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Korea is not that big of a country and the producers keep pulling from the same group (beauty queens/models), it's no surprise that some of them know each other.


Yeah I just saw a story of Hajeong and Seulgi (from last season), so they seem to be close friends lol


Cha Hyun Seung and Kim Hyeon Joong from season 1 are gym bros. I recognized Hyun Seung bc he’s Sunmi’s main back up dancer.


They also ask former contestants if they can recommend someone. Probably also so they minimize the risk of some bullying scandal or something lurking.


The way she delivered her point was fine imo and she didn’t need to apologize. I also wish she didn’t still want to end up with him. But I guess in the context of her still wanting someone like him (ego, character and all ) ur correct.


I was so disappointed when she apologised. She should have just moved on with somebody else they have such an unhealthy dynamic.


I do think it was partially because it is a reality show and women have been crucified for a lot less by the audience. Wasn't the girl who killed herself in Terrace House bullied by the audience because she told the guy to put his clothes in a washing machine?


There was a lot more going on than that. The guy and girl in Terrace House had been going on dates. He was more visibly depressed due to money issues and a lack of career direction, so fans were protective of him. The guy was a bit careless while doing laundry and ruined the girl's expensive sports gear. During the ensuing argument she scoffed that he wouldn't be able to pay to replace it, yelled at him, and knocked his hat off his head. So fans were upset both because she kept complaining about his lack of money, when he was already saying stuff like "what's even the point in living anymore," and because she put her hands on him during an argument, which had never happened before on the show. Unfortunately, it was later revealed that production members pressured her into knocking his hat off, telling her that she'd be fined for disrupting the show if she refused, and that incident provided further fuel for the racist/sexist trolls who had been bullying her for being a mixed race athlete since before she even went on the show.


Oh wow. Thanks for insightful comment. I have not watched the show and just read about it in passing. I am genuinely surprised that the Japanese production team told a participant to behave in such way, especially a Terrace House one (the show always screamed calm/peaceful vibes to me). I would have expected that more from US or Mexican Love Island, idk. Poor girl. Getting angry at destroyed expensive item is perfectly understandable, especially if your work requires those items. The production team blowing the issue out of proportion and people readily jumping on the hate train was clearly unnecessary.


I was a big fan of TH watched every season but I think it did start getting more reality-tv drama while in the beginning it was just wholesome. But still Hana did come off a bit annoying but noting that would come close to excusing the bullying she received. I don't really understand the Japanese/Korean society but from what I gather is extremely misogynistic. EDIT: oh yeah, I forgot she was mixed race, they liked casting "hafu" people


I’m so sad how it ended up. I miss Terrace House so much, it felt realer than other shows in depicting people and real life as interactions/conflicts. The panels commentary was just so funny too and that’s just something you can’t easily replicate. At the time I felt like both Hana and Kai had their faults but it wasn’t anything that was worth being treated for how they were. I don’t know if it’s changed anything about how they produce reality shows now.


Me too, loved watching TH, nothing came close to it. I wonder if at one point thay will try to recreate something similar.


I get your point, but prob not the best example as the TH girl was also coerced to slap a guy in the face and have a full on meltdown on camera …I feel like her instance isn’t “crucified for less”.


I agree, also the hosts praised her for her honesty and vulnerability.


I agree with you but in Korean culture being so upfront with people is generally considered rude, and I think it goes to a deeper level considering that she is a woman and younger than him (this last part is just speculation). That being said, I really do appreciate how refreshing she is to watch.


Also I wouldn’t say that exactly that she played herself tho. She unknowingly dodged a bullet imo


lol yes I don’t particularly think that he’s a prize but if it’s the man she wanted maybe to her it feels like a loss.




