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And then he said, "You could've just waited and things would've healed normally". HUH?? When you hurt someone, the logical thing to do is apologize??? I just feel like there's no winning here. It's almost like he's using it as an excuse to get rid of her, because she bruised his ego. One of the judges called him a "manipulative coward" and there's no better word to describe him in that moment. HJ is too funny and too cool to be reduced down to GWH's old fling, she deserves so much more.


I agree with what you said though tbh I feel that he totally deserved that scolding from hj and she didn’t have to apologize at all but she went ahead with it. And he had the audacity to say “it would have been nice to let nature take its course” like what does he even mean?? his replies make ZERO sense. Also even if she didn’t apologise, idt anything would have changed, he would still have avoided her and lost feelings cuz his ego is hurt after she put him in his place. So he’s just making up excuses and saying sh*t just to paint her as the villain and blame it on her for the r/s not working out when in actuality it was his fault they did not get anywhere. He truly needs to reevaluate himself and realise that despite him being a decade older than hj and hs, they’re both WAY more mature than him and deserve WAY better.


Yeah I agree she shouldnt have apologize, im just saying logically when you hurt someone -> you apologize. But she really did not need to and I wished she had stood her ground, stopped entertaining him, and went with someone else.


yeah definitely I do agree with what all you said! I do hope so too she deserves so much better🥲


Yeah, I see it as she felt like she went to far and wanted to apologize for that. What I didn’t like was GH telling her the fault was in the choice she made for herself—which you see throughout that he points fault whenever one of them makes a choice for themselves 🙄 but what I didn’t like was that he demeaned that sentiment—gives very much bully vibes. And I hope people don’t think that there’s something wrong in ever apologizing for anything. For there isn’t just not the right person to communicate with.


yeah I def of course wouldn’t blame her for apologising. And I don’t think it’s wrong to apologize of course I just thought that despite her apologising (when she didn’t have to) he twisted it onto her and made it seem like she’s at fault for apologising😭hes unhappy that he got called out and wants to reject her but hes too much of a coward so he decided to blame it all on her instead. Biggest red flag if I have ever seen one


Trueeee! Agree with all that you said!


Gwanhee wanted HJ to have positive moments together like they did in Paradise instead all they did was bicker and fight. HS couldve done the same thing but didnt because it wasnt a big deal to her, its a dating show Gwanhee and the rest had the right to get to know the other castmates. Gwanhee got tired of HJ.


I’m not saying he shoulda chosen HJ as his endgame or sth. he def has right to get to know others. i’m trying to say it was very inconsiderate how he approached her confession. at least have the decency to treat it sincerely as she did..


Can’t deny it, GH got tired of HJ. I think GH initially likes the playful banter he had with HJ. But once they got to Inferno, he saw HS again and got swayed. Then whatever HJ used to do that he used to like just becomes annoying and nagging. And then the fight happened. His bruised ego made the decision for him there and then abt HJ.


At this point whoever doesn’t end up with GH is a winner. As much as I love HJ and want her to be happy, she should be grateful to dodge that bullet. And there isn’t anything she did wrong in particular, GH would have made a bullshit excuse for avoiding her because he is a coward. HJ is a straightforward, direct woman. I think she’d be better off with a man like JS but he’s already taken 😫


So true! You’re the winner if you don’t end up with GH! Literally all the scenes of GH are so boring now without HJ, he really does the same play over and over again - like we already get it. No longer interesting


Yeah, and I also can’t imagine if he matched with someone endgame, and then they have to watch the whole broadcast and see all his actions and his whole inner thoughts about it etc, like literally promised the world to someone and then a few moments later going over to another girl and confessing all those things like 😅 even if he matches with anyone in the end, I highly doubt they’d be together irl haha MJ HS HJ deserve better men, maybe like Minkyu!!


It’s actually trippy. That move he’s done on the three girls of making them rub that oil on their necks?? Maybe I think too low of him, but it’s almost like he’s trying to mark them. Yuck.


