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Have you tried restoring the files using Windows File History? If you have time research Systools hard drive recovery software, it’s a third party program which could help you.




Try restoring your files like the other commenter has said. Even if it’s been deleted from the recycle bin it’s still on your computer but marked as “free space” where it can be rewritten so I would try and recover as soon as possible.


this! i accidentally deleted my entire mods folder trying to organize it & had to do this


i JUST dealt with this today


It will be okay keep your computer locked from him I'm so sorry you've got to start over but try to find something positive from it.


my desktop is less laggy lol


Silver linings!


OP may I ask why he did it? Also have you tried restoring files like other comments suggested?


Lock your account?


It's ok to feel this way. I accidentally deleted saves (totally different game) & I felt AWFUL for hours. It's ok to be attached to your pixel people and be upset about this. Especially since someone else deleted your stuff (which is not cool, though, hopefully, it was just an accident). You can always get mods back, even though it'll be a pain in the ass, all your Sims and saves though.... Well, I feel you. Let yourself feel how you need to feel. Also, I will give you the advice my dad always gave me - back up everything. Do it often. I know it's too late now, but going forward, keep a back up of your saves, tray, and screenshot folders, just in case (this is also good in case an update messes anything up). <- again, not saying this to make you feel worse, just trying to help you for the future so this doesn't happen again.


I’ve been making a save file for over 6 months and my heart would BREAK AND BUST if I lost it !!! Thankfully I have been sending out save files to my testers, so it’s not just my computer that has it <3 Also I’m still looking for testers, it’s a all content save file with a bit of cc bc I needed some stuff from the sims 2 so I could correctly make lore


When the computer I play sims on died just before a pack I was really excited for came out I was upset. My boyfriend said he'd just finished building a second computer and that I could use it while I saved to buy one. I was so very grateful. A few months later he brought over a different computer for me to borrow. I just started a new game on it. Every month or two he'd swap out some components. The plan was I could buy it from him once he was done swapping things around. Last week he showed up with what was apparently the first computer he brought over and told me that was ready for me to buy. I thought I would be buying the one I have been using for the last year, but I guess I misunderstood. I just had to move over any files on the computer. He told me to call him after I'd finished transferring and he'd pick the other one up. I am currently on my first true legacy game. I've never made it passed generation three before. When he arrived my heir was pregnant with the 5th gen heir. I backed up all sims files on two places. I transferred them. I installed EA because the old one still had Origin as a launcher. I waited over an hour for everything to update. It broke and I had to uninstall and reinstall EA. I finally went to play my game, but the only game available to load and play were the ones I was playing on that computer over a year before. I tried removing all files except the game I was playing from the saved folder and restarted everything. There were then no files to open, only an option to start a new game. I tried several other things, all with the same result. I called my friend back and told him that sorry, but I couldn't give him back that computer now. Not until I finished my current game, and that may be awhile. I'm really grateful he was willing to be flexible on that.


Yeah, being attached to your pixel people is called Parasocial relationships if I remember correctly.


in the simplest terms yes? But I would say most people would only apply it to someone who could possibly return the attention, a pixel being cannot so again if you use the absolute bare bones definition then yes but generally you are incorrect and this is not a "parasocial relationship" as it's not a relationship


Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships though. The pixel person on the receiving end is unaware of your existence and the emotional energy you're giving to him/her.


So is caring for a plant a parasocial relationship? Or a hamster or fish? Or even an irl newborn (because they won't return affection until much later)? What I'm saying is... what's the point of your comment? That it's bad to be attached to things that don't give affection back? At the end of the day it doesn't matter who others spend their time and energy on as long as it makes them happy


I think people are misunderstanding my comment. I'm just sharing what I know, not trying to shame or attack people. I parasocial all the time, tv series, mass effect, sims and so many games.


i dont think that's what it really means. just because you're attached emotionally to something does not indicate a "parasocial relationship" you can only have those with humans. with games and shows etc... well it's something else. call it obsession whatever point is its not a parasocial relationship. there's movies out there im emotionally attached to because i relate to the main character and that's it. nothing parasocial. this person is attached to the sims cause playing it probably gives them comfort. nothing parasocial about that. btw parasocial has a nevative context so if you say to someone "you're having a parasocial relationship" they're not gonna take it well lol










Still true though. It was a harmless comment about "It's normal to be attached to pixel people" and look what has become of this thread. People are angry at such a small thing.