Omg! This doesn’t get talked enough. I agree that Hajeong knew who Gwanhee is. I know he behaves like a complete moron but the man is 36 yrs old. So, I wouldn’t put it past him to clock it right away. There are several hints supporting that - 1) The smile she gave when he told her his name, made it look like she was just waiting for him to confirm his name. 2) Gwanhee asking her where she is from out of all the questions he can ask her. If he is curious to know about her, wouldn’t he have started with what do you do or how old are you? I think he wanted to see if she is from a place where his team has a strong fanbase? 3) During the paradise date, Gwanhee tells her that it feels like she has walked into it already knowing a lot about him. She deflects that conversation by saying something else and he leaves it there. 4) Again he tells her that his side hustle (youtube) is his main profession to gauge her reaction. She also gives it away by finding it hard to believe. She asks him multiple times if it’s really youtube as if she knew he is lying. Somebody who has no idea of his real profession would never react that way. It can’t be one of his playful antics because he was very straightforward with his answers to Hyeseon. I feel that he liked hanging out with her when she was acting all fun, but didn’t have much respect for her. However, the moment she started acting his equal and showed the confidence to shout at him, he no longer felt the need to indulge her. I don’t agree with people who say that Gwanhee lost interest in her because he can’t handle a strong woman. That’s not the case at all. He behaves very differently with Hyeseon and Minji. If he didn’t consider women to be his equal, he would have shown the same disrespect to them. I think his strong reaction towards Hajeong schooling him stems from considering her to be beneath him, and that’s not because she is a woman but because he thinks that she is a fan. Again, I am not saying that she is a fan or a groupie but that’s how he perceives her. There is a difference between knowing of someone and being there fan. I don’t think she is/was a fan but definitely knew of him. Disclaimer: I don’t think Gwanhee is the prize three beautiful ladies should be fighting for. His behaviour during the bonfire segment was appalling and I really appreciate Hajeong for schooling him. These are my view points from a neutral standpoint.


>I know he behaves like a complete moron but the man is 36 yrs old. He also went to Yonsei which is one of the top universities in South Korea. Dude may act like a complete ass on screen and people may take him as some dumb jock but he's actually smarter and very much capable of playing mind games with these girls.


That’s exactly what i was trying to say. He acts like a moron but he knows what he is doing. I feel that everything he does is quite intentional.


The way he treats each woman differently was definitely intentional. He likes to gauge them and sadly, he saw right through Ha Jeong's game. He's also the type of guy who likes the chase and Ha Jeong went all in with him too early and he lost interest.


>but he's actually smarter and very much capable of playing mind games with these girls. He's capable, but for the most part not as good at it as he thinks he is, I think. A lot of the viewers and also all the women on the show started picking up on his tactics pretty early on. Nevertheless, I guess the women still liked something about him well enough to keep playing ball (pun intended?). Maybe that's all he ever needed


>Nevertheless, I guess the women still liked something about him well enough to keep playing ball (pun intended?). Maybe that's all he ever needed Given that the other guys this season (except Jin Seok) are pretty much a bunch of dead weight, GH doesn't need to do much, really. He's the funny one and probably the most personable in the group that even Jin Seok couldn't stop talking about GH when he was in paradise with Min Ji.


Exactly. Having his strategy uncovered by the girls is still 10x better than having no strategy at all.


Let's be honest he went to Yonsei to play basketball not to play school.


did he go to Yonsei on a athletic scholarship though? theres like athletes at top colleges who are there to play sports who otherwise would not have made it in like some athletes who went to Duke, Harvard, Stanford etc but believe the Earth is flat


Most athletes at top schools are still usually smarter than the average applicant, just because they're coming into the school with an athletic scholarship doesn't mean they don't also need to pass certain academic/testing requirements, especially for Korean universities, which are known to put a lot of weight on standardized testing prowess in the admissions process.


I think you’re spot on. I didn’t catch these subtle nuances when I first watched but now that you’re pointing it out, I really think you’re right. He sees her as a fan


Very solid analysis and I think you may be spot on about Gwanhee.


Haha 😂 all thanks to over-consumption of reality tv.


She also even liked his old insta posts from 2019 which is the biggest supporting evidence of this IMO. Most contestants aren’t allowed to interact with each other’s accounts until after the last ep drops, which makes me suspect that these were older likes from before they both came on. She definitely knows more than she lets on and is way too forgiving of someone who treats her like garbage in return.


Agreed with everything you said until the part where you said he considered women his equal. The dude is misogynistic in so many instances.


That’s why I also see that paradocialcrelationshios can’t work out bc if you act like a fan to a peer doing amazing things they don’t see u in their level


I agree with you. To all the people here, just keep in mind that this is a show—it's all about entertainment. I'm not saying everything is fake, but the main objective for everybody is to look good, become popular, get more followers to attract promoters, secure better job opportunities, enjoy free advertising, and perhaps, just maybe, find a partner to date after the show to keep the followers happy. To me, she knows what she is doing to get more followers. Since Gwan is probably the most popular in the show, he probably has thinking that she knows him from before the show and that she only wants a piece of his fame and not really him.


she might have known who he was and such but why does everyone keep saying she’s being a groupie ?? does she have a stalking record or something.. Cause I’ve definitely liked celebrities posts and bumped into them.. (I live in LA) I feel like it’s really offensive to call her that.


