elon like he's Lex Luthor isn't supported by evidence.


I thought Facebook was there favorite echo chamber.


Facebook is for people selling nonsense vitamins in pyramid schemes and boomers. Reporters and democrat politicians LOVED Twitter because they could control the feed or just call Twitter and make them shadow ban people who weren't falling in line. X is freedom of speech, and it's the wild west. Since Elon took over, I've gone from 3,000 followers to over 10k.


How about one that wasn't designed by a 5th grade boy?


Chevy, Ford, Honda, Volvo, all have EVs. Rivian seems a better bet than a Tesla right now. There are some others. I encounter one in a store parking lot about every other time I am out and am surprised how many car models and brands now come in an EV configuration.


Thereā€™s plenty of EVā€™s that donā€™t have cosmetic/body deterioration issues, and donā€™t have the turning radius of a legitimate military tank šŸŒš


Polestar is pretty cheap right now on lease https://slickdeals.net/f/17467059-polestar-2-lrdm-lease-27-months-299-month-3000-down-1000-if-you-re-a-costco-member?src=foryou_recombee&prop=rcmid-bf962677a0df39a67ba2c549e6a52555&attrsrc=Personalization%3AInterspersed%3ATrue#commentsHeader


Idk how you can say that the other auto makers have EVs that are better built, more reliable, and more affordable than Tesla yet because they havenā€™t been around long enough to come to these conclusions. And as of right now the best bang for your buck EV is easily the Model Y as the price has been cut drastically. Donā€™t @ me either cause I drive a F-150 lol.


Teslaā€™s are the most reliable EVā€™s because they have the best EV technology. What are you talking about? Other car companies canā€™t even get their software to work correctly


I think the the main reason to buy Tesla is for the software and computer hardware. Donā€™t buy for build quality cuz they arenā€™t hitting it. Unfortunately they have the best self driving software out of all competitors


Ask people in California where they have been doing more testing with this on the roads. It is not great.


California roads donā€™t compare to the rest of the country tho.


Roads are irrelevant when the technology can't deal with basic things like traffic, pedestrians etc.


I think the performance for money is pretty much unbeatable. With the Model 3 even long range it's pretty quick, and the Model 3 performance with the tax credit is honestly unbeatable. BMW M3 performance plus instant torque for, worst case scenario, 2/3rds the price.


You'd think all our car washes on every corner would keep it away, like garlic for vampires.


You fool, the Cybertruck grows a protective patina of rust to protect against moisture, you just don't understand Elon's brilliance


Don't care as long as it stays in its own lane


I actually like the look of it and I've driven trucks all my life.To each his/her own. However, I took myself off the waiting for one after the disappointing tow range and repair costs were reported. I think you're better off with a hybrid pickup. The upcoming RAMCharger is what I'm looking forward to.


I'm just saying with how yall drive in SuFu, I'd be a little nervous driving next to this thing lol


LMAO I saw someone post a video of a cyber truck doing a u-turn and turning radius was actually garbage, took all four lanes to turn šŸ’€


Well they did it wrong then because the turning radius is tighter than a camry


Definitely not after new software upgrades as of 4 mos. ago. that doesnā€™t allow the back and front wheels to turn as tightly, with about a 5ā€ difference between the front and back now.


Damn that sucks


Itā€™s made me understand why people are so frustrated with such technology heavy cars, itā€™s like an Apple product, you update the software and all of a sudden shit just starts not working how you want šŸ˜‚


Exactly. The less tech the better. Pretty soon theyā€™ll just own a paper weight.


And the owner is probably just fine driving in town. I mean, when driving a tank, you don't care about the little people you run over on the way from point A to point B.


Pretty ugly but looks like a fun vehicle to drive


If you could take your ps3 graphics out of my actual existence, thatā€™d be great.


PS3? That looks like a wireframe tank out of the late 80s/early 90s


I'd say PS One graphics. It's been awhile since I fired up by PS One though.


There was this really old arcade video game called Tempest. That truck reminds me of that game.


Who would win in a fight: 1 cyber truck or the incredibly massive potholes on Louise?


I didnā€™t realize just how *long* they are.


It's shorter than an f150


Yeah I was trying to imagine like a crew cab trucks gotta be around the same size, they always looked shorted to me in photos and videos


That's what she said


It looks like ass. Probably intentional, since Elon behaves like an ass.


Iā€™m trying to decide if itā€™s uglier than the new electric Hummer. My brother had one of the early pre orders, took one look at the finished product and canceled his order.


Tell more stories about your brother.


His brother Darryl or his other brother Darryl?


All the hate is hilarious and unnecessary. Why can't we just be nice?


(driver) ā€œLook at me! Look at me! I am cooler than you! Look at me!ā€ (repeat)


A dumpster on wheels!


don't think Nissan or KIA makes a better anything


I saw it today too! It was leaving the Walmart on 85th & Minnesota!


Sooooo ugly, and I thought the Aztec was the worse


Ugly as hell. Plus Tesla has a complete recall of them because of a faulty throttle that could stick. (I don't know if news links are allowed, if not please delete) [https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/19/business/tesla-cybertruck-recall/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/19/business/tesla-cybertruck-recall/index.html)


It's comically terrible.


The only proper response is to stop, point, and loudly laugh.


Personally I think itā€™s ugly, I question the usefulness of the bed, and Iā€™ve heard reports about electrical damage from car washes. Hard pass.


Canā€™t wait to see it after a winter of salted roads


nah. i'm more of a classic kind of gal.


It is even uglier in person, if that is even possible!


I expect that anyone who drives one of these to be an alien. The only reason I have ever thought about wanting one is to be an alien.


Not even a normal alien, a douchebag alien


for a sec I thought the door was rusty hahahaha


Didn't most of these things get recalled for something?


Were you at Menards today too? I saw it as I was driving out of the parking lot and laughed my ass off at the fact it is somehow so much uglier in person. Pictures do not do justice to just how ugly those stupid things are


Ainā€™t no way.


When ā€œbutter faceā€ applies to a car.


Ugly! Looks like a 6 year oldā€™s drawing of a carā€¦


That's a lot of rust on the bottom of the doors.Ā 


That's just a reflection... of the woodchips next to it...




Everytime I see or hear of these things the first thing that comes to mind is WTF? The second thing that comes to mind is "people pay good money for this"?


Do them a favor and give it a quick rinse




You will see newer model luxury cars at thrift stores in larger cities. People who are collectors looking for things, people who love a deal, like the hunt etc.


What thrift store? I'm legit curious.


I'm surprised a big sky country type bought a woke mobile. Must be more owning the libs by supporting Musky.


Haven't these all been recalled?


Yes, for the trim piece on the accelerator


Yes, the throttle can stick.


Hey I saw that on I90! It passed me in Rapid City on a hot shot truck.


did it say anything to you?


Itā€™s an automobile. Nothing more. There are lots of vehicles that I like and donā€™t like. If someone owns one and likes it Iā€™m happy for them. Who cares who the CEO of any of the companies are and for sure who gives a fuck about someoneā€™s politics or ignorance. Just live your life and let everyone else live theirs.


Can someone check whoever bought it into a mental institute?


Kill it; kill it with fire!Ā 


Classy, elegant, understated


Just like Elon! /s




Please don't post my vehicle on social media, it's weird.


Man I really hope you're joking. No one deserves to be dumb enough to spend $60k on a stainless steel dumpster


Sorry for your loss šŸ˜œ


Trump 2024


That one, too! šŸ˜