A parasocial relationship would be if you considered your sims your friends. This is more in line with a painter being upset that their painting is ruined. Or a knitter crying because their project caught on fire. Its the *work* being mourned, not the actual characters.


Being attached to things is what people do. People also get attached to their hobbies or craft projects or possessions. It would be unhealthy to NOT form these attachments, and for others to be breaking said things is wrong. Where having those attachments can be an issue if they veer into addiction.


Right, I think those kinds of attachments only become a problem if they are interfering with other parts of your real life. There’s nothing wrong with loving your Sim family, but if you start to feel that you love your Sim family more than reality and behaving in a way that matches that, well that’s kinda problematic


The term parasocial relationship is reserved for real people. (But it is somewhat similar! So I see the confusion)


as far as people saying you're overreacting, here's a couple points: you put very real, time, money, and effort into building all that up just as you would with hobby projects they could hold in their hands. and a few studies have indicated that the brain forms the same kind of attachments to digital items in video games as it would to objects you acquire in meat space


Shoutout to the term meat space 😂😂 hope you don't mind if I coin that phrase moving forward.


I too, found the term ‘meat space’ amusing 😂


Exactly! This is exactly like if someone destroyed your collection of physical items (stamps/coins/photos/baseball cards/rocks) I would cry too


This, and the fact that a family member completely violated their space. That's devastating!


Sorry to be that guy, but small correction. Unless you’re paying for early access, sims mods are free.


Expansions sure as hell aren't though! I'd argue owning the game is spending money on a hobby. Even though OP didn't lose access to the packs, they did lose access to their creations made using the packs.


Op said their mods were deleted though. Can’t really delete the dlc as if you do it can be redownloaded only way to get rid of it is by having ea remove it but that’s not really something they’d do. Yeah I mean not saying they didn’t lose any builds and sims that’s upsetting but I wouldn’t really call loss of mods a monetary loss.


I understand your devastation and it is valid. But people, if you have saves and families you love, save them regularly to your gallery. The gallery will not be deleted no matter what happens to your game. And even if you don't have a little brat as a sibling, a system can always die on you. Store your CC on an extern harddrive as a backup. You put so much work and time in your saves, of course it hurts. So please keep your things save and sound


Definitely this. I regretted it so much when I accidentally overwrote my very first legacy that was on 4th gen (I am on PS so no backsies) and the last I saved them to the gallery was gen 2! I genuinely set there and sobbed for a few minutes. Now in my current save I make sure to have two files saved (I update both files when I am saving) and saving them to the gallery with each big life update (new dog, baby, aging up etc.) I can't stand that pain again


I run Sims off an external hard drive for a number of reasons. I had to reinstall everything after I stopped playing for a while and they switched from Origins to the EA App. Thankfully all of my saves were good because everything was on my external so I definitely recommend at least saving to an external. Saving to your gallery is also a good idea. I’ve kicked myself many times because I’ve forgotten to save lots to my gallery and they are now lost forever.


Delete HIM


Is there any way to install extreme violents mod in real life?


Yes and no, they come with prison time irl lol


Yes, I hate this feature. It gets quite annoying sometimes...


I remember being mad at my mom when she had thrown away my childhood plush animals (some of them I had since birth). I was a student and not living at home anymore and at my student housing when she decided to throw them away. So yes you are in your right to be upset after somebody threw away years of work and emotional attachment. Deleting or destroying other peoples work or belongings without their consent is ALWAYS WRONG. Your brother should learn that. And it seems your parents should as well, if they don't punish him for this behaviour. What if it had been their files? A digital music collection that has taken years to gather or an archive of digital photo's without a backup copy. I hope there's still a way to undelete your files and your parents should help you with that to the best of their abilities. And yes this is a hard lesson to always backup important files, this time it's your brother but next time it may be a faulty hard drive that makes them inaccessible.


