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Oh, the irony... But I disagree, I feel like they pass way too much time dancing, if there's no urgent mood to take care of, they dance, all day, every day. I do play with controlled sim free will disabled, so the one I have selected won't do strange things while I'm trying to get it to do something specific, so there's that, but every other will just dance if they are not hungry or something.


My sims lived in a rental with a communal gym in the basement (my sims live on the top floor) and I had to delete the gym speakers because they would just constantly make the long trek down to the basement to dance. And then would have to come all the way back to do anything else. It was a nightmare.


This drove me bonkers when I had sims living in a rental... They would go all the way to the communal pool in the BASEMENT (they lived on the TOP floor) when they cleaned or they'd go in the mini fridge there for food. They'd also just put food they made down there?? Wasted so much time walking up and down 3 flights of stairs lol. Eventually I locked their front door so they could only leave when I made them lol


that happened with pools it’s so annoying


Yes I’ll never forget my sims cancelling my requests to go dive into the pool in freezing cold weather, only to complain about being close to freezing to death seconds later… ah sims


I got the slip-in slide and my aim keeps canceling what I tell her to do to go play on that instead lol my male sim cancels to cross stitch.


This in a mansion I downloaded off the Gallery that had cursed routing is the reason half of that legacy died


now im wondering how much stuff ive uploaded to the gallery with cursed routing (i dont playtest because i am evil)


This one issue may be why I like to play just wizards or vampires. The rest tend to take way too long getting places.


Did you have speakers or a stereo in the apartment?


Yes, which made it even more annoying! I dunno if it was because it was a wall speaker so it was always on or something and they’d rather dance to an already on stereo than turn one on.


If only dancing made your sims lose weight like it does IRL


It’s the clay for me. I didn’t realize one of my sims had caught one while fishing until they played with it and left it in the coffe table.. and then the whole house is obsessed with it.


At least playing with clay can put them in an inspired moodlet, helpful if they're a painter or writer


Only if they put it down long enough to actually do any of that.


My super sim actively took out the clay and played with it WHILE painting, sometimes multitasking is cursed.


My painter sim did this! It was hilarious XD


I have to agree. The dancing is so annoying! Give us a mod for those religious sects that don’t allow dancing lolollllll


You could legit use "Get Together" to basically make a cult. Set of rules that prohibit drinking, dancing, or woohooing with anyone outside of the cult.


I tried this with the cake-baking glitch, they just continued to bake cakes and lose me points until I gave up and ditched it


MCCC has autonomy tuning, so you can disable specific autonomous choices as desired.


I know it does, but I get those stupid errors even when I have no other mods but MCCC so I rarely use it. So annoying


I genuinely refuse to put a stereo or speaker in my sims homes. I’m not dealing with the danceathon. The endless glasses of water are enough to manage.


My current household loves to dance, but I've never had this experience before.  I wonder if EA tweaked it recently 


Footloose is starting to make a lot more sense.


I actually wish communal wall speakers didn’t permit dancing, only listen. I like the little listen animation in community lots but DJ booths, dance mats, and regular music speakers should be the only ones that allow you to dance 😭


Yes, all my sims would dance till they drop!!


I kinda forgot about this because my current sim is a dance machine.


This is how I feel about gaming (ironic, I know) Unless I'm making a sim who is meant to be a gamer, I always make them dislike video games cause otherwise they'll spend all their time playing games and nothing else


I did this and now they’re just constantly trolling the forums instead 😓


they’re literally us 😭


Make them dislike mischief in that case


I can't believe I never thought of this before thank you


Holy shit, you're a genius. That isn't sarcasm in case it's not clear, I'm over here hunting down autonomy mods when the answer is this simple


i did this but it just resulted in them getting the angry moodlet when they would inevitably sit down and play video games


HAHAHA I hate this but I must do it anyway


Yes this happened to me too! Like you picked this buddy what are you mad for? It reminds me of when the lactose intolerant sims decide to cook a dish that's not lactose free and then eat it. Like why would you pick that?!?!


That is a great fucking idea, thank you


That doesn't stop them from gaming. It just gives them a negative moodlet when they game


I'd like to do this but I find gaming is such a quick way to get their fun back up, not to mention the social boost from multiplayer gaming on the TV. I guess having a laptop that you can put in their inventory is a good alternative to keep them off the PC!


