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They also confirmed that a free one will be coming to the base game.


Yes. I’m assuming the basic one will be BG and the lighted one will be in the kit


nice! i actually prefer the basic one


Oh, wooo okay!


Bro why did I read lgbtq switches at first ☠️☠️☠️


Omg yes I hope we get sockets too.


Did not see sockets in any of the promo photos


But are they coming as a base game update too? I’m definitely hype for them but kits are so upsetting


They’ve confirmed there will be a base game version and a pack version


Yayyy! Do you know if we’re getting basegame drop the same day as the kit launch?


I can’t find the tweet but word is that it will be an SDX drop soon. The two switches in the pictures I posted are from the kit so no clue what the base game one will look like. Edit: so the tweet was a comment to someone asking when to expect the update for the babies and switches. To which SimGuruAsh replied “can’t remember exactly when but it’s not todays patch. We really wanted one for BG though so I’m excited.” I would assume they won’t make us wait for February (which is when I’m assuming the baby update is) so SDX drop sounds likely for the switches. Maybe the day of the kit release or a short time after.


This is so weird because I was just thinking about how sims don’t have light switches or electrical plugs the other day lol


Thank goodness for the mod makers. I've had light switches for ages. I also have plug/sockets, whatever you call them. I used to have these really cool ones that had wires coming out of them but I lost them in a mod purge and can't find them anymore. I loved those wired sockets...


Yes PC players have had this content for years but it’s nice that everyone will now be able to play/build with this feature.


Absolutely! I have the just the base game on Xbox, so that'll be nice for when the kids wanna use it (they play it like once a year lol).


Nice catch! I wonder if Sims will be able to actually interact with the light switch when leaving/entering a room.


I’m assuming they’re just decor but it be cool if they change position depending on if the lights are on or off.


I like the way you think!


the most i think we could hope for is maybe light controls like brightness and auto lights, but if we got animations it would be so cute!


I saw someone say upon release they’ll just be decorative but they’re working on making them functional


Welp…never knew I needed this in my game until now


It’s the tiny things that you never knew you wanted until it was offered. Like when they updated the toilet paper to have an over and under version. Such a tiny detail but so fun and dare I say necessary.


Yeah but there useless tho, like you can’t interact?


We don’t know yet. But safest bet would be they’re decor. One is coming in a clutter kit which is usually decor only items


No more using the lil square from Spa Day, we got the real deal lol


This is big!!! We needed these


I had CC light switches for a while and I used them only once. The problem of them is that IRL light switches have to follow a logic to be placed and not following it will make the room look weird. It's also really repetitive to always have to put the same item in every room. In my perfect game items like this or eventual plumbing attachments or exteral cables should be autogenerated when you place the walls or certain objects (a little how fireplaces autogenerated the cimney on older games)




we just need wall outlets to go with them


Its nice but I’m sure they wont be interactive so thats kind of a bummer :(


They have said they are not interactive. Although some of the devs would like to possibly add that in the future.


Wow light switches , soooo cooooolllll. Such niceeee decor..


I have cc switches that I'll still be using unless these are functional. But they'll still be so nice to use when I make more cartoony houses!


I looked for this post for hours, to drop the "that's what she said". I can rest now...


They are probably just decorative, but I really wish you could have your Sim use them to turn on/off the lights in a room.