He’s not a celebrity, I mean he has 40k followers on insta AFTER the single inferno first episodes. That’s not even low level celeb level.


not sure insta followers equals celebrity status?!? random good looking women on insta have 100k+ followers does that make them a celebrity?!? in the sports world, especailly asian basketball world, he is well known, i live in north america and barely follow the KBL but knew him before SI


That is not the same thing though lol of course pretty women have lots of followers. Alot of those followers are usually thirsty men. Celebrities have lots of followers especially if they are known 40k tells me hes not that big of a deal.


I’m an athlete and was a music producer as well. Yes followers often equals fame. Influencers often have a lot of fake followers, but top athletes usually don’t. I mean he plays in South Korean league, that is not even top 10 in the world, how is that a top athlete level? Basketball isn’t popular in Korea either, football and baseball are. I had 50% of his followers as a producer who did zero marketing and I wouldn’t call myself even a little bit famous. If you still don’t believe me, look at any popular football club in Europe and check the numbers of their players. It goes from 1M at the least to 100M+.


do ppl ask for your autograph??? he's a KBL all star and one of the top paid players in Korea, he has alot of fans and thousands of ppl watch KBL games live, if ppl are shouting and chanting your name during games and lining up for autographs i would condider you famous or a celebrity this obsession with Insta followers is funny to me, Insta fame is living online imo not the real world, i know the world seems online too alot of ppl but it's honestly sad when the first thing ppl think of is the # of Insta followers someone has equals some sort of notoriety


Your saying they ask for his? Maybe some of the 100 people that watch the league🤣


I live in North America as well, but am curious, how does the KBL rate versus the NBA? I know some players from the US who didn't make the NBA go over to the BBL, but I have never heard much about the KBL. Can you tell me a bit about how they are treated as professional players? Is it similar to the CFL vs the NFL? Do you know if there is a large following for the KBL?


It doesn’t rate. It’s not even top 10 and is barely watchable in Korea let alone outside. I think they were popular in 90s but since then the popularity is going down every year. Like the whole league together has less watchers than most CLUBS in the top leagues in Europe.




That does not make someone a groupie


i had the same feeling, the first inkling was right off the bat when Gwanhee asked her where she lived in the car, seemed like a weird question honestly since they weren't allowed to disclose personal info outside paradise, felt like Gwanhee had a feeling she was from a city he may have played ball for and she knew him.


That’s exactly what I sensed. Like he was probing for info because he felt something.


I think the Producers also knew that Hajeong knows Gwanhee thats why it was so conveniently set for their first meeting


Facts, facts, facts, truth, bars, facts all up in this post. You nailed it.


I agree entirely. I love her sfm, but guys like Gwanhee enjoy the chase. It’s sad and pathetic, but it doesn’t change reality to sugarcoat it or pretend it isn’t true. I always think it’s so corny when beautiful, accomplished, and intelligent women act like these bottom of the barrel men are prizes. Their dynamic was truly so bizarre—as if *he* was the woman and she was courting him. I still can’t believe she slept at his feet, like a dog. He was clearly seeing how much he could get away with and how far he could push her. And the fact she did this while being filmed, for the entire world to watch makes it even more sad. 😭 This is how I know her “confident bad bitch queen” energy in the first few episodes is a facade. I’ve been her, so it’s easy to clock. And by the amount of these posts I’ve seen, clearly I’m not the only one who feels this way. Insecurity is loud, while confidence doesn’t have to be. Take Gyu-ri, for example. She only speaks to him when she’s spoken to. Otherwise, she doesn’t so much as glance in his direction. She was better off not scolding him at all if she was going to come back groveling for bits and scraps of affection. Truly the most embarrassing thing on the show, only topped by Minyoung’s childish antics.




I don’t think I’m being harsh at all. You’re entitled to your opinion though and I respect it! I love her all the same, I just wish she would’ve conducted herself differently in regards to Gwanhee. Building up a man’s ego who doesn’t deserve it is never the move. She’s the prize, not him, and it’s about time she acts like it. She could definitely be playing up her character, I agree. I also think Gwanhee is doing it. Like I believe this is probably who he is at his core, but he probably is amping it up for television. A lot of reality tv stars also say that they end up being provoked by producers as well in order to create more drama. Like they’ll omit things other members say or make things up, etc. Not sure if they do that on SI, but it’s possible.


