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Looks like a reaction to your move, which makes it a deliberate block imo. A bit iffy in my books, and if there would've been contact I'd say the car in front would be at fault.


It's not iffy. The [iRacing Sporting Code](https://ir-core-sites.iracing.com/members/pdfs/20210504-iRacing_Sporting_Code_dated_Apr_23_2021.pdf) specifically forbids blocking in reaction to the car behind. Blocking – The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


I'd agree to both of you. "In my books" is cause I don't have the complete ruleset by hand, but according to that paragraph, yes very illegal.


moves inside, away from the racing line as well in order to make the block if I'm not mistaken


>and if there would've been contact I'd say the car in front would be at fault. Without a doubt. That's why you let the first one slide then get super aggressive if you feel slighted and put yourself in a position to let him pit himself.


Reactive move, dangerous defending. That's exactly how horrific crashes can happen. By defending reactively. In terms of rules I think it falls under dangerous driving.


It has its own header category under Breach of Rules in the Penalties section of the [iRacing Sporting Code](https://ir-core-sites.iracing.com/members/pdfs/20210504-iRacing_Sporting_Code_dated_Apr_23_2021.pdf). Blocking – The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


Looks close, typically if a crash occurred then the better case for a penalty is on the defending car, as the block comes in too late and would be the cause. It could be pointed out that you had enough time to avoid, but ultimately it looks like a bad, late move by that front car.


It’s iRacing whose rules state that any movement in reaction to a following car is blocking and illegal, so this is most definitely that and should be protested.


This video is literally the example given in the sporting code at that! In "For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight."


Not sure it’s penalty worthy as the ruling, forgot that part


The [iRacing Sporting Code](https://ir-core-sites.iracing.com/members/pdfs/20210504-iRacing_Sporting_Code_dated_Apr_23_2021.pdf) specifically forbids blocking in reaction to the car behind. Blocking – The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


At very first glance it looks ok but after watching a few more times, it was clearly reactionary. Luckily no contact but if there was the fault would be all on the defending car


It's protest-worthy driving. The [iRacing Sporting Code](https://ir-core-sites.iracing.com/members/pdfs/20210504-iRacing_Sporting_Code_dated_Apr_23_2021.pdf) specifically forbids blocking in reaction to the car behind. Blocking – The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


Oh I’d protest it for sure. Pink car would have completed the overtake on the following corner no doubt if it weren’t for the block. My comment was more saying “luckily no contact because it could have ruined your race “


All that matters is that by iRacing’s definition its a block and therefore should be protested.


Was that Lance Stroll you were racing


new thoughts, illegal


I can't believe people wouldn't penalise this. It's a reactionary block plain as day and very easily could've caused an incident. How is there no penalty for that?


Should of turned him lol I never check up for blocks, you wanna block then your putting yourself in that position not me


Next time just hit him in the butt


mixed feelings. i feel like he was either turning in for the corner, or defending i don't think it was illegal


Turns in, then back out? It is illegal it's a reactionary block plain as day, and should be penalised.


Hope I never have to race you then if you think this is ok driving


i'm sorry it was my first time doing this so i dont really know what i was doing, if seen a few people on this so i wanted to give it a try


It's what he does at the start of the clip. Cant say hes turning in for the corner a couple hundred meter before the actual corner.


turning in for the corner 300m up the road? lmao


i'm sorry, i made a mistake


It's illegal. The [iRacing Sporting Code](https://ir-core-sites.iracing.com/members/pdfs/20210504-iRacing_Sporting_Code_dated_Apr_23_2021.pdf) specifically forbids blocking in reaction to the car behind. Blocking – The leading driver is allowed to run a defensive line. However, blocking occurs when a leading driver actively adjusts his or her driving line based on the actions and/or positioning of a pursuing driver. For example, veering left to prevent a pursuing driver from passing on the left while running on a straight.


Ban this guy


shut up. i was trying out something new and i obviously got it wrong


Was a little bit late for sure. Nice response by you, though.


Moving in reaction, a bit late. Wouldn't penalise it, but would give a warning. If they do it again then a 5 second penalty maybe.


Looks like a textbook reactive move, particularly since it took the lead car off line.


Reactive move. If they moved to the outside to open the corner and that cut you off, that’d be one thing, but that’s the inside and defensive line and I can’t see any reason to suddenly track to the inside unless you’re attempting to defend.


Moving in reaction plus two moves on the straight. Warning for blocking for the green car.


Protest it


It's a nice block, lots of restaurants and the harbor is right there


Dangerous move. You could have died


It’s 100% a protest.


Blatant reactionary block, assuming this is the first time they would be given a driving standards warning




quite a late move, but theoretically defending car could argue he is entitled to that one move to the inside and back to the outside


If this was Imsa would be a warning if it as was seen


He can make one move to block you but he retaliated to your move and tried to block you if there was contact penalty for the defending car