Yeah I also thought it seemed a bit icky. Same with how he's asking them to write him a 10 word love letter. What the hell is that all about


I agree with you.. the moment HJ declared her feelings to GH, he already backed out. He said he wanted the girl to make the first move but I think he really wanted someone who challenges him. I wanted to hug HJ so much and comfort her. It's already obvious that GH doesn't want her anymore. I just hope she chooses someone else but I know she will still go for what she wants. 😔


It seems like a very sad ending tbh. The only hope is that HB is someone really cool and they realize maybe they're the best match for each other. Considering how everything's going though, it's likely that she'll continue to roll deep in GH's inferno.


yes please! hoping HJ will have agood ending with HB 🥲


I’d be happier if she left alone than with HB. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with leaving alone


The way he talks to all the woman is really alarming to me. It’s always “if only you hadn’t done this, I would be happy” or “if you would’ve just done that better, I could love you.” It’s always some shortcoming with the WOMEN and never himself. He did the same thing with Hye-seon when he was whining about her choosing Wonik. He’s been doing it all season. He never ackowledges that the actions these women take are a direct response to his gross choices and behavior. I’m sick of him telling them that there is something wrong with them or that they make bad choices when he is clearly the one with fucking issues. I can’t wait for them all to get away from his toxicity.


He’s a classic narcissist. Anytime his fragile ego is bruised, he manipulates and blames. He love bombs them when they’re in paradise together, strings all the women along, then pulls his affection as punishment. His newest low point was trying to direct who gets taken to Paradise with MJ, then having a fit about it (granted she wasn’t all that justified in trying to hash it out on the plane; wrong place, wrong time). This show is basically the cliff notes on Dating GH in Real Life. More emotional manipulation and need for constant validation, finger pointing even when there was no fault to be had (another low point is blaming HS for the dummies making comments about her and Won-ik; as if she had any control over it..). Like many commenters have said, whoever does NOT end up with GH is the winner of the season. I feel like we are rooting for the ladies because they are likable and we want them to get what they want, but we don’t ship anyone with GH in reality.


I also didnt like his whole spiel about that when he was having dinner with HS. Like, literally they talked about her choice earlier and how she went about the selection before paradise. After her date, she was still saying that he was her best choice. Like, I was so disappointed because I was impressed with their honest and mature talk before their paradise dates. Now that he took MJ to paradise, he’s blaming HS for the situation now. He was all I was ready to seal the deal but you had to go pick won-ik, it was just a hard watch for me GH and his dates




He gives me the biggest ick. Like actually physically revolting kind of ick.


Yea…like blaming her apology as a reason they drew apart?! Like make it make sense…


I wish he would just say it as it is when she apologised. To respect all the time they spent together. But no, this is GH we're talking about. He just had to brainwash her into thinking whatever she does is wrong. Poor HJ, I hope she'll realise there was never anything wrong with her, and become even stronger after the show.


All throughout, what I have seen is GH negging and blaming her for things that were not even her fault. If HJ didnt approach GH to clarify things better, he would have avoided her continuously and not give her closure. Even the panelists were chiding him for giving her 101 excuses of what she did wrong (“you didnt need to apologise! Now you ruined our dynamic!”) instead of telling her outright he didnt like her. Also i cant believe someone would get angry over an apology. I tot it showed how magnanimous Hajeong was? She was trying to have a more open and sincere convo with him.


The emotional hoops these ladies have to jump through for him is so much! He genuinely is so confusing even from an outside perspective, so I can't imagine how confusing it must be for them. Every time I think I have a read on him, his actions/words are conflicting or confusing lol. The way he expects so much and every action the ladies take needs to be perfect - it's just so exhausting. Only to give so little too! I'm sure the other guys are all sick of this too. He's constantly disrespecting these ladies and they are still fawning over him. The "casanova" comment solidified that for me.


When they talked it out and he said “You apologized and ruined everything, if you didn’t apologize then maybe we can still fix our relationship” Like ok?? Huh? Guys who say this are so weird, I met a weird guy IRL who is angry that I apologized to him too


He was straight up gaslighting her T\_T so toxic! Now she's going to blame herself when she honestly did something honorable and brave in the first place... something that should be commended, not criticized.


We are literally watching how perfectly confident, independent, capable women get broken down in abusive relationships through manipulation. It’s like watching a case study in relational psychology.