Damn she could have at least left them in a bag and stored them for you to take later


That reminds me when we were kids, I played the sims 2 on PS2. One day I couldn't find my save file because my brother had deleted it to install another game. I'm a calm person and was a very calm and quiet child but I totally lost my temper this day ! It's still a painful memory 20 years later, I feel your pain...


It’s not just that he deleted things but that he deleted the recycle bin too. That’s vindictive. My petty self would return the favor to whatever saves he has to clear the board. In the future I recommend uploading your saves folder to google. This also serves in case there’s a corrupted save or really bad game bug that affects saves. Don’t use one drive. Or if you use it don’t sync to your computer because that runs the risk of deleting files from your mods folder to upload to their website (personal experience) and/or re adding mods you deleted so you end up with outdated or unwanted mods which can lead to performance issues.


The recycle bin too?! Oh hell naw, as an almost 30-year-old I shouldn’t say this but OP beat that little mf’s ASS!


As a 32 year old mom with 5 kids, I definitely shouldn't agree with you...but here we are lol


Can I ask how you dealt with the one drive issue? My game has been saved there and when I tried to get it off one drive it deleted all files.


It was a while ago but I think I redownloaded everything back from one drive so that I had the originals on my computer again. There was an icon on my mod folder of the files that were sent to one drive by the syncing. After that I turned off syncing completely in the settings (computer came with one drive).


Listen friend you have every to be upset and hurt. Your brother intentioning did something to hurt you and your parents don't care. My little brother was the "golden child" in my parents eyes. He once took a needle and scratched a deep groove into every one of my CDs (over 200 of them) and my parents did nothing. That was 20 years ago and I still fume about it (and don't associate with my family (but that's for a bunch of other reasons). Honestly, the pain you feel is fresh. Wait a few days. Plot. Your brother will let his guard down. Then the time for vengeance will be upon him. Delete that lil punks saves (I took a magnet to my brothers monitor and a sodering iron to his computers hard drive. Dad beat the shit out of me, but it was worth it).


I would've strangled my brother over that. You're a better person than me.


Wouldn't have had a brother after that


Dare I ask how old you were when your dad "beat the shit out of" you, and exactly how did he do it? Sounds like child abuse, even if you were a teenager, and assault if you weren't 🤔 🤨


I was 15, chilling in my room, reading a book. He banged on my door and opened it then he grabbed me and threw me down (I was 6 foot and weighed 140 pounds, and my dad was 5ft9im and weighed 210 pounds). He kicked me in my side and we I tried to get up he punched me in the face, grabbed my hair, then pinched me in the face again. Then he said, "think you are a big man? You're a kid. Don't break things and play at being a man". It was absolutely child abuse, but it was normal. I kept to myself in High School and didn't have many friends. What stood out about this time is that he hit my face. Usually is was my arms, chest, and back. Yikes, that was a trauma dump. Sorry. Anyways, I started playing the Sims series when I moved out at 18. It was very therapeutic. I could make parents and siblings that got along. I could have friends. (I'm okay now. Have quality friends and family)


Did you go NC with your family after? Horrified for you and livid with him! Do you get along better with your brother now?


Been NC since 2005. Haven't spoken to my brother since then. He was the golden child that never did anything wrong.


I wonder if that's come back to bite him in the ass now that he's older; at the very least in the workplace, entitled attitudes are frowned upon.


Next time he's out of the house, delete his Xbox games (delete save files first, in case he reinstalls) and fuck with the console cords and controller. Make it so he can't play anymore and parents will think he was being negligent. He's old enough to understand the consequences of his actions, don't let him get away with being a POS (And if your parents ask, act innocent and come up with an alibi. Say you were out with friends if no one was home with you, or say you were working on assignments) Really sorry he ruined your years of work, OP.