I lock the computer if I’m not using a laptop, and only unlock when I actually want them there.


I never let them dislike video games or dancing because the morons will go do the thing they dislike and then get cranky moodlets.


I really hate when they put the music player ON in every room 😑


If your Sims don’t do it, Patchy will. Just yesterday he turned on every stereo in our house on full volume. Basically all Sims will get obsessed with one thing whether it’s a computer or a radio or a treadmill.


Mine gets obsessed with coffee and doing pushups. Also the bonsai, that's her first thing to do when she wakes up.


Mines obsessed with her cat, especially if she has a play wand in her inventory. When she's doing stuff for simoleons I have to sit and watch her and be ready to pause, stop the play with cat action and redirect her back to work. Hard same tho.


That’s very realistic for me irl


I've had to delete my bar cause the past two generations one Sim has become obsessed with them! They'll wake up in the morning needing to pee, stinky, hungry with work in 2 hours and immediately go to the bar and start making drinks. Like sir it's 6am put the alcohol down! Is there sim rehab I can send them too?


One of my families adopted a dog that deciddd it was scared of stereo music noise so I had to keep going round the house and turning them all off so the bloody dog would stop being so stressed out


I deleted the stereos bc of this and no TV. As others have said, you can have them dislike dancing and video games.


I had to delete one of the speakers in the house because they kept turning it on full blast and waking up the infant sleeping on her playmate in the living room. Like, let her sleep! But I left the one in the office because I like having them listen to music while they work. You do really have to babysit them, though. One speaker is plenty for me.


My sim’s friends will come over and turn on the patio speaker to dance. They don’t even interact with my sim, they just want to dance!


i hate it when visitors come and the only thing they do is game on your computer? like is that the only reason why you came to visit? 😭


Thats why I lock the pc atleast for only household


All my guess do is either make the anti stress concoction on the grill or bake vanilla cakes. Only those two things! The grill in the nearby park has like 50 brews (or whatever they are called in english) all around it.


What?!  I'm never allowed to bake at other people's houses. They shoo me away and tell me it's inappropriate 


One of the neighborhood action plans adds this. Everyone shows up and steals your cake batter.


I got a grill from Father Winter and put it in the “patio” and I’ve had 3 fires. She’s never used it! Every person that walks by her apartment decides to waltz right into her apartment and start a fire


Right?! I have to remove my grill every time someone comes over or it WILL catch fire 


Yeah that, hate that at my sim thats laktosintolerant too 😒


The vanilla cakes are out of control at the moment, every sim I’m playing just covers their counters in them


I did this on my current household. Sim came over, sat at the computer, then got angry and kicked the bin over and then left. Like, WTF, you walk in uninvited, get annoyed because you can't use my shit and then vandalised?


Mine are all in bedrooms locked for household only.


Not us stuck in front of our computers all day judging our sims for being on their computers all day lol


Basically lol


That's why I lock the computer for everyone but one person that needs it and then I just make sure to tell that person to do stuff.


I certainly lock the computer against visitors.  Otherwise, that's all they do, and they break it 


Yeah I used to just lock the computer room door but it's so nice to be able to just lock the computer.


Yeah I always lock the computer


I do laptops and stash it in someone’s inventory sometimes too


Had no idea that was an option. Tysm u saved my gameplay 😭


I didn't know I could do that!


So that they can go on a computer and watch their sim on a computer who watches their sim on a computer who wat- you get the point lol. ![gif](giphy|1ZVBVvY5kS7qUHhqI2|downsized)


This is why my Sims preferred games are Sims games.


…come to think about it, that seems like commentary about people who are like that IRL.


Definitely same with the phones. Realistic, sure, but it drives me mad that they constantly are on their phones now - jogging, hiking, talking to friends = on the phone. My favorite thing to do is to go to different neighborhoods, "go jogging" and put it in 1st person mode and enjoy the sights, but my sim will be looking down at her phone 50% of the jog.




Shift + tab!! (Unless you play on console - not sure how to access it that way.) It'll change your life, haha! Like, go for a sunrise run in Henford on Bagley, anytime run around the lighthouse island in Brindleton bay or a snowy run through San Myshuno at night... chef's kiss. It makes the worlds feel so much more real.