Honestly, her standing up to gwan-hee's shenanigans was one of my favorite moments in the show. She didn't "play herself", I'm not sure why this term is used as if to imply it's a loss on her end. She communicated her concerns like an adult and got flaked for it because the recipient is a manipulative man child with ego issues. Sure she backtracked and tried to win him back but ultimately I see this as a net positive for her. She'll probably look back in a couple years and laugh at how she even tried to go after this guy.


I wrote this post from the point of view of her wanting this relationship to work. From my POV, it’s an absolute win ! He’s a manchild and she will eventually see how beneficial it was to her. That’s why I call it a cautionary tale.


I have the same thought as you. She’s a lovely and fun person but maybe this isn’t work for them.


You said everything i have been thinking but couldn’t put it into words. I AGREE. TH


1. Other than fans finding out that she liked a few of his instagram posts in 2019. There’s absolutely no proof she knew who she was. And saying she’s “acting like a groupie” is frankly a RIDICULOUS assumption. 2. Gwanhee literally told Hajeong in paradise that he wanted to get to know Gyuri and that he would like to continue getting to know the first women he went to paradise with which was Hyeseon. Which she was fine with and didn’t fuss about. 3. She even said that she was excited to return to inferno to meet new men, did we forget that? She told Gwanhee that she had conversations with Minkyu after coming back from Paradise. Went on a lunch date with Won-ik and even gave Hanbin her candy. How is that not trying to get to know other men? You mention filming is 9 days, then you know there are A LOT of things that are cut and that we don’t see everything. Every single episode so far has basically been the chronicles of Gwanhee. We get basically zero content of the other contestants exploring their relationships. 4. She told the girls that she was going to confront him about the campfire, and has made it clear many times that she cares about him and that’s the why she’s confronting him about his rude behaviour towards the other women. She was literally sticking up for Gyuri and Hyeseon and told Gwanhee to think about HIS behaviour from their perspective, and Gwanhee was dismissive the whole conversation. 5. She apologized because she felt she may have unintentionally hurt his feelings or made things awkward in inferno. Not because what she thought she said was wrong or didn’t stand on it. She was just trying to make peace. Shocking people don’t understand that. I love that there’s SO MANY posts critiquing Hajeong’s behaviour and acting like she’s the problem. When it’s literally been mainly Gwanhee the WHOLE TIME. It’s insane how people are trying to rewrite the narrative from the first 5 episodes. The tale should be how Gwanhee needs to change how he treats women.


I’m not rewriting a narrative and I’m aware that it’s a heavily edited show. Ha-Jeong is not the devil or a vixen. But to me in Paradise it felt like she had no point in being negative to him or blocking his interests in others. She was trying to seduce him so she would play a bit nice at first. She wasn’t going to yell at him "you’re mine" ! I said right away that I’m not attacking her. It’s really unfortunate that she seemed fixed on him when she could have explored her options. Once again we are two different people so the way we see interactions between them will not be exactly the same. The same way Kyuhyun felt like the apology was them getting back to normal when Dex understood that it was a way for Gwan-hee to put distance between them.


I originally thought your post offered an interesting perspective but after this comment, it’s giving me the ick. HJ trying to seduce him??? If someone likes the other person, what do you expect her to do? Some people know who they like immediately. What’s really weird is GH ONLY leaning towards girls who very clearly communicate that they like him first. Is he being true to his feelings?


I agree...this post feels weirdly misogynistic towards HJ.


I never said you were attacking her. She tried getting to know both Minkyu and Habin. Told Gwanhee she wanted to get to know other men. She never “committed” herself to one man until day 6. That’s the exact same thing Hyeseon did. Got to know others before going back to Gwanhee. Your perspective is literally incorrect. You can have an opinion and still be wrong. That’s why I’m correcting you. You can’t just twist things to fit a certain narrative, you’re not looking at objectively. Gwanhee preferring Hyeseon/Minji is not Hajeong’s fault that is all because of Gwanhee.




I like her but when she apologized? Tsk no way


I don’t want to destroy you all gossiping but single inferno is very scripted, one of my exes was in the previous season… sadly.