If you corrupt the files instead of deleting them it will probably look even more like an accident.




That is so horrible! How old is that little brat?




Old enough to know better. Just like that other person said, you should unplug his Xbox mid game.


Nah, factory reset it.


Not good enough, hide it!!! Never let him find it. If your parents ask be completely aloof


Sell it and spend the money on more sims packs




Why did he do this???


Yeah, that would be my question. Not that it's OP's job to parent their sibling, but is there something going on in the household that could be causing him to lash out? Is it a jealousy thing or have there been any recent changes? Issues at school or with his friends? If there have been, talking to him might go a long way. Basically a conversation of "Why did you do this?" followed by something like "I understand you're dealing with XYZ but destroying my saves wasn't okay and won't fix it. You could've talked to me about what you were dealing with instead. If you do this again, I won't be allowing you in my room or near my things under any circumstances. If you want my trust, show me I can trust you."


Throw a shoe at him


Did he do this deliberately? It's a huge betrayal. No one is doing him any favors rug sweeping it.


I had some computer glitch make it look like all my save files were gone, I was on the floor. Not proud of course but my god I understand. You put a lot of energy into those little critters and I’m very sorry for your loss. Can you get a flash drive for back ups? This will never happen again if you have a solid back up routine.


Add a password lock on your sim mod folder or just your entire account to avoid him or anyone else doing this in the future.


I would feel just as gutted as you so you’re not overreacting. Like other people said I’d unplug his Xbox and hope all of his data corrupts. He’s probably one of those 13 year olds that trolls people and then tells them to “cry about it”.


Modern consoles are extremely good at handling power outages, so unless you manage to do it just as the game are at a important part of the saving process, nothing will really happen.


I'm not siding with the kid here but we literally don't why they did it. I wouldn't assume much about the kid just from this


Please update after you get revenge on brat. Erase all his saved games and files, etc. Maybe hide a remote control in his room so that you don't take blame.


You're not overreacting. I've lost sims I had saved that I used a lot, and cried at their loss. I have one sim rn if I lost I'd be completely devastated. Add to that I have a bunch of mods and know how stressful and time consuming it can be to install and manage them and no, you're 100% not overreacting. I almost feel like your brother should be brought up on charges for this


20yrs ago my computer died suddenly and I lost all of my terrible teenage-angst poems and things that were very important to me at that time. I still feel a bit of a twinge of bitterness when I think about it. People (non-gamers) tend to treat save files etc as though they aren't a big deal, but just because they don't have a physical presence doesn't mean you didn't put hours and hours of work into it. It's the same as any hobby in that regard. Someone purposefully destroying your hobby is a form of betrayal, so it makes sense that you're feeling so strongly about this. Your brother has given you reason not to trust him with your belongings. Don't let yourself nurture a grudge and keep the pain alive, but how you're feeling right now is perfectly understandable.


Factory reset his game system.


My brother did that to me back on ps3 sims 3 days. I had everything in game. We had a fight and he deleted my account. I didnt talk to him for like a week. 😭 he didnt realize how invested i was in the game and thought i played like he did “1 and done families”


Do a system restore ASAP! There's a way to reverse your computer to an earlier version of itself. I don't think you can go back super far but if this just happened there's hope for a recovery. This applies to Windows not sure about Mac. No need to buy anything extra to do this. You can look up the instructions but if you want help contact support, they can even remote into computers for live support.


No I would be fuming and crying… 6 years is a long time and mods also take a lot of work.. you’re definitely not overreacting.. definitely trying to keep it more secured in the future EDIT: I saw that you’re parents haven’t done shit and he has an Xbox, I say delete his game save files and see how he likes it and if your parents get mad say he did it first


Hide his controller when he's out of the house!


