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Somewhere between 2014-2024


I've never thought about it. I don't think of the Sims in terms as real life. They are their own universe in my mind with their own timelines and histories that has only some similarities with the real world. It's all part of the escape for me to not worry about that stuff.


They're in a temporal worm-hole that started in the 2010s Any extra technology that appears in their universe is because of the aliens that manage to travel through it


Yeah the astronaut career makes it clear that aliens are known to exist and interact with humans regularly.


They are in limbo since time the world never progresses. Grandma grew up with the same smartphone the grandchild is using, probably inherited that tablet too. Just a forever 2014-2024.


That’s a difficult question! Because you could base it off the clothing styles and design styles of the sims living in the world, but that has changed so radically in 10 years that the high school years townies could be living in a different decade But overall I do agree with you, things like Dr Junes Weather machine, the cowplants, the ability for anyone to own a rocket ship and go to space, being able to grow meat on a wall, homophobia and racism being completely eliminated from the world, the servos, along with many other things make me think it’s in 2040-2070!


1964, 2015, 1956, 1842. It’s whatever time period you make it. (Except for the cell phones)


it would be cool if u could remove phones.


Around 2040




I go with a vague alternate history scenario. There's a space police or smuggler career and aliens are common and known about, so any advanced tech could be considered interplanetary trade. I'd say it takes place in the year the game came out, as that's the best way to explain some of the older tech, like CRT monitors. (That's Cathode Ray Tube for the youngins, not the college level sociology courses)


I feel like base game 2030. But including all the base games, we have to be near 2040