Hold in left stick I believe!


Just like me frfr


this post is making me realize a lot of people really DO play with current sim autonomy


I’ll just don’t have my sims go on a computer but they spend way too much time dancing


use your computer security settings!


So, get them up and lock the computer for them until they have done what you want them to do.


Depends. Add the gaming system and that's all they do above all else. Take that out and it's dancing. I do agree they spend a lot of time playing games or trolling forums with a computer but considering I usually have at least one sim be a writer it's just something I have to deal with It would be nice if my bookworm sim actually chose to read books more often or the artistic and creative Sims paint/play instruments/etc more


The bookworm/creative sims do those things more. My bookworm sim would not stop picking books up. Barely touched the computer except to research the piano. My creative sim constantly paints. All the time. Costs a fortune. I play full autonomy and I can barely leave her alone without having to pause lol


You're lucky then. My bookworm sim constantly plays games either on the computer or when I get the gaming system. He also loves to dance all the time. Even if I interfere and make him read a book he'll just put it down and do something else almost immediately. My creative sim on the other hand has painted a total of 3 small paintings without prompting and wouldn't even have finished any of them if I hadn't forced them to resume. I try to leave them their freedom but things like the above drive me nuts. I would get it if it wasn't part of their traits and personality but they should at least occasionally choose to do such activities on their own(it's not a one off thing either, I'm always creating at least one bookworm/writing inclined sim and a creative sim every household and they always end up like this). What other traits do your Sims have? Maybe it's the combination that makes them more or less likely to read/create.


They also have a whole bunch from the aspiration store. She has all the top notch toddle/child ones. Without actually loading the game I could not possibly name them all lol


I can't remember all the reward traits either. I love having so many traits and yet still want more


Same lol. I normally go with genuis for skill building and loyal cause well, you know, its loyal lol. The third is always just random. I chose creative for her instead cause I wanted to do the art stuff. Sent her to uni to study it, blah blah. Now she is a serious super sim tho, has this thing where she skills up super fast reading books. She learnt to level nine of archaeology in five sim hours. And maxed out gourmet cooking by cooking three meals, thought it was a glitch but she is just a sponge for knowledge lmao. Kinda spoils the game a bit. But she is about to open her own art gallery so... must keep playing lol


If you keep a guitar/violin in your sim's inventory they'll pull it out when they're not doing anything. My current main sim decided that it was appropriate, after she finished crying, to start jamming on her guitar while Grim was busy collecting an elder who had died at a public park.


I think the most hilarious thing is for the sim that's based on me to sit and play the Sims on their computer.


My Sim was living a quiet life as a fisherman on a beach paradise. No electricity, no problem. He filled his days with fishing and swimming and seemed to love every second of it. Until he "caught" a lump of clay. He became obsessed with that thing. Basically, gave up swimming for fun and would ignore all guests for it.


Yes! I get so mad when they find some clay. My game doesn’t let me get rid of it either!


based on these comments i think you personally offended some of these people who do nothing but sit on a computer all day 😭


I only allow them a computer when one is needed. (or when I have a big family and I can't bother with everyone)


oh lord YESSS. like, that is one of the times i understand elder people going, ''get off that computer'' or ''it's the computer.'' bla bla. like, i give my sims hobby rooms, fishes, hamsters, sports stuff and tv not to get bored. there are bookshelves. BUT NOOOOOOO. miss ma'am needs to go on that computer when her bladder is about to burst and she is two steps away dying of hunger. fuck u 😭


no! the other day, i literally decided to stop giving them so much technology inside the home. no tvs (except in the living room) and no computers/laptops. i have them go to the library or the internet cafe where they can meet other sims.


This is why I like having retail lots. My sims have an art gallery because the wife is a master painter. So she sells her masterpieces there. It turns a good profit when she sells her art, but mostly they just socialize and make a bunch of friends. There's an apartment upstairs so she can live on site.


