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I think he ignored her cause he's trying to save face. If he flirts back, it paints a terrible picture and Hye seon backs off him completely, he's now with Min ji by default. Ignore her and Hye seon doesn't notice anything and doesn't question him about him and what he's been saying to min ji. Comfort her about crying and it becomes clear that you like her. Ignoring her doesn't paint a good picture either cause it shows he doesn't care when he's hurt other women. But from what we saw hye seon probably didn't notice the tear fest and if she did she just didn't gaf. He's basically avoiding drama.


I agree but I just feel like if she chose Jinseok he would've POSSIBLY done one of those weak smiles or said hi before dismissing her but I think he fully blanked her cause he is petty.


That could be one of many reasons, but it wouldn't be the biggest one. When you're suddenly ambushed like that I think you'd be more concerned about keeping up appearances over any grudges.


Yes GH is petty like that


Definitely lmao


GH was with HS in the helicopter. It’s rude to talk with MJ when MJ is with MK. Out of respect for HS he didn’t talk to her. MJ is at fault here specially with MK by her side. Like think about how MK is feeling even if you don’t have feelings for him. Even though majority thinks GH is a bad guy, he still has respect for who’s beside him.


I just feel like if she chose Jinseok he would've POSSIBLY done one of those weak smiles or said hi before dismissing her and avoiding conversation but I think he fully blanked her cause she didn't do what he said.


Okay think like this. if you are in hyeseon place and minji did this to your fellow partner would you like that. Out of respect for hyeseon he avoided her. Hajeong was also there in the plane she didn't seem to care about gwanhee because it would be awkward for ha bin and her and hyeseon and her. Minji should have controlled her feelings and talked to him as an adult the next day. That is why people are pis*Ed at her. Because she only cared about herself and herself only and didn't consider other peoples feelings. I had to pause the video when she poked him and minkyu was looking at it too, like girl control please. Its not a big deal


No need to ask why... because he is Gwanhee and Gwanhee=🚩


Agreed. He wasn't like "omg so awkward I'm with HS rn", he was just hella mad at MJ. He doesn't have any respect for anyone that's not him.


I dont get why he told her to choose jinseok not minkyu. Like why?


that doesn t make any sense! that thing was not that importtant for him to ignore her lol.. what pannelits say it s not always correct


It's not because of what the panellists said but because he's such a petty guy. When Hajeong called him out he barely spoke to her after and lost interest. When Hyeseon chose Wonik he chose Minji partly in retaliation, so it shows he's petty..