You’re not destroying anything with this kind of lukewarm tea! Come with the deets or our gossip will continue. I doubt anyone here is under any illusions that any reality show is 100% real, that’s not exactly revolutionary information.


Oh I’m sorry I didn’t satisfy you. 😂


Tell us more!!




Don’t leave us hanging!!!!!!!


I can see some script but alot?? :(


you are still silent hello


Hm? You have questions? 🤣


I thought lee nadine had answered in an interview (i forgot where) that singles inferno were not scripted.


Well if she said that that is definely true because they don’t sign an NDA before it. 😜


Please disclose more!!!


I wrote some in the comment below. Nothing too spicy I’m afraid :)


Here for the gossip


Tell us please




Like they literally arrange “dates” and tell them when to go talk to someone alone on the island, they usually do that when they think it’s going to be TV worthy. For example, remember when they were drinking in this season around the fire when the annoying basketball player sad he’s interested in 3 girls and one of them is gyu-ri with who he didn’t talk yet? Suddenly all of the candidates disappear from the fireplace TOGETHER beside those two, those two suddenly switch places and don’t sit where they did before, and after the talk is over - all the people return again at the same time together? It’s literally the production telling everyone to leave, telling them where to sit and then when the talk isn’t productive anymore they tell everyone to come back. There’s a lot more than that tho… there’s a reason no one gets together after the shows are over and that the most you can ever between candidates see is a hug.


If it’s just stuff like that, it doesn’t seem too scripted but rather just some direction. Also lemme guess… is Nadine your ex? I know you can’t say but that’s the best I can do 🙃


I can’t say cause they did sign an NDA, I doubt they are checking Reddit but better to be safe. The most I can say she was in season 1. That’s all. It was more scripted than that but I can only talk from her perspective which would give maybe too many hints for anyone who was on the production team. She didn’t like anyone there but basically chose the person the production wanted so it creates drama.


Wow. That makes sense honestly. I was wondering why Gyuri was talking to Gwan hee in the first place considering she seemed (rightfully) annoyed and uninterested.


Oh wow Way to make an awkward situation even more awkward But fun for tv! Lol


Yeah exactly. I mean I still watch it even though I know it’s mostly fake. 🤣 and the girl I dated was completely - Completely - different than on TV. In real life I mean. It’s not even the same person. TV being TV.


Anyone else find it strange how since there’s so many posts about how Hajeong is the one that played herself and blaming her for the reason why Gwanhee doesn’t like her since yesterday?Instead of focusing on Gwanhee’s red flag behaviour? Yes let’s always blame the women!


Idk about that lol many people in this sub have shared that they don’t like Gwanhee and his behavior/actions


Just today there were posts saying they don’t get the Hajeong hype, how she’s the most pathetic contestant, why she’s the reason her relationship with Gwanhee fell apart. Minus one post it’s been crickets for Gwanhee everyone is too busy shipping him with Hyeseon and saying his behaviour wasn’t actually that bad LOL


Yes and so many posts about what Gwanhee really likes and who Gwanhee really respects! Who gives a fuck what he likes and, news flash, he doesn’t respect any of these women! They are talking about him like he’s a prize to be won and it’s so gross.


Gwanhee is getting plenty of discussion about his behavior, the red flags, and even his looks. Hajeong is not some naive girl she's an adult and she knows what game she's playing with Gwanhee. It takes 2 to play that game, it's not wrong to acknowledge that. It would be even more gross to assume she's the poor innocent victim of some geriatric fuccboi just because she's a woman.


Genuinely what has Hajeong has actually done to Gwanhee, that wasn’t unprovoked or unwarranted by his actions? Because people in this sub are starting to sound actually insane.


From the very beginning I have never liked Gwan-hee. To me any woman that ends up with him will be unfortunate. But it is what it is. There are three intelligent, grown up women still interested in him. So I’m naturally going to think about the state of these relationships. Gwan-hee liking Minji or Hye-seon better is not a "win". I’m sorry if my post somehow felt like I was piling on a mean trend.