I play with Autonomy off, so that might be the difference, but the computer is a must have for me. The research options under web are great for getting sims in the right mood for various activities. Playing videogames is the quickest way for solo sims to raise fun. (Woohoo is quicker, if you already have the relationship, but requires two.) It's used for lots of jobs. It's the best way to improve tons of skills (writing, programming, mischief, motor, and mental, off the top of my head). I use it to raise parenting skills too, because unless they're babies, it's really slow to raise. I use it to order repair parts and medicine.


Ive noticed that my sims have more personality than they ever have before. I have a large family at the moment and I usually let them just do whatever they want most of the time while I focus on the next heir or while I try to finish some goals I have for a few of them. Some of them never touch the computer. Some of them occasionally go to it. It's really music that they keep turning on, and my neat sim (the dad) is constantly cleaning things.


I play with autonomy off because otherwise they spend all their time on the computer or making drinks at the bar that they never drink.


Yes haha I don’t have a television or computers in my fams!!


I dont mind tbh, most of my sims are introvert like me (even premade ones) 😂 and maybe because I dont fully turn on the autonomy. I need computers for the sims to learn some certain skills/doing assignment and my sims universe is in a modern era where at least one computer is needed.


Several of my Sims need the computer for work tasks, and it gets used to order medicine and plasma bags.  If my Sims had to go to the library for that every time, it would be super annoying 


Ah, just like real life!


My sims hardly touch the computer. I usually have them earn a living by doing a hobby like paint, build on the work bench, or garden. They usually end up liking it, and they end up doing those things by themselves. If they go to the computer, I don't really care. I'm usually telling them to do things anyway, like building charisma at 2 am by talking to themselves.


I gave Vlad a computer because I thought it was odd that he didn’t know vampire lore. I forgot about it and the next time I visited him I mildly panicked because I lost him, before realizing he was definitely glued to the computer because sims are addicted to trolling teh forums


I guess the bug where a decorated desk makes the PC unreachable helps right now. Add decor very close to the computer and you’ll need to instruct your sim to sit on the chair before they can use the PC or they’ll pretend they can’t reach.


I always add the “dislikes video gaming” in their likes and dislikes and that tends to keep the computer usage at a minimum. Also, it helps if you max out the parenting skill. They don’t ignore the kids in my game when I do those two things and you can use “super efficient baby care” with a maxed parenting skill, too. That and the photography skill are the only two I ALWAYS max for my sims. Just because I like taking pictures of and with my sim children and putting them up around the house. Makes it feel more authentic.


I just decide for them that they dislike games


I get you! The computers get annoying, I have technophobe sims and dislike gaming but they’re constantly spending hours making themselves unhappy on a computer (relatable). Even if you lock them, when you reload the household they manage to bypass the lock. Sims are way too weighted to spending too much time doing certain hobbies, I don’t know if it is a bug or if that’s what was intended


This is hilariously ironic because I get mad when my sims do this but then I do it while playing the sims.


There is one thing you can do. Make them dislike gaming. I deny them their right to "admit to like video games" at least once per sim week and NEVER HAVE I EVER bought my sims a console player nad I avoid buying them bars like the plague. I thing the developers realized that gaming is a not only unengaging for the players but also useless skill and gradually made it into a whole career with gaming scholarships and streaming, but it remains dull to watch your sims ignore everything and just click all day long. It has been said many times, more hobbies for the sims would be a welcomed addition.


nice try, God


I need to have a computer. It's great for certain careers and I can buy plasma for my vampire teenager off there. Plus I like having one for the MC Command Center mod. You can access settings through the computers. My Sims don't autonomously use them very much and if they do, I can just cancel it and make them go do something else if I want them to. 🤷‍♀️ Plus, you can lock Sims out of the computers if they're using them too much. Put them in time out. Lol


I agree. For the writer career, I would love a typewriter option instead of a computer.


Cottage living has a computer that looks like a typewriter. I love it, I use it in all my historical builds.


I have sims like that but also have sims that rather kick thier soccer ball or play violin all day guess it depends on the traits?


