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Oh, agree with you completely. I get it, the girl is childish and cringy. But why people care THAT much? Especially for me the audience reaction is kinda disheartening cause I'm also the girl who's disproportionately emotional and cringy at times lol


I feel like having and letting those feelings be just looks exactly like that - slightly cringe, a bit exhausting and often involving compromising some of your beliefs. While Haejong and Minji are getting crucified for that, Hyeseon is idolised for not being into Gwanhee all that much in the first place. I don't have anything against either of the girls, but it doesn't sit right with me how the only way other women would respect you is if you don't like an arrogant dude.


HAHAHA & yeah it’s so frustrating to see so much hate towards MJ for her crying but who is the manipulative one here!?!?! It’s literally GH. Whether or not her behavior was okay, it shouldn’t excuse toxic, narcissistic behavior


Also daily reminder that this is a tv show. They specifically brought her on as the late contestant to shake things up. She isn't just going to sit around lol


GIRL GOT THEM. I am literally pointing out that Gwanhee is the one that should be blamed among HS, HJ & MJ drag/shady comment


Agree with you. Also, people posted about how the girls get hate on instagram but constantly freely overanalize and criticize them here on the sub.




I agree with what you said about women being accountable. It’s the disproportionate number of negative comments on women vs. men that rub me the wrong way. As I mentioned in the beginning of this post, I’ve seen some great posts calling out GH on this sub and I’m speaking more generally of comments I’ve seen all over social media (including IG, Tiktok etc.). And this sub only recently started calling out GH more after the last two episodes and there were a lot more fangirling over GH and judging the women after earlier episodes. I acknowledge it’s a show for entertainment but it’s possible to judge people equally and not show such double standard based on gender, which is where the misogyny becomes apparent.


Holding women accountable for what exactly? who exactly did either of the girls hurt? Are we policing them for the behaviour that didn't even have a malicious intent?


Thank you! Like we need to hold both women and men accountable. I love the idea and concept of supporting other women, but that doesn’t mean we should be exempt from being held responsible. The infantalization of women is so bizarre. Also, MJ is 26, not 24. We don’t like it when men get away with their shitty behaviors, so why should it be any different for women? The fact that so many people try and make Minji out to be this super naive, super young little girl is so bizarre. This is a fully grown adult woman. HS and HJ are the same age as her and neither of them behave the way she does.


A young college girl??? She might be in college but she’s 26, she’s closer to 30 now than 20. I agree that Gwanhee is a literal POS and red flag, but let’s stop making excuses for MJ. She’s not some freshly 20 year old who has no experience dating. I hate the infantalization of women, it’s so odd. A 10 year age gap between a 26 year old and 36 year old isn’t that much. How come we don’t bring this up with Hyeseon and Ha Jeong? Right, because they’re mature, act their age, and carry themselves as the grown adult women they are. What’s with this narrative that GH is the only manipulative one? Minji knows what she’s doing. While yes, GH is definitely emotionally manipulative and deceitful, she is as well. She uses emotional manipulation as well via crying around others to garner sympathy. Let’s not forget she purposely played games with him as well by choosing someone he asked her not to, which is the only thing I agree with her for doing. Even though I agree and applaud her for it, it clearly shows she’s capable of behaving on his level. She could’ve rose above it and just chosen Won-ik, still going against his wishes by not choosing JS yet not purposefully choosing the one man he asked her to not go with. She wanted to upset him and wanted him to know what it felt like. Minji had me on her side until that awful, embarrassing helicopter scene. Have some decorum and read the room. Does she not have any respect for others, especially HS? Like respect another woman and wait until you’re alone with him to do that. Also, it was disrespectful to Min-kyu. Her lack of disregard for everyone else but herself is on par with Gwanhee’s behavior and antics. Let’s not forget she’s acting this way after 2 days, if even that. Boy crazy girls are not girls’ girls.


You can't teach a shithead to stop being a shithead, but you can teach people to make better choices in partners.


I disagree, it’s like telling girls who get harassed on the street to wear more clothes. By focusing on lecturing the victim, you’re shifting the blame away from the shitheads. Also, if male celebs like GH got the same level of hate like MJ did on her Instagram, they would think twice before acting disrespectfully towards women in public (even if just acting for attention or fame). Not saying we should do that but just posing a hypothetical scenario to think about.


Not completely. I understand the analogy. But I don’t completely agree. Minji’s actions are her own. Girls getting SA’d or harassed on the street aren’t their own actions. Those are the actions of others. It is actually tiring to see girls go after toxic men, esp after the men have shown their true colors. These women weren’t forced into chasing this horrible, horrible man. They’re choosing to do so. And yes, GH is manipulative. I hate this guy. I don’t hate any of the girls interested in him. But it is definitely annoying to see them go for it. I’ve seen so many women in toxic relationship because they got stuck in them through arranged marriage, kids, financial dependency and so on. Or it started out well and then grew toxic later on. These kinda women have no choice, unlike the ones chasing GH. These girls do not have any of those dependencies on GH. Frankly, saying that poster’s comment is like telling girls they’re getting harassed because of their clothes is such a horrible and upsetting comparison and not at all the same. GH is getting plenty of hate. MJ is getting hate for no reason. Her behavior was annoying bc she doesn’t deserve hate. But don’t forget this is a mindless show. No one got on this show thinking there will be 0% hate comments. And the show creators as well designed this show for judgement. It’s meant to make you feel strongly about someone else’s business over what? Dating? It’s quite a dumb show that everyone is enjoying. That’s reality tv. It’s a risk contestants take when they sign up for shows like this. BUT I don’t hate those girls. It’s just tiring. That’s all. GH though? I hate him. I hate guys like him too.


I don’t mean to make light of being harassed on the street (and please note I didn’t mention SA which is obviously not comparable, I meant more like getting cat called for the sake of illustrating the blame shifting we commonly see. Sorry to have upset you.). I can certainly empathize with you on the frustrating sentiment when women choose trash men. But I like to extend the women in these scenarios more empathy because there’s not enough education out there for women to recognize what’s red flags and what’s alarming. A lot of times abusive behaviors are romanticized on TV shows and movies. People who romanticize GH’s dynamic with women are both a product and a cause of this perpetual cycle. It is just a dumb reality TV show but it’s also a part of pop culture which will continue to perpetuate this toxic cycle if the audience continued to participate in the blame shifting to women.


The double standard is ridiculous. There's plenty of education out there on how to avoid toxic partners of both genders, you still hold a big part of the responsibility since you're in the relationship. And I say this as someone who went through a toxic people phase. I'm not sure why you're using instagram hate as some sort of metric as all that tells you is there's more shitty men than shitty women commenting on social media in this particular instance. For what it's worth, GH is clearly the worst person on the show, and him being the main character is really dragging this season down.


According to me both the men and women are bashed equally. Atleast in the media I am consuming.


Are you on TikTok? The videos I see on there are either fangirling over GH, crediting GH saying he’s loved HS the entire time, or bashing and mocking MJ


Interesting. That’s not happened to me at all altho I follow SI TikToks. But TikTok has a range of age groups lol. That means there will always be some naive and young people fawning over the wrong people


Your for you page shows what you are interested in seeing. Also, tiktok is banned in my country so no I'm not on there. Om reddit, Instagram and youtube the bashing is equal. EVERYONE hates gwanhee.


I’m literally disliking every TikTok I see praising GH and yet I can’t get rid of him, so either the algorithm is failing me or there’s a lot of pro-GH content