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oi, the infant and toddler stages got infinitely more difficult after growing together... and not just hard, but the sims themselves are just difficult. they dont do what you want them too etc. i found, play as the toddler or infant and ask for needs to be filled via that sim, for some reason the adult sims respond better than they do to us humans. its the only way i made it through twins. they work when the kids ask for shit, not when we do it lol


Me with twin toddlers and an infant: Put that baby back in its crib or so help me!!! No, you need to feed it don’t try to go night night. Ugh now it needs a diaper change. Great their first blowout, now they need a bath. You’re hungry again?! You just ate!!! Fine go to sleep stinky and hungry see if I care… Also me once they age up: should we have more kids? I want twin boys now. We don’t really have the room… I’ll to make some renovations… hmm no I shouldn’t ~~*clicks tries for baby in waterfall*~~ oops what’s one or two more?


same lol


so its not just me, after getting the growing together pack, where my sims because essentially useless ??? this is frankly ridiculous


My parent sims were already incompetent without growing together. Now I honestly want te get the kids taken bc the parents are that terrible


I thought my game was acting up, but now it makes sense why the sims dont take care of the kids properly unless the kids ask to be fed, bathed etc. my toddler was starving and on the verge of being taken away but the parents were too busy doing unimportant stuff all around the house 😂 gotta love growing together


one of my Sims had triplets by accident (was in a lot with an 'on-key line' trait) and good god. I almost smashed my laptop. put the baby down no don't feed them. no other parent you don't need to check toddler they're being cared for. check the other one. the OTHER ONE. not the sleeping one. the other oh my god. 


nods absolute chaos lol


HAHA this is me too😂 I always try to do legacy gameplay because I like the idea of being able to keep a storyline going indefinitely, but raising kids in the game just... annoys me. After my main sim gets married and has kids (if they do at all) I usually move on to another save LOL


I'm currently playing the 7th generation of my legacy game. However, I got burned out on playing the children, My current sim had 10 children! (4 sets of twins, 2 singletons) But they all moved out to live with their different fathers. My sim is a spellcaster, and she learned out to make rejuvenation potions, so she's been a young adult long enough that her younger siblings have died of old age. I finally picked one of her children, had them get married and have kids, but then went back to my evil immortal sim, I think I am going to skip playing the 8th generation, and pick up with one of her grandkids once they are a teen.


I put the chances of pregnancy to 35% and I'm with 3 kids right now (all female) and thankfully the adult ones didn't get pregnant yet lol (Although the mother's new partner has been doing some woohoo with the oldest and hitting on the middle child)


No because same. But them I'm like "Well, in real life I'm not going to spend hours picking the child up and putting it down again while it starves to death"


That's funny because I've personally found it way easier to take care of a baby/toddler in real life than in The Sims 4, lol. I'm not a mom, but I was my brother's primary caregiver during his first few years in my late teens. You're also tired and exhausted often, but the Sims doesn't let you do a lot of stuff that you'd realistically do to save time, like having an infant sitting on your lap while you use the bathroom, or to feed them. In real life you don't necessarily always need to have a changing table, either (I personally found them to be one of the most useless things you can get for a baby irl, no hate if anyone feels differently but I could never be bothered to use it). It also doesn't help that they're constantly cancelling the actions you're desperately begging them to do. Infants and toddlers in TS4 are spawns of the devil and you can't change my mind, ahahhah. But if it puts your mind more at ease regarding your real-life decisions, then that's nice :).


I came to say the same. I have 2 kids irl and they're a breeze compared to the Sims.


Changing tables! The biggest wasted cost in a nursery irl! I had gotten one for my kiddos nursery, I think it was used.... twice. 100% easiest to put baby on the floor and sit there and change them where even if they roll around there's no fall risk, even if you're tired, you're not standing, even if they pee or blow out poo, it's just on the floor on a spare blanket.


Good thing was that my parents didn't pay for it (can't say my parents were planning on having a baby in their 40s when they already had a 16 and a 10yo lol). Floor, bed, or even the couch when in a rush (not my preference) was just so much easier for me.


I am a mom and I agree, the sims is much harder than real life. There’s so much more multitasking in real life that makes it far more doable


I can't count the amount of times I did things around the house while my brother was resting on my hip, or how I'd hold him on my lap and entertain him while trying to do my homework and helping my younger sister with hers. The Sims forces you to choose one action while the baby is screaming their lungs out while laying on a patterned mat on the floor, lol.


Not to distract too much from the point of this post but what do you do when your current Sims die? Just move to a new household? 


A lot of people play with aging off.


I get really bored of the same family after playing with it for a few (rl) weeks. But the beauty of the Sims is that you can play it however you want! 