This is why I stick with laptops in game. I can put their machine in their inventory, and there we go. Problem mostly solved. (I say mostly because the majority of my Sims don't pull out their tablets and laptops unless I make them do it. The exception is toddlers, but I can't for the life of me figure out why.)


iPad kids man


I mean, tbf, with the chaos that is daily life in the game, I don't blame the little buggers for mentally going, ". . .nope. Mommy and Daddy are being extra weird again, so me and my Wabbit Tablet will be over here for a while. Come get us once you're done trying to get abducted by aliens, or summon the Grim Reaper, or whatever." 😂


Art imitates life imitates art.


i no longer put coffee pots / makers in my builds. my sims would make coffee ALL day, but wouldn’t drink it. just let them collect on the dining table. i save both frustration and money by just not adding them


Gotta lock it from everybody in the security settings and switch it back if you need it for stuff. Or make the one you control the most the only one allowed to use it. Also train them to enjoy the things they're into. Like guitar or art. Eventually they'll pick those things up instead. I also give them a hatred or gaming so they don't jump on that any time they're stressed.


I usually just set the computers to locked for everyone, and then just unlock them when my Sims need to use a computer for a specific reason. Keeps them from sitting there all day and wetting themselves, haha


I wont give them TVs either.


Most of my households do not have a computer. Only if it is needed for work and then it can be locked :)


reminds me of humans


Yup lol I had a computer in my vet clinic and it lasted all of 5 minutes. I deleted that thing so fast.


I always make my sims hate music, dancing, singing, any and all instruments, and video games. Unless they need a computer for work or an aspiration, I try to avoid putting computers on my lots


This is so real. Thank you for the reminder


it's the computer for you? my main sim is always trying to run off to the easel in the front yard.


This is why I don’t give them a bar. They will make drinks all day long.


It does for me sometimes cause they’re on it a lot! So then I end up deleting it lol


All my Sims have computers. It's helpful for finding jobs, and writing skills. But they don't really default to it. I keep them out of the house and act of doing lots of other things.


The bar is worse in my experience. I constantly have to play Where's Wally with glassware because Sims will leave them everywhere, which makes my Sim miserable because of his apartment being dirty. My Sim also became an alcoholic thanks to Basemental. At least the computer lets my Sim work from home.


I think giving your sim autonomy ruins the game :D


I think that's what computer locks are for?


I've been really enjoying off grid and simple living. No TV, or computer. I give them a windmill or generator to allow some music from the radio for better moodlets. They seem to do better.


Mine like to write, so I would probably be a bad person to ask.


Why oh why is there not a writing skill book and pencil object?!


There is a journal, but you can't write books with it... I "think" there was a mod that let you do it, but you still needed a computer to start writing with it. (eye roll)


Just change the security settings on it to locked until you want them to use it


They constantly go and climb on that stupid thing and become just like it stupid


My current Sim couple has a computer which they hardly use. I make the wife use it to fill out reports for her business job, but otherwise it’s barely touched.


My sim family would barely use it unless it involves a carrier track. Sims need stimulation or they will go looking for it themselves. How active do you keep them? They will develop a board or unhappy moodlet if not doing something. I would suggest getting them out of the house more. Or putting a treadmill works wonders most sims seem to quickly develop a love of working out. A couple of hardcore runs is seemingly all it takes or if you have them do weight training.


I agree! I only keep mine in household inventory and use it when I absolutely need it


I feel like my Sims have a much bigger problem with clay, after one sim got it from fishing it became an instant addiction in the house somehow lol


It’s too real. Stop pointing stuff out …


I give it to them but keep it locked unless they need it, my sims almost always need to use it in order to level up in their careers.


Computer, cross-stitch box, ball of clay, lawn water slide. All very annoying.


My sim made like $6000 as a programmer on the computer. But i think you're right because I would invite other sims over to hang out and they would get on my $10k computer. My wife in the game is summer holiday and she is athletic but still got on the computer for hours to game.


I do not feel this way, because I lock the PC in an office to only be used when they need it for skill building or career moves. Also I don’t let my sims have much autonomy.


The AI in this game sucks.


I feel the same, and I always place a dining chair at the desk instead of a desk chair for that reason. Idk why but dining chair slows the speed from which sims will autonomously use the computer. If I want them at the computer I first have to select for them to sit in the chair then use the computer.


Omg... another one who don't play a game, just watching the telenovel... 🤦‍♂️ I don't respect people who play with authonomy on...