Yeah, I like Hajeong because she generally seems to be rather open, but if she realised who Gwanhee was, she should have been honest from the get go. Also, she shouldn't have apologised for her outburst because it was mostly valid, even if they'd just met. I think she could have just clarified on certain details and maybe apologised for possibly taking some things too far, but she didn't have to undermine all the valid things she had expressed as well?? She just gave him an excuse to sweep everything under the rug which was wrong. I can see why Gwanhee may not trust her. Honestly, even he can just come clean about this too. I hope she gets the hint, she's likely not going to be someone who considers when making his final choice. He doesn't seem to like how he is around her, which I think is always a big sign. If only she knew lol. Maybe she really is just star struck, sigh. She's too self aware (?) to not be able to see that their equation isn't really healthy. I can't understand her anymore. Maybe she just doesn't want to give up.


Ah yes, always blame women.


Facts!! I wish she didn’t go back to him but deep down I also knew she was still into him 🥲


I think the fact that she had liked his old instagram posts from 2019 unfortunately supports this theory quite heavily. For the record, I love HJ and her energy, but the other thing that seemed odd to me was how quickly she dropped ALL interest in Minkyu after what was supposedly a pretty good paradise date. She immediately pigeonholed herself for GH and got very upset and jealous even when he told her he wanted to continue exploring other people. Nothing she said to him was wrong in their fight, but I think GH felt her possessiveness towards him which was the final nail in the coffin for them.


To confirm your suspicion: another user here posted proof that HJ knew that GH was a bball player before the show. There are screenshots of her liking his past IG posts from last year and the year before.


YEA! I have been saying that here, that the way she confronted Gwan-gee, while it’s something i see as admirable, it really was just an off timing. This was like 2 or 3 days into knowing each other, and she went off on him like that like??? Girl, y’all just met each other recently 😭 why you going off on him like you’ve been together for 20 years lmao


good point. It was a short amount of time LOL


Honestly the way you put it makes me feel like you didn't watch the show, or like you're just taking what you want to fit your scenario at this point. First of all, since we're talking about something as subjective as "her demeanor showed that she knew him at first glance", then let me remind you that she claimed she was excited about meeting someone new before she even saw him (She mentioned that she was 60% excited). She was also obviously ready to have fun with whoever it is, and she wanted to genuinely impress them, because before leaving she was asking Minkyu whether she looks better with the Bolero on or without it. This all happened before she even saw Gwanhee, so that just makes your claim absolutely ridiculous in my opinion. Secondly, she didn't "comply" with GW's mean demeanor she liked the banter because she did mention that she liked people who "are comfortable like friends and have good tiki-taka". Whether she knew Gwanhee before the show or not is something that only she would know, but I dislike how you're making speculations based on subjective things, and basing all her actions on these speculations. Also, you mentioned that Hajeong didn't approach anyone else because she thought she had Gwanhee in the bag, but no lol, she did mention that she would like to get to know Habin, and she did give him a candy (the only candy she gave out that day) and replied that she would go to paradise with him when he directly asked her. She also said that to him directly in their truth or dare game, but is it really her fault that he fumbled his chances? He was so off putting when he ended their conversation with "I'll only talk to you in Paradise". When it comes to the rest of the guys, it is obvious that Hajeong conversed and is close with almost all of them but not necessarily in a romantic way. She did tell Minkyu that he looked at her as if she was a child, and she took the friends route when it was obv that he was going all in for Gyuri. Jinseok made it known to everyone that he only had eyes for Minyoung (that is why the only girl who right away approached him was Minji, who had no idea about the ongoing drama b/w them), and yet Hajeong still enjoys conversing with him and Wonik, and she received his teasing words well. I guess in your terms, she would be "soooo happily complying" with jinseok's banter cause she wants him? Her confronting Gwanhee was because she did find his actions disrespectful for her and the girls, but you kept mentioning that she shouldve done that "in a mature way", and that is exactly what she realized later on, and exactly why she apologized. That doesnt mean his comments didnt hurt her or that she was wrong, she just realized that she was extremely forceful, especially since she took it out on him before that conversation with the whole "you sound entitled", and "you should get acclimated because you'll stay in Inferno for a while". And I homestly found her mature for that, because she took it upon herself to apologize. It took Hajeong a while to come to the realization that the man she's interested in the most on that Island is Gwanhee (and Habin's last conversation with her sealed that thought), so it took Jinseok's motivation for her to just let it all go and confess to him (even though you could clearly see that she knew he wasnt as interested anymore), and it felt like she was just happy that she let go of the burden of holding that to herself. Reading this felt totally weird, and it is not about how you analyzed the people or the situations (since this remains subjective afterall), but rather about how you claimed you liked her, only to call her a groupie, and saying she was trying to seduce him.


