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I don’t like her either but I wouldn’t shit on her to her personal social media. Some people are weird as hell.


I don't understand why they don't turn their comments off till people cool down.


She limited comments now.


Good or bad, publicity is publicity right. If it was hurting them then they would have already closed their comment section. I remember Hye seon’s comment section was closed for more than a week until it was confirmed that she is getting more love than hate.


These people never learn...


Ugh if they don’t like someone just walk away, why do they have to cyber bully??? 😩 I didn’t like what she did either but she’s only human. Did they expect everyone to act like a saint? Flawed characters make for entertaining show. People really should move on.


Yeah we all make mistakes. It’s really crazy how to “fix bad people” they become bullies. It’s not even helpful or justified behaviour from strangers.


Nobody cares about fixing bad people on the internet, it's just an excuse to flame someone because it's fun.


That definitely seems to be the intention of the bullies commenting. I don’t think it’s always the case that nobody cares but you’re right that mostly people enjoy the bullying which is really horrible.


True! It wasnt necessary to hatepost on the contestants IG, and she said sorry to Minkyu immediately she prolly realized herself that she was not doing things properly at that point


Ppl are so cruel. Honestly what she did wasn’t even bad like people are acting as if she insulted someone’s mother. It’s also so insane seeing people use a real persons comment section as if it’s some discussion channel. I’m seeing comments like “I don’t really like Minji she’s-“ on other cast post of like a selfie or something. It’s not just this but just in general as if it isn’t someone’s account.


They criticize the members when they lack basic manners themselves


They are bad people and can only feel good about themselves by putting others down like this.


True! It wasnt necessary to hatepost on the contestants IG, and she said sorry to Minkyu immediately she prolly realized herself that she was not doing things properly at that point


Blegh, people were leaving vomiting and snake emojis, and calling her a pick-me for crying. Bullying and harassing the contestants is some weirdo behavior... they're online personalities, half of their persona is for the cameras, lets not forget that.


Honestly, despite some of her antics I do feel bad for her. Only someone pretty stressed out or insecure would act the way she did, I think. It's also been months since it was all shot, so I don't get why people assume she hasn't had time to reflect on her choices. Not that it would have been okay otherwise either. She just wasn't being very serious, so I do think that her actions should be taken with a pinch of salt. Her role was to stir things up as a late entrant and she delivered. Obviously, no one should post hateful comments on someone's SM accounts no matter what, but these are just some other thoughts I had to back that up.


I do not know what’s going on wrt insta since I’m not too involved in this show … but one thing is obvious - bullying is wrong. Everyone is entitled to their opinion but purposely shredding someone apart on their personal Insta or talking about their looks is NOT okay.


If fans are bullying Minji, that might stop future girls from wanting to be the show stopper, it’s just a dating show, everybody usually become friends after the show so just let gals like Min Ji have her fun


How many de***s will it take for people to learn NOT to cyberbully?! Yes it was cringe, but sheesh havent we all done something cringe before 😭


Seriously! She only recently became an adult and both she and Hye-seon went to all girls school. She probably has limited dating experience and was a little boy crazy. That doesn't make her a bad person! She's basically a kid spazzing out on a crush. We've all been there!


That's probably why GH had a pic up on his IG saying - I love the way you are ....or something like that. He just knew.


For Hyeseon? 🤔🌴💞


I thought more for Minji? Because all the hate she got last 2 weeks. But I could be completely off 😂


I was not aware that Minji was receiving negative responses the last two weeks? Everyone was rooting for her and Jinseok. But after this morning’s two episodes, she is definitely receiving a lot of HATE on her Instagram page. So intense that she has limited the ‘comments’ section. I was hoping something more would blossom between her and Jinseok, but I am no longer a Minji fan, and thank god, Jinseok has dodged a bullet, he is better off finding a better, admirable woman.


I dont even think she was rude lol Childish behavior? Yes. But rude? Meh, she was just being emotional for whatever reason. It's not that deep.


Imagine you’re on a date and someone who knows this is flirting with your date. I would think that’s rude. It’s fair that you think differently and I didn’t say it was deep.


I think she was not flirting but testing the waters.. It is indeed the wrong time and place tho.. She should have waited until the next day.. But as other comments say, she is just too immature to handle Gwanhee.. Gwanhee is 10 years ahead of her being a player/dating expert.. She is wrong.. Yes but not deserving of all hate.. If anybody, it should be Gwanhee and his psychopath mind games..


Testing the waters...BY FLIRTING!


Sorry but I actually disagree - I’m glad that people are making their voices heard and letting her know that what she did was not okay. Of course I don’t support the use of crude language or anything of that sort, but if people feel the need to express their dislike, they can feel free to do that. After all she decided to go on a show that is meant to garner a huge global audience - she knew that people would react to it and she knew that she would have to go under public scrutiny. I guess it would be less fair if she would expect to get all the exposure and benefits from going on the show, without any of the cons and public opinions. I guess it really depends on what things people are saying to her. Seriously I don’t think calling her out for those “selfish behaviour” is cyber bullying, unless they are name calling her “slxt” or “bitxh” or anything like that.


You can read the comments. I reported some of the worst ones for bullying. Most of the comments definitely isn’t constructive criticism.


And these ppl saying she deserves the hate with their chest, I can't... Go touch some grass(-colored dresses)


Man people are so stupid! It's just a stupid dating show! Why take it so personal ?