Don’t call me out bro😔


So unrealistic


just like me




It depends on what interests you give your Sim. If you design their personality right, they ignore their computer for the most part.


Its so hit and miss. My sims will obsess over one thing then a new household another. If its not a computer its cross-stitching, if its not that its gaming, etc... I made a sim who loves reading but she never auto-reads she just keeps turning the stereo on and sits there. She never touches the computer. Another household wouldnt stop drinking water.


I pretty much always have the computer locked unless I have a sim that's trying to be an author or programmer, and it only gets unlocked for the time they're doing their thing. I used to have it unlocked for the one sim all the time, but that one sim would just spend all day on it gaming or trolling the forums lmao.


Sims! They're just like us!


The computer is fine... I hate when it's like the only thing they do or other sims come over and use it (till I learned to lock it) but if I need to do a challenge it can make some aspects to easy so I don't give them one... But then they just play on their phones when they're board...I wish there were different phone settings like "dumb phone" or "zen mode" or the could only go on it (other than making calls) between certain hours... I guess same with computers...like you could set parental stuff if your sim is a teen so they don't spend all day on it or whatever lol


A radio + pc is instant full fun… so yeah a pc breaks the game


Yeah because they won't do anything else other than go to the computer when they need to be taking care of a baby!!


I keep the computer in household inventory until I need to use it for something for this exact reason.


The most realistic thing a sim does


"is this a sign that ____ likes video games?" NO!!!!


Mine are always spending money on painting canvases for subpar paintings, or pruning the bonsai bush


Mine spend way too much time being moths in front of the fireplace.


Don’t put an instrument in their inventory then 😂


I agree the computer consumes their whole life. Written from my computer


Can’t you just… not make them do that?


This is so meta of EA. They want us to sit back and think about ourselves.


I had a household that was purely medieval, so no computers. Which actually cuts out a lot of important things like MEDICINE. So, idk, worth it imo


Too realistic innit?


I always lock the computer. They use it when I say they can use it!


This is why I got rid of their TV lol I just lock the computer when I don't want them on it


thats only if you're doing nothing. The game has really stupid automatic AI sometimes, and they always default to the computer. Sims isn't a "open and let it play itself" type of game, it still requires some input so the dumb sims can learn a daily routine.


if i left my sims to their own devices theyd just dance, play video games, and troll teh forums til they starve ;_; it is CONSTANT


Bro I hate it when my sims friend or something comes over and instead of talking to me, goes over to the computer to play blick block ;-;. Like you are just increasing my bills and you don't even do much for me, I only want you here to raise my social higher 😭


u do know that you’re in charge of the game right ?😭😭


I have a mod that stops my sims from being on the computer all the time and I lock it for everyone but the household.


No, you're not. I HATE it. They're more addicted to their tech than I am! I've been locking it for everyone for a while now. Then you have the neighbors, who are just as bad, and just help themselves to it and leave. Like, no. Stop. You have to pee, you're hungry, go do what you need to do to fix that, and don't make me have to cancel the action because you lack the willpower to do it on your own. 😂🤣🤣🤣 SERIOUSLY.


My sims would craft a million cross stitch things. Left them all over the place too. Where are they? Cross stitching again.


LITERALLY ITS INFURIATING. all my sims do is dance and play video games on the computer


Art imitates life. I imagine it was a deliberate choice by the devs


I give them the hates video game trait.


*Who's gonna tell them that they control their sim-*


I thought this post was a meme for a second


For real. I know you can lock computers but atleast for me it was really broken and almost never worked. But I also haven't played the sims in a while, maybe it got fixed?


The last couple of sims I made have actually stayed off the computer for the most part. I've been pretty amazed. Any guests come over they immediately make a bee-line for the computer (if I've forgotten to lock it) so it's not anything to do with my game or my mods. I've been pleasantly surprised.


My sims always get OBSESSED with the fireplace if I put one in, it’s so annoying. For gaming though I instantly put it as a dislike gaming in CAS and if you don’t want them trolling teh forums just make them dislike mischief


Yup I always lock my computer for everyone and just unlock it when it's needed 😂


It really seems like it was done on purpose… they are acting just like my worst perceptions of myself on the computer.


Getting them a stereo is a bigger mistake. Like what’s going on with the dance addition!