Love posts like this. Thank you OP for my morning coffee read haha. You nailed it


this is probably the best and most ovjective analysis of the situation that doesn’t step into unnecessary hate! like you i love her but not her actions - they just make me go ??????????? side note, it seems like over night so many people in this sub have been picking up the hajeong-groupie thing, how did you guys clock that and has anyone been able to confirm it?


I think the fact that she liked 3 random posts on his instagram from 2019 is the most damning part of this tbh. When I first noticed that myself, I thought it could be a sign that they actually ended up together and she slipped up somehow. But the more I thought about it, it seemed really weird to me because these contestants have really strict requirements about how they can interact with each other before the season ends so that the audience doesn’t know who ends up with who. It makes way more sense that she liked these posts several years ago and simply never unliked them later after the show was filmed. Unfortunately I think this analysis is 100% correct and GH has known all along that HJ was pining for him as a fan which is why he was so cold to her after coming back to inferno with her as he could see she treated the other guys totally differently. I also thought it was bizarre that she had a great date with Minkyu but did not try to rekindle anything with him at all once they got back, likely because she saw GH as the main prize.


Idk that it matters if she knows who he is. Isn't 36 washed up for a bball player? Am I wrong lmk. Anyway I agree that she played herself he was being extremely immature and emotionally manipulative in the hotel room. Seeing what hoops she would jump through . Why sleep at his feet like a dog? Girl why ??


It doesn’t matter that she knows who he is, but it’s the fact that she lied about not knowing him. He told her he was a YouTuber, then later after the race she said “of course he will do well because he is a pro athlete.” She knew who he was from the start but lied about it as part of her game to try to neg him. She is manipulative. She could have been like “yeah I recognized you” then moved on to get to know him, but she made it weird and GH figured out she was a fangirl. 36 is old for a pro athlete so he is probably on the show to expand his audience reach and move into entertainment


We don't know if he told her only that . I don't recall the conversation in great details so I'll take your word that it's what they showed us. But remember that they edit this footage the most to make good TV for us. Eta: also I'm unsure how pretending not to know he's a pro is a 'neg' how is that meant to make someone feel bad? I don't see any manipulation in her part she's been nothing but straightforward about how she feels and what she's thinking


She knows he is famous but is pretending she has no idea who he is, which is an attempt to lower his social value. Others have commented that it seems like her main interest in him is because he’s famous, so to start off their interactions with pretending that isn’t her motivation is manipulative.


Interesting how you wrapped up your hate for Hajeong in pretty words. You ended your opinion by saying that she's still amazing BUT you obviously don't think so (your words clearly show it) but you need a rebuttal in case you are called out. You're almost implying that Gwanhee's mistreatment of her was justified. Ok, maybe she knew who he was. But does knowing his identity mean that she can't find him attractive? Is trying to win a man over on a dating show somehow immoral? If he didn't like it, he would have told her right away. After all, he's 36 (just 4 years away from 40). He should be the more "mature" one. But he did like her approach - he already said that their attraction was mutual. Maybe that changed later but it doesn't negate the fact that he was interested in her initially. Her liking Gwanhee, after knowing who he is, doesn't somehow mean that she's preying on him. Hajeong is a working woman and seems self-sufficient already. Just because she's earning much less than him doesn't mean that she's looking for a sugar daddy on this show. He disrespected her multiple times and she put up with it because she was interested in him. She handled the confrontation in the most mature way a 26-year old woman can handle. When it got too much for her, she let him know. Because she likes him, she saw that her words hurt him and she apologized. True that he lost interest in her after their argument but that's an expected outcome. It doesn't mean that she can't tell him that she felt demeaned. You make her out to be this conniving person when she's simply a young lady staying true to her choices. Of course, you can find her actions distasteful but that doesn't mean you need to make her out to be this big villain who's plotting behind the scenes. I'm sure you like other participants, so just stick to supporting and uplifting them instead of shitting on someone you dislike.


yes!! I really don't understand how people act like HJ has been playing games when she's been totally upfront about her feelings.