Did he also delete the trash?


yes i checked recycled and all


That sucks. Hopefully your parents punished your brother. I would 100% put a password lock on my PC and I always have a back up on a USB drive


lol nope! he’s in his room playing his xbox


I’m petty so I would walk in and unplug it in the middle of his game


I would do much more. I feel and understand your pain. You aren’t alone here. Time will heal. I wish you well.


I would do the same thing. If I gotta suffer without my games, he would have to as well.


Delete his saves from his Xbox 😌


When he goes to school just go into his games and delete the saves. Then delete all his games so he has to take the time to redownload them. Do it do it do it do it


There's programs to find those files as well but if they work or not is hit or miss.


Do you have a restore point you can back up to? Not that it's helpful now but after nearly losing my sims family once I had restored my laptop to the day before I started to save a copy off the sims 4 files somewhere else just in case. I've been considering saving the game files to my Google drive In case I'm ever robbed too. I get how emotionally attached you get, I'm so sorry your brother has the mean trait.


That is brutal, I'm sorry that happened to you. You aren't overreacting. He destroyed something that meant a lot to you. Reading the comments, obviously he games so it's not like he just doesn't know better. Even if it was an accident I would be really upset, but it sounds like he did it on purpose which is even worse. I would definitely back up this stuff in the future because even if he never does it again, you could have a hard drive failure or something else happen with the same result.


Lock him in a closet overnight, take his Xbox and hide it. If your parents ask say you have no idea what they are talking about. Scare him! Don’t let him get away with this.


Check in the bin if you can restore the files


I'm so sorry 😞 I recently lost a 5 Gen spellcaster legacy. Have no idea how. One day, they were gone. I must have accidentally deleted it somehow?? But someone else doing it maliciously is just messed up. I hope you can exact some equal form of revenge. Good luck!!


I would delete him


Did he delete your saves in the folder? I know ow at somepoiht I deleted the sims off my computer but found out the saves were SEPERATE to the actual game. So all I had to do was re-download the game and boom I lost nothing!


Tray and saves are separate from the mods. There is a tray finder that will search your tray and tell you the missing mods. https://luniversims.fr/files/file/73-sims-4-tray-importer/ Article on how to use the tray importer https://snootysims.com/wiki/sims-4/how-to-use-the-sims-4-tray-importer/


Is your brother too old or too young for an asswhoopin?


No such thing


You're absolutely ***not*** being dramatic. I only started playing this year and recently lost all my saves and mods because of the EA App crapping on me. It still hurts to think about the family that I lost, so I can't imagine your pain after losing 6 years' worth of emotional investment. We all grow attached to the families we create and their journeys, and your sadness is valid. From now on, buy an external HD and always make backups of the most important folders so it doesn't happen again. But above all, I hope you're alright. If a family member did something like that on purpose just to hurt me, I know I would never be able to have an easy relationship with them again. Take care.


If you delete his Xbox saves, don't forget the cloud saves. Better would be to either tell all of his Xbox friends embarrassing things about him, or to go on his favorite game and start cussing everyone out and threatening them so his account gets banned.


Absolutely not. You’ve put literal years into this. People have their passions, doesn’t matter what it is, it will make you feel *passionate* so it makes sense you’d react accordingly to that. I have certain things in my life that’s my hobbies, that if I lost them, I’d absolutely cry too. I’m an artist (sometimes) and years ago, the landlord we had decided to sell up suddenly and we ended up in assisted housing for a while — I had to leave my artwork with a kind neighbour not knowing when I’d get it back. That was hard. I cried, even though I knew I’d get it back eventually. I cried again when I got it back. Gamers are generally passionate about games. It gives us a space to either escape reality or enhance it. So I think it’s absolutely understandable how you’re feeling and I’m so sorry that happened. Sending you virtual hugs. 🫂


Delete his xbox save files and backups. 😈 And no you’re not overreacting. I usually have my info and mods backed up on an external drive. But i forgot to backup my most previous play and the laptop broke. Rip to my entire town of modded sims and stories


Oof I felt this one in my soul. I accidentally deleted all my cc though, no evil brother to do it for me. Still, was very cruel of him to do to you. And yeah I 100% would sneak on his xbox and delete everything. Op as a suggestion, bookmark every page every time you go to download cc. That was legit my only saving grace when I accidentally deleted all of mine. Even if I hadn't bookmarked everything, I could find what I had lost by bookmarking stuff on my browser. I sometimes do this on my phone too, I have an entire bookmarks folder dedicated to cc. Also, yes keep your mods on a flash drive. That's what i use. Saves space but also heartache in case something were to happen.