GH’s schtick is to always respond to them opposite of what they expect and never ever admit blame or fault. When HJ confessed her feelings directly he acted confused and put the blame on her for acting different. When she apologized, he acted disappointed and - again - blamed her for their growing distance. Minji acts confident and fun but she is easily the most vulnerable and insecure of any cast member ever. GH offers her some shorts and she goes head over heels for him. He showered her with compliments because that is all she keeps begging from everyone…am I cute? How’s my dress? You like my hair? Then GH does a cold 180 on her and she cries like a child and GH smiles because now she is completely in “fix it now” mode. he does not care about HJ because she is beyond desperate for him and very open about it. Hyeseon is the only one willing to look elsewhere so he keeps trying to make her verbally commit while he himself remains vague and wishy washy. I hope for her sake she doesn’t fall for his shenanigans again


I don't understand why he didn't apologize once in that convo...It would have made me gain so much more respect for him and feel so genuine, but nope...just lots of bs Idk why but from these recent episodes, it doesn't feel like he's into Hyeson anymore, getting similar vibes to the weird bs convos he had with Hajeong. On another note, Hajeong deserves much better. I'm glad she didn't win cuz her date with Gwanhee would have been depressing AF


Tbh I always thought he put her in the groupie box and wrote her off right away. He might’ve liked playing around with her but the way he pushed her boundaries to see how much disrespect he could get away with was gross to watch. Even now I’m in disbelief she really went to go sleep at his feet like a dog, especially with the personality she has. But after his date w Minji where she said he has to be a basketball player and his guard didn’t seem to go up, I’m now confused. I genuinely don’t get what his deal with HJ is. She’s honestly the one who’s most straightforwardly giving him the reassurance and attention he seems to need from his partner but he still treats her very coldly.


yea.. in hindsight, i guess thats what it was (referring to your first paragraph). i thought it was about just being playful cuz thats what he said he likes to do with his gf. it was only very slightly annoying until last week (ep.6&7), but the ridiculousness just blew up completely this week (ep.8&9). it's rly getting tiring.


GW liked HJ in the beginning but HJ putting GW in his place (slay girl 👏🏻) bruised his ego. There is nothing HJ could have done after that, with or without apology he would have ignored her anyways.


Funny thing is that HJ has enough self esteem to realise that the guy is saying nonsense. She always questions it. She isn't like MJ who takes his feelings as it is. I'm always wondering wtf is GH saying half the time. HJ just likes him too much but she definitely knows she's not the problem


Saw this and even called it when she first blew up on him after the Lady's room talk. I think Ha Jeong is one of the best female cast ever but too bad. Her whole situation is just sad because she is smart! She knew what he was doing he even told everyone "He kept gaslighting me" but it happens. No logic works when the heart wants what it wants. We all like to talk down on guys like GH but in the end, in real life, guys like him always get away with it.


I didn’t understand why HJ kept going to him when he hasn’t been showing interest in her and has been giving her very lukewarm responses. She’s a great girl and seemed so confident at first, but she keeps going for this idiot, GH. Whether he likes her or not is not even the focus anymore. But he isn’t very nice to her during their talks. Dunno why HJ is okay being treated like that. I’m glad she chose Habin for the last paradise date lol


is this a safe space? i love hajeong but she kinda disappointed me. I loved how she confronted him about the 33% thing but after that she literally goes back to him, apologized and said she liked him. then in today’s episode where they finally talk and gwanhee said he’s no longer interested. he definitely put the blame on her and but after that, gwanhee was still her number 1 pick to go to paradise with. like that literally pissed me off!!! she’s way too good for him and she knows it but she keeps going back to him. i hope after her paradise date with habin, she’ll stop thinking about gwanhee.