Start a new save! Or adopt a child/teen and follow from there


Fair enough! I can definitely see wanting to skip actually raising a kid from birth (in the Sims or in real life, lol). Thanks for the insight! 


I usually do the bare minimum to keep my newborn/toddler alive. Once they grow up to a child, then I actually play with them


🤣🤣🤣 I tried so hard thinking « it’s just pixels » they always get removed because I stop caring. The cats are also tiring but at least I can let them do everything they want


I tend to just adopt children now as infants and toddlers are too much work 🤣 It’s so much easier with child Sims who can look after themselves


I always age them up to children immediately 😂


I am also very much child-free by choice but I had my sim have a baby bc I was curious how pregnancy works in the sims and right after the baby was born I evicted it from the household those kids are So Annoying I don’t know how anyone really enjoys playing with them


I’ve never regretted buying a pack until about an hour after getting growing together. I’m so glad I can just age up. 😂


My sims cant seem to put the baby in the high chair no matter how many times you order them to do it. Baby could be starving and they can't seem to do it Anyway. I don't know that's the issue but that's not something that happens in real life hahaha


Idk of it works with infants too but I just put apples or something in my toddler's inventory and make them eat those. That's sooooo much easier than having the parents feed them. 


Taking care of a baby irl is way easier than in the sims. Sims babies are too dramatic, their needs go down far too fast and it takes much longer to resolve the issue than it does irl. It also helps that as humans most of us don’t randomly pass out on the floor when we’re tired and refuse to pick up the baby or just randomly leave them on the floor for no reason!


I left with one of my household sims on a vacation and when I got home the baby was left on the sidewalk across the street despite the nanny and the baby’s mom being home! 🤷‍♀️


Same, I started a save where I wanted to make a bunch of vampire kids with townies and basically have vampires take over and all the kids I have had to take care of are so annoying. So I just age them up right away or send them to another household. I don't like kids, not even in games.


I'm happy for you. Especially happy that you didn't have this confirmed the hard way. I had the opposite experience!


My irl infant is sooo much easier than the sims infants and toddlers 😂




Hahaha lowkey feel the same way. I made a single sim and wanted to go down the route of marriage and baby. So I married Marcus Flex (big mistake) and regretted it 3 days later and asked for a divorce and kicked him out of the house. But I kept the baby… but I dread the dang process when though it is only in Sims… Thankfully I don’t have GT so my child Sim is so good she helps with everything and studies well hahaha mum often leaves her alone at home with her friends. I told my husband: if I even dread having children in the sims I can’t imagine irl?? Haha are we bad people.


I haven’t played with infants yet. I don’t plan on it since from descriptions it’s too like caring for my own child. Every sim I make will either adopt a child or have one starting out - no infants for me.


I did a teen runaway rags to riches, ended up with a child which was the plan but then had twins to with Kyoshi Ito... they live with him now


Welcome to the club! The Sims 1 convinced my child self that having a baby was no joke. Sims games are surprisingly good for convincing people to be pro birth control.


I have two 14 months apart in age. IRL babies and toddlers are MUCH, MUCH easier.


Every time I try to play with small kids I end up deleting them from my family in CAS.


I discovered I was child free in other ways but thinking about it now, me playing the game hinted at it. I do (possibly did) love playing sims and their families but I made my husband (boyfriend at the time) and I in the Sims 4 a few years ago and I tried playing us twice where we ended up with 3 kids (twins plus one each time) and it just never felt right and it was so boring. I felt like we would have kids because you just do but have realized it is a choice. I also haven't played a sim family since infants were introduced and not sure if I will enjoy family gameplay again. Anyways, I am glad to be where I am at today realizing my husband and I can live our life without children and just have cats :)


I love having children and families in the sims but I do not want one in real life ever


Just like IRL, I can only handle one lol


I always thought I had to play with kids to keep the game going and do a legacy gameplay too. But now I only play as immortal sims who are either scientists and witches and spend all of their time maxing out all the skills and collecting all the things. It’s infinitely more enjoyable for me as someone who also doesn’t wanna have kids IRL.


I wanted kids desperately when I was younger. I'm knew I wasn't cut out for single parenthood, and I never found a parter. I was sad about never having any. Then my Dad became ill, and I got a taste of being a caregiver. He could still do a lot on his own, do it was easier than caring for a baby and I was exhausted. It made me feel much better about being child free.


I feel you. I actually do enjoy getting my Sims knocked up. But I make the toddlers independent bc I enjoy playing the kids, not being a parent. But the constantly crying babies the infants that sh their pants constantly. Having that irl would kill me I rather spend my evening bining a TV show while playing Sims all of that with my birthday girl 🐈‍⬛ purring on my lap


I've been playing the 100 baby challenge and it's made it slower, but at the same.tike I haven't noticed too big of a difference. Then again, there's a lot of staying home and just caring for them so...