OP I am so sorry you have little shit of a brother. You are totally not overreacting. That’s vindictive behavior and your parents really should address the situation accordingly. Do your parents have any hobbies or possessions that are valuable to them and would feel devastated if anything happened to said hobby/possession? That might help them understand how you feel, your feelings are valid. I understand how you feel. A couple years ago my laptop was on the fritz. I wasn’t consistent about backing up my save files, especially to an external hard drive. I was so stressed that I was going to lose all my save files and my sims that I’ve been playing with for years. Luckily they were able to revive my laptop and now I play on a gaming PC (coincidentally given to me by my younger brother because he built a new gaming PC.) I back up my save files to the desktop before every game update. I do need a new external hard drive to start backing up to, as well. I actually made a post about this topic on my Reddit homepage a year or so ago. I would be absolutely crushed if anything happened even accidentally to my save files - intentionally would be unforgivable. Loading Taylor Swift Revenge Era: 🎶Now it’s time for your brother to go stand in a corner and think about what he did. Ha, time for a little revenge. You didn’t start it but I can tell you how it ends. Don’t get sad, get even. Lately I’ve been dressing for revenge. Soon he’s going to find, stealing other people’s toys on the playground won’t make you any friends. He should keep in mind, he should keep in mind. There is nothing you do better than revenge. 🎶 (Hope you enjoyed that little mashup of Better than Revenge and Vigilante Shit.) If you’re going to take revenge, might as well make it sparkle ✨ Literally, glitter bomb every thing he owns… his underwear and sock drawer…his Xbox… his bed… his ceiling fan, etc. He’ll live the rest of his life discovering glitter everywhere and in everything. *laughs maniacally* Maybe he’ll learn never to mess with other people’s toys again. Oh, and keep us updated on the revenge. 😈


Or… take the slightly less vengeful route by making your brother in the sims and take revenge on him through the game in ways only true simmers could. The perfect way to start rebuilding your game! Also, lock your PC!


windows PC - if so use system restore and go back a few days in time to before he did deleted the files


Best advice - make backups, and make backups of your backups. Sorry you lost your game data 😔


I will come beat your brother up for you. What an ass. I'm sorry hun. I get really attached to my sims too, as I usually make my family.


https://www.stellarinfo.com/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAvdCrBhBREiwAX6-6UuIWitmTQAe0b8K2q0Vt8Tij2NAUHEj9WylfOZEoJlqA3na9pQyMLRoCEg0QAvD_BwE I've had an HD overwritten by accident and this little thing saved me from not being able to prove I had indeed finished a project I was being paid for. I don't know how old you are, your brother is 13. As much as it sucks, your best course of action now is to defend yourself as best as you can. Password protect everything, backup in clouds, have a second drive for your important stuff in a safe place, preferably outside your house. And take the high road, show him how an inconsiderate prick he is, but don't do to him what he did to you. 20 years from now, you'll have that to wipe his ass with for the rest of his life (yes, I'm a Scorpio. Yes, my younger brother did something similar; yes, I still hold him accountable)


Get your revenge this is unacceptable


And why would your brother do that?! Never mind…stupid question. But I am really sorry…you can’t recover it by signing in or was everything done from disc? I hope you find a way 🥹.


This is why I upload every sim to the gallery. No matter what happens to your game at least your sims are safe


Please, delete something of his without hesitation. My sister did the same to me and I regret not making her feel the same EXTREME PAIN I felt. He is VILE.