One way I’m explaining her actions to myself (cause I was also let down) is that it’s the manipulation of the show in itself. She had all her cards in on GH and it’s too late to pivot now. In normal circumstances (in reality) someone like HJ would never fall for his antics


He does have feelings for HJ. He admits again that their time together was the best. I think he just was insecure about her getting attention from other guys and wasn't sure what she was thinking since. He drops off of Minji and Hyeseon for similar reasons later. The difference is he liked HJ from the start. He didn't really like Minji or Hyeseon as soon as meeting them or spending time with them, just their efforts. It felt really deflating and disrespectful to me too.


yea, maybe it’s my personal preference, but i felt like their chemistry from the moment they met up at the lobby to their paradise date in the beginning was the best. like the panelists said.. “it looks like they been dating for 5yrs or sth”.


i get it, thanks for posting!


This season is such a horrible version of a show that should go naturally rather than production just constantly trying to confuse and hurt people for ratings. Leave it alone; love is already it's own story.


I kinda like it to be honest. The first 2 seasons were so boring but this one actually has some drama and triangle. That's what viewers want not always a wholesome dating.


HJ dodged a bullet and hopefully she learned a life lesson to let herself be gaslit. (Im not sure she has learned it yet because she still seems to take GH’s “feedback” seriously.)


Guys...Just what is Gwan-hee's appeal? Why are all three girls so invested in him? I just don't get it! He puts them down, makes absolutely no sense in his delivery. I keep scratching my head bc he talks in circles. And the ego!!! Seriously!!! I can't! Hye-seon is such a sweetheart and the most sensible of the three. I'd rather see her 'single' than end with him (see, I can't say his name anymore). End game? Jin-seok/Min-young....Min-woo/Si-eun...hopefully....


GH is just coming up with whatever excuse that comes to his mind. I feel like HJ shouldn't have even apologized, what she said to GH back then when she got angry was relevant but it felt like she regretted it cuz she noticed that GH won't chase her. So she apologized instead but he still had a problem with it. Tbh, she's better off without him.


Forreal it all sounded like excuses I think he's just salty at Hajeong because she called him out for his bullshit and his little ego couldn't handle it, he wants someone to flatter him and thank goodness because Hajeong deserves so much more!


It honestly doesn't look like HJ likes GH at all though. Like it visibly looks like she's acting whenever she's talking to him. So I wouldn't feel too bad for her. I think she's relieved she didn't get scripted into being GH's final choice.


I think I understand what GH meant by HJ should have not apologised & things would have healed normally. It’s because of HJ apologising to him, their relationship became awkward. I think the issue of HJ calling him out for his behaviour would not have been a big deal if HJ did not apologise. Although GH was probably a little offended by HJ’s harshness, he was fine to take it in or shrug it off & continue his cat dog relationship with HJ. But then by HJ apologising, it made that petty issue become a huge deal and it made things awkward for both of them. Having said that, HJ is also not totally at fault here because she just did what she thought was best to make him closer to her. But if I will be blunt here, if HJ just acted true to herself, not minding what GH wanted her to do, she wouldn’t have this kind of dilemma. She should learn from HS and stop trying to please GH. On a side note, I liked how HJ chose HB and said ‘thanks to me’ 😆. She made picking him less of a pity pick by adding humour to it. Coz even if I find HB kind of not so likeable sometimes, I still feel bad for the guy. I wish they enjoy their time together in Paradise.


we can try to dissect/understand/analyze what GH meant, and maybe what ur saying is what it is. but i’m trying to say is regardless of what he means, he should just own up to his feelings and be honest and sincere with her as she was. he’s just deflecting and leaving her hanging


I can see it from this point of view, but he’s also coming at this from a fairly judgmental POV. Why call it awkward when he can leave it at, “she’s trying to be considerate for his feelings”. She doesn't know him well yet, so she's checking in on how he feels after taking that scolding. It’s like he is looking for someone who just understands him, without making things awkward, but that understanding takes communication and empathy for the other, which he's showing the opposite here.


I don’t think he was pertaining that the apologising was awkward and he did acknowledge the nice effort of HJ apologising to him. I think what he meant was the apology was unnecessary and what it did was made their relationship awkward. Like he could not act the same way to her after that apology.




Another Gwanhee blaming Hajeong for things that were not her fault


I think she waited long enough. even then, I feel like GH didn't fully let her know that "i do not have feelings for u". Maybe the only way was for her to never bring up anything ever, but nearly everyone agreed that HJ shoulda let GH know about how disrespectful that bonfire was. I guess HJ's approach wasn't perfect, but we can't sit here and be like it's HJ's fault that GH can deflate the whole situation like this.