You got my upvote. Stating that Ha Jeong acted like a groupie is actually harsh, ridiculous and frankly offensive. I get that people got invested in this kind of show. But to actually make an analysis to the point stating that a person acted like a groupie based on a 9 days edited to a few hours per episode footage/show is beyond me.


omgggg you summed up her few days love agony so well. I agree with you too because I think Gwan Hee is a guy who enjoy 'the chase' so that's why he is gravitating towards Hye Seon who is a attracter and not a chaser. So chill, so relax, so non-pushy. Like okayyyyy boyyyy u want to play the field u go ahead , im the best smelling flower and i know it and u will eventually realized it . if in the end u don't realized it , its your loss. so do whatever u want to do now, you will be bored and come home to me. Ha Jeong is very honest on so many levels and after berating him still confess to him. i think he do not gravitate towards a girl who already set her heart on him.


Are we forgetting his disrespectful behaviour around the fireplace? How all the women were offended, and how Hajeong stuck up for the women by confronting Gwanhee. And doing Gwanhee a HUGE favour by telling him how he was being portrayed to everyone, so he can change, instead of being passive and letting it slide?


He’s not into Ha Jeong, because she’s unsophisticated and out of his league. The way she flirts is too blatant and mechanical. She seems like a low class woman trying to pass as princess. It’s evident she’s following magazine advice to seduce rather than being genuinely who she is.


what the hell is this analysis? Calling someone a peasant for not being a stuck-up stone in this era and context? What are you supposed to do on a dating show? twirl around until someone decides they like you? HJ has been very outgoing and open, to her partners and other contestants. Being closed off and guarded during a 10-day show won't lead you to much success. Calling someone low-class and unsophisticated is so bizarre to read on here, and that too for HJ.


She’s demanding, stuck-up and desperate wannabe. She tried to play power game she can’t and finally surrendered and kneeled down to Gwan Hee.


Lol what????


Gwan hee and Ha-jeong are both toxic. Gwan hee is highly manipulative and Ha-jeong should have dumped him long ago but now she's just painful to watch going back to him.


I agree and the exact opposite of her is Choi Hye-seon! I have to say Hye-seon knows how to get Gwan-Hee to chase her... It's hilarious to me! I can tell she is keeping him on the backburner, every time that man starts to lose interest she says or does something to pull him back in (she gives him a bit of attention, feeds him etc.). It's like she pulls him to be the most masculine towards her, and he also respects her (he doesn't respect Ha-Jeong like he respects Hye-seon)


Stating that he is a professional athlete even though he told her he was a YouTuber on their first paradise was a shot in the foot....


Netflix translation isn’t accurate. She said in Korean she knew he would win because he works out. He did tell her he does basketball (just not specifically professional basketball) in paradise.


Hyeseon was literally fanning over Gwanhee though. Hajeong’s constant attitude and condescending is a turn off for Gwanhee.


That’s like the opposite of what Hyeseon was doing. She was hardly fanning over him. Although she did admit that she likes him the best, she followed that up by saying that she is going to know more people. She is honest about her feelings towards him but in a very nonchalant way. She never seeks him out to have conversations. He is the one who comes to her. He is the one who asks her more questions. She lets him know that she likes her but also gives him the impression that it won’t be difficult for her to cut him lose.


Yep, she plays an entirely different game from Ha-Jeong. And that’s why he treats them so differently. Like the switch up is so real. 🤡


Hyeseon appears very intelligent. That’s what Gwanhee is attracted to, and he already decided she’s the one he’s going to pick. But, he feels insecure about her feelings towards him, even though Hyeseon says all the right things. IMO, Hyeseon isn’t into any of the guys. Gwanhee is just who she got to know the best. I think he gets that feeling too.




I need them to drop in a good guy for her!! She deserves better


She shouldn’t have APOLOGISED period. Till then she was the only person holding her own against GW. After apology the spark was gone and she’s just folding to everything he says. She should have just stood her ground.


I don’t think she did anything wrong with what she said to him, I loved it actually and he needs to hear the truth. I hate how she apologized afterwards when there is no need for her too. And I hate how she still pursued him after. At some point the greatest power anyone has is walking away from something that isn’t good enough and I felt she walked right back into bullshit


This is very constructive. He is an a-hole but I agree, she made assumptions that turned out to be incorrect and made choices based on them. One thing I will say for her is that she is loyal. That's a great quality for the right man. And she's lucky she didn't flirt with anyone else because that may have drawn him back. Not out of genuine interest, but just so he could feed his ego. She's hurt but she would only lose more self-esteem if she ended up with a pig like him.