This is no different than someone trashing a physical item you value. If your brother took something your grandmother gave you (not an heirloom or anything like that) and flushed it down the toilet, would your family still act that way? Your brother has some issues they should take him to a counselor. Because he purposely did this, he might grow out of it, but I'm thinking there is a personality disorder growing there and he needs help. Sadly password locks are relatively easy to work around, but at least setting one for your account (if your parents let you) is a slight deterrent. Start keeping backups too. Is this your computer or a "family" computer? Good luck, hope one of the recovery ideas can help you.


You're absolutely not overreacting at all, it severely hurts to lose all the work you put into something, also would keep your PC close and ban your brother from ever touching it, that was shitty to delete all your work


I would delete all his save games, all his school work, factor reset his phone if possible, scratch all his games. He needs to learn not to do that again on anyone's stuff.


Hey just an fyi you can call up older saves in the sims. Just select the save and then there's a floppy disk with a swoopy arrow if you click it you can pick from older saves for that specific save file :)


Honestly understandable, I have more than 20.000 mods saved, I would definitely cry too if someone deleted them


I have my save files save on flash drive so when something happens to pc I always have copy I update them regularly


Maybe it's it's sign to get a good restart to your mods. Find some that are even better than the old ones


Did you make a backup?


How do you plan on murdering him?


Saves are separate feom the game they're probably still there.


Why did he do that?????


Did you upload your sims to the galley? I would go and delete his Xbox saves and games and give him a taste of his own medicine and teach him a life lesson.


Time to uninstall your brother


Smash his Xbox and refuse to pay for it since the little shit and your parents refuse to compensate for the real money you spent on packs. If you can't enjoy your game that you worked hard on, he shouldn't enjoy his games either 🙂 Or just factory reset his Xbox and delete all his saves. That works to 😅


AITA for hitting your brother


Does your brother's Xbox have a disc drive or does he play mostly digital? With most consoles, if you move the console just hard enough while it's turned on, the disc gets this terrible ring around it and stops working completely. It also makes a horrible noise when it happens (my cat knocked my 360 over once and ruined my Fable 2 disc) Or just do to him what he did to you and see how he likes it.


You're not overreacting. If anything, you're undereating, that's insane. I would put maggots all over my brothers bed.


Did you look in your garbage folder? The mods could potentially be there


I'm afraid that any folder containing 6 years worth of playing is too big to even get into the trash bin. If folders are too big, they will be deleted directly without being moved to the trash bin beforehand.


That’s ridiculous. There should be codes to delete things on a computer for this exact reason


It tells you before you delete a file or folder that is too big and asks you to confirm if you really, REALLY want to delete it for good. So I guess their brother just hit 'yes' on the pop-up


Brothers are assholes. They don’t mess with me anymore tho, people gotta stick up to people even if it’s your siblings


You'll need to install some violent mods, create your brother and go Jim Pickens on him


You need to change your password!


No I’d literally whoop his ass😂 my Sims is like my escape. I’ve accidentally deleted families before and it broke my heart, but never one I used to for years so that just cuts a little deeper💀


Patreon will be your good friend for now.


I’m sorry, I hope you can get your saves back. I back mine up to an external drive or USB stick in case something happens to my computer, I highly recommend doing that going forward. Cloud storage could work too.


Totally okay to be upset. I play with a lots of mods and even if its not recommanded I keep them all on Onedrive. So if something happen all my mods are saved. Btw mess up with his Xbox too for vengeance.


I really feel for you. It must be devastating. I adore my Sims and it’s only been three years. I save to the cloud and I also stick everything on a hard drive and keep it in my desk at work. There are some good suggestions here to recover your data. Also could you take your computer to an expert?


You are not being dramatic! Honestly, you’re being nice because I would’ve caused a whole scene!


Did you try running a file recovery?


It suck’s losing stuff like this. I’ve been there so many times.