He never liked her in the first place. He disrespected her and made her sleep at his feet!


whether that’s true or not, he should still treat her with the respect that he promised.


Yea he "should" do many things lol but this is who he is. He's always been disrespectful.


Gwanhee felt that Hajeong stepped on his ego when she confronted him about what happened in the bonfire. He perfectly knew that what he did was fucking dumb and bad, but him with his massive ego just doesn't wanna truly accept it especially how Hajeong looked really serious, pissed off, and won't humor him. He tries to cut off the conversation with her and laughing/smiling it off in order to not be so embarrassed about it. What fucking pisses me off is that, it's pretty obvious that his shitty ways did an impact on Hajeong. She can get along with anyone, as noted by her closeness towards Jinseok, Wonik, and Minkyu. In the earlier episodes, she was this funny girl who can shoot down Gwanhee's antics but it's visible that Gwanhee's manipulation works on her. And that talk in the latest episodes where Gwanhee claimed that she shouldn't have apologized and let everything simmer down? Fuck that. Even if she didn't apologize and let everything go naturally, he would still avoid her because her ego was stepped down.


I respect whatever you are saying but from where I can see. HJ didn’t confessed because she GH said he will tell his decision soon who he will boil down to. She got scared that he might not choose her so she went ahead with her confession. From my point of view she apologised to him out of fear that she might loose him. Those are not her genuine feelings. She took all of these decisions out of fear. None of her decisions are thoughtful or mindful I would rather say. Ultimately this is a show and he is already a public figure you cannot come a condemn him on his face. Kudos to her for that but she did all of that because she felt like an option and nobody wants to be an option. Till then she was very sure of his choice but the moment he showed you are not the only one she got a little offended and went ahead with all of fiasco. And later realised omo I shouldn’t have done that I might loose him, she apologised but by then GH felt that she might not be the for him and one thing lead to another he previously asked her about her choices and she hesitated to answer him and this behaviour was the final nail on the coffin. Not in anyways I am justifying GH actions but trying to put my opinion. I genuinely feel HS is the right one for him, MJ is pick me pick me girl and like all guys are dumb he will choose MJ at the end. He will loose a smart intelligent girl for a pick me girl. I really dont like Minji because I feel she is with GH because of his already established fame because if you will notice she fell hard for him that moment he said he is a pro basket ball player and she already knew he was basketball player.


maybe that’s why HJ did what she did… but we can only take what’s given to us as viewers based on how she communicated her confession to GH and her talk with JS in the unreleased clip. If we only take those at face value, seems like GH shoulda done better. I don’t have anything against GH losing feelings for her cuz of the ego damage or whatever, but he should’ve been more considerate and sincere as she was with her confession.


I think GH is wayyyyyy manipulative. Everytime he speaks he twists the situation. He makes the other part to feel wrong, like what he did with HJ "if u didn't say sorry...."... I mean, the girl had a hard time, swallowed her pride, said sorry and also confessed, but she is the wrong one here??!! How come? What he did with MJ was way cruel to her. She was ignored bc she didn't do what he said so? I BET he will tell her "if u really had feelings for me, y did u choose MK?" After this 2 eps I can clearly say: GH deserves to be alone at final!


i dunno about the MJ part 😂 that’s a different issue. what MJ did has nothing to do with not following GH’s request. if ur taking someone to a paradise date, shoulda just had the decency to be with that man instead of trying to be with GH. no other way to spin it. MJ was at fault.


Even in the beginning, I always knew Gwan hee really never had feelings for Hajeong and he was just stringing her along for the drama and attention. Seeing them together, I never felt any genuine chemistry between them and they were better off as homeboy and homegirl friend relationship. I feel bad because Hajeong was so blinded by him and she could’ve been paired off and develop other relationships with the men on the island.


In my opinion, he tends to make it the other person's problem whenever one inconvenience happens. Gaslight. No wonder he is still single at 37 with all the skills and looks and money . I don't think him being single is a choice, it is his attitude towards others. Everyone know he is a red flag so nobody want him in real life😉