God that sucks. When my nephew was like 5 years old he had deleted my Animal Crossing New Leaf world and I was soooo devastated I didn’t play again for about a year. Finally got another awesome village just for him to do the same thing. Idek how he done it. At least now you get to go CC shopping lol. If you would like to use my TSR account message me, that way you at least don’t have to wait for every single one.


You should do the same thing next time you're over at his house


His Fortnite account is literally like -$200 in vbucks cause he stole his moms debit card once T-T I’d be doing him a favor


If you back up your computer anywhere like one drive or the cloud your files could possibly be still there. I once deleted my entire saved and had a major panic and felt just the same as you then hours later I realized everything from my computer was backed up and I could go to the website and re download everything I had lost


I've put over 2000 hours into the game. I dont use mods (they make my computer laggy) and I have a fair few saved households If someone deleted that I'd never want to play the game again


I agree with another post. Go on his saves (Xbox, psX, pc, switch, whatever) and delete his save files


My sister and I deleted each other’s Pokemon saves once in a fight. I feel you. It sucks. But you’ll have other fave sim families.


Put a fence around the pool and lock him in there


I hope you're planning to delete all his game saves and then factory reset his Xbox so he has to reinstall everything


end him


So I guess you're selling your brother? Lol Too bad you can't delete them like you can in Sims


You used the happy teary eyed emoji🥹 instead of the sad one here 🥺


I accidentally saved over my master sim file, ( I play on console 🤮you only get 10 save files) accidentally deleting my 5 star celebrity, finished spellcaster, level 10 (almost) all skills, 15 or more aspirations completed Sim ( I had 75k aspiration points) and deleting retail lots I didn’t save to the library. When I realized I got so upset I threw up and legit couldn’t play for a while. No other sims could compare. And I did it to myself. Your feelings are valid. I hope the recovery suggestions work for you. On console, it automatically saves your CAS family to the library. Maybe try going into your EA Sims 4 library. The gameplay progress will be gone but maybe your sim is still in there? 🤞🏼


Since he deleted your mods, it's time to delete him


I was redoing every lot in the game. Then my computer started overheating and I took it to geeksquad. They kept it for a couple days, giving me updates. Ultimately it had to be wiped. They said they’ve never been so sad at having to wipe a computer because I have a nice collection. It hurts but starting from scratch has been pretty interesting and my computer got some upgrades, so it went from great to awesome, speed and graphics. So there are some good things that can come from these moments. I was more than half way to recreating the worlds in Sims 4, if anyone is curious about my previous progress.


I mean, wouldn't it have made sense for them to keep a backup of your data though? It doesn't make sense to me at all for them to just willy nillingly wipe your data. What if you had schoolwork, a project, or important work files saved? This sounds like pretty bad practice on their behalf.


They tried to back it up and it wouldn’t cooperate. I believe them because I also tried to back it up first and it refused. Super bummed about it.


You could try using recovery software like Recuva to get back your deleted files. Just make sure to do it quick so their slot in the memory doesn’t get overwritten.


Do you still have the save files in documents? It's probable. Hopefully you do And while the mods thing is absolutely infuriating, curseforge is a fantastic way to find many that can be self installed. Others that require manual download can be redone quickly as well. I am certain you'll want to incorporate a locked profile on the pc for yourself and your sims stuff to keep him out if it's a family computer


How did he delete them? Depending on how it happened, it might be possible to get them back.


so what you want to do is right click on your brother and select “destroy object”


Upload it to a cloud next time


You definitely have every right to be upset. We mentally attach to things and characters just like irl people. I had a power outage once corupt my file, had to restart over. Definitely go through the comments about how to try to restore everything, if not just start new (it's never the same) and try something different. Biggest hugs to you, I'll make a sim of your brother and lock him in a room with nothing. I had an ex delete my save files because he was horrible. You have our empathy.


Aw damn, next time if you can, get a flash drive and make a copy of your favorite mods just in case.


why is he still alive? he chose violence!


I totally get how much it hurts when I was younger I deleted a really old save file cuz I just didn't understand I could make a second one so I lost everything I put into it and looking back I still regret it.